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expelled. The advance of Monk, however, with the it corresponds Runes being associated in the army of Scotland led to a general cry throughout the country for a free parliament. A number of the members who had been excluded by Pride's Purge reappearing in the House, placed the Inde pendents in the minority; and on 16th March 1660, the despised and derided Rump at last solemnly decreed its own dissolution. The most prominent members of the Rump Parliament were Vane and Hazlerig.

RUM SHRUB, a liqueur in which the alcoholic base is rum, and the other materials are sugar, lime or lemon juice, and the rind of these fruits added to give flavour. Almost every maker has his own receipt, and much credit is assumed by each for his own especial mixture.

popular belief with angury and divination, to a considerable extent, discouraged by túe car i Christian priests and missionaries, whose e ta were directed to the supplanting of them by tire+ & and Roman characters. But it was not easy K. denly to put a stop to their use, and we hr 1 rai continuing to be employed in early Christ an scriptions. This was to a remarkable extt the case in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of North Mercia, and East Anglia, where we have traces d runic writing of dates varying from the maile of the 7th to the middle of the 10th century. Its cratinued prevalence in this particular district has been accounted for by the fact that, after the desta of Edwin and the flight of St Paulinus, the t ation of Christianity in Northumbria was eff - ted RUNCORN, a thriving market and manufac- by missionaries of the Irish school, whose predeces turing town and river-port of Cheshire, on the left sors had adopted the policy, not, like Auguste bank of the Mersey, 12 miles south-east of Liver- and his brethren, of destroying the monumenta d pool. There is a station of the North-western Rail-pagan antiquity, but of allowing them to rema way on the Lancashire side of the river, and the town is the terminus for the Bridgewater and the Mersey and Irwell Canals. It is a free port, has a custom-, house, and contains iron-foundries, soap and chemical works, snip-building yards, &c.; and in the vicinity are collieries, and slate and freestone quarries. Large quantities of freestone are shipped for distant ports. In 1864, 4566 vessels, of 278,000 tons, entered and cleared the port. Pop. (1851) 8049; (1861) 10,434.

and consecrating them by marking them with the
symbols of Christianity. Runes are saal to have
been laid aside in Sweden by the year 1001, ani a
Spain they were officially condemned by the Coun
of Toledo in 1115.

The different systems of runes, all acordant => to a certain point, have been classed as the Ang Saxon, the German, and the Norse, each containing different subordinate varieties. The Norse a la bet is generally considered the oldest, ani RUNES, the earliest alphabet in use among the parent of the rest. It has 16 letters corresponding Teutonic and Gothic nations of Northern Europe. to our f, u, th, o, r, k, h, n, i, a, s, t, b, l, m, gu là The exact period of their origin is not known. The has no equivalent for various sounds which elimi name is derived from the Teutonic run, a mystery, in the language, in consequence of which the sui whence rund, a whisper, and helran, divination; of k was used for g, d for t, b for p, and a ani ye and the original use of these characters seems too was expressed by au, and e by ai, t, or wi; and have been for purposes of secrecy and divination. the same letter otherwise was made to serve 1. The resemblance which some of the runic charac- more than one sound. Other expedients came, ters bear to the Phoenician alphabet and others the course of time, to be employed to obviate ta derived from it, has led to the supposition that they deficiency of the system, as the addition of ả tạ were first introduced by Phoenician merchants who and the adoption of new characters. But the ra traded with the coasts of the Baltic; and while the system received a fuller development among the mass of the people were allowed to possess but a Germans and Anglo-Saxons, particularly the Liit, very partial acquaintance with them, the priests whose alphabet was extended to no fewer than forty systematised them, and retained a full knowledge of characters, in which seem to have been entra them in their own hands, no doubt finding them more nearly than in any modern alphabets, teata useful in establishing a reputation for superior sounds of a language. Till recently, the Nic power and intelligence. Scandinavian and Anglo- runes had been most studied; but of late the Saxon tradition agree in ascribing the invention of Anglo-Saxon have become the subject of cus runic writing to Odin or Wodin. The countries in able attention. The following table exhitata tie which traces of the use of runes exist include Den- best known forms of the Anglo-Saxon, German, 204 mark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Germany, Britain, Norse runic alphabets, with the names and the France, and Spain; and they are found engraved on power of the several letters: rocks, crosses, monumental stones, coins, medals, rings, brooches, and the hilts and blades of swords. Runic letters were also often cut on smooth sticks called run-stafus, or mysterious staves, and used for purposes of divination. But there is no reason to believe that they were at any time in the familiar use in which we find the characters of a written language in modern times, nor have we any traces of their being used in books or on parchment. We have an explanation of the runic alphabet in various MSS. of the early middle ages, prior to the time when runes had altogether ceased to be understood.

