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A Table to the Holy Bible.

David upright before the Lord, 1 Kings 14. 8. and 15, 3.
No difference of days among the faithful, Rom. 14. 5.
Debate and ftrife, are works of darkness, Rom. 13. 12, 13.
1 Cor. 1. 10. and 11. 16.

Debir a city, Josh. 10. 3. and 15. 15.

What is required in Deacons, 1 Tim. 3. 8.

Deacons ordained in the church by the Apoftles, A&ts 6. 5. We must not exceed measure in lamenting the dead, 1 Theff.

4. 13.

Saul feeketh to the dead, I Sam. 28. 11.

Seek not to the dead for any thing, Deut. 18. 11. Luke 16.29.
The dead fhall hear the voice of the fon of God, and shall live,
John 5.25.

Chrift forefpeaketh his own death, Matth. 16. 21.
Death fwallowed up into victory, 1 Cor. 15. 54.

The fecond death, Revel. 20. 14.

Death cometh through difobedience, Deut. 30. 17, 18,

The day of death uncertain, Luke 12. 40.

Curfe not the deaf, Levit. 19. 14.

Chrift healeth the deaf, Mark 7. 32.

Of Deborah and Barak, Judge 5. 1.

Deborah Rebekahs nurfe dieth, Gen. 35.8.

Deborah the wife of Lapidoth, Judge 4.4.

Deceive not thy brother, Leviticus 19. 13. and 14.

God will reward every one according to his deeds, Matth. 16.


Delilah betrayeth Samfon, Judge 16.

If we deny Chrift, he will deny us, a Timoth. 2. 12.
The affurance of the defperate, Ezek. 33.10.

Debts not demanded before the year of freedom, Deut. 14.2.
Chrift healeth two poffeffed of devils, Mat. 8.28, and 12. 22,
The Devil confeffeth that he knoweth Chrift and Paul, Mark 1.
24. Luke 4. 34. A&s 19.15.

The Devil is a murtherer, John 8.44.

The Devil prince of this world, Joh. 12. 31. Eph. 2. 2. Coloff. 2.15. the accufer of the faithful, Revel. 12. 10. our adversary and enemy, Ephef. 6. 12. 1 Petr. 5.8.

Devils driven out by fafting and prayer, Matth. 7, 21.

The Devil feduceth the woman, and is therefore curfed, Gen. 3. 14.

The King is bound to read the book of Deuteronomy, and why,

Deut. 17. 19, 20.

Deuteronomy is commanded to be read to women and children, Deut. 31. 11, 12, 13.

Deuteronomy is delivered to the Levites and Elders, Deut. 31.9. Jofiah readeth the book of Deuteronomy to the people, 2 Kings


The diligence of minifters, Proverb. 27. 23.

Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, ravished, Genef. 34. 2.

Dionyfius an Areopagite believeth in Chrift, Acts 17.34.
Diotrephes reproved for his arrogancy, 3 John 9.

Seventy difciples fent to preach, Luke 10. 15.

The difciples wherein they may be known, John 8.31. and 13.


Diseases are the fruits of fin, John 5.14.

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In difeafes God ought to be fought unto, 2 Kings 1.16.. Difguifmg raiment is forbidden both to man and woman, Deut.


How God hateth difobedience, 1 Sam. 15.23.

The difobedient ftricken with madness and blindness, Deut. 28. 28.

The man that disobeyeth the judge, fhall die, Deut. 17.12.
He that difobeyeth God, is fubject to many curfes, Deut. 28.15.
Against divorcement, 1 Cor.7.10.

Divination forbidden, Levit. 20. 27. Deut. 18. 10, 11. Ifa. 8, 19.
He or she that hath the fpirit of divination, ought to be ftoned

to death, Levit. 20 27.

Sound do&trine, Tit. 2.7, 8.

No doctrine but Chrifts ought to be received, 2 John 10. Col. 2. 8.

Doctrines of devils, 1 Tim. 4. I.

Doeg difclofed David to Saul, 1 Sam. 22.9.
Give not holy things to dogs, Matth. 7.6.
The dog is returned to his vomit, 2 Pet. 2. 22.
Dammage, that one doth to another, Exod, 22. 5.

The dove fent out of the ark, Gen. 8, 8.

The dumb is healed, Matth. 9. 32.

The dragon, the old ferpent, Revel. 20. 2.

By dreams God fpeaketh to the prophets, Num. 12.6.
Spiritual drink, 1 Cor. 10.4.

Chrift was called in fcorn a drinker of wine, Matth. 11. 19. the
Apoftles alfo, Acts 2.13.

The dropfie is healed, Luke 14.2.

The evils that come of drunkennefs, Prov. 23. 29.

Drunkenness to be avoided, even of Kings, Prov. 31, 4. Luk e 21. 34. Ephef. 5. 18.

Man is duft, Gen. 3.19.

The duft of the feet fhaken off, against whom, Marth, 10,14%,
Many dwelling-places in the house of God, John 14.2.
Paul defireth to die, Phil. 1. 23.

Chrift prayeth not to die, Matth. 26. 39.
Chrift defireth to die for us, Luke 12. 59.
It is ordained for all to die once, Heb. 9.26.
Chrift died for our fins, Rom. 4.25.



He earth is curfed for Adams tranfgreffion, Gen. 3, 17.
The earth is corrupt, Gen. 6. 11.
Man fhall return to the earth, Gen. 3, 19.
To eat the flesh of Christ, John 6. 51,63.
Ebedmelech the black More, Jer. 38.7.
Eber and his fons, Gen. 10.25.

Efau, why he is called Edom, Gen. 25.30.

Edom denieth paffage to Ifrael, Num. 20. 14, 18.

Edom rebelleth from under Judah, 2 Kings 8.20.

