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are to be sold here. Bishop's pamphlet on political delusions has not yet reached the bookstores here.' It is making wonderful progress, and is said to be the best anti-republican eye-water which has ever yet appeared. A great impression of them is making at Philadelphia to be forwarded here. From abroad we have no news. At home, the election is the theme of all conversation. Setting aside Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina, the Federal scale will have from the other States 53 votes and the Republicans 58. Both parties count with equal confidence on Rhode Island and South Carolina. Pennsylvania stands little chance for a vote. The majority of two in their Senate is immovable. In that case, the issue of the election hangs on South Carolina. It is believed Pinckney will get a complete vote with Mr. Adams from four of the New England States, from Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, probably also North Carolina. Congress seems conscious they have nothing [to do?]; the territorial government here and the additional judiciary system [being?] the only things which can be taken up. The Federals do not appear very strong in the House of Representatives. They divided on the address only 35 against 32. We are better accommodated here than we expected to be, and not a whisper or

1 The reference is to Abraham Bishop's "Connecticut Republicanism: an Oration on the Extent and Power of Political Delusion, delivered in New Haven on the evening preceding the Public Commencement, September, 1800." It passed through several editions. -Eds.


thought in any mortal of attempting a removal. This evident solidity to the establishment will give a wonderful spring to buildings here the next season. My warmest affection to my ever dear Martha, kisses to the young ones, and sincere and affectionate attachment to yourself. Adieu.

P. S. Mr. Brown called on me to-day.

The family

is well. I forgot to mention to him that Davy could carry letters to Mr. Trist and family.


WASHINGTON, December 5, 1800.

You are probably anxious to hear of the election, and indeed it is the only thing of which any thing is said here, and little known even of it. The only actual vote known to us is that of this State. Five for Adams and Pinckney and 5 for Jefferson and Burr. Those who know the Pennsylvania legislature best agree in the certainty of their having no vote. Rhode Island has carried the Federal ticket of electors by about 200 in the whole State. Putting Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Pinckney out of view, the votes will stand 57 for Jefferson and 58 for Adams. So that South Carolina will decide between these two. As to Pinckney it is impossible to foresee how the juggle will work. It is confidently said that Massachusetts will withhold seven votes from him, but little credit is due to reports where every

man's wishes are so warmly [illegible]. If the Federal electors of the other States go through with the caucus compact, there is little doubt that South Carolina will make him the President. Their other vote is very uncertain. This is everything known to us at present. The post which will arrive here on the 15th inst. will bring us the actual vote of South Carolina. The members here are generally well accommodated. About a dozen lodge in Georgetown from choice, there being lodgings to be had here if they preferred it. Everybody is well satisfied with the place, and not a thought indulged of ever leaving it. It is therefore solidly established, and this being now seen it will take a rapid spring. My tenderest love to my dear Martha and the young ones. Affectionate and warm attachment to yourself. Adieu.


December 12, 1800.

I believe we may consider the election as now decided. Letters received from Columbia, (S. C.), this morning and dated Dec. 2, which was the day for appointing their electors, announce that the Republican ticket carried it by majorities of from 13 to 18. The characters named are firm and were to elect on the next day. It was intended that one vote should be thrown away from Colonel Burr. It is believed Georgia will withhold from him one or two. The

votes will stand probably T. J. 73, Burr about 70. Mr. Adams 65. Pinckney probably lower than that. It is fortunate that some difference will be made between the two highest candidates, because it is said that the Federals here held a caucus and came to a resolution that in the event of their being equal they would prevent an election, which they could have done by dividing the House of Representatives. My tender love to my dear Martha and the little ones. Sincere affection to yourself.


WASHINGTON, January 9, 1801

DEAR SIR,-Your favor of the third came to hand yesterday. I suspect that I mistook our post day when I first arrived here and put the letters you mention into the post-office a day too late. I shall be glad if you will mention when that of the first instant gets to you as well as the present and future letters, that if there be anything wrong in the post I may get it rectified. The mail for Milton is made up here on

Friday at 5 p. m. That Craven's house should not have been in readiness surprises me. I left I. Perry's people putting up the last course of shingles and the plank for the floor and loft planed, and they assured me they could finish everything in a week. They must have quit immediately. But the most extraordinary of all things is that there should have been

no clearing done. I left Monticello on Monday, the 24th Nov., from which time there were four weeks to Christmas, and the hands ordered to be with Lilly that morning (except, I think, two), and according to his calculation and mine three or four acres a week should have been cleared. But the misunderstanding between him and Richardson had before cost me as good as all the labor of the hired hands from January to June when I got home. The question now, however, is as to the remedy. You have done exactly what I would have wished, and as I place the compliance with my contract with Mr. Craven before any other object, we must take every person from the nailery able to cut and keep them at it till the clearing is completed. The following, therefore, must be so employed: Davy, John, Abram, Shepherd, Moses, Joe, Wormly, Jame Hubbard, with the one hired by Lilly, making 9. Besides these, if Barnaby, Ben, Cary, and Isabel's Davy are able to cut, as I suppose they are, let them also join; shoemaker Phill also if he can cut. I doubt it, and that he had better continue to be hired. These make thirteen or fourteen, with whom the clearing which I was to do this year ought not to be a long job. There will remain for the nailery Burwell, Jamy, Bedf. John, Bedf. Davy, Phill Hub., Lewis, Bartlet, and Brown, enough for two fires. This course I would have pursued even after Powell's arrival, as I had rather [illegible] his department, where the loss concerns myself only than one which affects another. I wrote

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