The systems of runes in use among the different branches of the Teutonic stock were not identical, though they have a strong general family likeness, shewing their community of origin. The letters are arranged in an order altogether distinct from that of any other alphabetical system, and have a purely Teutonic nomenclature. Each letter is, as in the Hebrew-Phoenician, derived from the name of some well-known familiar object, with whose initial letter

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u (short)



o (short)

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↑ tyr

† madr


e (long)

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peorth p

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h sol




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and some longer, the number of shorter characters in each group denoting the class to which the letter intended to be indicated belonged; the number of longer ones, its position in the class. 2. Hahal-runa, where the letters are indicated by characters with branching stems, the branches to the left denoting the class, and those to the right the position in that class. There is an inscription in secret runes of this description at Hackness in Yorkshire. 3. Stofruna, in which the class is indicated by points placed above, and the position in the class by points below, or the reverse.

The best known inscriptions in the AngloSaxon character are those on two gravestones at Hartlepool in Northumberland, on a cross at Bewcastle in Cumberland, and on another cross at Ruthwell in Dumfriesshire. The inscription on the west side of Bewcastle cross, which we give as a specimen of Anglo-Saxon runes, is a memorial of Alefrid, son of Oswiu, who was associated with his father in the government of the kingdom of Northumbria, in the 7th century.

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The Anglo-Saxon runes, as here given, are derived
from a variety of MS. authorities, the most com-
plete containing forty characters, while some only
extend as far as the twenty-fifth or twenty-eighth
letter. Neither the name nor the power of some of
the later letters is thoroughly known, and they are
without any equivalents in the Norse runic system. Or in modern English:
The German runes are given from a MS. in the
conventual library of St Gall in Switzerland.
Though the various runic alphabets are not alike
copious, the same order of succession among the
letters is preserved, excepting that, in the Norse
alphabet, laugr precedes madr, although we have
placed them otherwise, with the view of exhibiting
the correspondence of the three systems. The
number of characters in the Anglo-Saxon alphabet is
a multiple of the sacred number eight; and we have
the evidence both of a Swedish bracteate contain-
ing twenty-four characters, and of the above-men-
toned St Gall MS., that there was a recognised
division of the alphabet into classes of eight letters
-a classification which forms the basis of a system
of secret runes noticed in that MS. Of these secret
runes, there are several varieties specified: in par-
ticular 1. Iis-runa and Lago-runa (of which speci-
mens exist in Scandinavia), consisting of groups of
repetitions of the character iis or lago, some shorter

The inscription on the Ruthwell cross, after being long a puzzle to antiquaries, was first deci phered in 1838 by Mr John M. Kemble, an eminent Anglo-Saxon scholar. It is written alternately down one side of the stone and up another, and contains a portion of a poem on the subject of the Crucifixion. Mr Kemble's interpretation received a very satisfactory confirmation by the discovery of a more complete copy of the same poem in a MS. volume of Anglo-Saxon homilies at Vercelli.

Mr D. H. Haigh, whose researches have added much to our knowledge of Anglo-Saxon runes, has endeavoured to set up for them a claim of priority


We sometimes find the Norse runes used to denote numerals, in which case the sixteen characters stand for the numbers from 1 to 16; ar combined with laugr stands for 17, double madr for 18, and double tyr for 19. Two or more letters are used to express higher numbers, as ur ur, 20; thurs thurs 08, 34.


