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directed the appropriation of the uppermost bench of the gallery to the reporters' exclusive use, with s door in the centre, by which they alone had a night to enter. Soon after, a small 'Reporters' Room' was added. The Lords followed the Lower House in providing accommodation for the press. During the debates on Catholic emancipation, a small space below the bar was railed off for them, and a session or two afterwards, a seat was formally set apart for the reporters. When the Houses of Parliament were destroyed by fire in 1834, an exclusive gallery was allotted to the reporters in both chambers of the temporary structure in which the legislature held its sittings. This arrangement has been continued in the splendid new Palace of Westminster, in which the two Houses now hold their deliberations. In the House of Lords, the Reporters' Gallery faces the throne and the woolsack, and is one of the most prominent internal features of the edifice. Complaint having been made of the inaudibility of the speakers, their lordships appointed a select committee, examined the reporters, the architect, &c., and took all possible measures to make themselves heard in the gallery. In the House of Commons, the Reporters' Gallery is behind the chair. Both Houses provide them with rooms and other conveniences for transcribing their notes. In the Lower House, one of the committee rooms has been set apart for their use; and a room occupying the site of the old Star Chamber has recently been given to them for a club-room.

The modern process of parliamentary reporting may be best described by a sketch of the arrangements made by the Times newspaper for a due and expeditious transcript of the debates. The Times parliamentary corps is sixteen in number, who are equally divided between the two Houses. When one House rises, the entire corps is available for duty in the other, so long as it sits. It thus happens that one of a series of reporters is constantly in the gallery of the Lords, and another in the Commons. Like sentinels, they cannot leave their places until they are relieved by a colleague, but this relief takes place with unvarying regubrity every quarter of an hour. When both Houses are sitting, each reporter has thus an hour and three-quarters for the work of transcribing his shorthand notes for the printer-a sufficiently short interval, when it is remembered that a moderate speaker will fill three-quarters of a column, and a rapid speaker not unfrequently a column, in a quarter of an hour. When his turn again comes round, each reporter must be ready to resume the duty of note-taking, and afterwards that of transcription for the press. By maintaining this quick succession of reporters, the process of writing for the press is never interrupted until the whole debate of the evening in both Houses is in the hands of the printer. Å long speech may thus be said to extend from the mouth of the speaker to Printing House Square. A part will be wet with ink on the reporters' table; one section will be travelling over Westminster Bridge, and another over Blackfriars Bridge, in swift relays of cabs; a portion, becoming larger every few minutes, will be in the hands of the compositors, and a proof-sheet ready printed, of the earlier passages, will be on the desk of the editor. On some few occasions, when a minister has been more than usually anxious to secure the accurate publication of important statements, a proof impression of a verbatim report of nearly the whole of his speech has been placed in his hands, to his extreme astonishment, as soon as he resumed his seat. The mechanical arrangements of the printing-office are equally designed to

secure expedition and accuracy. The parliamentary system of the other morning newspapers resembles that of the Times, but as the numerical strength of their corps does not quite reach that of the leading journal in any case, and sometimes falls considerably below it, the periods of note-taking and relief' proportionately vary. A still more startling application of modern science exists in the introduction of the electric telegraph into the Houses of Parliament, by means of which portions of parliamentary speeches are in the hands of newspaper editors at Birmingham, Liverpool, Edinburgh, &c., and may be read by the public in those towns, before the speaker has resumed his seat.

No parliamentary reporter now thinks of relying upon his memory: all take notes, and the great majority write some system or other of Shorthand (q. v.). A few years ago, the object desired by newspaper proprietors was not a literal report, but what may be called the spirit of a speech-a faithful abridg. ment, in fact, of the sentiment, matter, and style of the speaker. But parliamentary reports may now be said to err on the side of diffuseness rather than brevity, the debates of a single evening not unfrequently occupying between 20 and 30 columns of small type. It is well that the chief speeches should be reported with a fulness and correctness that astonish every one who hears them delivered; but the tendency to report at almost the same length inferior speeches, containing the same ideas in more diluted language, has gone far to make the parliamentary debates less readable of late years

