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Vacation Experiences

Did you have a good time this summer?

How many in the class would like to tell us what they did during vacation? Those who would may raise their hands.

Mary, you may tell us all about your vacation. Where did you spend it? Tell us about one thing you did that you liked best.


Robert, tell us what you did this summer. there a pond, or river, or lake where you spent the summer? If so, did you go in bathing? Did you go fishing? Tell us how you caught fish in the


How many in the class can swim? Did you have any fun swimming this summer? Tell us how you learned to swim.


Did you enjoy playing in the woods and fields? Tell us what you played. Did you find any flowers or wild berries? Were you caught out in any showers? If you were, what did you do? Tell the class of something else interesting that you did during the vacation.


Our Fishing Trip

One warm, pleasant Saturday afternoon Tom and I went fishing in the big pond in the far field. We had plenty of bait, and the pond was full of fish. We had not been fishing very long when Tom felt something tugging at his hook. "Look at my line!" he yelled. Then he jerked it up, and what do you think he saw? There on the top of the water was a big, black, snapping turtle

Should you like to finish the story? Tell what you think happened next.

Tom and I fished all day and had lots of fun. We did many things which are not mentioned in the story. Tell us some of the things you think we did that are not mentioned.

Who can tell us most in two minutes about a fishing trip?

Tell the class about all the things you can think of which might have happened on this fishing trip.

Did you ever go fishing? If so, tell us what you did and what happened.

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