over the Norse characters. Instead of "onsidering by force. In 1799, having rendered important the additional Anglo-Saxon letters as a develop service as an ally to Zeman Shah of Afganistan, ment of the Norse system, he looks on the Norse who had invaded the Punjab, he received from alphabet of sixteen letters as an abridgment of an monarch liberty to take possession of Lahore, whit earlier system, and finds occasional traces of the he accordingly did, and held it, despite the utmo existence of the discarded characters in the earliest efforts of his brother sirdars. To these quarrelsom Norse inscriptions, and in the Scandinavian Iis-runa neighbours he next turned his attention, ami and Hahalruna, where the letters are classified in ceeded in subduing some and rendering oth accordance with the Anglo-Saxon groups of eight. tributary, so that by 1809 he had greatly red jed The Scandinavian kingdoms contain numerous their number. His successes having alarmed the runic monuments, some of them written bous- Sikh chiefs, situated between the Sutlej ani tae trophedon, or with the lines beginning alter- Jumna, they besought the governor-general s internately from the right and left; and there are ference, and this was the only occasion on which he many interesting inscriptions on Swedish gold ever came into collision with the British. Arrangem bracteates, generally having reference to some ments were amicably made, and Britain gave up al design which they accompany. The Celtic races, pretension to interference north of the Sutlej, n from their connection with the Scandinavians, condition that that boundary should be can ay became acquainted with their alphabet, and made respected. R., thus freed from the only darer ne use of it in writing their own language; and hence feared, pursued his schemes of agrandise ment; we have in the Western Islands of Scotland, and in and in 1812, having compelled all but three of the the Isle of Man, runic inscriptions, not in the Punjab sirdars to resign their authority, he organAnglo-Saxon, but in the Norse character, with, ised the whole under one sovereignty, and pr however, a few peculiarities of their own. Some of claimed himself rajah. His army had for several the most perfect runic inscriptions are in Man; years previously been organised and d.s at line 1 others of a similar description exist at Holy Island, according to the European fashion by Enga in Lamlash Bay, Arran, and there is an inscription officers who had entered his service, so that the in the same character on a remarkable brooch dug wild and undisciplined troops of the neighbouring up at Hunterston in Ayrshire. Dr D. Wilson con- states had not a chance of successfully opposing him. siders that the Celtic population of Scotland were About this time his capital was resorted to by twy as familiar with Norse, as the Northumbrians with of the dispossessed rulers of Afghanistan, one Saxon runes. whom, Shah-Sujah, was the possessor of the ec'm brated Koh-i-når (q. v.), which prize R. eagerly coveted, and at last obtained as the price of s assistance in recovering the throne of Cabul 1813, R. obtained possession of Attock, took M. tan by storm in 1817, and in 1819 annexed Cashmere, assuming after these exploits the title of maharajah In 1822, he took into his servi Allard and Ventura, two French officers who fo merly served under Napoleon, and by their ad hm finished the reconstruction of his army, with the view of extending his dominion to the west of the Indus. In pursuance of this scheme, he wrested (1829) from the Afghans the province of Peshawa He had now an extensive territory, peopled 17 more than 20,000,000, and a well-trained ar y of 70,000 men, of whom 36,000 were infantry thoroughly disciplined, and this numeroas most was employed for several years in desultory wars with the Afghans. Between him and the British there was always a mutual distrust, dissembled by the show of extreme cordiality; but as both par ties scrupulously abstained from any cause offence, pacific relations were never interruptel In 1836, his army was totally defeated by the Afghans, but this reverse seems not in the slightest degree to have affected the stability of his ruie, even in the most recently-acquired districts; and, strange to say, his long reign was not dis RUNJEET SINGH, maharajah of the Punjab turbed by a single revolt. He died 27th June 1 (generally described by English writers as the king R. is one of the most remarkable men in eastern of Lahore), was born at Gugaranwalla, 2d Novem history; in person he was short and slight; as ber 1750. His father, Maha-Singh, was sirdar of countenance, deeply marked with small-pox wha Sukur-Chukeah, one of the twelve missouls or mili. had deprived him of the sight of one eye), was, how tary organisations of the Sikhs, and died when R. ever, expressive of strong determination, to wh. 1 was about 12 years old, leaving a full treasury and the calm of his brilliant dark eye lent addita ta. a well-regulated government. His widow took effect. He was totally uneducated; could net". • charge of the administration, and attempted by read nor write; yet the indefatigable energy of a every means in her power to render her son effemi-administration, and his clemency and mirat a nate, but R.'s character was not capable of being weakened by such treatment. When about 17 years old, his mother died suddenly (poisoned, as it is reported, by her son), and he immediately assumed the government. R. now shewed himself to be a prince of overwhelming ambition, and capable of attaining his object either by policy and address, or

See Planta's essay, On the Runic or Scandinavian Language; W. C. Grimm, Ueber Deutsche Runen; Archæologia, vol. 28; Haigh's Anglo-Saxon Conquest of Britain; Dr D. Wilson's Prehistoric Annals of Scotland.