It only remains to say a few words respecting Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, the only publication since the Mirror of Parliament which professes to give all the speeches fully and accurately. We have already pointed out (see HANSARD) that no staff of reporters is engaged for this work, and that when members quote Hansard, for the purpose of convicting an opponent of inconsistency, they are fully aware they are citing from the report of some daily journal; but they take it for granted the passage has been specially brought under the notice of the speaker by the editor of that publication, and it is therefore presumed that the report is authentic. Hansard, however, has no representative in the Gallery, and it is sometimes said that members assume so much licence to correct, add, and erase, that the historical value of this record is materially lessened. The historian of party struggles, who, when he approached the year 1805, had to take leave of the Parliamentary History, remarks: 'It requires no little resolution to sink a shaft into that solid mass of mixed ore and rubbish which succeeds it-viz., Hansard's Parliamentary Debates-and which, however valuable for the purpose of detecting individual inconsistencies, will perhaps render the debates of this century as little known as those of the time of Queen Anne. These voluminous reports of unimportant debates will in time form rather an embarrassing monument of the vanity of our senators.'-See Cooke's History of Party, vol. iii. p. 458.

The constitutional importance of the present system of parliamentary reporting can scarcely be overrated. It enables the entire people to be present, and in a manner to assist in the deliberations of parliament. The English orator addresses, indeed, not only the assembly of which he is a member, but, through it, the civilised world. Publicity has become one of the most important: instruments of parliamentary government. Long before a measure can be adopted by the legislature, it has been approved or condemned by the public voice; and, living and acting in public, parliament. under a free representation has become as sensitive


to public opinion as a barometer to atmospheric pressure. No circumstance in the history of our country- not even parliamentary reform-has done more for freedom and good government than the unfettered liberty of reporting; and of all the services which the press has rendered to free institutions, none has been greater than its bold defiance of parliamentary privilege, while labouring for the interests of the people.'-See May's Constitutional History of England; also Knight Hunt's Fourth Estate; Andrews' History of British Journalism; a few papers in Chambers's Journal in 1834 (which the last cited author declares to be among the best contributions to the history of the newspaper press); Wade's British History; Dod's Parliamentary Companion, 1864.

feudal superior who had to levy aid from his vassals, summoned a limited number of them to attend him, and confer regarding the required aid. The earü-st complete system of representative instituti as is to be found in the parliament of the Sicilies under the Swabian kings; but Britain is the only country a which a representative feudal assembly ripened into a legislative. As early as the reign of Henry III, we find the knights of the shire elected by the men of the country,' probably the king's military tenants, to consider, in the stead of each and all f them, what aid would be granted to the king for a proposed expedition into Gascony. Representatives of the burgesses were soon afterwards summonei, and were permanently ingrafted on parliament by Edward I. In Scotland, representative burgesa e In continental countries enjoying constitutional formed a part of the national assembly from the government, official short-hand writers are usually time of Robert Bruce's famous parliament at Cariappointed by the government to report the debates, buskenneth, in 1326; but down to a comparatively and these reports may, under certain restrictions, late period, the whole barons or freeholders of the be transferred to the columns of the press. In country formed part of the king's council, and were the United States, particular speeches delivered entitled to attend in person. A system of reprein Congress are fully reported and generally read; sentation among them was attempted to be mtrobut complaints are made by members that the New duced by James I. on his return from England, Est York and other journals do not give sufficient space became practically inoperative; and it was not til to a report of the proceedings of Congress. 1587 that the representatives of the small har es of society has led to great changes in the constituer came to form part of the parliament. The progres88 tion of the elective body, the most sweeping being those introduced by the Reform acts. See PARLIA

REPOUSSÉ, a French term applied to a peculiar method of ornamentation in metal work, resembling embossing; but the effect is produced by hammering up the metal, which is generally thin, from the back, and when a rude resemblance of the figure to beMENT, and REFORM, PARLIAMENTARY. produced is thus formed, it is worked up by press ing and chasing the front surface. The finest specimens of this art are of the cinque-cento or 16th c. period, by Benvenuto Cellini. They were generally executed in the precious metals, but copper, iron, and steel were also used, and consisted of cups, vases, shields, &c. Cellini carried the art to France, where it has of late been much developed. A. Vechte, a Frenchman, at present settled in England, has again brought it to a degree of excellence nearly equalling that of the Italian school in the 16th century. His works exhibited in the Exhibitions of 1551 and 1862 are amongst the most remarkable art-productions of the present century. Much common repoussé work is done in Birmingham, in the soft white metals, such as pewter and Britannia metal; and as these are easily worked, and can afterwards be electroplated, so as to hide the quality of the material, they are in considerable demand. After they are hammered up from the inside, they are filled with liquid pitch, and set by until it becomes solid. Then they are modelled and chased on the surface, the pitch forming a support, which prevents the tools from pressing down more than is required. The pitch is afterwards melted and drained out, and a subsequent boiling in an alkaline lye completely cleans the work. Tea and coffee pots are the chief

articles made in this manner.

