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earth; as for denying the horrible and idolatrous doctrine of transubstantiation, and Christ's real, corporal, and carnal presence in his Supper, under the forms and accidents of bread and wine.

To believe Christ our Saviour to be the Head of his Church, and kings in their realms to be the supreme powers, to whom every soul oweth obedience, and to believe that in the Supper of Christ, which the sacrament of the altar, as the papists call it and use it, doth utterly overthrow, is a true and a very presence of whole Christ, God and man, to the faith of the receiver, but not to the stander by and looker upon, as it is a true and a very presence of bread and wine, to the senses of men; to believe this, I say, will not serve, and therefore, as an heretic, I am condemned and shall be burned; whereof I ask God heartily mercy, that I do no more rejoice than I do, having so great cause as to be an instrument, wherein it may please my dear Lord and Saviour to suffer.

For albeit my manifold sins, even since I came into prison, have deserved at the hands of God, not only this temporal, but also eternal fire in hell, much more than my former sinful life, which the Lord pardon for his Christ's sake; as I know he of his mercy hath done, and never will lay my iniquities to my charge to condemnation, so great is his goodness, praised therefore be his holy name. Although, I say, my manifold and grievous late sins have deserved most justly, all the tyranny that man or devil can do unto me, and therefore I confess that the Lord is just, and that his judgments be true and deserved on my behalf; yet the bishops and prelates do not persecute them in me, but Christ himself, his word, his truth, and religion. And therefore I have great cause, yea most great cause, to rejoice that ever I was born and hitherto kept of the Lord; that by my death, which is deserved for my sins, it pleaseth the heavenly Father to glorify his name, to testify his truth, to confirm his verity, to oppugn his adversaries. Oh, good God, and merciful Father, forgive me my great unthankfulness, especially herein.

And you, my dearly beloved, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, I humbly and heartily in his bowels and blood, do now, for my last Vale and farewell in this present life, beseech you and every of you, that you will consider this work of the Lord accordingly. First by

me to be admonished, to beware of hypocrisy and carnal security. Profess not the Gospel with tongue and lips only, but in heart and verity; frame and fashion your lives accordingly. Beware God's name be not evil spoken of, and the Gospel less respected by your conversation. God forgive me that I have not so heartily professed it, as I should have done, but have sought much myself therein.

The Gospel is a new doctrine to the old man; it is new wine, and therefore cannot be put in old bottles, without greater hurt than good to the bottles. If we will talk with the Lord, we must put off our shoes and carnal affections; if we will hear the voice of the Lord, we must wash our garments and be holy; if we will be Christ's disciples, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Christ. We cannot serve two masters; if we seek Christ's kingdom, we must also seek for the righteousness thereof. To the petition of, Let thy kingdom come, we must join, Thy will be done, done on earth as it is in heaven. If we will not be doers of the word, but hearers of it, we sore deceive ourselves. If we hear the Gospel and love it not, we declare ourselves to be but fools, and builders upon the sand. The Lord's spirit hateth feigning; deceitfulness the Lord abhorreth. If we come to him, we must beware we come not with a double heart, for then it may chance that God will answer us according to the block which is in our heart, and so we shall deceive ourselves and others. To faith see that we couple a good conscience, lest we make a shipwreck. To the Lord we must come with fear and reverence. If we will be gospellers, we must be Christ's; if we be Christ's, we must crucify our flesh, with the lusts and concupiscences thereof. If we will be under grace, sin must not bear rule in us. We may not come to the Lord, and draw nigh to him with our lips, and leave our hearts elsewhere; lest the Lord's wrath wax hot, and he take from us the good remaining; in no case can the kingdom of Christ approach to them who repent not.

Therefore, my dearly beloved, let us repent and be heartily sorry, that we have so carnally, so hypocritically, so covetously, so vain-gloriously, professed the Gospel. For all these I confess myself, to the glory of God and mine own confusion here, that he may cover mine offences in the day of judgment. Let the anger

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and plagues of God, most justly fallen upon us, be applied to every one of our deserts, that from the bottom of our hearts, every of us may say; It is I, Lord, that have sinned against thee, it is mine hypocrisy, my vain-glory, my covetousness, uncleanness, carnality, security, idleness, unthankfulness, self-love, and such like, which have deserved the taking away of our good king, of thy word and true religion, of thy good ministers, by exile, imprisonment, and death; it is wickedness, that causeth success and increase of authority and peace to thine enemies. Oh, be merciful, be merciful, unto us; turn to us again, oh, Lord of Hosts, and turn us unto thee. Correct us, but not in thy fury, lest we be consumed. In thy wrathful displeasure reprove us not, but in the midst of thine anger, remember thy mercy; for if thou wilt mark what is done amiss, who shall be able to abide? But with thee is mercifulness, that thou might be worshipped; oh, then be merciful unto us, that we may truly worship thee. Help us, for the glory of thy name, be merciful unto our sins, for they are great; oh, heal us and help us for thine honour, let not the wicked people say, Where is their God, &c.