The term RUNIC KNOTWORK is often applied loosely and inaccurately to a kind of interlaced ornamentation to be seen in MSS. and on monuments of Anglo-Saxon, Norman, Scandinavian, Scoto-Irish, and Pictish origin, from the 6th to the 12th century.

RUNGPU'R, a British district of India, in the presidency of Bengal, bounded on the E. by the Brahmaputra, and on the N. by the protected state of Cush Behar. Area, 4130 sq. m.; pop. 1,200,000. The surface is so low, that a large proportion of it is inundated during the rains. Indigo, for the manufacture of which there are numerous large factories in the district, is the great article of export.

(rare qualities in an Asiatic despot), are with it parallel in the East. See English Cyclopodat Cuvilier-Fleury, Notes Historiques sur le Genera Allard; Revue Britannique, vols. X, XL, XXL, ani xxvii.

RUNNER (flagellum, a whip), in Botany, is a long slender branch proceeding from a lateral bas


of a herbaceous plant with very short axis, or in popular language, without stem. It extends along the ground, and produces buds as it proceeds, which often take root and form new plants. Straw berries afford a familiar example. Another is found in Potentilla anserina. Runners are common in the genus Ranunculus.


RUNNIMEDE, a long stretch of green meadow, lying along the right bank of the Thames, from which it is partly concealed by plantations of willows, 20 miles west-south-west of London. It is proposed to derive the name from the Sax. rhynes, water-brooks, which abound in these meadows; others suppose the word to be Runningmead, referring to the horse-races which appear to have been held here from time immemorial, and which still take place in the month of August. R. is of great historical interest, from the fact that Magna Charta was signed by King John, June 19, 1215, either on this meadow, or on Charter Island, lying a short distance off the shore. The Great Charter itself professes to have been signed per manum nostram in prato quod vocatur Runnimede. See MAGNA CHARTA.

RUNRIG LANDS, a peculiar species of property known in Scotland, by which alternate ridges of land belong to two individuals respectively. The origin of holding lands in this way is said to have arisen out of the practice of common defence and watching, and the common ploughing and labouring necessary or natural in the occupation of burgh acres and lands near towns. Each party is absolute proprietor of his own ridge; but owing to the obstruction often caused to agricultural improvement, a mode of compulsory division or allotment of the lands was introduced by statute in 1695. This remedy, however, does not apply to burgh acres, or to patches of land less than four acres in


to the practice which money-changers had intro-
duced, of levying an arbitrary rate of discount on
rupees of different places of coinage and of previous
dates, without reference to any actual diminution
of weight by wear. Although the Dacca rupee was
thus the actual medium of exchange, the Company's
accounts were for a long time kept in a different
valuation, or that of the Chalani, or current
rupee, 100 Sicca rupees being reckoned as equiva-
The Sicca rupee
lent to 116 Chalani rupees.
served also as a unit of weight-80 Sicca weight
being equal to one ser, and 40 sers to one man
or maund 82 lbs.
other rupees were current in the Bengal presidency
Beside the Sicca rupee, two
the Benares rupee, which ceased to be struck in
1819, and the Farakhabad rupee. At Madras, the
rupee of the Nawabs of the Carnatic, originally
struck at Arcot, and at Bombay that of the Nawabs
of Surat, became the currency of the Company. In
1818, the standard of the Sicca and Farakhabad
rupees was altered, but their intrinsic value was
unaffected, as they continued to have the same
took place of the latter in 1824, of the former in
amount of fine silver. Other changes of these coins
1833; but in 1835, the coinage of the Company was
entirely remodelled, and a coin, thenceforth termed
the Company's rupee, with its proportionate sub-
divisions, was struck to replace all the former
currencies, being of the same weight and fineness
throughout, and bearing inscriptions in English,
or on one face the head and name of the reigning
sovereign of Great Britain and Ireland, and on the
reverse the designation of the coin in English and
Persian, with the words 'The East India Company'
in English. The latter, of course, have disappeared
since India has been placed under the direct govern-
ment of the English crown. The weight, intrinsic
purity, and value of the British currency of these
several coins are as follows:


Weight. Contents.