with the subject of representation: Is the delegate
An important question naturally arises connected
the mere mouthpiece of his constituents, who must
give effect to all their opinions and interests, or s
his duty to exercise his trust in the first instance fr
the general welfare of the nation? The former mica
of representation was doubtless the earlier one; but
it cannot be easily vindicated on any proper theory
of government; and it is now the generally recog
nised doctrine among English statesmen, that a
member of the House of Commons is bound to the
entire nation by ties higher than those which bod
him to his constituents, and that he ought to
support such measures as he judges most benetical
immediate local interests of the body which sen is
to the country, even at the risk of prejudicing tire
him. It is therefore not very easy to reconcile with
sound principles the usage which obtains so largely
tation as to how they are to vote on every pa
of demanding pledges from candidates for represen
question that is likely to come before them. Yet
there is practically a difficulty in a
delegation, so long as the constitution gives to the
system of representation from becoming one of mere
electors the power of making their vote de pensi on
any conditions which they may think fit to attach

to it.

consider a representative government of
Most speculative politicians of the present day
description as the best ideal type of government;
but all repudiate the idea of an inborn right in all
citizens to participate, and still more to partai;ale
equally, in the right of choosing the governing
body. Any very extensive suffrage must of nece

REPRESENTATION, in Politics, the function of the delegate of a constituency in a legislative or other public assembly. The principle of representation, even where not directly recognised, must be presumed to have existed to some extent insity lead to the predominance of mere numbers over all governments not purely democratic, in so far as intelligence, while a very limited suffrage has been the sense of the whole nation was considered to be objected to as doing away with the benefits which spoken by a part, and the decisions of a part to be the community at large are presumed to draw from binding on the whole. The constitution of ecclesi- a participation in public functions. Several into an astical councils, in which an express or implied repre- gent political writers, while advocating a we sentation is necessarily involved, doubtless conduced extended suffrage, have proposed a graduation d to the application of a similar principle to national that suffrage by giving to each individual a nemo assemblies; but it is in the exigences of feudalism of votes corresponding, as far as practalie, to that we trace the beginnings of an avowed and his intelligence, property, or social positie 7as regulated system of political representation. The is doubtless the perfect ideal of


government, and the chief question is, By what test can the best approximate estimate of social value be arrived at? Two different schemes for this purpose have been proposed by Mr J. S. Mill and Professor Lorimer respectively the former founded mainly on intelligence as indicated by instruction, and the latter on wealth and social position. The attention of political writers has also lately been directed to the question of the representation of minorities, who at present are not even allowed a hearing in representative assemblies. The most feasible scheme for this purpose is perhaps that of Mr Hare, which has the approval of Mr J. S. Mill, by which those who do not like the local candidates, are to be allowed to fill up voting papers by a selection from the names of any persons on the list of candidates, with whose general political principles they sympathise. This system, along with its other advantages, would, it is supposed, bring into parliament numerous men of able and independent thought, who, by the present system, refrain from offering themselves, as having no chance of being chosen by the majority of any existing constituency. See J. S. Mill's Considerations on Representative Government (London, 1861); Professor Lorimer's Pitical Progress not necessarily Democratic (1857); and Hare's Treatise on the Election of Representatives (1860).

REPRIEVE (Fr. reprendre, to take back) is the suspension of punishment for a crime, and is used chiefly in connection with capital crimes. The power of suspending all sentences at any time is vested in the crown at discretion. There are also several grounds on which the judge or a court reprieves a sentence. One is, where the judge is not satisfied with the verdict, or is doubtful of the validity of the indictment, in which case he reprieves the sentence, in order to give time for some application to the crown. Moreover, an ordinary ground of reprieve is acted on generally as a matter of course, whenever the prisoner is a pregnant woman, and pleads that fact, in which case it is considered only merciful towards the offspring to put off the execution of the sentence until after her delivery. This was the law of ancient Rome; and nothing connected with the memory of Queen Mary is more detestable than the bloody proceeding in her reign of burning a pregnant woman in Guernsey, when the child, which was born at the stake, was cast into the fire as a young heretic. When a woman pleads her pregnancy as a reason for reprieve, the practice is for the judge to empanel a jury of 12 matrons, or discreet women, to inquire into the fact, and if they bring in a verdict of quick with child,' execution is stayed, as a matter of course, from Bession to session until the delivery. Another cause of reprieve is the insanity of the prisoner, for if before execution it appear the prisoner is insane, whether the insanity supervened after the crime or not, the judge ought to reprieve him.