The Egyptians eat not with the Hebrews, Gen. 42.32. of whom look in Exod.11. and 12. Deut.23.7. Jer.46. Ezek. 32. 12. Egypt the iron fornace, Deut. 4. 20.

Ehud a Judge in Ifrael, Judge 3. 15.

The Ekronites and their doings, 1 Sam.5.10.

What conditions the elders ought te have, Tit. 2.2.

Eleazar the fon of Aaron, Exod. 6. 25. Josh. 24. 33.

Gods purpose is by his election, Rom.9.11.

Election of grace, Rom. 11. 5.

Make your calling and election fure, 2 Pet. 1. 10.

As touching the election, they are loved for their fathers fake,
Rom. 11.28.

The elect have obtained that Ifrael obtained not, Rom. 11.7.
We know that ye are elect of God, 1 Theffal. 1.4.
Election lyeth in God, and not in us, Rom. 9.11.16.
The ele& are few in number, Matth. 7.14.

Elected before the foundation of the world, Ephef. 1.4.

The elect of God cannot be condemned, Rom. 8. 33. 34.
The elect were chofen before the foundations of the world,
Ephef. 1. 4. Pet. 1. 2.

Eli the priest and his doings, 1 Sam. 1. and 2. and 3. and 4.
Eliakim called alfo Jehoiakim, 2 Kings 23. 24.

Elias and Elifeus, Luke 4. 25, 27.

Elijah the prophet and his doings, 1 Kings 17. unto the & Kings 2.
Elimelech and his wife Naomi, Ruth 1. 2.
Elifabeth Zacharias wife, Luke 1. 5.
Elifha bald, 2 Kings 2. 23.

Elifha doth good for evil, 2 Kings 6. 12.

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Elitha his life and his doings, 1 Kings 19. unto the 2 Kings 13.22.

Elifha is called from the plough to prophesie, 1 Kings 19. 16. Elisheba Aarons wife, Exod. 6. 23.

Eleon a judge in Ifrael, Judge 12.11, 12.

Elymas the forcerer withstanding Pauls preaching, A&s 13.8. Emmanuel, Matth. 1.23.

Take from among you all enchanters, Deut. 18. 10, 11. Enchanters and foothfayers driven out of Ifrael by Saul, 1 Sam. 28.-3.

The end of all things is at hand, I Pet. 4.7.

He that endureth to the end, shall be faved, Matth. 24. 13. Theff. 2. 13.

Eneas healed by the means of Peter, Acts 9. 33.

Love thine enemies, Matth. 5. 44. Proverb. 25.21.
Chrift prayeth for his enemies, Luke 23.24.
Enoch the fon of Sheth, Gen. 4. 26.
Flee envy, Gal. 5. 26. 1 Pet. 2. 1.
Envious perfons, Prov. 23.6.

Ephraim and his doings, Gen. 41. 52. and 48.5. and 50.23.
Ephefians worshipped Diana, Acts 19. 35.
The Ephraimites murmure against Gideon. Jud. 8. 1.
The Epicures difpute with Paul, Acts 17.18.

Pauls Epiftles hard to be understood, 2 Pet. 3. 16.
The earnest of the fpirit in our hearts, 2 Cor. 1. 22, and 5.5.
Eferhaddon reigneth after Sennacherib, 2 Kings 19. 37.
Efau and his doings, Gen. 25. unto the 37.

Who are to be efchewed, 2 Tim.

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and 9.

Hate that which is evil, Rom. 12.9.

Recompence not evil for evil, Rom. 12. 17.

God turneth the evil into good, Genef. 50. 20. Rom. 8. 28.

Do not company with evil men, Prov. 24. I.

We are evil of nature, Matth. 7. 11. Genef. 6. 5.

An Eunuch Candaces chief governor believeth in Jefus Christ, Acts 8.37.

Eutichus reftored to life, A&ts 20. 9, 10.

He that exalteth himself, fhall be brought low, Luke 18. 14. Examin all things, 1 Theff. 5. 21.

Examin thy felf before thou come to the fupper of the Lord,

I Cor.11.28.

A Table to the Holy Bible.

Excommunicate thofe that love not Jefus Chrift, 1 Cor. 16.22.
The excommunication that Paul used, 1 Cor. 5.5.

Exorcifts hurt by the evil fpirit, A&s 19.13, 16.
Experience bringeth hope, Rom. 5. 4.

The good eye, Matth. 6. 22.

Eye for eye, Exod. 21.24. Matth. 5. 38.

Ld fables,


Evivente ought to prove his faith, 2 Cor. 13. 5.

Continuance in faith, Col. 1. 23.

The fhield of faith, Ephef. 6.16.

Chrift prayeth for Peters faith, Luke 22.32.

The definition of faith, Heb. 11. 1.

Faith cometh by hearing, Rom. 10.7.

The Apostles pray to have their faith increased, Luke 17.3.
Faith in God by Chrift, Matth, 12.21. 1 Pet. 1.21.
Faith joyned with charity, 1 Tim. 1.5.
Faith is the gift of God. Phil. 1. 29. 2 Pet. 1.3.

The end of faith is the falvation of our fouls, I Pet. 1.9.
The faith of Abraham, Gen. 15.6. and 24.7..

The faith of the fathers, Heb. 11.

By faith the fpirit is received, Gal. 3.2.

By faith the heart is purified, Acts 15.9. John 15.3.

By faith we refift the Devil. Pet. 5.9.

Faith without works is dead, Jam.2.17.

The faithful are the children of Abraham, Rom. 9.8.

The faithful shall not come into condemnation, John 5. 24.

To fall into the hands of the living God, Heb. 10. 31.

To fall upon the face, Gen. 17. 17. Ruth 2.10.

