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And all his works to put away,
That I might MAN enjoy.
It doth not appear, I tell you here,

As yet, what MAN will be,
But in the end I all shall clear

To those that join with ME, To have ME Come their PRINCE and KING,

And their victorious Gon;
My GOSPEL now I mean to bring,
And ask how you allude
The words are here that do appear,
By my Apostle penn'd,
That I the SON of GOD came here
The power of hell to rend,
I say, from Man? For this I come,
And this I'll now go through;
But scoffers here do strong appear
In these last days, I know;
They ask thee where these Promises are,
My coming so must be;
And now I bid thee answer here,
The Gospel penn'd by thee

Let them explain what it doth mean,
If I don't make it good.
These PROMISES no man can clear,
Nor how they do allude
To make it known that I shall come

In POWER for to appear;
If 'tis not so, you all must know,
My Apostles all did err.
So now I say to thee this day,
Like Pomeroy men go on,
They take my Gospel all away,
And do as he hath done;
For fables here they say appear,
That my Apostle penn'd;
And ask ME where the Promises are,
That I'll in power descend
To come again with MAN to reign,
In SPIRIT to appear?
For so my Gospelit is penn'd,
That I shall so appear.
But now to Man I thus shall come
And ask, who must reveal
My GLORY here for to appear,
When I from man conceal
The knowledge here to make it clear?
'Tis all conceal'd from man
The way my Bible I shall clear,

Then sure from ME must come
For to reveal and not conceal,
MY GLORY must appear;
And those that suffer now with ME,
Men's mockery for to bear,
Shall then rejoice to hear MY VOICE,
My POWER for to see, -


When I reveal and not conceal,
The mysteries deep to thee

That are behind, they soon will find,

But I shall still go on

The CORNER STONE will soon be known,

What ROCK to build upon :
That ROCK is ME; I died to free
The nations in the end;
And so my Gospel, you may see,
Is in this manner penn'd-
Gird up your loins and you will find
My PROMISE in the end;
So you may hope you shall not drop-
Mark deep the lines are penn'd :
What GRACE is here that doth appear,
That's now reveal'd by ME?
I say the words no man can clear,
To say from man 't must be *.-
Obedience here the whole must clear,
When I myself reveal;

But now I ask men every where,
Why they do this conceal?

"Obedience come! 't must not be done!"

Is now their every cry.
The chapter's deep, I say, for men,
Though they do it deny;
But I ask here who do appear
In power kept strong by ME,
Through faith unto Salvation here,
That is revealed by ME?
In the LAST TIME, you all must find,
These things must be reveal'd,
And I AM come to plead with Man,
And shew I've not conceal'd
MY COMING here for to appear,
Your faith to try I'M COME;
More precious than the gold you are
That now in faith go on.
Your Trial's great, without deceit,
ForTRUTH you all pursue
And 'tis from ME the Truth you'll see,
My honour you shall know;
For I'll appear in power here,
In SPIRIT like a GOD;
Your innocence I'll surely clear,
Though men to you allude,
Deceitful here you do appear;
They wish to prove you so.
But I their innocence shall clear-

As they've begun F'll do;
I'll shew them plain I did act like men,
And all the TRUTH shall see:

Unto the standard now I'll come,

And further answer thee,

1 Peter i. 13.




The Trial here doth now appear,
Your FAITH is tried by Man;
And MY SALVATION shall appear,
And you by FAITH may stand.
Believers here do now appear,
Rejoice to see the end,
Because MY SPIRIT it is near,
And so I shall descend;
In SPIRIT strong I shall go on,
Till I've reveal'd the whole,
To shew my KINGDOM it must come
As they before did tell.
Because that here I did appear,
Offer'd up once for sin;

But now MY OFFICE I shall clear,
The SECOND TIME must come

That I appear, I tell you here,
And without sin must be;
Then all my brethren I must clear-
You know the VINE is ME:
Then I must come again to MAN
And make the BRANCHES whole-

My Gospel none do understand,
The way the End must fall :
The words that appear before thee here
No one doth understand."

Hebrews ix. 15, to the 18-And for this cause he is the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. For where a Testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator. For a Testament is of force after men are dead : otherwise it is of no strength at all while the Testator liveth.

"Now I'll appear to answer here
The words that puzzle thee:
The Mediator I came here,
I say, for Man to be;

And as my Death was then brought forth
The transgression then of Man,
Under the first you'll see the last,
Redemption so must come;
Because the WILL I shall fulfil,
As promis'd at the first;
After my Death must this come forth,
And so it now shall buust.

Had I not died, might been applied
I'd ne'er fulfill'd the one;
Then sure, in justice, might been said,
My Will could never come


For to fulfil my Father's Will,
Without my Death appear;
And here the RICHES of my LOVE,
That in my Death were there:
To bear the first, and claim the last,
And all in LOVE to Man;
And as it was my Father's Will,
I say, that Will shall stand;
For so my Death shall now bring forth,
My Blood shall set you free ;
The Testament that God hath join'd
Must be fulfill'd this way.

So now see clear the words are here,
Then your redemption's come;
My Testament must now appear,
In force must all go on.
Burnt offerings here they did appear,
But know they did not do;
Then in the volume of the Book
You know 'tis written so,

That I should come, it must be known,
To do the Will of God :

1 took the first, I'll bring the last

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Let this be understood:

He took away the first," you say,
So I my Life took there,
The SECOND might establish'd be-
My GOSPEL Now see clear,
How all his come, and all do join,

1 tell you, with the Fall :
I took away the Sin for Man,
I now do tell you all;
I died to free the guilt of he,
So cast on ME at first;
And now establish'd all shall be,
The PROMISE it shall burst;
The WOMAN here I now will clear,
And make the Promise good.
So if with patience you wait here,
And do the Will of God,

His PROMISE, see, shall come to ye;
I will not tarry here,

But I shall come, it shall be known,

My Bible all I'll clear.

So now the just may live by faith,

Relying on my WORD;

For perfect as as my Gospel saith
You'll find your coming LorD,
Who gave my Life to end the strife,
That I might Man redeem,

I tell you, from iniquity,

And so 't shall now be seen}
For zealous here do men appear,
Wishing to have it so:

But foolish questions do appear,
Contention I do know,

About the Law men now do go,
Which way the Law took place;

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The Law before no man could clear
The way that I should come,
Till I in Bethlehem did appear,
And of the WOMAN born-
But none did see the mystery
Why I that way should come;
That when the Law I did redeem,
And free the Fall of Man,
I must appear, I tell you here,
Because 'tis SHE the end must free,
To have her Promise known,
And then to claim, ye sons of men,
And this I shall go through,
And then you'll find it in the end
My GOSPEL all is TRUE.
But men appear, I tell thee here,
My power for to deny !
Because the wise men, I see here,
They boldly do defy,

The POWER of Gon cannot be know'd,
But forms are in their view

Of godliness, it may be shew'd

But is my Gospel true,

Till I appear in POWER here

My GOSPEL to fulfil?

And then the hope to all I'll clear,

My PROMISE Shall be still,

As 'twas before't shall now appear;

Before the world began

The PROMISE of your GOD was there,

To offer up HIS SON

For ADAM's Fall, I tell you all,

Eternal life to come!

Here is the mystery of the Fall; 'Twas known before to HIM

That Man would fall, I tell you all

But I must die in vain, If I do not the Fall recal, Eternal life to gain;

Because for Man was then my plan

To die upon the tree,
And after that in power to come,
That all fulfill'd should be.
For I'll appear to answer here,
My Will is Men to save,
That they in knowledge might appear
The truth in all to cleare

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