REPRI'SAL is the retaking, from an enemy, goods which he has seized, or the capture from him of other goods, as an equivalent for the damage he has wrought.-A reprise is a ship recaptured from an enemy or pirate. If recaptured within 24 hours of the hostile seizure, she must be wholly restored to her owners; if later, she becomes the lawful rize of her recaptors.


REPRODUCTION, or the propagation of organised beings in the animal kingdom, is accomplished by three different processes. The first of the three processes by which the multiplication of individuals takes place consists in the division of one organism

into two, each of these, again, dividing into two others, and so on. This is termed reproduction by fission. The second mode of increase consists in the formation of a bud at some part of the body of the animal. This bud gradually approximates in form to that of the parent from which it springs; its pedicle or stem gradually disappears; and the liberated bud ultimately assumes a perfect form, resembling in all respects the parent from which it sprung (gemmation). The third mode is far the most complicated. In it the new organism results from a series of changes occurring in an impreg nated egg or ovum. For this process, distinct sexual organs, both male and female (which, however, may be associated in the same individual, although in all the higher animals they occur in distinct individuals), are required; a female organ for the production of cells termed 'germs,' and a male organ for the production of certain cells termed 'spermatozoa.' It is from the union (either within or without the body) and the mutual action of these cells-the germ and the spermatozoon-that the impregnated ovum results. The new resulting body is altogether different from either of the cells which took part in its production. This is the ordinary form of reproduction in all the higher animals, and may be termed true generation, in contradistinction to the previous forms of repro duction by multiplication. The terms Digenesis and Heterogenesis have been applied by recent physiological writers to designate the form of reproduction in which the contact of germs and spermatozoa gives rise to fecundation; while the terms Monogenesis and Homogenesis have been similarly applied to the cases in which non-sexual reproduction takes place by fission or gemmation.

Fissiparous multiplication is best illustrated by a reference to the Infusoria. It may be either longitudinal, as commonly occurs in Vorticella; or trans.

Fig. 1.-Longitudinal Fission of Vorticella.

verse, as occurs in Stentor; or indifferently longi tudinal or transverse, as in Chilodon, Paramecium, &c. The joints of tape-worms multiply in this manner, and when sufficiently developed, become free. Amongst some of the Annelids, or true worms, reproduction of this kind in a somewhat modified form is also observed. This was first noticed in a Nais by the Danish naturalist Müller, by whom it was regarded as a rare and accidental occurrence. The more recent researches of De Quatrefages and Milne-Edwards have, however, shewn that the process is one of far more significance than Müller In the genus Syllis, De Quatrefages supposed. noticed the following appearances: When one of these worms is about to reproduce itself by fission, number of rings become developed at its posterior extremity, and there is a notch or groove between the first of these rings and the part in front of it. The first ring soon becomes organised into a head provided with eyes and antennæ. The two annelids, parent and offspring, continue, however, to be united by the skin and intestine in such a manner that the latter animal lives solely upon the food swallowed by the former. During this period, each possesses independent life, for a struggle may often be observed between the two, each wishing to go its



own way. After the lapse of a certain time, the body | For some time, a portion of the food (minute infuof the offspring becomes distended with ova in some soria, entomostraca, &c.), caught and digested by case, and with spermatozoa in others, while neither the parent, passes into the body of the offspring; of these structures is to be seen in the body of the

primary animal. Complete division is at length effected, and the offspring is free. In a few days, however, their bodies burst, from the distention caused by their contents. Ova and spermatozoa are thus diffused through the water, and fecundation thus takes place. In the genus Myrianida (Autolytus, according to Grube's classification), MilneEdwards has seen no less than six new individuals (instead of a single one, as in Syllis), formed in gradual succession, one before the other, between the two terminal segments of the original body. Each of these new individuals, as it arrived at maturity, 1, Gemmation in Fresh-water Hydra; 2, Gemmation and acquired the external form (in reduced dimenBIOLS) of the parents, was found to be possessed of reproductive organs, of which the original animal

Fig. 2.—Myriana, with six new individuals formed on it.

was totally devoid. The youngest and smallest individual is the most remote from the tail.

