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So pious, as she had no time to spare
For human thoughts, but was confin'd to pray'r.
Yet in such charities she pass'd the day,

'Twas wondrous how the found an hour to pray.
A foul so calm, it knew not ebbs or flows,
Which passion cou'd but curl, not discompose.
A female softness, with a manly mind:
A daughter duteous, and a sister kind :

In sickness patient, and in death refign'd.

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O fair, so young, so innocent, so sweet,
So ripe a judgment, and so rare a wit,

Require at least an age in one to meet.
In her they met; but long they could not stay,
'Twas gold too fine to mix without allay.
Heaven's image was in her so well exprest,
Her very fight upbraided all the reft;
Too justly ravish'd from an age like this,
Now she is gone, the world is of a piece.


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E, who in impious times undaunted stood, And midst rebellion durft be just and good: Whose arms afferted, and whose fufferings more Confirm'd the cause for which he fought before; Rests here, rewarded by an heav'nly prince; For what his earthly could not recompence. Pray reader that such times no more appear: Or, if they happen, learn true honor here. Ask of this age's faith and loyalty, Which, to preferve them, heav'n confin'd in thee. Few fubjects could a king like thine deserve: And fewer, such a king, so well could serve. Blest king, blest subject, whose exalted state By fufferings rose, and gave the law to fate. Such fouls are rare, but mighty patterns giv'n To earth, and meant for ornaments to heav'n.

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My amorous heart was in despair,
To find a new victorious fair.


Till you descending on our plains,

With foreign force renew my chains;

Where now you rule without controul

The mighty sovereign of my foul.


Your smiles have more of conqu'ring charms, Than all your native country arms:

Their troops we can expel with ease,

Who vanquish only when we please.

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