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Prosopitis, an island of the Nile, ii. 41, 105. | Sandoces, a Persian judge, vii. 194.

Protesilaus, a hero, vii. 33; ix. 116.
Proteus, king of Egypt, ii. 112, 116.
Protothyes, a Scythian, i. 103.
Prytanis, king of Sparta, viii. 181.
Prytaneum, at Athens, i. 146; vii. 139.
Prytaneum, of the Achæans, vii. 197.
Psammenitus, king of Egypt, iii. 10-15.
Psammis, king of Egypt, ii. 160.
Psammitichus, king of Egypt, i. 105; ii. 2,

Psammitichus, father of Inarus, vii. 7.
Psyllians, a Libyan people, iv. 173.
Psyttalea, an island near Salamis, viii. 76,

Pteria, a town of Cappadocia, i. 76.
Ptous, Apollo, viii. 185.
Pylæ, see Thermopyla.
Pylagori, vii. 213.

Pylians, Cauconian, i. 147; v. 65.
Pylus, a town of Laconia, vii. 168.
Pylus, a town of Elis, ix. 34.
Pyrene, a town near the Ister, ii. 33.
Pyretos, a river of Scythia, iv. 48.

Pyrgus, a town of the Minyans, iv. 148.
Pythagoras, ii. 81; iv. 94, 95.
Pythagoras, a Milesian, v. 126.
Pythagoras, tyrant of Selinus, v. 46.

Sappho, the poetess, ii. 165.

Sarangeans, a people of Asia, iii. 93; vii.

Sardanapalus, king of Nineveh, ii. 150.
Sardinia, i. 170; v. 106, 124; vii. 165.
Sardis, i. 7, 15, 84, 86; v. 100, 101, 105.
Sardonian sea, i. 166.

Sarpedon and Minos, i. 173.
Sarpedon, promontory, vii. 58.

Sarta, a town of Mount Athos, vii. 122.
Saspires, a people of Asia, i. 104; iii. 94;
iv. 37; vii. 79.

Sataspes, a Persian, iv. 43.

Satræ, a people of Thrace, vii. 110, 111.
Sattagydæ, a people of Asia, iii. 91.
Saulius, king of Scythia, iv. 76.

Sauromatæ, a Scythian people, iv. 21, 43,

Scæus, a pugilist, v. 60.

Scamander, a river of Troas, v. 65; vii. 42.
Scamandronymus, father of Charaxus, ii.


Scapte-Hyle, a place in Thrace, vi. 46.
Sciathos, an island near Artemisium, vħ
176, 179, 182, 183; viii. 7.

Scidrus, a town of the Sybarites, vi. 21.
Sciona, a town of Pallene, vii. 128.

Pytheas, an Eginetan, vii. 181; viii. 92; Sciras, Minerva, viii. 94.
ix. 78.

Pythermus, a Phocæan, i. 152.

Pythius, a Lydian, vii. 27-29, 38, 39.
Pythogenes, a Scythian, vi. 23.

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Scironian road at the Isthmus, viii. 71,
Sciton, servant of Democedes, iii. 160.
Scius, a river of Scythia, iv. 49.
Scolos, a town of Boeotia, ix. 15.
Scolopoïs, a river near Mycale, ix. 97.
Scoloti, Scythians, iv. 6.

Scopades, Thessalians, vi. 127.

Scopasis, king of the Scythians, iv. 120,

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Sabacon, king of the Ethiopians, ii. 187- Scythes, of Zancla, vi. 26, 24.
189, 152.

Sabyllus, of Gela, vii. 154.

Sacæ, a people of Asia, i. 153; iii. 93; vii.

Sadyattes, king of Lydia, i. 16, 18.
Sagartian Persians, i. 125; iii. 93; vii. 8.
Sais, a city of Egypt, ii. 28, 29, 62, 163, 165,
169, 170.

Saitic mouth of the Nile, ii. 17.

Sala, a town of Samothracia, vii. 59.
Salamis, vii. 166; viii. 40, 56, 86-96.
Salamis, a city of Cyprus, iv. 162; v. 104.
Salmydessus, a town of Thrace, iv. 93.
Samos, Samians, i. 70, 142; ii. 148; iii. 26,
39, 46, 47, 54, 60, 139-149; iv. 152, 162;
vi. 14, 22: ix. 90, 99.
Samothracians, ii. 51; vi. 47; vii. 108;
viii. 90.