A great famin in Samaria, 1 Kings 18. 2. 2 Kings 6.25.
The famin of Gods word forefpoken, Amos 8.11.

Mofes fafteth forty days, and forty nights, Exod. 34. 28. Chriff likewife, Mark 4.2.

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Fained fafting, Ifai. 58. 3. Zech. 7. 5. Mark 5. 16.
The father of Chrift is our Father, John 20.17.

He that knoweth Chrift knoweth the Father, John 14.7.
Honour thy father and mother, Matth 15.4. Mark. 7.10.
Fathers are charged to teach their children the law of God, Deut,


He that beateth his father, or mother, fhall die the death, Exod. 21.15. Prov. 20. 20.

God doth right unto the fatherlefs, Deut. 10. 18.

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The fatherlefs, Deut. 14. 19. and 24. 19. and 26, 12. and 27.19. The fearful muft abfent themselves from war, Deut. 20. 8. Learn to fear God, Deut. 14.23.

The fear of God is true wifdom, Job 28.28.

The worthieft places at feafts, Matth.23.6.

Feafts made at theep-fhearings, 2 Sam. 13.23.

God teacheth to fight, 2 Sam. 22. 35.

The finger of God, for his power, Exod. 8. 19.

The first-born in the land of Egypt die, Exod. 11.4, 5, and 12. 29, ༡༠:

of first fruits, Exod. 22.29. Levit. 23.10.

The firft fruits pertained to the high Priests, Num. 5.9.

Fishes clean and unclean, Levit. 19.9, 10, 11,

Paul never used flattery, 1 Theff. 2. 5.

Flee in time of perfecution, Matth. 10.23.

The deeds of the Hesh, Gal. 5. 19.

Man is but flefh, Gen. 6.3.

To be in the flesh, or to live according to the flesh, Rom.7.5. Flesh and blood, that is whatfoever is in man, Matth, 16, 17, The wisdom of the flesh is death, Rom. 7,24. and 8.6,

Flesh lufteth against the spirit, Gal. 1.17.

The flesh of Chrift eaten by faith, John 6.54.

The care of the flesh ought to be rejected, Rom. 13. 14.

To eat the flesh with the blood is forbidden, Gen. 9.4.

Be careful over your flocks, Prov. 27.23.

Noahs flood, Gen. 6. and 7. and 8.

The cause of the univerfal flood, Gen. 6.5.

An offering of flour, Levit. 2. 1.

By the fold is understood, the Church, John 10.16,

A rod belongeth to the fools back, Proverb. 26.3.

Forbear one another, Ephef.4.2.

Chrift delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, Acts 2.23.

We are elect according to the foreknowledge of God, 1 Pet. 1.2. Our forerunner, Chrift, Heb. 6. IC.

How oft thou oughteft to forgive thy brother, Matth. 18.21, 22. Fornication ought not to be named among us, Ephef. 5. 3. Fornicators fhall not inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6. 9. Forfake thy father and mother for Chrifts fake, Matth. 19.29. Forfake thy felf, Matth. 16.24.

Fools, Prov. 12. unto 18,

The foxes of Samfon, Judge 15.4.

Mans fragility, Hai.40.6.7.

The tree is known by the fruit, Matth. 7.16.

Wo to them that be full, Luke 6. 2 5.

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Aaron's garment, Exod. 28.

The ftrait gate leadeth to life, Matt. 7. 13, 14.

Judgment done in the gates of the city, Deut. 22. 15.
Gatherings for the faints, 1 Cor. 16. 1.

Gedaliah is flain, 2 Kings 25. 25.

The gelded shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord,
Deut. 23. 1.

Gentlenelle is praise worthy, Ephef. 4. 2. Gal. 5. 22.
Election of the Gentiles, Pfal. 2. 8. and 18, 43, 44.

Ifrael is forbidden to be at peace with the Gentiles, Deut. 7.

2, 3.

The converfion of the Gentiles, Ifa. 2. 2. A&ts 11. 27. and 4. 27.

The holy Ghoft fell upon the Gentiles. A&s 10. 44, 45.
The vocation of the Gentiles by preaching, Ifa. 64. 18, 19.
The converfation of the Gentiles before they knew the truth,
Ephef. 2. 1, 2, 3.

Chrift calleth the Gentiles whelps, Matth. 15. 26.

God for a time fuffered the Gentiles to walk in their own ways,
Acts 14. 16.

The men of Gibeah and their wickedness, Judg. 19. 22,
Gideon and his doings, Judg. 6. and 7. and 8.

The trial that Gideon took of his foldiers, and how many they were, Judg. 7. 5.

God measureth the gift according to the heart, Matth. 12. 44-
Salvation is the gift of God, Ephef. 2. 8.

The gift of God is not bought with money, Acts 8.20.
Gehazi received gifts of Naaman, 2 King. 5. 23, 24.
The gifts of the holy Ghoft are divers, 1 Cor. 12. 4.
To be girded with verity, Ephef. 6. 14.

Give, and it shall be given unto you, Luke 6. 38.

It is a bleffed thing to give rather than to receive, Acts 20, 35. God loveth a cheerful giver, 1 Cor. 9. 7.

The defire of vain glory, Gal. 5. 26.

Man ought not to glory in him felf, 1 Cor. 4. 7. but in the knowledge of God, Jer. 9. 23, 24.

Gluttons and drunkards are to be avoided. Prov. 23. 20.
Gluttony; Rom. 13. 13.

The goat charged with all the iniquities of the people, Levit.

16. 22.

The people require new gods. Exods. 32. z.

God is almighty, Gee. 17. 1. and 35. 11.

God is a fpirit, 4. 24.

