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as before, and bade them surrender Pactyas to the Persians. Upon this Aristodicus deliberately acted as follows; walking round the temple, he took away the sparrows and all other kinds of birds that had built nests in the temple; and while he was doing this, it is reported that a voice issued from the sanctuary, and addressing Aristodicus, spoke as follows: "O most impious of men, how darest thou do this? Dost thou tear my suppliants from my temple?" Aristodicus without hesitation answered, "O king, art thou then so careful to succor thy suppliants, but biddest the Cymeans to deliver up theirs?" The oracle again rejoined: "Yes, I bid you do so; that, having acted impiously, ye may the sooner perish, and never more come and consult the oracle about the delivering up of suppliants." 160. When the Cymæans heard this last answer, they, not wishing to bring destruction on themselves by surrendering Pactyas, or to subject themselves to a siege by protecting him, sent him away to Mitylene. But the Mitylenæans, when Mazares sent a message to them requiring them to deliver up Pactyas, were preparing to do so for some remuneration; what, I am unable to say precisely, for the proposal was never completed; for the Cymæans, being informed of what was being done by the Mitylenæans, dispatched a vessel to Lesbos, and transported Pactyas to Chios, whence he was torn by violence from the temple of Minerva Poliuchus by the Chians and delivered up. The Chians delivered him up in exchange for Atarneus: this Atarneus was a place situate in Mysia, opposite Lesbos. In this manner Pactyas fell into the hands of the Persians; therefore, having got possession of Pactyas, they kept him under guard in order that they might deliver him up to Cyrus. And for a long time after this, none of the Chians would offer barley-meal from Atarneus to any of the gods, or make any cakes of the fruit that came from thence; but all the productions of that country were excluded from the temples. Thus the Chians gave up Pactyas. 161. Mazares, after this, marched against those who had assisted in besieging Tabalus ; and, in the first place, he reduced the Prienians to slavery, and in the next overran the whole plain of the Mæander, and gave it to his army to pillage; and he treated Magnesia in the same manner; and shortly afterward he fell sick and died.

162. On his death Harpagus came down as his successor in the command; he also was by birth a Mede, the same whom

Astyages, king of the Medes, entertained at an impious feast, and who assisted Cyrus in ascending the throne. This man, being appointed general by Cyrus on his arrival in Ionia, took several cities by means of earthworks; for he forced the people to retire within their fortifications, and then, having heaped up mounds against the walls, he carried the cities by storm. Phocæa was the first place in Ionia that he attacked.


163. These Phocæans were the first of all the Grecians who undertook long voyages, and they are the people who discovered the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas, and Iberia, and Tartessus. They made their voyages in fifty-oared galleys, and not in merchant-ships. When they arrived at Tartessus they were kindly received by the king of the Tartessians, whose name was Arganthonius; he reigned eighty years over Tartessus, and lived to the age of one hundred and twenty. The Phocæans became such great favorites with him, that he at first solicited them to abandon Ionia, and to settle in any part of his territory they should choose; but afterward, finding he could not prevail with the Phocæans to accept his offer, and hearing from them the increasing power of the Mede, he gave them money for the purpose of building a wall round their city; and he gave it unsparingly, for the wall is not a few stades in circumference, and is entirely built of large and wellcompacted stone. 164. Now the wall of the Phocæans had been built in the above manner; but when Harpagus marched his army against them, he besieged them, having first offered terms; "that he would be content if the Phocæans would throw down only one of their battlements, and consecrate one house to the king's use." The Phocæans, detesting slavery, said "that they wished for one day to deliberate, and would then give their answer;" but while they were deliberating, they required him to draw off his forces from the wall. pagus said that, "though he well knew their design, yet he would permit them to consult together." In the interval, then, during which Harpagus withdrew his army from the wall, the Phocæans launched their fifty-oared galleys, and having put their wives, children, and goods on board, together with the images from the temples, and other offerings, except works of


1 Tartessus was situated between the two branches of the Bœtis (now Guadalquiver), through which it discharges itself into the sea. 2 See Note 5, B. I. c. 2.


brass, or stone, or pictures-with these exceptions, having put every thing on board, and embarked themselves, they set sail for Chios; and the Persians took possession of Phocæa, abandoned by all its inhabitants. 165. The Phocæans, when the Chians refused to sell them the Enyssæ islands, for fear they should become the seat of trade, and their own island be thereby excluded, thereupon directed their course to Cyrnus; where, by the admonition of an oracle, they had twenty years before built a city, named Alalia. But Arganthonius was at that time dead. On their passage to Cyrnus, having first sailed down to Phocæa, they put to death the Persian garrison which had been left by Harpagus to guard the city. Afterward, when this was accomplished, they pronounced terrible imprecations on any who should desert the fleet; besides this, they sunk a mass of red-hot iron, and swore that they would never return to Phocæa till this burning mass should appear again." Nevertheless, as they were on their way toward Cyrnus, more than one half of the citizens were seized with regret and yearning for their city and dwellings in the country, and violating their oaths, sailed back to Phocæa; but such of them as kept to their oath weighed anchor and sailed from the Enyssæ islands. 166. On their arrival at Cyrnus they lived for five years in common with the former settlers; but as they ravaged the territories of all their neighbors, the Tyrrhenians and Carthaginians combined together to make war against them, each with sixty ships; and the Phocæans, on their part, having manned their ships, consisting of sixty in number, met them in the Sardinian Sea; and having engaged, the Phocæans obtained a kind of Cadmean victory;3 for forty of their own ships were destroyed, and the twenty that survived were disabled, for their prows were blunted. They therefore sailed back to Alalia, and took on board their wives and children, with what property their ships were able to carry, and leaving Cyrnus, sailed to Rhegium. 167. As to the men belonging to the ships destroyed, most of them fell into the hands of the

