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Issus, battle of, 74.

Istævones, 163.

Istar, Phoenician goddess, 13, 14, 16.
Isthmian festival, 42.

Italia, federal republic of, 129.
Italy, geographical survey of, 81; ethno-
graphical sketch, 85; ancient history,
see Rome; Odovaker, ruler, 173; East
Goths, Theodoric, 174; Langobards in
Lombardy, papacy, 175; Charles the
Great, king of Italy, 184; Carolingians in
Italy, 193; Berengar of Ivrea, 195; Otto,
II. III., in Italy, 197; Crescentius, ib.;
Normans in Italy, 199; Frederic Barba-
rossa and the Lombard cities, Guelfs and
Ghibelins, 221; peace of Constance, 222;
Frederic II., in Sicily, 224, 225; Naples
conquered by Charles VIII. of France,
262; league of Cambray, 300: holy
league, 300, 318; campaigns of Napoleon
in Italy, 458; Cisalpine and Ligurian
and Roman republics founded, 459; Par-
thenopæan republic founded, 460; abol-
ished, 461; Roman republic abolished,
461; Napoleon in Italy, 462; Cisalpine
and Ligurian republics recognized, 463;
Napoleon president of Italian (Cisalpine)
republic, 464; Napoleon king of Italy,
Ligurian republic incorporated with
France, 467; Italy restored to its condi-
tion before 1789, 483; absolutism, 488;
uprisings suppressed by Austrians, 490;
Austro-Sardinian war, 494; liberation of
Italy, Garibaldi, 502; Victor Emmanuel
king of Italy, 503: war with Austria,
Venice acquired, 510; recognized as sixth
great power, 511; Rome the capital, 520;
dissolution of monasteries, 520; electo-
ral reform act, 526. See, also, Florence,
Genoa, Naples, Papal States, Sardinia,
Sicily, Tuscany, Venice.

I home, 51.

Iturbide, emp. of Mexico, 488.

Ivan, brother of Peter the Great, 374.
Ivan III., the Great, of Russia, 277.
Ivan IV. (or VI.), 411.

Ivar Vidfadme, k. of Skaania, 208.
Ivry, battle of, 324.

Jackson, Andrew, pres. of U. S., 552.
Jackson, Stonewall, 558.
Jacob, his sons, 8.

Jacobins, 451; elub closed, 456.
Jacobite rebellions, I., 437: II., 438.

Jacqueline, of Holland, her inheritance
goes to Burgundy, 259.

Jacquerie in France, 258.

Jaffa stormed by Bonaparte, 460.
Jagello, house of, 277, 352.

Jahandar Shah, emp. of India, 442.
Jahangir, emp. of India, 354.

Jail delivery at Paris, 452.

Jamaica, discovery of, 283; taken by Penn
and Venables, 377; insurrection, 544.
James Bay discovered, 300.

James, e. of Douglas, 268.

James I., k. of England (VI. of Scotland),
reign in England, 339; II., reign, 383;
flight, 384; deposition, 385; takes refuge
with Louis XIV., 3/0; death, 391. See
duke of York.

James I., k. of Scotland, murdered, 271;
11., 272; IV., invaded England, 333; de-
feat and death, 334; VI., of Scotland,
abdication of Mary in favor of, 338. See
James I. of England.

James Edward, the old pretender, 389,

Jamestown, foundation of, 291.
Janizaries, 353; massacre of, 489.
Jankau, battle of, 315.

Japan, Buddhism in, 23; geography, relig-
ion, 32; chronology, 33; early rulers,
33; conversion of native names into Chi-
nese, 33, n. 2; origin, 33; development
of dual gov., mikado superseded by
shogun, 212; war of Gen and Hei, 242;
Hojo supremacy, repulse of the Mongols,
war of the Chrysanthemums, develop-
ment of feudalism, 243; Ashikaga sho-
guns, dynastic wars, J. in the time of
Columbus, 278; domination of Nobu-
naga and Hideyoshi, 355; Tokugawa sho-
guns, 356; extirpation of Christianity,
357; later Tokugawas, 445; Perry's
treaty, 563; restoration of the mikado,
abolition of feudalism, ib.; assimilation
to western civilization, 564.
Jason, 46.

Jassy, peace of, 413.

Jay, John, in continental congress, 426 ;
chief justice, 547.
Jay's treaty, 535, 548.

