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The Books of the Kings


of chapters (1 Kings)

12- (2 Kings) 17, are suggested as follows:

14 Jeroboam's wife and Ahijah 15 Asa's reformation

12 Rehoboam's little finger 13 The rent altar

18 Elijah and the prophets of Baal 17 Elijah and the barrel of meal

20 Ahab and Benhadad of Syria 19 Elijah and the juniper tree

16 Zimri and Omri

21 The Naboth tragedy 22 Micaiah and Ahab

Here begins 2 Kings

2 The "chariots of fire" 3 The valley of trenches 4 The pot of oil

8 Elisha's visit to Damascus

6 The siege of Samaria 7 The four lepers

5 Naaman the Syrian

9 The death of Jezebel 10 Jehu and Jehonadab II Jehoiada and Joash

I Baalzebub

12 The temple restored 16 Ahaz and Tiglath-pileser 14 Jeroboam II and Jonah 17 The downfall of Samaria 15 The period of anarchy 13 Joash and Elisha

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Contents of chaps. 18-25
are suggested by the fol-

18 Sennacherib
19 Sennacherib

20 Merodach baladan
21 Manasseh and Amon
22 Josiah and the book of
the law

23 Josiah's reformation
24 First and second inva-
sions of the Babylo-

25 Capture of Jerusalem

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Compare Diagram XVI

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Designed to give, from the standpoint of Assyrian history, a general view of the Third Principal Division of the Old Testament History of Abraham and His Posterity, which is the Period of National Declination. (Compare Diagram III)

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Designed to show the relation of the Kings of the North (Israel) as distributed into Dynasties, to the Kings of the South (Judah)

975 (?) B. C.

722 B. C.

The Kingdom of Israel lasted about 250 years, coming to an end in the destruction of its capital, Samaria, by the
Assyrians in 722 B. C. The Kingdom of Judah began nearly 100 years before the disruption, and lasted nearly 150
years after the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel, coming to an end in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Baby-
lonians in 586 B. C. Israel had 19 kings and 9 dynasties. All the kings were idolaters. Judah had 19 kings, nearly all
of whom were idolaters. Is there any wonder we name this period that of National Declination?

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One may be helped by thinking of the Kingdom of Israel in four periods. Speaking only approximately the Kingdom lasted 250
years. The two great dynasties of the North were, (1) that of Omri (which is made famous by Ahab and Jezebel),and (2) that of Jehu.
Over 50 years elapsed before the reign of the house of Omri. This house reigned about 50 years. The house of Jehu reigned about
twice 50 years, and the 50 years following was a period of anarchy. So we may think in periods of 50 as follows: 50-50-twice 50-50.
In the first 50 years were three dynasties; in the second, one; in the next two, one; and in the last, four. Compare Diagram XIX.



Designed to show the relationship of the kings and prophets of the early days of the disruption. These correspond in the main to the Pre-Assyrian times of Diagram XVIII

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