3 A proverbial expression, importing "that the victors suffered more than the vanquished."

I have ventured to depart from the usual rendering of this passage, even though it has the sanction of Baehr. It is commonly inferred from the use of the word λaxóv that the Carthaginians and Tyrrhenians "divided their prisoners by lot." That word appears to me, however,

Carthaginians and Tyrrhenians, who took them on shore, and stoned them to death. But afterward, all animals belonging to the Agyllæans that passed by the spot where the Phocæans who had been stoned lay, became distorted, maimed, and crippled, as well sheep as beasts of burden and men. The Agyllæans, therefore, being anxious to expiate the guilt, sent to Delphi; and the Pythia enjoined them to use those rites which the Agyllæans still observe; for they commemorate their death with great magnificence, and have established gymnastic and equestrian contests. This was the fate of these Phocæans; but the others who fled to Rhegium left that place, and got possession of that town in the territory of Enotria, which is now called Hyela, and they colonized this town by the advice of a certain Posidonian, who told them the Pythia had directed them to establish sacred rites to Cyrnus, as being a hero, but not to colonize the island of that name.

168. The Teians also acted nearly in the same manner as the Phocæans; for when Harpagus, by means of his earthworks, had made himself master of their walls, they all went on board their ships, and sailed away to Thrace, and there settled in the city of Abdera, which Timesius of Clazomenæ having formerly founded, did not enjoy, but was driven out by the Thracians, and is now honored as a hero by the Teians of Abdera.

169. These were the only Ionians who abandoned their country rather than submit to servitude. The rest, except the Milesians, gave battle to Harpagus, and as well as those who abandoned their country, proved themselves brave men, each fighting for his own; but, being defeated and subdued, they severally remained in their own countries, and submitted to the commands imposed on them. But the Milesians, as I have before mentioned,5 having made a league with Cyrus, remained quiet. Thus, then, was Ionia a second time enslaved ; and when Harpagus had subdued the Ionians on the continent, those that occupied the islands, dreading the same fate, made their submission to Cyrus. 170. When the Ionians were

only to mean that "they happened to take them"-"it was their lot to take them." Indeed, I believe that wherever Herodotus speaks of an actual casting of lots, he always adds some word that expresses the action or method of allotting, as κλήρῳ λαχόντα, iii. 83; παλλομένων δὲ λαγχάνει, iii. 128; τὸν πάλῳ λαχόντα, iv. 94 and 153.

Ch. 143.


See ch. 6 and 28.

brought to this wretched condition, and nevertheless still held assemblies at Panionium, I am informed that Bias, of Priene, gave them most salutary advice, which if they had hearkened to him, would have made them the most flourishing of all the Grecians. He advised "that the Ionians, having weighed anchor, should sail in one common fleet to Sardinia, and then build one city for all the Ionians: thus, being freed from servitude, they would flourish, inhabiting the most considerable of the islands, and governing the rest; whereas, if they remained in Ionia, he saw no hope of recovering their liberty." This was the advice of Bias, the Prienean, after the Ionians were ruined. But, before Ionia was ruined, the advice of Thales, the Mile. sian, who was of Phoenician extraction, was also good. He advised the Ionians to constitute one general council in Teos. which stands in the centre of Ionia, and that the rest of the inhabited cities should nevertheless be governed as independent states. Such was the advice they severally gave.

171. Harpagus, having subdued Ionia, marched against the Carians, Caunians, Lycians, Ionians, and Eolians. Of these the Carians had come from the islands to the continent; for, being subjects of Minos, and anciently called Leleges, they oc cupied the islands without paying any tribute, as far as I am able to discover, by inquiring into the remotest times; but, whenever he required them, they manned his ships; and as Minos subdued a large territory, and was successful in war, the Carians were by far the most famous of all nations in those times. They also introduced three inventions which the Greeks have adopted. For the Carians set the example of fastening crests upon helmets, and of putting devices on shields; they are also the first who put handles to shields; but, until their time, all who used shields carried them without handles, guiding them with leathern thongs, having them slung round their necks and left shoulders. After a long time had elapsed, the Dorians and Ionians drove the Carians out of the islands, and so they came to the continent. This, then, is the account that the Cretans give of the Carians. The Carians themselves, however, do not admit its correctness, but consider themselves to be aboriginal inhabitants of the continent, and always to have gone under the same name as they now do; and, in testimony of this, they show an ancient temple of Jupiter Carius at Mylasa, which the Mysians and Lydians share, as

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