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dryness; it was tha swa y-done.

God then forsooth quoth, be gathered the waters that are under the heavens, and shew dryness; it was then so done.

10. And God y-kyed the dryness earthan, and the water y-gathering he het seas: God y-saw tha that it good was.

And God called the dryness earth, and the water gathering he hight seas: God saw then that it good was.

II. And cwoth, sprute se earth growend gras & seed workend, and apple bear tree wæstm workend after his kin, these seed sy on him selfum over earthen; it was tha swa y-done.

And quoth, sprout the earth growing grass & seed working, and apple bear tree fruit working after his kin, the seed be in him self over earth; it was then so done.

12. And se earth fortha-teah growend wort & seed bearing by hire kin; & tree westm workend, and y-while seed havend after his hue. God y-saw tha that it good was;

And the earth forth-brought growing wort & seed bearing by their kin; & tree fruit working, and ilc seed having after its hue. God saw then that it good was; 13. And was y-wroden even and morwen the third day. And

was wrought even and

morn the third day.

æteowigedrignis, hit was tha gedon.

10. And God gecigde tha drignisse eorthan and thæra wætera gegaderunga he het sæs. God geseah tha that hit god was.

II. And cwæth, spritte seo eorthe growende gær and sæd wircende, and applebære treow, wæstm wir cende æfter his cinne; thæs sædsig on him silfum ofer eorthan. Hit was tha swa ge


12. And seo eorthe fortha-teah growende wirte and sæd berende be hire cinne, and treow westm wircende & gehwilc sæd hæbbende æfter his hiwe. God geseah that hat hit god was.

13. And wæs gewroden æfen & morgen the thridda dæg.

1Teon producere, fortha-teon, forth-bring. See post v. 20, teon, forth; also it, 9, fortha-teah.

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14. God cwath tha sothlic, be nu liht on there heavenan fastness, and to-dealon day and niht, and been to-toknum & totidum, & to-dayum, & to-yearum.

God quoth then forsooth, be now light in the heaven 1fastness, and deal day and night, and be tokens &tides, & days & years.

15. And hi shinon on there heavenon fastness, and a-lithon tha earthan; it was tha swa y-wroden.

And they shine in the heaven fastness, and a-lighten the earth; it was then so wrought.

16. And God y-wroht twa mickle liht, that mair liht to these days lihting, & that less liht to the niht lihting; and starran he y-wroht.

And God wrought twa mickle lights, the more light to the days lighting, & the less light to the night lighting; and stars he wrought.

17. And y-set hi on there heavenon that hi shinon over earthan,

And set them in the heavens that they shine over earth,

18. And gimdon these days and these niht, and to-dealdon liht and thester. God y-saw tha

that it good was.

And govern the days and the nights, and deal light and darkness. God saw then that it good


1Fastness, firmament.

14. God cwæth tha sothlice, beo nu leoht on thære heofenan fæstnisse, and to ælon dæg & nihte, & beon to tacnum & to tidum & to dagum & to gearum.

15. And hig scinon on thære heofenan fæstnisse and alihton tha eorthan. Hit was tha swa geworden.

16. And God geworhte twa micele leoht, that mare leoht, to thæs dæges lightinge, and that læsse leoht to thære nihte lihtinge; & steorran he geworhte.

17. And gesette hig on thære heofenan, that hig scinon over eorthan.

18. And gimdon thæs dæges thære nihte, & to dældon leoht and theostra. God geseah tha that hit god was.

19. And was y-wroden even and morwen, the fourth day. And was wrought even and morn, the fourth day.

20. God cwoth eke swilc, teon nu that water forth swimmend kin cuic in life, & flying kin over earthan under there heavenan fastness.

God quoth 'eke swilc, bring now the water forth swimming kind quick, in life, & flying kind over earth under the heaven fastness.

21. And God y-shope tha the mickelan whales and all livend fishen, and stirrendlia the tha water tugon forth on heor hiwum, and all flyend kin after heor kin; God y-saw tha that it good was;

And God 'shope then the mickle whales, and all living fishes, and stirring that the water tows forth in their 'hue, and all flying kind after their kind; God saw then that it good was;

22. And bletsed hi thus quothend, waxath and beeth y-manifold & y-fillath the sea-water and tha fuweles been y-manifold over earthan.

And blessed them thus quothing, wax and be manifold, & fill the seawater and the fowles be manifold over earth.

23. And tha was y-wroughten even and morwen tha fifth day. And then was wrought even and morn the fifth day.

1Eac-swilc, also.

'Shope (Bailey), for shaped.

