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the Old Testament was adapted to the world in the infancy and nonage of its history; and that it is God's design that his book while it will not offend the true philosopher, shall be level to the capacity of the peasant. Isaiah's sublime vision of the Lord seated on a throne, high and lifted up, his glory filling the temple, with ten thousand times ten thousand holy intelligences prostrating themselves in lowly adoration before him, is incompatible neither with his appearance to Abraham, Jacob, nor Moses as the "angel of the covenant," nor with John's representatiou of him as sitting, in the humanity which he had assumed, wearied and faint at Sychar's well telling Samaria's erring and hopeless child of a living water that could quench her thirst. Is it a crime to be a man? And shall the creature presume to say that it is unwise in the Creator for the highest ends in the universe-for the manifestation of his own glorious character, and the salvation, and moral culture of man-to take upon him our nature, to speak to us in human language and reveal himself through human sympathies. O proud and foolish heart of man, to turn away from a spectacle so sublime and thrilling! Has the highest, the most disinterested love no claim upon your attention and gratitude, because it wears no outward insignia of heavenly royalty? Will you scorn it because it speaks in accents of human tenderness, and vents itself in human tears? Relentlessly will you attempt to snap asunder that wonderful tie that binds man to God? If, O scoffer, you can for yourself, dispense with those delineations of God that take the most powerful hold of the heart of man; will you not pity the wants and sorrows of the rest of your brethren of mankind, who feel that those passages of the Bible to which you object are all the more precious to them that they speak of God as a real, a present friend, and pour into the breaking heart a balm which human philosophy and friendship can never give?


In order to travel to Wetherby as economically as possible, I concluded to go by the steam-boat from London to Hull, and previous to my departure, had made the necessary arrangements for so doing; but, as the day approached, I had a foreboding, (in consequence of a dream), that I should have a dangerous passage. This worked so strongly on my mind, that I determined to go by land, but could not feel easy under the change of purpose, as the monitor seemed to say in my heart, that my fears were turning me from some approaching duty. After much exercise of mind, under a restless conscience, I, at length, found peace in returning to my original determination.

On the morning of the 7th, my wife and children, in ignorance of this impression upon my mind, accompanied me to the wharf; and when on board the

steamer, she made an earnest request, that I would go in the best cabin, instead of the forecastle, urging that she should be easier in her mind if I did so. This was but little to give up to one who so zealously holds up my hands in all my engagements, and, without whose free consent, I could not, in all probability, have undertaken the task. Therefore I agreed to her proposal; and having booked my place, we took leave of each other.

Notwithstanding the beautiful appearance of the morning, I could not divest myself of the feeling that there was danger of some sort before me; we however floated along the Thames favoured by the wind and tide, and refreshed by all the smiling beauties of nature, as the sun, with varied rays, played upon the banks and the neighbouring hills.

At dinner, a stranger who sat beside me, observed that I did not eat meat; and a person opposite to me, finding it was not in consequence of any indisposi tion, inquired, if I had any conscientious scruple against eating flesh ?—Ì explained that I acted only on a principle of self-denial. This produced a religious conversation, in which my neighbour made some remarks of a sceptical character; and occasionally spoke of Mr. Owen's system of philosophy, as if he believed in it. In my replies, I took care to illustrate the essential doctrines of Christianity; but, in opposition, he justified his doubtings by reflecting on the conduct of the preachers, and the general habits of their flocks, declaring that he believed they did nothing without some interested motive. I answered his argument by shewing him one of my bills, on which he observed the words, "not the agent of any society"-"No_collection," and he confessed there appeared to be no sinister motive there. I then asked him:

"How could you have known my motive if I had not shown you my bills? "That would have been impossible."

"Nevertheless, you included me in your general condemnation of Christians.” "I did not mean to say that there may not be a few exceptions."

"How can you tell how many?-May not every individual at the table be as disinterestedly engaged as I am, for aught you know?"


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"Then you see the wisdom of Christ, who tells us, 'Judge not.' About eight o'clock, p.m., being in the English Channel, the wind began to blow very hard from the southward, and, shortly afterwards, I lay down for the night on the upper end of the settee which extended round the side and the end of the saloon. My head was in the corner under the stern windows, and my body in the fore and aft direction, so that my feet were at the head of the unbeliever, who occupied the next length of the running couch. I soon fell asleep; but about midnight, was awoke by a tremendous crash on deck. On raising my head, I observed that all the cabin passengers had already made their way to the door, through which the crowd was impetuously rushing, whilst, in the rear, the sceptic strove manfully to escape also: but whither?-To dumb Philosophy? "God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not."