In these instances, multiplication by division occurs as a natural process, but there are many cases in which artificial division gives rise to multiplication. Bonnet having found that a certain kind of small worm, when cut in two, reproduced a tail at the cut extremity of the cephalic half, and formed a head upon the caudal half, increased the number of sections, and finally succeeded in dividing one worm into twenty-six parts, almost all of which acquired a head and tail, and thus became distinct individuals. Corresponding results may be obtained by dividing a planaria or actinia into many segments. Reproduction by gemmation is a phenomenon of very frequent occurrence in the lower departments of the animal kingdom. In the lowest of the animal subkingdoms, the PROTOZOA, it occurs in the Rhizopoda-viz., in the Foraminifera; in the Spongia, being probably the most common form of reproduction in sponges; and in the Infusoria, as, for example, in Vorticella. In the COELENTERATA, it is of almost general occurrence in the classes Hydrozoa and Actinozoa; and in the MOLLUSCOIDS it occurs in Polyzoa and in Tunicata. In the accompanying figure (fig. 3), the process is shewn as it occurs in the freshwater hydra (the type of the Hydrozoa) and in Vorticella. If some hydras are kept for a few days in a glass of their native water, knot-like excrescences will be seen on their bodies. These are the buds or gemma, which rapidly enlarge, and each by degrees assumes the appearance of a young hydra, tentacles appearing about the mouth, just as in the original animal.

Fig. 3. Vorticella.

but when the tentacles are sufficiently developed, the young polype catches food for itself, and when it is sufficiently matured to commence an independent existence, the connecting pedicle gives way, and the young animal is free and independent.

It must be distinctly understood, that the fact of an organism reproducing itself by fission or gemmation does not by any means exclude the posshairty that it may also be reproduced by fecundated ova That this is the case, is indeed shewn in the instance of the worm Myriana, and a very large number of corroborative cases might be readily given.

In true generation, two special organs are required -a female organ for producing the germ-cell or ovum, and a male organ for producing the spermcell or spermatozoon; and each form of generative apparatus consists of two parts, of which one is formative organ-in the female, termed an orari or ovary, and in the male, a testis-in which the reproductive cells are formed, and which is essen tial; and an efferent duct, by which the products of secretion are carried off. The male and female organs may exist in separate individuals, or they may co-exist in the same individual, giving rise to the condition known as Hermaphroditism qv.). The former condition is termed bisexual or dirions, and the latter uniserual or monacious. general description of the changes which take place in the impregnated egg, the reader is referred to the article DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVUM.



We shall conclude with a brief notice of the moda or modes of reproduction in the different classes of animals, beginning with the lowest.

In the subkingdom PROTOZOA, reproduction takes place by all three modes, viz., by fission, gemmation, and impregnated ova; but fission is here the predominating form; and it is only in the In! usona that there is undoubted evidence of true generation by ova and spermatozoa. It is worthy of notice, that in the Infusoria, propagation is effected in no less than four different ways-viz., by the three processes already described in this article, and by process known as encystation.' See INFUSORIA

In the subkingdom CELENTERATA, it is found that both the Hydrozoa and the Anthozoa multiply by gemmation, by a true reproductive process, and in few genera by fission.

In the ECHINODERMATA, fission has been observed in one class, the Holothuroidea, which, moreover, have distinct sexual organs combined in the same individual. In the other classes-the Echinodes, Asteroidea, and Crinoidea-the sexes are separate, and generation only takes place by the union d germs or ova and spermatozoa.

In the ANNELIDA, true generation takes place, although, as has been already shewn, multiplicata sometimes takes place by fission. In the lower Mollusca or Molluscoids, multiplication takes place


by gemmation and by true generation; while in the higher Mollusca, multiplication only takes place by true generation.

In the ARTICULATA-Insects, Crustaceans, &c. distinct generative organs are always present, and, excepting in one class of Crustaceans the Cirrhopoda-the sexes are distinct.

In the VERTEBRATA, we meet with the highest and most complex development of the generative function. In them, with a doubtful exception in the case of one or two genera of fishes, the sexes are always distinct.

