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A.C. 881.]

Who was suspected.

He naturally suspected some traitor in his own camp; but being informed it was the work of Elisha, who was at Dothan, sent to invest the town by night, in order to take the prophet captive.

phet escaped.

How the pro- The men of Dothan were greatly alarmed; but, at the prayer of Elisha, God smote the army with blind


What followed.

The prophet then went and told them they had missed their way, and that he would conduct them whither they wished to go.

ducted them.

Where he con- His offer being accepted, he conducted them into Samaria; and when he had led them into the midst of their enemies, their eyes were opened.

brews wished.

What the He- The Hebrews wished instantly to put them to the sword, but Elisha commanded that they should be fed and sent back to their own camp.

What effect this had.

This generous act had no in

fluence on the besiegers, who continued to invest the city, till it was almost reduced by famine.

Who was


The wrath of the people was kindled against Elisha, whom they regarded as the cause of all their distress; and the king of Israel sent an officer to strike off his head.

this order.

The issue of Elisha knew of the order, and commanded that the officer should not be admitted; whereupon, the king himself went to expostulate with the prophet.


Elisha's Elisha told him to be of good cheer, for on the morrow there should be more than an abundance.


How this At night an alarm was given in the Syrian camp that the enemy was upon them; a panic prevailed; they fled in disorder; and the Hebrews had nothing to do but to collect the spoils. (B.c. 835.)

When Elisha


Elisha died soon after the

A.C. 835.]

flight of the Syrian army; but even in death his glorious power was not extinct. (B.c. 835.)

after death.

His power Soon after his interment, some Hebrews carrying a dead man to the fields to bury him, being alarmed by a party of Moabites, cast the corpse into the grave of Elisha.

What oc


No sooner had the dead body touched the remains of the deceased prophet, than it came to life, "and stood upon his feet." (2 Kings xiii. 20, 21.)


In Judah-AMAZIAH reigned 29 years.

An interregnum of 11

B.C. 835 to 794.

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In Israel-JOASH reigned alone 14 years.


B.C. 835 to 780.

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820. Nineveh taken by Arbaces and Belesis, whereby the kingdom terminates.


first act.

Amaziah's The first act of Amaziah was to put to death the assassins of his father Joash.

How he


He began his reign pretty well, but afterwards lapsed, like his father, into idolatry, and like him also was assassinated.

The chief event of The chief event of his reign

Amaziah's reign.

was the conquest of Edom, but to this victory he owed his fall. (B.c. 823.)

How Amaziah

fell into sin.

Amongst the spoil taken were some Idumæan idols, which Amazi'ah took to Judah, and made objects of worship.


How he was In punishment for his impiety his heart was filled with pride; he thought to gain the kingdom of Israel; and on slight pretence declared war against Joash, its king.

this war.

The result of The king of Israel reproved him for his presumption; and not only utterly defeated him, but took him prisoner. (B.c. 822.)

What became

of Amaziah.

Being subsequently released,

he returned to Judah, and after a few years was assassinated. (B.c. 806.)

There were three kings of Judah began well and ended badly; they were Joash, Amaziah his son, and Uzziah his grandson

Here follows an interregnum of 11 years.

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