Jeanne d'Arc. See Darc.
Jefferson, Thomas, 427; drafts declaration
of independence, 427; sec. of state, 547;
vice-pres., 548; pres.,
Jefferson's embargo, 550.
Jeffries, chief justice, 382; "bloody as-
size," 384.

Jemmapes, battle of, 453.
Jena, battle of, 469.

Jenghiz Khan, leader of the Mongols, 240;
conquered China, 242.
Jeremiah, 11.

Jersey, east and west, 359.

Jerusalem conquered by Shisak, 5; names,
7; captured by David, 9; taken by Is-
raelites, 10; besieged in vain by Assyr-
ians, 10; captured by Nebuchadnezzar,
and destroyed, 11, 16; destroyed by Ti-
tus, 12, 152; storm of, 214; kingdom of,
214; finally lost, 217.

Jesuits, order of, founded, 304; banished
from Spain and Portugal, 415; abol-
ished, 416; expelled from France in

Jews, geography, chronology, 7; settled in
Egypt, exodus, 8; government, ib.; di-
vision into Israel and Judah, 9; carried
to Assyria, 10; to Babylon, 11; sent
back by Cyrus, 11, 27; subject to Per-
sians, etc., 11; revolt under the Macca

bees, 11, 78; subdued by Rome, 11;
revolt, fall of Jerusalem, 12; dispersal,
ib.; accused of firing Rome, 151; perse-
cution, 152; revolt, 153; expelled from
England, 264; admitted to parliament,

Jimmu Tenno, mikado of Japan, 33.
Joachim II., elector of Brandenburg, 401.
Joanna, heiress of Castile, 301, 328.
Joanna, heiress of Navarre, 254.
Joannes, the usurper, 161.
Joannes Scotus Erigena, 201.
Jobst, of Moravia, 251.

John, archduke of Austria, administrator
of the German empire, 471, 493.
John, don, of Austria, Lepanto, 326; in
the Netherlands, 330, 331; popish plot
attributed to, 381.

John, k. of Bohemia, 247; death, 257.
John, k. of England, Lackland, reign, 233.
John II., le Bon, k. of France, reign, 258.
John of Brienne," king of Jerusalem,"

John of Gaunt, 269.

John de Montfort, 257.
John of Procida, 226.

John the Fearless, d. of Burgundy, 259.
John XXIII., pope, 251.

John IV., k. of Portugal, 332; VI., 488.
John III., k. of Sweden, 352.

John Casimir, k. of Poland, 352, 374.
John Frederic, el. of Saxony, 305.

John George, el. of Saxony, 312, 401.
John Parricida, 245.

John Sobieski, k. of Poland, 374.

John Zimisces, Grecian emp., 210.
Johnson, Andrew, 558, 559.

Johnson, Sir William, 421, 423.

Johnston, Joe, gen., 558.

Joint committee of the two kingdoms,

Jones, John Paul, 430.
Jonson, Ben, 339.
Joseph, 8.

Joseph I., emp. of the Holy Roman Em-
pire, 390; reign, 392; death, 393, 397;
II., co-regent, 406; reign, 407; plan of
an exchange of territory, 408.
Joseph, k. of Naples. See Bonaparte, Jo-

Joseph I., k. of Portugal, reign, 415.

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308; ended, 372.

Julius II., pope, 327.

July revolution at Paris, 489, 529; its re-
sults, 490.
Junius, 440.
Juno, 84.

Junonia, colony of, established, 125.
Junot, duke of Abrantes, 470, 471.
Junto, 435.

Jupiter, 84; Ammon, his temple in Africa,
27, 74; Capitolinus, temple of, 82.
Jury, grand, 232.

Jury trial, its Norman origin, 204.
Jus auxilii, intercessionis, 96; reformandi,
306, 317.

Justinian I., Grecian emp., victories in
Italy and Africa, 174; war with Persia,
190; reign, 210.

Jutes, 176.

Juverum, foundation of, 167.

Kaempfer in Japan, 445.

Kagoshima, bombardment of, 563.
Kahror, battle of, 24.

Kaiserslautern, battle of, 455, 456.
Kalb, de, 430.

Kaled, expedition of, 192.

Kalish, alliance of, 475.

Kamakura, 242, 243.

Kameel, sultan, 217.