The osseous and cartilaginous fishes present important differences in their reproductive organs and in their modes of reproduction. In the osseous fishes, the essential female organ-the ovary, or roe -consists of a large membranous bag, usually in two lobes, but sometimes single. When distended with ova, this organ fills the greater part of the abdominal cavity, and its lining membrane is arranged in folds, wherein the ova are formed and retained until sufficiently ripe for expulsion. They then escape into the ovarian cavity, and are expelled in almost incredible numbers through a special opening immediately behind the anus and in front of the urinary canal. As a general rule, the ova of fishes are impregnated after their expulsion; and in order that the impregnation of a sufficient number of eggs may be secured, the male secretion of fishes -the fluid containing the spermatozoa is very abundant; the male secreting gland, which in fishes is termed the milt' or 'soft roe,' being equal in bulk to the ovary of the female. In a few instances, however, the young are hatched in the ovary, and grow to a considerable size before they are born, and in these cases-as, for example, in the viviparous blenny-impregnation must take place internally. In the cartilaginous fishes- as the sharks and rays-the generative organs are of a higher type. The eggs are here always impregnated within the body of the female, the male having special organs by which true sexual congress is effected, and the ovaries form two large racemous bunches, placed on either side of the spine. The eggs are large in size, and comparatively small in number; and as each egg escapes from the ovary, it is seized by a true oviduct, which furnishes it with additional protective coverings. About the middle of this tube 'there is a thick glandular mass, destined to secrete a horny shell, in which the yelk and white of the egg become incased. The egg, when completed, has somewhat the shape of a pillow-case, with the four corners lengthened out into long tendril-like cords, whereby the egg is entangled amongst the seaweed at the bottom of the ocean. A brittle egg-shell would soon be destroyed by the beating of the waves; Fig. 4-The Egg of Cartila- hence the necessity for ginous Fish, opened so as to the corneous nature of shew the young animal. the envelope; and yet how is the feeble embryo to escape from such a tough and leather-like cradle? This has likewise been provided for. The egg remains permanently open at one extremity; th slightest pressure from within, therefore, separates the valvular lips of the opening, and no

sooner has the little shark thus extricated itsel from its confinement, than the two sides close se accurately, that the fissure is imperceptible.'-R. Jones's General Outline of the Animal Kingdom, 1841, p. 534.

In the Amphibia or Batrachia, the sexes are more closely associated than in the osseous fishes, the ova being generally impregnated by the male as they escape from the abdominal cavity of the female. The mode of reproduction of one amphibian, the Surinam Toad, is remarkable and anomalous. See PIPA.

In the true Reptiles, the male sexual organs become more perfect, instruments being given to facilitate the impregnation of the female during that congress of the sexes which now becomes essential to fecundation.

In Birds, the generative organs present a close analogy to those of the higher reptiles. There is only a single ovary (the left) that has a bunch-like or racemous appearance; the right, with its oviduct, being always atrophied or rudimentary-a remarkable violation of symmetry, resembling that which occurs in the lurgs of serpents. As prolonged uterogestation would be incompatible with flight, incubation here attains its highest perfection.

In Mammals, a new organ for the first time appears, from which that important class derives its name. In most of them (see MAMMALIA and PLACENTA), a temporary organ, termed the Placenta, is also formed, by which the foetus is nourished during uterine existence.

For further details on the subject of this article, the reader is referred to De Quatrefages's Rambles of a Naturalist, and to his Metamorphoses of Man and the Lower Animals; Dr Allen Thomson's article Ovum' in the Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology; Dr Carpenter's Comparative Physiology; and to Kölliker's Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der höherer Thiere.


REPTILES (Lat. repo, I creep), constitute a class of the subkingdom Vertebrata, lying between the classes of Amphibians and Birds. They may be briefly characterised as being coldblooded, having a heart composed of only three cavities-viz., two auricles and a single ventricle, and as breathing by lungs throughout the whole period of their existence; in which respect they differ from the Amphibians, which some zoologists associate with them, and which, in the early part of their existence, are furnished with gills for aquatic respiration. They are divided into the following orders: 1. Ophidia, or Serpents; 2. Sauria, or Lizards; 3. Loricata, or Crocodiles; and 4. Chelonia, or Tortoises; so that in so far as external form is concerned, the members of this class present a far greater diversity than is observed amongst the members of the other classes of vertebrates.

With the exception of the tortoises, the reptiles in general are of an elongated form, the body being often nearly cylindrical, and usually terminating in a very long tail. In a considerable number (as the serpents and some of the lizards) no traces of limbs are apparent; in some (as certain lizards), the limbs are rudimentary; while in the remainder the limbs are fully developed, although not to the extent to which development takes place in birds or quadrupeds, as the feet rarely suffice to keep the belly from the ground. The outer covering of the body presents several well-marked varieties. In a few of the lizards, the skin is covered with regular scales, composed of a mixture of bony and horny matter, and lying over each other like those of fishes; in most

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