Sana, a town of Mount Athos, vii. 22, 128.
Sandanis, a Lydian, i. 71.

Scythes, of Coos, vii. 163.

Scythia, Scythians, i. 15, 37, 73, 103, 105,
106; iv. 1-12, 17-20, 40, 46-81, 109,
114, 120, 121, 127, 181, 186; vi. 84; vii.
10, (1.), 20, 64.

Sebennys, a district of Egypt, ii. 166.
Sebennytic mouth of the Nile, ii. 17.
Seldomus, father of Pigres, vii. 98.
Selinus, a town of Sicily, v. 66.

Selybria, a town of the Chersonese, vi. 36.
Semiramis, queen of Babylon, i. 184.
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, ii. 141.
Sepia, a town of Argolis, vi. 77.
Sepias, a shore of Magnesia, vii. 183, 186,
188, 191, 195.

Serbonis, a lake of Egypt, ii. 6; iii. 5.
Seriphos, an island of the Ægean sea, viii
44, 48.

Sermyla, a Greek town of Sithonia, vii.

Serrheum, promontory of Thrace, vii. 58, | Stenyclerus, a town of Messenia, 1x. 64.


Sesostris, king of Egypt, ii. 102, 103, 106-

Sestus, a city of the Chersonese, iv. 147;
vii. 32, 33; ix. 114, 115.
Sethon, king of Egypt, ii. 141.
Sicania, Sicily, vii. 170.

Sicas, father of Cyberniscus, vii. 98.
Sicinnus, bondman of Themistocles, viii.
75, 110.

Sicyon, a state of Peloponnesus, v. 67, 68;
vi. 92; viii. 43; ix. 28.

Sidon, Sidonians, ii. 116; iii. 136; vii. 99,

Sigæum, promontory, iv. 38.

Sigeum, a town on the Scamander, v. 65,


Sigynnæ, a people beyond the Ister, v. 9.
Silenus, Marsyas, vii. 26; viii. 168.
Simonides, the poet, v. 102; vii. 228.
Sindians, a people of the Cimmerian Bos-
phorus, iv. 3, 28, 86.

Sindus, a town of Mygdonia, vii. 123.
Singus, a town of Sithonia, vii. 122.
Sinope, a town of the Euxine, i. 76; ii. 34;
iv. 12.

Siphnos, one of the Cyclades, iii. 57, 58;
viii. 46, 48.

Siris, a town of Italy, viii. 62.

Siris, a town of Pæonia, v. 15; viii. 115.
Siromitres, a Persian general, vii. 68, 79.
Siromus, a Tyrian, vii. 98.
Siromus, a Cyprian, v. 104.

Sisamnes, a Persian general, vii. 65.
Sisamnes, father of Otanes, v. 25.

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Smila, a town of Pallene, vii. 123.

Stesagoras, father of Cimon, vi. 34, 38,

Stesenor, tyrant of Curium, v. 113.
Stesilaus, son of Thrasylaus, vi. 114.
Strattis, tyrant of the Chians, iv. 188; viil

Struchates, a people of Media, i. 101.
Stryme, a town of Briantica, vii. 108, 109.
Strymon, a river of Macedonia, i. 13, 23,
64; vii. 24, 113; viii. 115.
Strymonians, vii. 75.
Stymphalis, lake, vi. 96.

Styreans of Dryopea, vi. 107; viii. 1, 48;
ix. 28.

Styx, a river of Arcadia, vi. 74.

Sunium, southern promontory of Attica,
iv. 99; vi. 87, 115.

Susa, residence of the Persian kings, i.
188; iii. 68, 70, 91; iv. 83, 91; v. 49,
52-54; vii. 151, 239.

Syagrus, a Spartan, vii. 153–159.
Sybaris, a city of Italy, v. 44; vi. 21, 12.
Syene, a city in Upper Egypt, ii. 28.
Syennesis, king of the Cilicians, i. 74; v.
118; vii. 98.