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I, under the shadow of the Almighty wing, was favoured to experience the power of his promise :-"Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night; and conceiving that I could be of no use on deck, (whither I supposed the whole party had fled,) I contentedly laid my head upon my pillow, whilst this ungodly man now felt the effect of the woe which is unto him that striveth against his Maker.

I could not sleep; but, as a lighted lamp was suspended from the deck, I ob served the movement of the passengers, and, amongst the rest, that of my new acquaintance, who seemed to be so terrified that, in useless and restless anxiety, he now ran to the cabin door, then to the sleeping berths, holding as well as he could, by the table and other fixtures. In the meantime, having been twice pitched off my couch, I therefore changed my berth to the end settee, so that, being athwart-ship, I could not be thrown, as, at each roll of the vessel, I should

be on my head or my heels. Having attracted his attention, by thus changing my position, he immediately worked his way to my couch; and, reclining on that which I had just vacated, so that his head and mine were in the same corner, he, in an agony of fear, of which I had hitherto formed no adequate idea, exclaimed

"Oh! what a dreadful night-the waves are higher than the deck."

Whilst he yet spoke, one of them broke over the vessel, with a heavy crash fell upon the deck, and like the rush of many waters swept its way into its native element. Loud and fearful as was the noise, it did not drown the voice of the despairing sinner, for, in the midst of all, he cried with a terrified gutteral tone, as if death personified had already grasped him for his prey.

"Ah! I am afraid to die !"

"Ah, my friend !-this is the time when the Christian feels the value of his religion."

I never felt the terror of death before."

"He that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live,' is the promise of our Lord, and such as, through faith, possess resignation to his will, are prepared to go hence or to remain; so that, when the storm comes, they are helped to feel the power of the words, 'Thy will, Father, not mine be done.'" "Oh!" exclaimed he, "what it is to be a Christian!-I now see its value: nothing but that divine principle could produce such calmness in this dangerous situation. But (as if excusing himself for being so alarmed) I have a wife and three children."

"And I have a wife and five children; but my Father says 'Leave your fatherless children, I will keep them alive, and let your widows trust in me.'" "Ah! but what can I do ?-I am not fit to die."

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"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved!-His doctrine is, Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' If you truly repent there will be sorrow for the past-a determination, with the Lord's help, never to do those things whereof you are now ashamed-and a resolve to undo the evil as far as in you lieth."

"I am indeed sorry for my past offences, and no longer desire to continue therein; but I cannot undo the evil I have done.-Surely, I should do some works worthy of a follower of Christ, before I can be received."

"You are justified by faith and not by works, lest you, or any man should boast. What if the vessel were to sink with us, and in half an hour you were food for sharks! Where then would be the time for works ?-Ncw is the accepted time—even now may you be justified if you believe that through Christ so much mercy is to be obtained in such a simple way, as repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ."

"I would gladly do so, but I fear that my repentance is not sincere; for I have heard of many who, in the hour of the terror of death, repented, and again turned to their unbelief."

"I know that such lamentable occurrences have happened, but it does not follow that their repentance was, at the moment, insincere. They might in many, if not all instances, have been backsliders, which, I trust will not be your case!" -He was silent for some time, as if he had forgotten the danger he so much dreaded; and at length said :—

"You have laboured much in the cause of religion, but be assured that you have now turned one poor soul to Christ." Then bursting into tears, he threw his head upon my pillow and wept.

I could say no more,-the tears were flowing down my cheeks-my soul was turned to Him who was with me, offering praise and thanksgiving, that that peace of heaven should have been observed in me by one who so much required a sign; and my heart inwardly prayed, saying:

Father, I have been accustomed to storms, battlefields, and bold enterprises;

is it then hardihood engendered by habit, or is it faith in thy promises that makes me appear thus calm in the midst of the jarring elements. Teach me, Father, to know my own heart."

He again referred to my calmness and fortitude, and no wonder, for I was indeed absent in prayer; but, hearing this call of poverty, I turned to him and said :

"Yes, my friend!-I may, indeed, be calm, since I am assured that every hair of my head is numbered; and although I have a wife and five children, yet I feel satisfied that, if I were now taken, it would be for the benefit of their souls; and that he who called me hence to some higher sphere of action, would provide for the widow and the orphans.

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The recollection of the monitions of the Spirit which, contrary to my own understanding, led me to take a passage in the steamer to Hull, instead of going by the coach, induced me now to believe, that the purpose of my mission to this vessel was accomplished. My mind was therefore led to believe, that all danger was at an end; and this expectation was strengthened when my attention was turned to the storm, which appeared to have abated. I then said to him, I have faith to believe that we shall arrive safely in Hull, and that this has been the means adopted to bring you to Christ; but I warn you, if you turn a deaf ear to the requisitions of your God, your trials will be twofold more


"Henceforth," said he, "I desire to devote myself to God, but you must not leave me, until you have introduced me to the Lord's people. You must know where they are to be found; I never saw a Christian before." "Our heavenly Father says: 'Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils.' He will be your teacher-IIe will be your shepherd, and you shall not want."