God is every where, and feeth all things, Jer. 23. 23, 24.
God is immortal, 1 Tim. 1. 17. and 6, 16.

God is invifible, Exod. 33. 20. Joh. 1. 8.2 Tim.1. 17. Mofes faw him, and how, Exod. 13. 10. fo did Jacob, Gen. 32. 30% The living God is the God of Ifrael, Exod. 29. 45. Levit. 26. 13. 2 Cor. 6. 17.

God is with thee, a kind of falutation, Judg. 6. 12. Ruth. 2. 4. There is but one God to the faithful, i Corinth. 8. 6.

Gog and his fall, Ezek. 38. and 39.

Going out of Egypt, Exod. 12. 37.

Goliah flain by David, 1 Sam. 17.

Gomorah confumed with fire from heaven, Gen. 19. 24.

Follow that that is good, Rom. 12. 9.

No goodness dwelleth in our flesh. Rom. 7. 18.

Thou that art taught, minifter to thy teacher in all good things, Gal. 6. 6. 1 Cor. 9. 14.

Do good without fainting, Gal. 6. 9. even to thine enemies,
Luke 6. 35.

The definition of the gofpel, Ephef. t. 7.
The fum of the gofpel, Rom. 1. 1.

Chrift preacheth the gofpel, Mark 1. 14.

The gofpel is the word of the eternal God, 1 Pet. 1. 23. it is the word of truth, Ephef. 1. 13.

The end of them that obey not the gofpel of God, 2 Theff. 2, 10. 1 Pet. 4. 17, 18.

The gofpel of John, why is it written, John 20. 30.
The gofpel ought to be preached to all creatures, Mark 16. 15.
Blafphemy against the holy Ghoff, Matthew 12. 31.

The graces and gifts of the holy Ghoft are divers, 1 Cor. 12. 4.
The holy Ghoft is fent, Acts 2. 2.

The holy Ghoft promised to the apoftles, Luke 24. 49. Johm

14. 16.

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A Table to the Holy Bible.

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Hadad Solomon's enemy, 1 King. II. 14.
Haggai the prophet, Ezra. 5. 1.

Hagar Sara's maid, Gen. 16. and 21.

Ham mocketh his father Noah, Gen. 9. 22,

Haman is hanged, Efter 7. 9, 10.

Hannah the wife of Elkanah, and mother of Samuel, 1 Sam. 1. and 2.

Hananiah the falfe prophet, Jer. 28. I.

Common hands, Mark 7. 2.

The laying on of hands, A&ts 19. 6. 1 Tim. 4. 14.
Chrift fitteth at table with unwafhen hands, Luke 11. 38.
None can efcape the hand of God, Amos 9. 2. Deut. 32. 39.
Chrift by laying on of hands healeth the fick, Luke 4. 40.
To ftretch the hands out towards heaven, 1 Kings 8. 22. Exod.
9.22. and 17. 11.

The man's hand that was dried up is healed, Mat. 12. 10.
Chrift layeth his hands upon the infants, Matth. 19. 15.
Hannah nurfed her child, 1 Sam. 1. 23.

Of Hanun king of the Ammonites, and of the ill intreaty of
David's fervants, 2 Sam. 10. 4.

Haran the fon of Terah, Gen. 11. 27.

Haraphah of the ftock of gyants, 2 Sam. 21. 16.

God whom he will, he maketh hard-hearted, Rom. 9. 18.
Nothing is hard to God, Gen. 18. 14.

The harvest, Lev. 19. 9.

The harvest of the faithful, Matth. 9. 37. John 4. 35.
Hazael king over Aram, 1 Kings 19. 15. unto the 2 Kings 14. I.
The Head of the Church is Chrift, Ephef. 4. 15.
Hear Chrift, Deut. 18. 18. Matth. 17. 5.
Singleness of hearts, 2 Corint, 1. 12. 1 Petr. 1. 22.
Uncircumcifed hearts, Jer. 9. 26. Deut. 10. 16. out of the
which come evil thoughts, Matth. 15. 19.

The Lord feeth the heart of man, 1 Sam. 16. 7. Rom. 8. 21.
The heart of man is wicked, Gen. 6. 5. Deut. 2. 18, 19.
God's laws written in the hearts of the faithful, Heb. 8. 10.
The good heart fpeaketh good things, Matth. 12. 35.

The creation of heaven, Gen. 1. 6, 7, 8.

New heavens and new earth, 2 Petr. 3. 13.

The heaven fhut up because of God's wrath, Deut. 11.17. Hebron, a city, Gen. 35. 27.

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It is comely for a woman to have long hair, 1 Cor. 11. 15. Not a haire of them hall perish, that fuffer for Chrift, Luke

21. 18.

Our hairs be numbred, Matth. 1o. 30.

Chrift the heir of all things, Heb. 1. 1.

A defcription of hell, Ifa. 30. 33

Heman the finger, 1 Chron. 6. 33.

Henoch the first city, Gen. 4. 17.

Henoch the fon of Cain, Gen. 4. 17.

Henoch taken up, Gen. 5. 24.

Herbs created, Gen. 1. II.

There must be herefies, and why, 1 Cor. 11. 19.

Herefies are deeds of the flesh, Galatians 5. 19, 20.

Hereticks must be avoided, Tit. 3. 10.

The heritage of the Levites, Deuternomy 18. 2.

An heritage referved for us in heaven, Matth. 25. 34. Galat. 3.

17. 18. Tit. 3. 7. 1 Pet. 1. 3, 4.

Chrift called Herod a fox, Luke 13. 32.
Herod killeth the infants, Matth. 2, 16.
The day of Herod's nativity, Mark 6. 21.
Herod's opinion of Chrift, Matth. 14. 2.

Hezekiah king of Judah, and his doings, 2 Kings 18. and 19: and 20. Ifai. 30. unto the 40.