Sylé, plain in Thrace, vii. 115.
Syloson, brother of Polycrates, iii. 39, 139–

Syme, sea of, i. 174.

Syracuse, vii. 155-162.

Syrgis, a river of Scythia, iv. 123.
Syria, Syrians, i. 6, 72, 76, 105; ii. 12, 90,
104, 116, 158, 159; iii. 5, 90, 91; iv. 39,
49; vii. 72, 89, 140.

Syria, Syrians, also called Assyrians, vii. 63.
Syrtis, region and gulf of, ii. 82, 150; iv,

Tabalus, governor of Sardis, i. 154.
Tabiti, Scythian Vesta, iv. 59.
Tachompso, an island of the Nile, ii. 29.

Smerdomenes, son of Otanes, vii. 82, 121. Tænarus, a place in Laconia, i. 23, 24; vii.

Smindyrides, a Sybarite, vi. 127.
Smyrna, i. 14, 16, 149.

Sogdians, a people of Asia, iii. 93; vii. 66.
Soli, a town of Cyprus, v. 115.

Solo is, western promontory of Libya, ii.
82; iv. 46.

Solon, the Athenian legislator, i. 29-33;
ii. 177; v. 113.
Solymi, Milyans, i. 173.

Sophanes, of Decelea, vi. 92; ix. 73-75.
Sosicles, a Corinthian, v. 92.

Sosimenes, father of Panæætius, viii. 82.
Sostratus of Ægina, iv. 152.
Spargapises, son of Tomyris, i. 211.
Spargapithes, king of the Agathyrsi, iv. 78.
Sparta, see Lacedæmon.

Sperchius, a river of Thessaly, vii. 198,

Sperthies and Bulis, vii. 134, 137.
Sphendale, a town of Attica, ix. 15.
Stagirus, a town of Macedonia, vii. 115.
Stentoris, a lake of Thrace, vii. 58.


Talaus, father of Adrastus, v. 67.

Talthybius, a hero honored at Sparta, vii.
134, 137.

Tamynæ, a town of Euboea, vi. 101.

Tanagra, a town of Boeotia, v. 57, 79; ix.
15, 43.

Tanaïs, a river of Scythia, iv. 20, 21, 45,
57, 100, 123.

Tanis, a district in Egypt, ii. 166.

Tarentum, a city of Italy, i. 24; iii. 136,
168; iv. 99; vii. 170.

Targitaus, ancestor of the Scythians, iv. 5.
Tarichea, a city of Egypt, ii. 15, 113.
Tartessus, a city of Iberia, i. 163; iv. 152,

Tauchira, a town of the Barcæans, iv. 171.
Taurica, Taurians, iv. 3, 20, 99, 103.
Taxacis, king of Scythia, iv. 120.
Taygetus, Mount of Laconia, iv. 145.
Tearus, a river of Thrace, iv. 90, 91.
Teaspes, father of Sataspes, iv. 43; vil
79; ix. 76.

Tegea, Tegeans, of Arcadia, i. 65; vi. 72,
105; vii. 170, 202; ix. 25, 26, 28, 35, 37,

Teios, a town of Ionia, i. 168; vi. 8.
Telamon, a hero, viii. 64.

Teleboans a people of Ætolia, v. 59.
Telecles, a Samian, iii. 41.
Teleclus, son of Archelaus, vii. 204.
Telesarchus, a Samian, iii. 146.
Telines, ancestor of Gelon, vii. 156.
Telliads, diviners, ix. 33, 37.
Tellias, a diviner, viii. 27.
Tellus, an Athenian, i. 30.

Tellus, a Scythian goddess, iv. 59.
Telmessus, a town of Caria, i. 78.
Telos, an island off Triopium, vii. 153.
Telys, tyrant of Sybaris, v. 44.
Temenus, ancestor of the Macedonian
kings, viii. 137.

Temnos, an Eolian island, i. 149.
Tempé, vale of Thessaly, vii. 128, 173.
Tenedos, an Æolian island, i. 151; vi. 31.
Tenos, an island near Delos, iv. 63; vi.
97; viii. 82.


Therma, a town of Mygdonia, vii. 121
127, 179, 183; viii. 127.