Kandahar, 442.

Kanishka, Scythian k. in India, 24.
Kansas admitted to the Union, 556.
Kansas-Nebraska bill, 555.
Kapolna, battle of, 495.
Kara, Mustapha, 372.
Karl Martel, 183, 184.

Karlmann, brother of Charles the Great,
Karlmann, k. of Aquitaine, 201.
Karlsefne, Thorfinn, 281.
Kars, storm of, 489, 501, 523.

Kashgar, rebellion of Yakub Beg in, 562;
capture of, ib.

Joseph I., k. of Spain. See Bonaparte, Jo- Katzbach, battle, 477.

Joshua, 8.

Joubert, 461.

Jourdan, 455, 457, 458, 460, 479.

Kaunitz, prince, 403.
Kay, battle of, 405.

Keiki, the last shogun, 563.
Kellermann, 452.

Jovianus, Roman emp., 160; peace with Kelso, battle of, 348.

Persia, 188.

Juan de la Fuca strait, 290.

Juarez, 503, 504.

Juba, k. of Numidia, 141, 142.

Judæa, attacked by Shisak, 5; geograph-
ical position, 7; dependent kingdom un-
der Herod, 11; part of Roman province
of Syria, 11; Roman province, 150.
Judah, kingdom of, geography, 7; founda-
tion, 9; idolatry in, 10; allied with
Egyptians, ib.; tributary to the Assyri-
ans, 10, 14; subject to Babylonians, 11;
to the Egyptians, ib.; ravaged by Sevth-
ians, ib.
Judges among the Jews 8.

Kenmure, execution of, 437.

Kentucky admitted to the Union, 548.
Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of
1798-1799, 549.

Kepler, 306.

Kerman, sultanate of, 210.
Kertk, Louis, Thomas, and David, 299.
Khafra, k. of Egypt, 4.
Khanates, 241.

Khazars, war with Persia, 189, 190.
Khorsabad, 12.
Khufu, k. of Egypt, 4.
Khusru in India, 211.
Kieff, grand prince of, 276.
Kieft, gov. of New Netherlands 357.

Kiel, peace of, 479.
Kiew. See Kieff.

Kilij Arslan, sultan of Iconium, 214.

Kilkenny, statute, 269.

Killiecrankie, battle of, 386.

Kilsyth, battle of, 348.

Kimbolton, lord, 346.

Kin dynasty, in China, fall of, 242.

Laconia, name first given to Maine, 295.
Lade, battle of, 28.

Ladislaus II., k. of Hungary and Bohe.
mia, 278.

Ladislaus Postumus, k. of Hungary, 278.
Lady of England, 231.

Lady of the Mercians, 204.

Laets, 177.

King George's war, 419; Philip's war, 359; Lafayette, in America, 428; commander of

William's war, 361.

King's Mountain, battle of, 431.

Kinsale captured, 387.

Kioto, in Japan, 32; capital of the mikado,
213, 242; false mikado at, 278; capital
transferred to Tokio, 563.

Kirke, 386; appointed gov. of Mass., 361;
Kirke's lambs, 383; raises siege of Lon-
donderry, 386.
Klapka, 495, 496.
Kléber, 463.

Klissow, battle of, 395.

Knighthood, religious orders of, 217; Span-
ish orders, 240, 328.

Knights at Rome, 3 centuries, 88; number
doubled, 89; in the army, farm the


'taxes, 123; change in nature, 125; de-
prived of jury service, 132; which is par-
tially restored, 133.

Knights in Athens, 53.

Kniprode, Winrich von, 277.

Knowles in Boston, 419.

Knox, Henry, U. S. sec. of war, 547.
Knox, John, 304, 338.

Knut the Great, k. of England and Den-
mark, visit to Rome, 198; reign in Eng-
land, 205, 206; in Denmark, 207.
Knut, St., k. of Denmark, 208; VI., 235.
Kobad I., k. of Persia, first reign, 189;
second reign, 190; II., 192.

Kolhapur, 443.

Kollin, battle of, 404.

Kong, prince, 502.

Königgrätz, battle of, 509.

Königsberg, treaty of, 373, 470.
Königsmark, 315, 416.
Koran, the, 182.

Kosciuszko, 413, 414.

Kossuth, 494, 495, 496.

Kotzebue, murder of, 487.

