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into the gospel covenant; the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans; and the final spread of Christ's kingdom. His gospel He foretold especially three incidents in the life of Messiah:


(1.) His entrance into Jerusalem, riding on an ass. (ix. 9.);

(2.) His being sold by Judas for 30 pieces of silver. (xi. 12, 13); and (3.) His being pierced by the soldier as he hung on the cross. (xii. 10.) The style of The style of this prophet is abrupt and unconnected; but his writings are the most voluminous of all the minor prophets.


His death.

It is thought by some that he was the person whom our Lord said was stoned to death between the temple and the altar; but the fact is by no means certain. (Matt. xxiii. 34-36.)




B.C. 464-423.


450. The golden age of Periclés in Athens. The Decemviri of Rome appointed,

449. Banishment of Tarquin and appointment of the first consuls,

431. The great Peloponnesian war begun.

429. Plague of Athens.

In this period lived Sophoclés Euripidés, Pindar, and Aristophănés, poets; Democritus, Empedoclés, Aristippus and Anaxagoras, Grecian philosophers; the historians Herodotus land Thucydidés; Phideas the sculptor; Socratés, Alcibiadés, &c. Cincinnatus the Roman, &c,

Section I.

Governor of the Jews from B.C. 463 to 450.

Successor of


Artaxerxes, surnamed Longimanus, because his right hand was longer than his left, succeeded his father Xerxes in the throne of Persia.

His treatment

of the Jews.

He very greatly favoured the

Jews, and commissioned Ezra, the scribe, to use his exertions to induce more of them to return to their fatherland. (B.c. 463.)

of Ezra.

The success Ezra succeeded in inducing 2000 of them to go with him to Jerusalem. They took with them their flocks and their herds, their horses, camels, and asses, and all their chattels. (B.c. 463.) The journey occupied four months, as most of the people travelled on foot.

Length of Journey.

Liberality of


In order to facilitate the journey, Artaxerxes furnished Ezra with letters to the satraps of all the provinces through which he had to pass, directing them to supply the whole company with all things needful for their journey. He also gave a munificent present towards the temple service. Artaxerxes gave Ezra about a million sterling for the temple service.


of Ezra.

On reaching Jerusalem, Ezra was appointed governor of the pro

vince, with power to appoint magistrates, and adopt such measures as he might think advisable for the re-establishment of the Mosaic constitution.


Ezra's first He began his reform by dissolving all marriages that had been contracted with women not of Jewish parentage, because such alliances were contrary to the law of Moses.

How Ezra


For this purpose he assembled a council, and summoned all who had foreign wives to appear before him within a given time; or to forfeit all their possessions. (B.c. 462.)


How Ezra was Great numbers attended, and a promise was exacted from every one to send away his wife, which, in most cases, was complied with.

What became of Those who refused to comply

the malcontents.

with this arrangement left Jerusalem and joined the Samaritans; by which means Samaria became the refuge of the disaffected.


Ezra's next Ezra's next care was to revive a knowledge of the Mosaic laws, which had been almost forgotten during the captivity.

to work.

How he set With this view he collected and arranged the sacred writings; and caused them to be orally interpreted in the Chalde'an tongue, the language used by the Jews during their captivity. Where they Synagogues were built for this purpose throughout the whole land.

were read.

How long


Ezra continued governor of Judæa about 13 years, when he resigned in favour of Nehemiah, and applied himself wholly to his compilation and edition of the holy scriptures. Ezra's age He died at the venerable age of 120 years, probably in Persia, where his tomb is still shewn.

at death.

Character of Ezra.

He was a most profound statesman, discreet reformer, learned scholar, and holy priest. The Jews have so high an opinion of him that they say:

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