Thermodon, a river of Cappadocia, ii. 104;
iv. 86; ix. 27.

Thermodon, a river of Boeotia, iv. 110; ix.

Thermopylæ, or Pylæ, vii. 175, 176, 184,
186, 201-234.

Theron, king of Agrigentum, vii. 165.
Thersander, son of Polynices, iv. 147; vi

Thersander, of Orchomenus, ix. 16.
Theseus, ix. 72.

Thespia, Thespians, of Boeotia, v. 79; vii.
202, 222, 226; viii. 50, 75; ix. 30.
Thesprotia, a country of Epirus, ii. 56; v.
92, (7.); vii. 176; viii. 47.

Thessaly, Thessalians, i. 57; v. 63, 64
vii. 6, 30, 128-130, 172-174, 176, 196
viii. 27, 29, 60; ix. 81. 89.

Thessalus, companion of Dorieus, v. 46.
Thestæ, a fountain in Libya, iv. 158, 159.
Thetis, vii. 191.

Thmuitis, a district of Egypt, ii. 166.

Teos, a town of Lydia, i. 142, 168; ii. 178. Thoas, king of Lemnos, vi. 188.

Teras, a Thracian, iv. 80; vii. 167.

Terillus, tyrant of Himera, vii. 165.

Termera, a town of Caria, v. ôï.

Termilæ, Cretans, i. 173; vii. 92.

Tethronium, a town of Phocis, viii. 33,
Tetramnestus, a Sidonian, vii. 98.
Teucrians, iv. 191; v. 13, 122; vii. 20, 43,

Teuthrania, a part of Mysia, ii. 10.

Thales, of Miletus, i. 74, 75, 170; ii. 20.
Thamanæans, a people of Asia, iii. 93, 117.
Thamasius, father of Sandoces, vii. 194.
Thamimasidas, Scythian Neptune, iv. 59.
Thannyras, a Libyan, iii. 15.
Thasos, an island of the Egean sea, ii. 44;
vi. 28, 46, 47; vii. 108, 118.
Theasides, a Spartan, vi. 85.
Theban plain, in Asia, vii. 42.
Thebe, daughter of Asopus, v. 80.
Thebes, of Egypt, i. 182; ii. 3, 4, 9, 15, 42,
54-56, 83, 166; iii. 10; iv. 181.
Thebes, Thebans, of Boeotia, i. 46, 49, 52;
v. 74, 77, 79; vi. 108; vii. 202, 205, 263;
viii. 134; ix. 31, 41, 67, 86-88.

Thonis, an Egyptian governor, ii. 114.
Thorax, of Larissa, ix. 1, 58.
Thoricus, a place in Attica, iv. 99.
Thornax, Monnt, of Laconia, i. 69.
Thrace, Thracians, i. 168; ii. 106; iv. 74,
93, 99; v. 2, 8, 6-9; vi. 33, 176; vii.
75, 110, 185; viii. 115, 116; ix. 89.
Thracians of Asia, i. 28; iii. 90; vii. 75.
Thrasybulus, tyrant of Miletus, i. 20-22;
v. 92, (6.).

Thrasycles, father of Lampon, ix. 90.
Thrasydeius, son of Aleuas, ix. 58.
Thrasylaus, father of Stesilaus, vi. 114.
Thriasian plain, in Attica, viii. 65; iv. 7.
Thyia, daughter of Cephissus, vii. 178.
Thynians, a people of Asia, i. 28.
Thyrea, a town of Argolis, i. 82; vi. 76.
Thyssagetæ, a people of Europe, iv, 22,

Thyssus, a town of Mount Athos, vii. 22.
Tiarantus, a river of Scythia, iv. 48.
Tibarenians, a people of Asia, iii. 94; vii.

Tibisis, a river of Scythia, iv. 49.
Themiscyra, a town on the Thermodon, iv. Tigranes, general of the Medes, vi. 621


Themison, of Thera, iv. 154.

Themistocles, son of Neocles, vii. 143, 144,
173; viii. 4, 19, 22, 56, 59, 74-83, 108-
112, 123, 124.

Theocydes, father of Dicæus, viii. 65.
Theodorus, a Samian engineer, i. 51; iii.

