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II. Samuel.

Contents of The 2nd Book of Samuel contains the history of David from the death of Saul, and comprises a period of about 40 years.

By whom written.

It was most probably written by the royal seers Nathan and Gad, whom David appointed to keep the national records on the death of Samuel. (1 Chron. xxix. 29.)

Contents of The 1st and 2nd Book of Kings

1. Kings.

continue the history of the Hebrews from the death of David to the destruction of both the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

By whom written.

These two books were written by the royal seers appointed by suc

cessive kings to continue the national history. Reference is frequently made to these records, especially in the Books of Chronicles.

By whom compiled.

It is not known by whom the records were compiled into their present form; but there is no doubt that the version we possess is the work of seers cotemporary with the events recorded.

The names of some of these seers are mentioned, thus:

David's historiographers were: Samuel, Nathan, and Gad; (1 Chron. xxix. 29.) Solomon's seers were: Nathan, Ahijah, and Iddo, who called their chronicle The acts of Solomon; (2 Chron. ix. 29; 1 Kings xi. 41.) Rehoboam's national seers were: Iddo and Shemaiah; (2 Chron. xii. 15.)

Reference is made occasionally to these manuscripts as in 2 Chron. xx. 34.

After the division of the kingdom, the national records appear to have been compiled, and continued in regular order, under the respective names of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah, and the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel. (1 Kings xiv. 29, xv. 7, 23; and 1 Kings xiv. 19, xvi. 14.

N.B.-These "chronicles" must not be mistaken for the Books of Chronicles which were compiled much later.

Contents of the

The two Books of Chronicles are an epitomé of the Books of Samuel and of the Kings, with a continuation of the history to the return from the Babylonish captivity.

By whom compiled.

These books were probably compiled by Ezra from the original records of the ancient seers; some supplementary matter has been also added from collateral sources.

Object of the

seers' books.

The object of the seers in their national memoirs, contained in the Books of Samuel and Kings, was to record the passing events of the day.

Object of the

The object of Ezra in the Books of Chronicles was to furnish the families who returned from Babylon with genealogical lists, and all possible information respecting the temple worship.

of this.

The motive The motive he had in view was to re-organize the government, and reestablish the national religion.




Reigned B.C. 1051 to 1010.



The 21st dynasty of Egypt.

1045. Death of Codrus, the last king of Athens. 1044. The great Ionian migration

1015. Smyrna founded by the Ionian Greeks.

How David's history

may be divided.

The history of David may

be divided into three parts:

(1.) His triumphs;

(2.) His fall; and

(3.) His restoration.

king Saul.

Who succeeded Saul was succeeded by two kings. David was chosen king over the tribe of Judah, but Ishbo'-sheth over the eleven other tribes.

Who was Ish


Ishbo'sheth was the eldest of

He reigned

Saul's surviving sons.

peaceably for two years, and was then assassinated by his own generals. (B.C.


What happened on his death.

On the death of Ishbo'sheth

David became sole king of all Israel.

Name David's

first exploit.

His first exploit was to take by assault Mount Zion, the stronghold of the Jebusites, which was afterwards called the city of David.

Zion was the citadel or fortified part of Jerusalem, as Pergamus was the citadel of Troy, Cadmea the citadel of Thebes, and Arx on the Capitoline hill the citadel of ancient Rome.

How he improved Zion.

He greatly improved this citadel by fortifying it, and building on it a royal palace. This was the origin of the famous city of Jerusalem, the future capital of the kingdom.

oured God.

How he hon- He now acknowledged the sovereignty of God by sending two priests to fetch home to the new capital the ark, which was God's throne.

How the men

offended God.

The men employed for this

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