Krasnoy, battle of, 475.

Kublai Khan in China, 242.

national guard, 450; proscribed, 452; a
liberal, 527; commander of national
guard, 529.

La Fère-Champenoise, battle of, 481.
Lafitte, ministry of, 529.
La Fontaine, 371.


See Ptolemies.

La Hogue, battle of, 370, 387.

Lahore, Muhammedan dynasty at, 211.
Lake Erie, battle of, 551; George, battle of,

Lally, 444.
Lamachus, 67.

Lamberg, count, 494.
Lamian war, 79.

Lamoricière, 503, 527.
Lancaster, house of, 270.
Lancaster Sound, 299.
Land act, 545, 546.

Land league in Ireland, 545.

Landshut, battle of, 405, 471.
Landwehr,-sturm, established, 476.
Lanfranc, archb. of Canterbury, 229.
Langensalza, 510.

Langobards, location, 170; found kingdom
in Italy, 175; crushed by Charles the
Great, 184.

Langside, battle of, 338.

Langton, Stephen, 233, 234.
Lansdowne Hill, battle of, 347.

Laon, capital of German kingdom of the
Franks, 202; battle of, 481.

Lâotsze, Chinese philosopher, 31.

La Plata, discovery of, 286; a free state,

La Rochelle, granted to Huguenots, 221;
siege of, 325.

La Rothière, battle of, 480.

La Salle, discoveries of, 364, 365.
Lascaris, Theodore, 216.

Las Casas, Bartholomé de, 285.
La Soledad, treaty of, 503.

Kuldja, disputed between China and Rus- Laswari, battle of, 541.

sia, 562.

Kulm, battle at, 477.

Kulturkampf in Italy, Switzerland, and
Prussia, 520; in Prussia, France, Bel-
gium, 525; approaching end, 526.
Kunersdorf, battle of, 405.

Kurile islands given to Japan by Russia,
32, n. 3.

Kusunoki-Masashigé, 243.

Kútab-ud-dín, sultan of Delhi, 241.
Kutschouc Kainardji, peace of, 412.
Kutusoff, 467, 475.

Labiau, treaty of, 373.
Labienus, 139, 142, 143.
Laborers, statute of, 268.

Labrador, discovery of the coast of, 284.
Labyrinth, in Egypt, 4, 6; in Crete, 18.
Lacedemonians, in Sparta, 50. See Greece
and Sparta.

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Laybach, congress at, 487.

Lazica, ceded to Rome, 190; invaded by
Hormisdas, 191; Heraclius in, 192.
League in France, 322. See Holy league.
League of the German princes, 408.
League of the public weal, 260.
Lear (Leir), 37.

Leboeuf, marshal, 513, 514.

Le Bourget, battle of, 519.
Lechfeld, battle of, 196.
Lee, Charles, 430.

Lee, Richard Henry, 427.

Lee, Robert E., in command of Confederate
army, 557; Gettysburg, 558; surrender,

Lefort, in Switzerland, 374.
"Legacy of Igeyasu," 356.
Leges Corneliæ, 132; duodecim tabularum,
98; Liciniæ, 101; Publiliæ, 102; Valeria
Horatiæ, 98.

Legion, in the Servian constitution, 92;
change in the 4th cent., B. C., 103;
change under Marius, 128.
Legion of honor, created, 464.
Legislative assembly in France, 447, 451.
Legitimitists, in France, 530.
Legnano, battle of, 222.

Leipzig, battle of, 312; second battle, 314;
battle of the nations, 478; supreme court
in, 525; university founded, 251.

Le Mans, battle of, 519.

Lenthall, 345, 377.

149; Manilia, 135; Papia Poppœa, 149;
Pedia, 145; Plautia-Papiria, 129; Poetilia,
103; Pompeia, 129; de proscribendis,
132, provocatio, 91, 93, 94, 98, 125; Pub-
lilia, 97; regia, 374; de sicariis, 122, 132;
Trebonia, 140; Valeria de provocatione,
93; de vi et ambitu, 140.

Lexington, battle of, 426.

Liberty of conscience, declarations of,

Licensing act, expiration of, 388.

Licinian laws passed, 101; reënacted, 124.
Licinius appointed Augustus, 159.
Liegnitz, battle of, 405.

Ligny, battle of, 484.

Ligue du bien publique, 260.

