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Ground belonging to the Society of Friends,' and * Silent Worship. The first is a defence of their omission of epitaphs and tomb-stones, as tending to keep alive useless and enfeebling regret; and the second, a vindication of, or rather an eulogium on, that doctrine which, attributing every thing to the immediate influence of the spirit, waves all form and ritual, and oral communication, as nugatory and superfluous. With regard to the former, however, it should be observed, that a record of the dead, if his virtues were such as to merit recordal, is usually entered on the minutes of the monthly meeting to which he belonged; and as to the latter, though we of the Established Church are accustomed to a more social and less abstracted mode of worship, and one which, in the opinion of many wise and good men, is better adapted to the wants and wishes of the community at large, yet, it must be confessed, that a system of a silent and altogether spiritual worship, as founded on the doctrine of an assigned portion of the Spirit of God to each individual, as a sure and primary guide, is both philosophical and beautiful,

No. V.

Metempsycosis; or, the Doctrine of the Transmigration of Souls.

It is well known that the Metempsycosis, or the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul into the body of some animal, is believed in several

Pagan nations. Pythagoras, who taught this doctrine, derived it from Egypt, or the Indies. Those who profess it think that their future state will be happy or miserable, according to their conduct whilst they continued in their human shape. The Bramins pretend to understand a science, called Kurrembeypack, by which they divine the character of a man in his first state of existence, and they prescribe a particular expiation for every crime. This art is divided into four kinds, and several examples of each may be found in the Ayeen Akberry, from which are taken the following extracts:

'Diseases which are the punishments for crimes committed in the past state: losing the use of the limbs is the punishment for having killed a Bramin. Treatment.-Make the sick person take a tolah of gold in the shape of a horse, and distribute it in charities, and let him maintain 180 Bramins. Fever is the punishment for having killed an innocent Kheterie. Treatment.-Repeat a hundred times the incantation of Mahadeo, maintain 13 Bramins, and sprinkle the image of Mahades 100 times with water. A wife, whose husband dies before her, having been, before her marriage, of a high family, and leaving it to live with a stranger, for whom she burns herself when he dies. Treatment.-She must pass her life in religious severities, or bury herself in snow. wife, whose children are all girls, is punished for having been too proud in her former existence, and for not being respectful enough to her husband. Treatment.-After having covered a white ox with cloth of gold, she must maintain 100 Bramins. The wicked, who have committed many sins, are exposed to all sorts of diseases He who has robbed a Bramin, has whitloos on hig

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nails; he who drinks strong liquors, has black teeth; the murderer of a Bramin, the marasma; a liar, stinking breath; a stealer of corn, pains in his limbs; a stealer of cloths, the leprosy; a stealer of horses, is lame, &c. &c.'

According to this doctrine, it is necessary to expiate one's crimes during life; for, if not, we shall be born again with disgraceful marks of it. From the European Magazine.

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When Cowper was made Bishop of Galloway, an old woman, who had been one of his parishioners at Perth, and a favourite, could not be persuaded that her minister had deserted the Presbyterian cause. Resolved to satisfy herself, she paid him a visit in the Canongate, where he had his residence, as Dean of the Chapel Royal. The retinue of servants through which she passed, staggered the good woman's confidence; and on being ushered into the room, where the bishop sat in state, she exclaimed, 'Oh, sir, what's this? And ye ha' really left the guid cause, and turned Prelate!' Janet,' said the Bishop, I have got new light upon these things.' So I see, sir,' replied Janet for when ye was at Perth, ye had but ae candle, and now ye've got twa before ye; that's a' your new light

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M'Crie's Life of Melville.

Ganganelli once meeting a Capuchin well mounted, humourously asked the bare-footed friar, how long it was since St. Francis rode on horseback and was tartly answered, Ever since St. Peter rode in a coach,"


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Four Latin Epistles.-Three to Bullinger, and one to her sister the Lady Katherine; printed in a book called Epistolæ ab Ecclesiæ Helveticæ Reformatoribus, vel ad eos Scriptæ,' &c. Tiguri, 1742, 8vo. The fourth was written the night before her death, in a Greek Testament, in which she had been reading, and which she sent to her sister.

'Her conference with Feckenham, Abbott of Westminster, who was sent to convert her to Popery.

A Letter to Dr. Hardinge, her father's chaplain, who had apostatized; but the authenticity of which is thought to be doubtful.

A Prayer for her own use, during her confinement.

Four Latin Verses, written in prison with a pin.

'Her Speech on the scaffold. The Complaint of a Sinner. 'The Duty of a Christian.'

Walpole also mentions the letters or notes, written in the Manual of Prayers; and she is said, both by Hollinshed, and Sir Richard Baker, to have written some other things; but these authors do not specify them, nor say where they are to be found.


'Good people, I come hither to die; and by a law I am condemued to the same. My offence against the Queen's Highness was only in consent to the device of others, which is now deemed treason; but it was never of my seeking, but by counsel of those who should seem to have fur


ther understanding of such things than I, who knew little of the law, and much less of the titles to the crown. I do wash my hands thereof, in innocence, before God and you, good Christian people, this day.'-It was observed that at these words she wrung her hands; not, however, from agony, but rather, as it would seem, as an action in literal consonance with her words. That it really was so, may be drawn from her instantly proceeding, I pray you all, good Christian people, to bear me witness that I die a true Christian woman, and that I look to be saved by none other mean but only by the mercy of God, and by the merits of the blood of his only Son Jesus Christ; and I confess, when I did know the word of God, I neglected the same, and loved myself and the world; and therefore this plague and punishment is happily and worthily happened unto unto me for my sins; and yet I thank God of his goodness that he hath thus given me a time and respite to repent. And now, good people, while I am alive, I pray you to assist me with your prayers.-Howard's Lady Jane Grey and her Times.


On proceeding to untie her gown, the executioner stepped forward, and rudely attempted to assist her; but she mildly desired him to let her alone, and turned towards her two gentlewomen, who helped her in taking off the gown, and also her froze paste and neckercher, giving to her at the same time a white handkerchief to tie over her eyes. The executioner now knelt down and asked her forgiveness, which she acceded to him most sweetly and willingly; when he desired her

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