Theomestor, son of Androdamas, viii. 85;
ix. 90.

Theopompus, king of Sparta, viii. 131.
Thera, an island of the Ægean sea, iv.

Therambus, a town of Pallene, vii. 128.
Therapne, a town of Laconia, vi. 61.
Theras, a Cadmæan, iv. 147, 148.

ix. 96, 102.

Tigris, river, i. 189; v. 52; vi. 20.
Timagenides, a Theban, ix. 38, 86.
Timagoras, father of Timonax, vii. 98.
Timander, father of Asopidorus, ix. 69.
Timareta, priestess at Dodona, ii. 55.
Timesitheus of Delphi, v. 72.
Timesius of Clazomenæ, i. 168.
Timnas, a Scythian, iv. 76.
Timo, priestess at Paros, vi. 134, 194
Timon of Delphi, vii. 141.
Timonax, son of Timagoras, vii. 98.
Timoxenus, general of the Scionians, viii,

Tiryns, Tirynthia, in Argolis, vi. 76, 77,
83; vii. 137; ix. 28.

Tisamenus, a diviner, ix. 33-65.
Tisamenus, a Spartan, iv. 147; vi. 52.
Tisander, father of Isagoras, v. 66.
Tisander, father of Hippoclides, vi. 127,

Tisias, father of Lysagoras, vi. 136.
Titacus of Aphidna, ix. 78.
Tithæus, son of Datis, vii. 88.
Tithorea, summit of Parnassus, viii. 32.
Titormus of Ætolia, vi. 127.
Tmolus, Mount, near Sardis, i. 84, 93;
v. 101.

Tomyris, queen of the Massagetes, i. 205,
212, 214.

Torone, a town of Sithonia, vii. 22, 122.
Trachea of the Scythian Chersonese, iv. 99.
Trachis, Trachinians, vii. 175, 176, 198,
199, 201, 203; viii. 31.

Trapezus, a town of Arcadia, vi. 127.
Traspian Scythians, iv. 6.
Trausians of Thrace, v. 4.

Trauus, a river of Thrace, vii. 109.
Triballian plain, iv. 49.

Triopium, promontory, i. 144, 174; iv. 38.
Tritæa, a town of Achaia, i. 145.
Tritantæchmes, a Persian general, vii. 82,
121; viii. 26.

Tritantæchmes, governor of Babylonia, i.

Trites, a town of Phocis, viii. 86.

Triton, a river of Libya, iv. 178, 180, 191.
Triton, a divinity, iv. 179.

Trozen, a town of Argolis, vii. 99; viii.
41, 43; ix. 28.

Troglodyte Æthiopians, iv. 183.

Troy, Trojans, ii. 10, 118, 120; iii. 90; iv.
191; v. 13, 122; vii. 171.
Trophonius, oracle of, i. 46; viii. 184.
Tydeus, son-in-law of Adrasuts, v. 67.
Tymnes, father of Histiæus, v. 37; vii. 98.
Tyndarides, Argonauts, iv. 145; v. 75; ix.

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Xanthippus, father of Pericles, vi. 131,
186; vii. 63; viii, 181; ix. 114, 120.
Xanthus, a town of Lycia, i. 176.
Xenagoras, of Halicarnassus, ix. 107.
Xerxes, son of Darius, vi. 98; vii. 1-20,
26, 32, 44, 56, 60, 89, 104, 160, 166, 147,
184-187; viii. 24-54, 59, 67, 68, 88, 90,
100-121, 128, 146, 147, 198-201, 210-
213, 226-225, 228.

Xuthus, father of Ion, vii. 94.

Zacynthus, an island of the Ionian sea,
iii. 59; iv. 195; vi. 70; ix. 87.
Zalmoxis, divinity of the Getæ, iv. 94, 95.
Zancla, a town of Sicily, vi. 22, 23; vii.
154, 164.

Zaueces, a Libyan people, iv. 196.

Zeuxidamus, son of Leotychides, vi. 71.
Zona, a town of Samothracia, vii. 59.
Zopyrus, a Persian prince, iii. 153-160;
iv. 43.

Zopyrus, grandson of Zopyrus, iii. 160.
Zoster, promontory of Attica, viii, 107.


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