Troy Grains.

Sicca Rupee,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


Do., .


East India Company's,

But as silver is subject, in the London mint, to a seigniorage of nearly 6 per cent., the London mint produce of the rupee, if of full weight and standard value (11 dwts. fine) should be 1s. Ild. For further detail, see H. H. Wilson, Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms (Lond. 1855), under RUPEE.

RUPEE' is the name of a silver coin current in India, of the value of 28. English. The word is a corruption of the Sanscrit rûpya, from rûpa, shape, form, meaning, according to Pân'ini, a coin-not necessarily of silver-on which the shape of a man, according to the Kâs'ikâ commentary on this gram- Farakhabad, marian, is struck; and if this ellipsis of the word man is correct, as it very probably is, the word rupee would be of great numismatic interest, inasmuch as it would prove that even as early as at the time of the grammarian Pân'ini (q. v.) coins existed with a human figure impressed on them. The coin bearing the name of rupee was first struck by Shir Shah, and was adopted by Akbar and his successors; it was of the weight of 175 grains troy, and was considered to be pure; but in the decline of the Mohammedan empire every petty chief coined his own rupee, varying in weight and value, though usually bearing the name and titles of the reigning emperor. In the reign of Shah Aalam, a great variety of coins bore his name and the years of his succession, until 1773, when they were suppressed in the territories subject to the East India Company, and a rupee was struck, called the Sicca rupee, with an inscription on it, which, translated, runs: The king, Shah Aalam, the defender of the faith of Mohammed, the shadow of the grace of God, has struck this coin, to be current through the seven climes; and on the reverse: Struck at Murshidabad, in the 19th year of the auspicious accession.' Though rupees were coined also at Dacca, and finally only at Calcutta, and also at various dates, the place of coinage (the mint of Murshidabad) and the date just named (the 19th of Shah Aalam's reign) remained unaltered, in order to put a stop

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RUPERT, PRINCE, the son of the ElectorPalatine Frederick V., and Elizabeth, daughter of James I. of England, was born in 1619. In 1642, he received from his uncle, Charles I. of England, a commission to command a regiment of horse at Worcester against the Parliamentarians. The impetuosity with which he charged the enemy there, and in the battle of Edgehill, would have proved of greater use to the Royalists had not his rashness in pursuing the wavering foe nearly counteracted the advantages which he had already gained. Subsequently, at Chalgrove, Newark, and Newbury, he was more successful; but his petulant dis. regard of orders, and his hasty retreat from the field of battle at Marston Moor, resulted in a signal



defeat, the consequences of which had a most disastrous effect upon the fortunes of the Royalist party. His conduct at Naseby, and his hasty surrender of the city of Bristol, irritated the king, who forthwith deprived him of his command, and requested him to leave England without delay. In 1645, however, he was recalled and appointed to the command of the royal fleet. In this new vocation he acquitted himself with much daring, and somewhat more caution, and for three years he kept his ships afloat, after escaping the block. ade in which he had been held for a twelvemonth off the Irish coast by the great parliamentarian Admiral Blake; but in 1651, the latter attacked the prince's squadron, and burned or sunk most of his ships. With the few vessels still remaining to him, R. escaped to the West Indies, where, concert with his brother Maurice, he led a bucaneering life, maintaining himself and his men by seizing upon English and other merchantI en. After a few years spent in this manner, R. managed to elude the vigilance of Cromwell's cap tains, and made good his way to France, where he remained till the restoration of his cousin, Charles II. R. served with distinction under the Duke of York, and in concert with the Earl of Albemarle, against the Dutch, and died in 1652 in the enjoyment of various offices and dignities, being a privy councillor, a member of the Admiralty, governor of Windsor Castle, &c. The last ten years of his life were spent in retirement in the pursuit of chemical, mechanical, and physical researches, for which he evinced considerable aptitude. Although it is certain that he did not discover the art of engraving in mezzot.nto-the real inventor of which appears to have been a German, Von Tregen, whose early works bear the date of 1642-R. no doubt improved the mechanical mode of the art, which he described and illustrated for the Royal Society of London in 1662, after he had completed several interesting engravings on the new principle. The glass bead known as Prince Rupert's Drop (q. v.) derives its name from the prince.