Ligurian republic, founded, 459; incorpo-
rated with France, 467.
Liby bæum, siege of, 111.
Lima, occupation of, 287.

Limerick, siege of, 387; treaty of, 387.
Lincoln, Abraham, pres. of the United
States, 556; reëlection, 558; assassina-
tion, 559.

Lincoln, gen. 430.
Lincoln, battle of, 231.

Lindolf, d. of Swabia, 195.
Lisbon, earthquake of, 415.
Lissa, battle of, 510.
Lithuanians, 169.
"Little" parliament.

See Barebones.

Liudolf, d. of Swabia, 195.
Liutprand, 175.

Leo the Great, pope, 173; X., 327; XIII., Liverpool ministry, 537.

Lenzen, battle of, 194.

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Livia, 148, 149.

Livius, T., 81.

Livius Salinator, 117.

Leofric, e. of Mercia, 206.

Livonia, 373.

Leon, name changed from Asturia, 209; Lobositz, battle of, 404.

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Leopold, IV. (V.) d. of Austria, receives
Bavaria, 219; V. detains Richard Coeur
de Lion, 216.

Leopold, archd. of Austria, defeated by the
Swiss, 247; III., Sempach, 250.
Leopold I., k. of the Belgians, 490.
Leopold of Dessau, 392, 397, 402.
Leopold I., emp of the II. R. E.; reign of,
371, 372; Spanish claimant, 390; death,
392; II., 408, 416, 451.

Leotychidas, 60.

Lepanto, battle of, 326, 330.

Lepidus, M. Æmilius, 133, 141.

Leptis, 17, 19.

Lerma, d. of, 331.

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 512.

Lesbos, 41, 66.

Lestocq, in Russia, 411.

Leucopetra, battle of, 80, 122

Leuctra, battle of, 70.

Leuthen, battle of, 404.

Leverett, John, gov., of Mass. 360.
Levites, 8.

Lewes, battle of, 234.

Lex agraria, 128. See agrarian laws; an-
nalis, 120; Aurelia, 133: Canuleia de
conubio, 99; de civitate sociis danda,
128; Clodia, 138; de falso, 122, 132; Ga-
binia, 134; Hortensia, 107; judiciaria,
125, 128; Julia de agro campano, 137;
Julia, 149: Mænia 107; de maiestate

Locke, John, 358, 389.
Locomotive invented, 486.
Lodbrog, Ragnar, 208.
Lode, battle at, 28.

Lodi, storming of the bridge at, 458.
Lollards, 269.

Lombard league, 219, 221, 224.
Lombardo-Venetian kingdom, 482, 494, 502.
Lombards. See Langobards, 175.
Lombardy. See Langobards, Italy, Pied-
mont, Sardinia.

London, founded, 176; captured by Danes,
203; great fire, plague, 379; first indus-
trial exhibition, 498; peace conference,
506; second industrial exhibition, 544;
financial panic in, ib.

London Company, 291; conference, 489,
511; protocol, 505; treaty of, 498.
Londonderry, siege of, 386.

Long Island, battle of, 428.

Longjumeau, peace of, 321.

Longland, William, 268.

Long parliament, 345-351, 375-378; reca-
pitulation, 378, n.

Longobards. See Langobards.
Loo-Choo islands, 564.

Lookout Mountain, battle of, 558.
"Loose coat field," 274.
Loris-Melikoff, 523, 525.

Lorraine, German part of Ludwig's share
in the treaty of Verdun, 187, 193; be-
comes a duchy, 194; vacillates between
East and West Franks 194; upper and

lower Lorraine, 199: occupied by France,
369; exchanged to Stanislaus Lesczin-
ski for Tuscany, 398; house of, 399, 416;
ceded to the German empire, 519.
Lorraine, d. of, partially reinstated, 366,
368; transfer of the duchy, 398.
Lothar, d. of Saxony, war with Henry V.,

Lothar, emp. 186; treaty of Verdun, 187.
Lothar, emp. of the H. R. E., 218.
Lothar, k. of West Franks, 202.
Louis I., k. of Bavaria, 492; II., 514.
Louis of Condé, 321.
Louis, emp. See Ludwig.

