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Where nymphs of brightest form appear, And shaggy satyrs standing near, Which them at once admire and fear. The ruins too of some majestic piece, Boafting the power of ancient Rome or Greece, Whose statues, freezes, columns broken lie, And, tho defac'd, the wonder of the eye; What nature, art, bold fiction e'er durst frame, Her forming hand gave feature to the name. So strange a concourse ne'er was seen before, But when the peopl'd ark the whole creation bore. VII.

The scene then chang'd, with bold erected look Our martial king the fight with rev'rence strook : For not content t'express his outward part,

Her hand call'd out the image of his heart :
His warlike mind, his foul devoid of fear,
His high-defigning thoughts were figur'd there,
As when, by magic, ghosts are made appear.
Our phenix queen was pourtray'd too so bright,
Beauty alone could beauty take so right:
Her dress, her shape, her matchless grace,
Were all obferv'd, as well as heavenly face.
With fuch a peerless majesty she stands,

As in that day she took the crown from facred

[blocks in formation]

Before a train of heroines was seen,
In beauty foremost, as in rank, the queen.
Thus nothing to her genius was deny'd,
But like a ball of fire the further thrown,
Still with a greater blaze she shone,
And her bright foul broke out on ev'ry fide.
What next she had design'd, heaven only knows
To fuch immod'rate growth her conquest rose,
That fate alone its progress could oppofe.


Now all those charms, that blooming grace,
The well-proportion'd shape, and beauteous face,
Shall never more be feen by mortal eyes;
In earth the much-lamented virgin lies.
Not wit, nor piety could fate prevent ;
Nor was the cruel deftiny content
To finish all the murder at a blow,
To sweep at once her life, and beauty too;
But, like a harden'd felon, took a pride

To work more mischievously flow,
'And plunder'd first, and then destroy'd.

O double facrilege on things divine,
To rob the relick, and deface the shrine!
But thus Orinda dy'd :

Heaven, by the fame disease, did both trailare As equal were their fouls, so equal was the



Mean-time her warlike brother on the feas His waving streamers to the winds displays, And vows for his return, with vain devotion, pays. Ah, generous youth, that wish forbear, The winds too foon will waft thee here!

Slack all thy fails, and fear to come,

Alas, thou know'st not, thou art wreck'd at


'No more shalt thou behold thy fister's face,
Thou hast already had her last embrace.
But look aloft, and if thou ken'st from far
Among the Pleiads a new-kindled star,
If any sparkles, than the rest more bright;
'Tis the that shines in that propitious light.

When in mid-air the golden trump shall found,
To raise the nations under ground;

When in the valley of Jehosophat,

The judging God shall close the book of fate;
And there the last affizes keep,

For those who wake, and those who fleep:
When rattling bones together fly,

From the four corners of the sky;
When finews o'er the skeletons are spread,
Those cloth'd with flesh, and life inspires the


The facred poets first shall hear the found,
And foremost from the tomb shall bound,
For they are cover'd with the lightest ground;
And straight, with in-born vigor, on the wing,
Like mounting larks, to the new morning fing.
There thou, sweet saint, before the quire shall go,
As harbinger of heaven, the way to show,
The way which thou so well hast learnt below.


Upon the DEATH of the


Hlast and best of Scots! who didst maintain

Thy country's freedom from a foreign reign; New people fill the land now thou art gone, New gods the temples, and new kings the throne. Scotland and thee did each in other live; Nor would'st thou her, nor could she thee survive. Farewel, who dying didst support the state, And couldst not fall but with thy country's fate.

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