The river Hiddekel, Gen. 1. 14.

Give the workman his hire, Levit. 19. 13. Deut. 24. 14, 15. Hiram the king of Tire, and his doings, 2 Sam. 5. 11. and Hiram the cuuning workman, 1 Kings 7. 13.

God commandeth the Hittites to be deftroyed utterly, Deut. 20.


Hony in the lions body, Judg. 14.8,

Honour all men, 1 Petr. 2. 17.

Give honour to thy wife as to the weaker veffel, 1 Pet. 3.7.
Give honour to whom ye owe honour, Rom. 3. 17.
We are faved by hope, Rom. 8.24.

Hope maketh not ashamed, Rom. 5. 5.
Hophni the fon of Eli, 1 Samuel 2. 34. and 4.4.
Horeb a mountain, called alfo Sina, Deut. 1.2.
God is the horn of our Salvation, 2 Sam. 22.3.
Horims chafed out by the fons of Efau, Deut. 2.12.
The number of Solomons horfes, 1 King. 4. 26. 2 Chron. 9.25.
Abrahams and Lots hofpitality, Gcn. 18.2. and 19.2.
Ufe hofpitality, Rom. 12. 12. Heb. 13.2. 1 Pet. 4. 9.
The body of man is called an earthly house, 2 Cor. 5. 1.
The houfe infected with the plague of leprofie, Levit. 15. 34.
The houfe of God, the houfe of prayer, Ifai. 56.7. Matth. 21.13.
The house of God, the people of Ifrael, Num. 12.7.
The house of God, the temple, 2 Sam. 12. 20.

Huldad the propheteffe, 2 Kings 22. 14. 2 Chr. 34.22.

He that humbleth himself, fhall be exalted, Matth. 23. 12. Philippians 2.8, 9. Jam. 4. 10.

Humility, Prov. 16. 19. Matth. 11.29. Luke 14.11. Ephef.4.2. An hundred fold is promifed to them that fhall forfake that they have, to follow Chrift, Matth. 19.29.

Rulers over hundreds established by Mofes, Exod. 18.21. Bleffed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, Matth, 5.6.

Chrift is an hungred, Matth. 4. 2.

Of husbands, 1 Cor.7.11. Ephef. 5.22.

Hufhai, and his doings, 2 Samuel 15. 32. and 17.5.
Hypocrifie, Prov. 12.5. and 30.12.

Hypocrifie, reproved, Ifai. 58. 2.

An hireling, John 10. 12.


Acob and Efau abound in riches, Genefis 36.7.


Jacob and his doings, Genefis 25. unto the 50.
Jacob beloved of God, Rom. 9. 13.

Jacob is accompanied of God, whitherfoever he goeth, Gen 28.15.

Jacob is called Ifrael, Gen. 32.28..
Jacob wrestleth with God, Gen. 32.24.
Jabin king of Canaan, Judg. 4. 2.
Jahaziel a prophet, 2 Chron. 20. 14.
Jair, judge in Ifrael, Judg. 10.3.

James faw Chrifts refurrection, 1 Cor. 15.7.

James the brother of John is put to death, Acts 12.2.
Jannes and Jambres refifted Mofes, 2 Tim. 3.8.
Japhet and his fons, Gen. 10. 2,

Jafons affurance, for receiving of Paul, Acts 17.9.
Izban a judge in Ifrael, Judg. 12.8.

Idolaters ought to die, and wherefore, Deut. 17.2. they shall
not inherit the kingdom of heaven, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10.
Idolaters flain by the fons of Levi, Exod. 32. 26, 27, 28.
Things confecrated to idols, 1 Cor. 8. A&ts 15.20.

Idols are but vanity, 1 Sam. 12.21. 1 Kings 16.26. they are abomination, Deut. 7.25, and 27.15.

Idols forbidden, Lev. 26. 1. Deut. 18.9.

Jehoahaz the son of Jehu the king, and his doings, 2 Kings 13. 1. Jehojachin fucceedeth Jehojakim his father. 2 Kings 24.8. Jehojada the high priest, 2 Kings 12.4.

Jehojakim fervant to the king of Babel, 2 King. 24. I.

Jehonadab the fon of Rechab, 2 Kings 10. 15.

Jehoram the king of Judah, and his doings, 1 Kings 22. 50.

2 Kings 8.16.

Jehoram the fon of Ahab, 2 Kings 3. I.

Jehoshaphat king of Judah, 1 Kings 1 5. 24. 2 Kings 3. 1.

Jehofhuah the fon of Jehozadak, Hag. 1. 1.

Jehu a prophet, 1 Kings 18.7.

Jehu king of Ifrael, and his doings, 1 Kings 19.

2 Kings 11.

God is a jealous God, Exod. 20.5. Deut. 5.9.

The law of jealousie, Num. 5.


16. unto the

Jericho destroyed, Josh. 2. and 6. built up again by Hiel, 1 Kings 16.34.

Jericho wholly execrable to the Lord, Joshua 6. 17.

The hand of Jeroboam dried up, 1 Kings 13.4.

Jeroboam king of Ifrael, and his doings, 1 Kings 11. 26. unto

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The image is a curfe to him that maketh it, Deut. 27. 15.
Man's imaginations are evil, Gen. 6. 5.

We ought not to company with infidels, 2 Cor. 6. 14
Infidels are called the dry tree, Luke 23. 31.

Infirmities come upon us for our fins, John 5. 14.

The Levites inheritance, Deut. 10. 9.

Every one shall bear his own iniquities, Deut. 24. 16.)
Injuries ought to be forgotten, Levit. 19. 18.

Innocents concerning evil, and wife unto that which is good,
Rom. 16. 19.