GEO. PILKINGTON, late Captain, Corps of Royal Engineers.



At a meeting of a missionary society in Philadelphia, at which two Indian chiefs were present, and addressed a very large audience, the Rev. Mr. Finley, in the concluding part of his speech, related one or two very interesting anecdotes, to show the progress of the revival, and the depth of solid piety among the Wyandots. In one of his tours he took with him an Indian youth of zeal and piety. On setting out, he told him it was possible, when he got among sinful and wicked company, that he might forget his God, and again betake himself to the paths of folly and sin. "But," said he, calling him by his name, "I would rather preach your funeral sermon than see you depart from the paths of piety." They proceeded, and in their tour came to the house of a very wealthy merchant, where they remained for some time. The merchant had two or three clerks who were given to frolic, and were destitute of piety, and even seriousness. Into the room with these clerks the Indian boy was put to sleep. Before retiring to bed, he knelt down to pray. The others began their frolic with a design to disturb, if not torment him; but he heeded them not. This continued for some time: at length, one night when they were become so bad as to disturb him very much, the youth remonstrated, pointed out the wickedness of their conduct, and concluded by saying, that they were really worse than any Indian in all the Wyandot tribe of Upper Sandusky, observing, that Indians would be ashamed of such conduct, as they had more common sense, virtue, and piety. This appeal came home with keen conviction to the hearts of the young


The effect was deep and lasting, and they became, through that reproof, the subjects of awakening and justifying grace through faith in Jesus Christ.



"Thus then while we are stretching forth our hands to our God, let your tormenting irons harrow our flesh; let your gibbets exalt us, or your fires lick up our bodies, or your swords cut off our heads, or your beasts tread us to the earth. For a Christian upon his knees to his God, is in a posture of defence against all the evils you can heap upon him.”—Tertullian, (a. D. 200.)


"Truth alone is the thing to be had in the highest honour, and to hold the first place in our affections, and the ancients are not to be followed one step further than they are followers of truth."-Justin Martyr, (A.D. 150.)


"It is in our power at any time to escape your torments, by denying the faith when you question us about it; but we scorn to purchase life at the expense of a lie; for our souls are winged with the desire of a life of eternal duration and purity, of an immediate conversation with God the Father, and maker of all things; we are in haste to be confessing and finishing our faith, being fully persuaded that we shall arrive at this beatific state, if we approve ourselves to God by our works, and express by our obedience our passion for that divine life which is never interrupted by any clashing evil.”—Justin Martyr, (A. D. 150.)


"But allowing our tenets to be as false and groundless presumptions as you would have them, yet I must tell you, that they are presumptions the world cannot be well without; if they are follies, they are follies of great use, because the believers of them, when under the dread of eternal pain, and the hope of everlasting pleasure, are under the strongest obligations possible to become the best of men. It can never therefore be a politic expedient to cry down doctrines for false and foolish, which it is every man's interest to presume true, it is upon no account advisable to condemn opinions so serviceable to the public." Tertullian, A. D. 200.)


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Still the dreamer dreams. The Socialist leader believes that his millenium is near at hand; and wishes us to believe the same, but without giving us any evidence. The falsification of previous predictions, the confusion of Harmony Hall, the breaking up of Tytherly, Queenwood, Mania Fen, and other communistic schemes, and the passing out of Socialist hands of the halls built in large towns at so much expense, have all failed to convince the doting old man, that there is no hope of securing for his system, the sympathy and support of the working classes. But still he seems to think that his day of triumph is near at hand. Whether spirit-rapping has roused him again to this conviction we cannot tell; but certain we are that if the spirits have anything to do with his predictions, they are neither veracious nor wise.

We sincerely wish that the announcement at the head of his manifesto were true; "The permanent happy existence of the human race, or the commencement of the Millenium in 1855;" but we have no hope of its being attained by any such means as he propounds. In November last, he issued an address, inviting "all governments, religions, classes, sects, and parties, in all countries, to appoint and send delegates to a meeting to be held in St. Martin's Hall, London, on the 14th May next, to sit at the feet of this "wise" man, and hear explained, "Good tidings of great joy to all mankind." This precious document we here subjoin for the edification and amusement of our readers.

"All Governments, Religions, Classes, Sects, and Parties, in all Countries, are in. vited to appoint and send delegates to a Meeting to be held in the metropolis of the Brit

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