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LL human things are fubject to decay,

And when fate fummons, monarchs must


This Flecknoe found, who, like Auguftus, young
Was call'd to empire, and had govern'd long;
In profe and verfe, was own'd, without difpute,
Thro all the realms of Nonfenfe, abfolute.
This aged prince, now flourishing in peace,
And bleft with iffue of a large increase ;
Worn out with bufinefs, did at length debate
To fettle the fucceffion of the ftate:

And, pond'ring, which of all his fons was fit
To reign, and wage immortal war with wit,
Cry'd, 'tis refolv'd; for nature pleads, that he
Should only rule, who most resembles me.
Shadwell alone my perfect image bears,
Mature in dullness from his tender years:
Shadwell alone, of all my fons, is he,
Who ftands confirm'd in full ftupidity.
The reft to fome faint meaning make pretence,
But Shadwell never deviates into fenfe.
Some beams of wit on other fouls may fall,
Strike thro, and make a lucid interval;
But Shadwell's genuine night admits no ray,
His rifing fogs prevail upon the day.
Befides, his goodly fabric fills the eye,
And seems defign'd for thoughtless majesty :
Thoughtless as monarch oaks, that shade the plain,
And spread in folemn ftate fupinely reign.
Heywood and Shirley were but types of thee,
Thou laft great prophet of tautology.
Even I, a dunce of more renown than they,
Was fent before but to prepare thy way;
And, coarfely clad in Norwich drugget, came
To teach the nations in thy greater name.
My warbling lute, the lute I whilom strung,
When to king John of Portugal I fung,

Was but the prelude to that glorious day,
When thou on filver Thames didit cut thy way,
With well-tim'd oars before the royal barge,
Swell'd with the pride of thy celestial charge;
And big with hymn, commander of an host,
The like was ne'er in Epfom blankets toft.
Methinks I fee the new Arion fail,

The lute still trembling underneath thy nail.
At thy well-sharpen'd thumb from shore to shore
The trebles fqueak for fear, the bases roar:
Echoes from Piffing-Alley Shadwell call,
And Shadwell they refound from Afton-Hall.
About thy boat the little fishes throng,
As at the morning toast that floats along.
Sometimes, as prince of thy harmonious band,
Thou weild'st thy papers in thy threshing hand.
St. Andre's feet ne'er kept more equal time,
Not ev❜n the feet of thy own Pfyche's rhime:
Tho they in number as in fenfe excel;

So juft, fo like tautology, they fell,
That, pale with envy, Singleton forswore

The lute and fword, which he in triumph bore,

And vow'd he ne'er would act Villerius more.


Here ftopt the good old fire, and wept for joy, In filent raptures of the hopeful boy.

All arguments, but most his plays, perfuade,
That for anointed dulness he was made.

Clofe to the walls which fair Augufta bind,
(The fair Augufta much to fears inclin'd):
An ancient fabric rais'd t'inform the fight,
There stood of yore, and Barbican it hight:
A watch-tower once; but now fo fate ordains,
Of all the pile an empty name remains:
From its old ruins brothel-houses rife,
Scenes of lewd loves, and of polluted joys,
Where there vast courts the mother-ftrumpets keep,
And, undisturb'd by watch, in filence fleep.
Near these a nursery erects its head,

Where queens are form'd, and future heroes bred;
Where unfledg'd actors learn to laugh and cry,
Where infant punks their tender voices try,
And little Maximins the gods defy.

Great Fletcher never treads in bufkins here,
Nor greater Jonfon dares in focks appear;
But gentle Simkin just reception finds
Amidft this monument of vanifh'd minds:
Pure clinches the fuburbian mufe affords,
And Panton waging harmless war with words.
Here Flecknoe, as a place to fame well known,
Ambitiously defign'd his Shadwell's throne.

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