None is innocent before God, Exod. 34. 7.
Three things are infatiable, Prov. 30. 15.
Wicked inventions, Deut. 28. 20.

Chrift is our interceffor, Rom. 8. 24.

Joab and his doings, from the 2 Sam. 2. unto 1 Kings 2. 35. Joash preferved through the help of his aunt Jehofhebă, 2 Kings


Joafh the father of Gideon, Judg. 6. 29.

Joafh the fon of Ahaziah, and Jehoalh the fon of Jehoahaz, 1 Kings 11.2. and 14. 8.

Job an example of patience, James s. 11.
Jochebed the wife of Amram, Exod. 6. 20.
Johanan, Jer. 40. and 41, and 42. and 43.
John baptift exhorteth to repentance, Matth. 3. 2.
John baptift is buried, Matth. 14. 12.

John Mark the minifter of Paul and Barnabas, A&ts 12. 25. Jonathan the fon of Saul, and his doings, 1 Sam. 14. and 18. and 19. and 20. and 31.

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Jofeph and his doings, from the 30. of Genefis unto the end of the book.

Jofeph of Arimathea, Matth. 27. 57.

Jofes called Barnabas, A&ts 4. 36.

The good king Jofiah, and his doings, 1 Kings 13. 2. 2 Kings 21. 24. and 22. 1.

Joshua and his doings, Exod. 24. 13. and 32.47. Num. 11.21. and 13. and 14. Deut. 1. 38. and throughout his whole book. Jotham the fon of Jerubbaal, Judg. 9. 5.

The journeys of the children of Ifrael, Numb. 33.
Jephthah, and his doings, Judg. 11. and 12.

Ifaiah the prophet, 2 Kings 19. 20. his vifions, Ifai. I. and 2.

and 6.

Ifhai David's father, Ruth 4. 22. 1 Sam. 16. 11.
Ifh-bofheth, and his doings, 2 Sam. 2. and 3. and 4.
Ifhmael and his life, Gen. 16. and 17. and 11. and 25.
Why Jacob was called Ifrael, Gen. 32. 28.

True Ifraelites who, Rom. 9. 6, 8.

Carnal Ifrael described, Hof. 9. 7.

Ifrael finned not of ignorance, Rom. 10. 19.

Jubal the inventer of the harp, Gen. 4. 21.

The jubile, Lev. 25. 10.

The reft of Judah led away to Babel, 2 Kings 25. 11.

Judah Leah's fon, Gen. 29. 35.

Judas that betrayed Chrift, John 18.2. His repentance, Matth. 27.3. He hanged himself, and burst in the midft, Acts 1. 18. Matth. 27. 5.

The general judgment, Ifa. 2. 19. and 26. 11. the figns that fhall come before it, Matth. 24. 29.

Judgment for affliction, 2 Theff. 1. 5.

Judgment beginneth at the house of God, 1 Pet. 4. 17.
God's judgments are a great depth, Pfal. 36. 6.

The office of a judge, Exod. 22. 28.

What manner of men ought to be judges, Exod. 18. 21. and 23.2, 3.

Judge not another, Matth. 7. 1. and 12. 7.

The Judge of all the world, Gen. 18. 25.

A judge ought not to have any respect of perfons, Lev. 19. 15.
Judges are called gods, Exod. 22. 29. Pfal. 82. 6.

The judges gave fentence according to Mofes law, Deut. 17.11.
Juftified by faith, Rom. 5. 1. not by works, Gal. 3. 10.
We are juftified, or condemned by our words, Matth. 12. 37.
Juftified, what it fignifieth, Titus 3. 4. Acts 13. 38, 39.
Ifaac the son of Abraham, and his doings, Gen. 21. unto the
28. 6. and 35. 29.


Nativity of Kain, and his doings, Gen. 4. 1. to verse 19.

John 3. 12.

Keilah, a city delivered by David, 1 Sam. 23. 1.
God keepeth his as the apple of the eye, Deut. 32. 10.
Keturah the wife of Abraham, Gen. 25. 1.

The keyes of the kingdom of heaven promised, Matth. 20. 19. are given by Chrift to his apoftles, John 20. 23.

Man ought to keep him from all kind of evil, 1 Theff. 5. 22. The rigour of a king, 1 Sam. 8. 11.

What is required in kings, Deut. 17. 15.


What is the honour of kings, Prov. 25. 2.

The kingdom of Chrift eternal, Ifai. 9. 7. Luke 1. 33.

The kingdom of heaven fuffereth violence, Matth. 11. 12.
The kingdom of God within us, Luke 17. 21.
Kiriath-arba a city, called alfo Hebron, Jofh. 14. 15.
Kiriath-fepher, a city called alfo Debir, Joshua 15. 15.
Paul kiffed of the faithful, Acts 20. 37.

The holy kifs of Chriftians, Rom. 16. 16. 2 Cor. 13. 12.
God hath not caft away his people, which he knew before,

Rom. 11. 2.

Whom God knew before, them he ordained to be like fashioned unto the image of his fon, Rom. 8. 29.

To know God and Jefus Chrift, whom he hath sent is eternal life, John 17. 3.

The knowledge of falvation, Luke 1.77.

Kohath and his fons, Exod. 6. 18. Joshua 21. 5.
Korah for his rebellion is ftriken of God, Num. 16.
The red kow, Num. 19.


Aban the brother of Rebekah, and his doings, Gen. 24. 29.
The labourers are few, Matth. 9. 37.
Man appointed to labour, Gen. 3. 19.

He that doth not labour ought not to eat, 2 Theff. 3. 10.
We ought to live by our labours, Prov. 5. 15.