19. And was geworden æfen & morgen se feortha dæg.

20. God cwæth eac swilce, teon nu tha wæteru forth swimmede cynn cuic on life, & fleogende cinn ofer eorthan under thære heofenan fæstnisse.

21. And God gesceope tha tha micelanh walas, & eall libbende fisccinn & stirigendlice, the tha wæterut ugon forth on heora hiwum, and eall fleogende cinn æfter heora cinne. God geseah tha that hit god was.

22. And bletsode hig thus cwethende, weaxath & beoth gemenigfilde, & gefillath thære sæ wæteru, and tha fugelas beon gemenigfilde ofer eorthan.

23. And tha was geworden æfen and morgen se fifta dæg.

* Verstegan―tuge, to draw out—to lead; toga ductor (Benson). Hiwe, color (Versteg-Benson); it means also a hive, house, family.


24. God cwoth eke-swilc, lead se earth forth cuic niten on heor kin, & creepend kin and deer after heor hiwum. It was tha swa y-wroden.

God quoth eke-swilc, lead the earth forth quick 'neats in heor kin, & creeping kind and deer after their hue. It was then so wrought.

25. And God y-wroht there earthen deer after hir hiwum, and tha neaton, and all creepend kin on hior kin. God y-saw tha that it good was.

And God wrought the earthen deer after their hue, and the neats, and all creeping kind in their kind. God saw then that it good was.

26. And cwoth, Uton, workan man to and-likeness, and to our y-likeness, and he sy over the fishes, and over the fowles, and over the deer, and over all yshaft, & over all the crepend the stirreth on earthan.

And quoth, Come, work man to likeness, and to our likeness, and he be over the fishes, and over the fowls, and over the deer, and over all creatures, & over all the creeping that stirreth on earth.

27. God y-shope the man to his and-likeness, to Godes andlikeness he y-shope hine werhoods and wife-hoods he y-shope hy.

God shope then man to his like

1 Nitena, neat cattle.

24. God cwæth eacswilc, læde seo eorthe forth cuic nitena on heora cinne, and creopende cinn, and deor æfter heora hiwum. Hit was tha swa geworden.

25. And God geworhte thære eorthan deor æfter hira hiwum, & tha nitenu and eall creopende cynn on heora cynne. God geseah tha that hit good wæs.

26. And cwæth, Uton, wircean, man to andlicnisse, and to ure gelicnisse, and he sig ofer tha fixas, & ofer tha fugelas, and ofer the deor, and ofer ealle gesceafta, and ofer ealle tha creopende se stirrath on eorthan.

27. God gesceop tha man to his andlicnisse, to Godes andlicnisse he gesceop hine, werhades and wifhades he gesceop hig.

'Deer. Probably this was then the generic name for all the feræ or wild quadrupeds.

3 Uton, verbum hortantis, ace (Benson); come.

ness, to God's likeness he shope him, man-hoods and wife-hoods he shope them.

28. And God hy bletsed and cwoth, waxeth and beeth y-manifold, and y-filleth the earthan, and y-wieldeth hy, and haveth on yourum y-wield there sea-fishes and there lyft-fowels and all neaten that stirreth over earthan.

And God them blessed and quoth, wax and be manifold, and fill the earth, and wield them, and have in your wield the sea-fishes and the air-fowls and all neats that stirreth over earth.

29. God cwoth tha, 'even, I for-give you all grass and wortseed bearend over earthan, and al treewa tha the haveth seed on him selfon, heor owens kins, that hy been you to meat.

God quoth then, even, I give you all grass and wort-seed bearing over earth, and all trees that haveth seed in himself, their own kinds, that they be you to meat.

30. And allum neatum and all fowelkin and eallum tham the stirreth on earthan, on tham the is livend life, and hi havon hem to yreordien. It was tha swa y-done.

And all neats and all fowl-kind, and all them that stirreth on earth, on them that is living life, and they have them to feed. It was then so done.

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28. And God hig bletsode and cwath, wexath and beoth gemenigfilde, and gefillath tha eorthan and gewildath hig, and habbath on eowrum gewealde thære sæ fixas and thære lyfte fugelas & ealle nytenu the stiriath ofer eorthan.

29. God cwæth tha, Efne, Ic forgeaf eow eall gærs and wyrta sæd berende ofer eorthan, and ealle treowa tha the habbath sæd on him silfon heora agenes cynnes, that hig beon eow to mete.

30. And eallum nytenum & eallum fugelcynne and eallum tham the stiriath on eorthan, on tham the ys libbende lif, that hig habbon him to gereordienne. It was tha swa gedon.

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