On this sort, my right dearly beloved, let us heartily bewail our sins, repent us of our former evil life, heartily and earnestly purpose to amend our lives in all things, continually watch in prayer, diligently and reverently attend, hear, and read the Holy Scriptures, and labour after our vocation, to amend our brethren. Let us reprove the works of darkness; let us fly from all idolatry; let us abhor the antichristian, and rotten Romish service, detest the popish mass, forsake their Romish God, prepare ourselves to the cross, be obedient to all that be in authority, in all things that be not against God and his word; for then answer with the apostles, It is more meet to obey God than man.

Howbeit, never for any thing resist, or rise against the magistrates; avenge not yourselves, but commit your care to the Lord, to whom vengeance pertaineth, and he in his time will reward it. If ye feel in yourselves an hope and trust in God, that he will never tempt you above that he will make you able to bear, be assured the Lord will be true to you, and ye shall be able to bear all brunts. But if ye want this hope, fly and get you hence, rather than by your tarrying, God's name should be dishonoured.

In summa, cast your care upon the Lord, knowing for most certain that he is careful for you; with him are all the hairs of your head numbered, so that not one of them shall perish without his good pleasure and will; much more then, nothing shall happen to your bodies which shall not be profitable, howsoever for a time it seemeth other to your senses. Hang on the providence of God, not only when you have means to help you, but also when you have no means, yea, when all means be against you. Give him this honour, which of all other things, he most chiefly requireth at your hands, namely, believe that ye are his children, through Christ; that he is your Father and God through him; that he loveth you, pardoneth you all your offences; that he is with you in trouble, and will be with you for ever. under his hand, ye shall not lie still. heareth you; out of evil he will finally bring you, and deliver you to his eternal kingdom. Doubt not, my dearly beloved, hereof, doubt not, I say; this will God your Father do for you in respect, not of yourselves, but in respect of Christ your captain, your pastor, your keeper, out of whose hands, none shall be able to catch you. In him be quiet, and often consider your dignity; namely, how that ye be God's children, the saints of God, citizens of heaven, temples of the Holy Ghost, the thrones of God, members of Christ, and lords over all.

When ye fall, he will put Before ye call upon him, he

Therefore be ashamed to think, speak, or do any thing, that should be unseemly for God's children, God's saints, Christ's members, &c. Marvel not, though the devil and the world hate you; though ye be persecuted here, for the servant is not above his master. Covet not earthly riches, fear not the power of man, love not this world,, nor things that be in this world; but long for the Lord Jesus his coming, at which time your bodies shall be made like unto his glorious body. When he appeareth, ye shall be like unto him; when your life thus shall be revealed, then shall ye appear with him in glory; in the mean season live in hope thereof.

Let the life you lead be in the faith of the Son of God, for the just doth live by faith; which faith flieth from all evil, and followeth the word of God, as a lantern to her feet, and a light to her steps.

Her eyes be above where Christ is, she beholdeth not the things present, but rather things to come; she glorieth in afflictions, she knoweth that the afflictions of this life, are not to be compared to the glory which God will reveal to us and in us. Of this glory God grant us here a lively taste; then shall we run after the scent it sendeth forth. It will make us valiant men, to take to us the kingdom of God; whither the Lord of mercy bring us, in his good time, through Christ our Lord; to whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, three persons and one God, be all honour and glory, world without end, Amen.

My dearly beloved, I would gladly have given here my body, to have been burned for the confirmation of the true doctrine, I have taught here unto you, but that my country must have; therefore I pray you, take in good part, this signification of my good will, towards every of you. Impute the want herein, to time and trouble. Pardon me mine offensive and negligent behaviour, when I was amongst you. With me repent, and labour to amend; continue in the truth, which I have truly taught unto you, by preaching in all places where I have come, God's name therefore be praised; confess Christ when ye are called, whatsoever cometh thereof, and the God of peace be with us all, Amen.

Your brother in bonds for the Lord's sake.

No. 63.*


To all that love the Lord Jesus, and his true doctrine, being in the University and Town of Cambridge, JOHN BRADFord, a most unworthy Servant of the Lord; now not only imprisoned, but also condemned for the same true doctrine; wisheth grace, peace, and mercy, with increase of all

Fox iii. 311. Cov. 257.

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