We ought to labour with our hands, 1 Theff. 4. II.
The ladder that Jacob faw in his dream, Gen. 28. 12.
Chrift calleth to him them that are laden, Matth. 11. 28.
The Lord's paffeover, Exod. 12. 11.

Jefus the Lamb of God, John 1. 29.

Lamech and his two wives, Genef. 4. 19. and 5. 26.
The lame from his mother's womb is healed, A&s 3. 7.
The last shall be firft, Matth. 19. 30.

Wo to them that laugh, and why, Luke 6. 25.
The law a yoke, Acts 15. 10.

The end of the law, Chrift, Rom. 1o. 4.

By the law cometh knowledge of fin, Rom. 3. 20.
The law given to the lawless, Tim. 1. 9.

The law is given unto the people, Exod. 20. Deut. 5.
The law not given for the juft, Gal. 5. 18.

The law our fchoolmafter to bring us to Chrift, Gal. 3. 24.
Before the law, fin was not counted fin, Rom. s. 13.

The law written in the heart of the faithful, Hebr. 8. 10.
Lazarus raised up, John 11. and 12.

Lazarus fick, John 11. 14.

Leah conceiveth, Gen. 29. 32.

Purge the old leaven, 1 Cor. 5. 7.

Leaven for wicked doctrin, Matth. 16. 6, 12.

The leper healed by faith, Matth. 8. 2.

The ten lepers healed, Luke 17. 12.

The judging of leprofies, Deut. 24. 8. Lev. 13. and 14.
The law of lending, Exod. 22. 14.

Lend to needy, Deut. 15. 8. Matth. 5. 42.

The letter killeth, and the spirit giveth life, 2 Cor. 3.6.
Levites elected to the miniftery, Num. 3. 45.

Levi the son of Jacob, Gen. 29. 34. he flayeth the Sechemites,
Gen. 34. 25.

Paul ufeth not his liberty, I Cor. 9. 4, 12.

Liberty giveth not occafion to the flesh, Gal. 5. 13.

The liberty of the fpirit, 2 Cor. 3. 17.

The brevity of mans life, Pfal. 19. Job 7.

To find his life, and to lofe it, Matth. 10. 39.

Our life Chrift, John 14. 6. Col. 3. 4.

The life of man is as the days of an hireling, Job 7. 1.
The life of man is but a vapour, James 4. 14.

The life of the flesh is in the blood, Lev. 17. 11.
The creation of the light, Gen. 1. 3.

The Lion of the tribe of Juda, Rev. 5. 5.
The fruit of the lips, Hebr. 13. 15.

As thy foul liveth, a kind of oath, 1 Sam. 1. 26.
Man liveth by the word of God, Deut. 8. 3.

Twenty loaves do fill an hundred men, 2 Kings 4. 42.
Lois the grandmother of Timothy, 2 Tim. 1. 5.
To loofe fins, Matth. 18. 18. John 20. 23.

Lot Abrahams nephew, and his doings, Gen. 11. and 13. and 19. Deut. 2. 9, 19.

Lots wife turned into a pillar of falt, Gen. 19. 26. Luke 17.32. Precepts of love, Prov. 3. 28.

The force and power of love, 1 Cor. 13.

Love covereth a multitude of fins, Prov. 10. 12. 1Pet. 4. 8. God is love, 1 John 4. 16.

God loved us firft, 1 John 4 19.

Love excelleth faith and hope, 1 Cor. 13. 13.

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Love is not provoked to anger, Cor, 18. 5.
Love is the fulfilling of the law, Rom 13. 8.
The love of God in our hearts, Rom, 5. 5,

In whom the love of God is perfect, 1 John 2. §.
Love one another, John 13. 34.

To love the stranger as thy felf, Levit. 19. 340
To love thine enemies, Mat, s. 44.

He that loveth another, hath fulfilled the law, Rom. rg. 8.
He that loveth Chrift, keepeth his commandments, 1 John 4.

15. 21.

God fo loved the world, that he hath given his Son, &f, John 3. 16.

Luke a phyfician, Col. 4, 14.

The lunatick healed, Mat. 17. 15.

Luft is forbidden, Deut. 5. 21. Exod. 20. 17. 1 Cor. 10. 6. The people lufteth for flesh, and is punished, Num. 11.4, 33, God cannot lie, Titus 1. 2.

He that denieth Chrift, is a lyar, 1 John 2. 22.

All men are lyars, Ifa. 9. 17.

The father of lies, John 8. 44.

The lye of Ananias and Saphira, A&s 5. 3.

Jacob lyeth to his father, Gen. 27. 19,

The prophet lyeth, 1 Kings 13. 18.

The lying fpirit in the mouth of the prophets, 1 Kings 22. 23. Lying to be avoided, Ephef. 4. 25.



He word preached to the Macedonians, Acts 16. 19. Seek not to the magicians, Levit. 19. 31. Magicians banifhed out of Ifrael by Saul, 1 Sam. 28. 3. Obey the magiftrates, Rom. 13. 1.

Magiftrates that fear God, Exod. 18. 21. Deut. 1. 13.

The bond-maids of the Jews, Exod. 21. 7. Leyit. 19. 20. and 25. 44. Deut, 15. 12.

Makkedah, a city taken by Joshua, Josh. 10. 28.
Malchus, whofe ear was fmitten off, Joh. 18. 10.

He that ceafeth not from malice, hall perish, 1 Sam. 12.


All things fubject to man, Gen. 1. 26.

The outward man, 2 Cor. 4. 16.

Man and wife, are one flesh, Gen. 2. 24.

The old man is crucified with Chrift, Rom. 6. 6. Col. 3, 2.
Man made according to the image of God, Gen. 1. 26.
Man naturally is the child of wrath, Ephef. 2, 3.
The man of God, for the prophet, 2 Kings 1.9 and 8. 11.
Manna a meat unknown to the children of Ifrael, Exod. 16.