Louis VI., k. of France, 226. [For the Car-
olingian kings of this name, see Lud-
wig k. of France, I.-V.] VII., crusade,
215; reign, 226; in England, 232; VIII.,
227; as prince, in England, 233; IX.,
St. Louis, reign, 227; arbitration, 234;
crusades, 217; X., Le Hutin, 255; XI.,
of France, 260; XII., 318; XIII., 825;
XIV., 366-371; Spanish succession, 390;
XV., 445; XVÍ., 446; flight and return,
451; trial and execution, 453; (XVII.,)
of France proclaimed, 453; death, 457;
XVIII., first return, 481 flight, 483;
return, 484, 526; death, 527.

Louis the Great, k. of Poland and Hun-
gary, 277.

Louis Napoleon, first attempt to be pro-
claimed emperor, 529; second, 530; pres-
ident of the republic, 494, 531; coup
d'état, 498, 531; as emperor, see Napo-
leon III.

Louis Napoleon, pr. of France, imperial
birth, 531; death, 534.

Louis Philippe I., accession, 489, 529; ab-
dication, 530; death, 531.
Louisa, q. of Prussia, 469.
Louisburg, siege, 419, 421.
Louise la Querouaille, 380.
Louise of Savoy, 303.

Louisiana, discovered by La Salle and set-
tled by French, English attempt to colo-
nize fails, 362, 365; ceded to Spain, 423,
439; restored to France, 463; bought by
the United States, 463, 549; admitted to
the Union, 551.
Louvois, 366, 370.
Löwen, battle of, 193.
Löwenbund, 250.
Lowestoft, battle of, 379.
Loyal association, 388.
Loyola, Ignatius, 304.

Lübeck, free city, 222; conquered by Knut
VI., 235; capital of the Hanseatic league,
249; peace of, 310.

Lubecki, 490.

Lucanians, 83: wars with Rome, 106, 107.
Lucius, k. of Britain, 36, 38.

Lucka, battle of, 245.

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Ludwig II., the Stammerer, k. of the West
Franks; 201 [Ludwig the Pious, emp.,
is also Ludwig I., k. of the West Franks];
III., 201; IV., d'Outre Mer, 202; V., the
Fainéant (for kings of France, see Louis),
Ludwigslied, 201.
Lügenfeld, 186.
Lumley's Inlet, 290.

Lundy's Lane, battle of, 551.
Luneville, peace of, 462.
Luperci, 85.

Luque, Hernando de, 286.

Lusatia (Lausitz), origin, 194; lower Lu-
satia united with Bohemia, 248; mort-
gaged to Saxony, 310; ceded to Saxony,

Lusitanians, 118; war with Rome, 123.
Lustrum, 92.

Lutetia Parisiorum, 139.
Luther, Martin, 301.

Luther am Barenberge, battle of, 310.
Lützen, battle of (Gustavus Adolphus),
312; (Napoleon), 476.
Luxembourg, marshal, 370.
Luxemburg, house of, 245, 248; Hungary
under, 277.

Luxemburg question, 511, 532.
Luynes, d. of, 325.
Luzzara, battle of, 392.

Lycia conquered by Harpagus, 26; Roman
province, 150.

Lycos, battle on the, 135.
Lycurgus, constitution of, 50.

Lydia, geography, 20; religion, chronology.
21; under Attyadæ, Heraclidæ, Mermna-
dæ, 21; conquers Phrygia, 21; war with
Cyaxares, 21, 25; conquered by Cyrus,
22; 26.

Lyons, council of, 225; partially destroyed,

[blocks in formation]

Macdonald, 460, 461, 474, 477, 480.
Macedonia, 41; rise in power under Philip,
71; Macedonian supremacy, 73; Alexan-
der, 73-76; under descendants of Deme-
trius Poliorcetes, 78; wars with Rome,
116, 118, 120, 121; fall of the monarchy,
120; Roman province, 78, 122.
Macedonian line, Greek emperors, 210.
Maciejowice, battle of, 414.
Mack, gen., 460, 467.

Mackay, gen., 386.

MacMahon, in Italy, 502; in Franco-Prus
sian war, 514, 516; siege of Paris (com
mune), 532; pres., 533; resigned, 534.
Macon's No. 2 act, 550.

Macrinus, Roman emp., 30, 155.
Macro, 150.

Madagascar, French claims upon, 535.
Madeira, discovery of, 276, 279.
Madison, James, 549, 550.

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