RUPERT'S LAND, so called from Prince Rupert (q. v.), who was one of the founders of the Hudson's Bay Company, the official designation of that extensive tract in North America which forms the basin of Hudson's Bay and Strait, and is bounded, on the west, south, and north by the water-sheds of the Arctic, St Lawrence, and Atlantic rivers. The western boundary is a little indefinite, but it may without much risk of error be assumed to run from Deer Lake in a south by east direction, enclosing a portion of the territory west of Lake Winipeg iq. v.) and the Red River Settlement (q. v.). The whole of this vast territory slopes inwards towards Hudson's Bay, and is well supplied with rivers of sufficient magnitude to serve for commercial highways. The mountains of this region, which are chietly on the boundaries, are of primitive rock, and a great portion of the country is densely wooded. The soil is rich, but on account of the severity of the climate- which is not only of a generally low temperature, but exceedingly variable in summer and autumn- the cereals and other alimentary plants are not cultivated to any extent; in fact, they are only planted in the neighbourhood of the tra ling posts of the Hudson's Bay Company (q. v.) and in the agricultural settlement on Red River, in the south-west. In the north, the vegetation and climate are those of the polar regions. The chief dependence of the inhabitants of R. L for food and clothing is on the animal kingdom, which is here most abundantly represented. Beavers are still found, and bears, otters, martens, and muskrats are abundant, their skins forming the chief,

commercial product of the country. There are ala abundance of foxes of various colours, beara, w Canadian lynxes, &c. Among the animals and food are the wapiti, reindeer, moose, and other s cies of deer; the musk-ox, hares, and an 11.5variety of wood-fowl and other birds. The bun rivers and lakes are abundantly stocked wiha form The population, which is scanty, is comps British or Canadians, and aboriginal tribes. RUPIA is a somewhat severe form of skin-4 •

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It is characterised by flattish, distinct por containing a serous, purulent, or sanious fl 1. 1, w become changed into thick scabs. Several of this disease have been established by dera gists. In its simplest form, the blebs are in t ceded by any inflammatory symptoms are an inch in diameter, and contain a fluid w': originally thin and transparent, but soon tha becomes purulent, and dries into brown rig scabs, which are elevated in the centre. The are easily separated, and leave ulcerated suma on which several successive scabs usually f before healing ensues. In a more severe form, kŋ--as Rupia prominens, the scab projects so in the centre as to resemble à limpet-sela form.

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Rupia is a chronic disease, and is usually lum to! to the limbs, the loins, and the nates It is contagious, and generally attacks persons dela it at −1 by old age, intemperance, bad living, or prev. diseases, especially small-pox, scarlatina, syphilis. The general treatment consists man'y a the administration of tonics, such as queia 19 mineral acids, ale, wine, animal food, &c. writers strongly recommend the tincture of seventaria; and there is no doubt that certun cass which will not yield to tonies, rapidly improve wɔa treated with iodide of potassium. The local treatment consists in puncturing the blebs a9 80 8 they arise, in removing the scabs by poulting, at i in applying a slightly stimulating" appi. “aturin – such as a solution of nitrate of silver- to the s-jacent ulcers. The disease is frequently tevis and obstinate, but the patient almost always ultimately recovers.

RUPPIN, NEU, a town of Prussia, in the pr vince of Brandenburg, on a small lake of the same name, which communicates by water with the E. », 38 miles north of Potsdam. It contains a cas'je, lunatic asylum, and 10,000 inhabitants, why are engaged in brewing, spinning, and the manufacture of linen and woollen cloths.


RURAL DEAN, an official, ordinarily ficed clergyman, appointed in a diocese to tain in a certain district, called a deanery, vision over the condition of churches, e.. furniture, glebe houses, schools, the appliar es public worship, and all other things app resin ng to the service, and to report on all to the top occasion may arise.

RURIK, who is considered to have been te founder of the Russian monarchy, was, accipi to most authors, a Varangian' of Scandinava. origin, who was invited by the Slaves of Nov,ces, 15 come and rule over them; according to others, he was the chief of a tribe of Norse colants w - 3 was located near the Gulf of Finland, an i, a to long contest, succeeded in subduing the nort Slaves and some neighbouring tribes of Finns. Kostomarof attempts to prove that he was a Lt. anian. That he was either a Scandinav an or Scandinavian origin, there seems to be very i doubt, and it is as generally maintained tha accompanied by his brothers, Sinar (Sineous

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