15. Deut. 8. 3. the people loath to eat it, Num. 11. 6. it eafeth to fall from heaven, Josh. 5. 12.

Manafleh the king of Judah, 2 Kings 21. 1.

Manaffeh the fon of Jofeph and his doings, Gen, 41. 51. and 48. 1. Joh. 23. 29. and 14. 4. and 22. 1. The mandrakes of Leah, Gen. 30. 14.

The mandle of Elijah, and of Elifha, 1 Kings 19. 19. 2. Kings

2. 13.

Marah the place of bitter waters, Exodes 15. 23. The praife of marriage, Heb. 13. 4.

Of marriage, 1 Cor. 7.

They that break the laws of marriage are reproved, Mal. 2. 14. The inftitution of marriage, Gen. 2. 22. and the confirmation

thereof, Gen. 9. L.

Unlawful marriage, Levit. 18. 6.
Marriage in Cana, John 2. 1.

The marriage of Rebekah, Gen. 24.

They that forbid to marrie, are fpirits of error, Tim. 4. 3. Mary Magdalene and her doings, Matth. 27. 61. John 20. 1. Mary fitteth at Chrift's feet, Luke 10. 39.

Mary the fifter of Martha, John 11. 1. and 12. 3. Luke 10. 39. Mat. 26. 7.

Mary the virgin, and mother of our Saviour Jefus Chrift, according to the flesh, Luke 1. 31. and 2. 7. John 2. 3. Mark Barnabas fifter's fon, Col. 4. 10.

Martha receiveth Chrift into her houfe, Luke 19. 38. her faith, John 11. 27.

Chrift our master, Iohn 13. 13. Mat. 23. 8.

Chrift forbiddeth us to be called masters, Mat. 23. 8. Jam. 3.


The duty of mafters towards their fervants, Eph. 6. 9.

Matthew called of Chrift, Mat. 9. 9.

Matthias elected to be an apostle, Acts 1. 26.

Juft measures, Levit. 19. 36.

Medad and Eldad do prophefie, Numbers 11. 27.

Chrift our Mediatour, 1 Tim. 2. 5.

Mofes the Mediatour of Ifrael, Deut. 5. 5.

Meditate in the word of God day and night, Deut. II. 19 Josh, 1. 8.

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Shew mercy with cheerfulness, Romans 12. 8.

God is merciful to thofe that love him, Exod. 20. 6. and 34 7. Deut. 5. 10.

God be merciful unto thee, a manner of bleffing, Gen. 43.29. Methufhael, Gen. 4. 18.

Michael ftriveth against the devil. Jude 9.

Michach an Ephraimite, Jude 17.

Michaiah the prophet, and his doings, King, 21. 8.

Michal the wife of David, 1 Sam. 18. 27. and 25. 44, 2 Sam. 3. 13. and 6. 16.

Micah the fon of Mephibofheth, 2 Samuel 9. 12.

The midianites are flain at God's commandment, Num. 25.


Beginners must be fed with milk, Hebrew 5. 12.
The fincere milk of the word, 1 Pet. 2. 2.

Millo built by Salomon, 1 Kings 9. 24.

The nether and upper milftone, Deuterono. 24. 6.

The wicked are delivered into a lewd mind, Ifa. 57. 20. Rom I. 28.

The miniftry of the word is the preaching of the fame, Acts. 20. 24.

Chrift is our minifter, Matthew 20. 28. Heb. 8. 2..
Againft falfe minifters, Jer. 23. 25. →

Whofo murmureth against the minifters, murmureth against God,
Exod. 16. 8.

The minifters of God what manner of men they ought to be, Levit. 21. 21.

Minifters ought to have for their preaching fufficient, Rom. 15..


Ministers that tickle the ears with pleasant fables, 2 Tim. 3. 6.. and 4. 3. Tit. I. 10. I.

Chrift came to minifter unto, Mat. 10. 28.

The Jews demand miracles, Mat. 12. 38.

The Lord proveth us by miracles. Deut. 13. 3.

He that by falfe miracles deceiveth the people, fhall die the death. Deut. 13. 5.

Chrift by miracles gloryfieth his father, Matth. 15. 31. Miriam the fifter of Mofes, and her doings, Exod. 15. 20. Num. 12. and 20. 1. Deut. 24. 9.

Moabites. Num. 2. 1. Deut. 2. 9. Judg. 3. 1 King. 11. 7. 2 King, 23. 13.

Moab the fon of Lot, Gen. 19. 37.

Offer not thy children to Molech, Levit. 18. 21. and 20. 2. Molech the abomination of the Ammonites 1 Kings 11. 7. Money delivered to be kept, Exod. 22. 7.

Of money that one hath received to keep, Exod. 22. 7. Levit. 6. 4. Deut. 24. 10.

The worthippers of the moon were put to death, Deut. 17. 3, 5,
Mordecai and his doings, Efter 4. and 6. 13.

The Morians and their ruin, Zeph. 2. 12.
Mortifie the members of fin, Col. 3. 5.
The Lord burieth Mofes, Deut. 34. 6.

Mofes and the prophets are the fcripture of the old teftament,.
Luke 16. 29.

Mofes difobeyed of the Ifraelites, Acts 7. 39.
Mofes murmureth, Num. 1I. II.

Mofes fhall accufe the Jews, John 5, 45.

The mote in thy brother's eye, Mat. 7. 3.

He that doth not honour his mother, is accurfed, Deut. 27. 16. The froward mouth, Prov. 4.24.

Mouth is given to man of God, Exod. 4. 11.

A law for murther, Num. 35. 11.

The murtherer fhall die the death, Levit. 24. 21. Deut. 19,

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