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7. Should you like to hear the school songs

8. Should you like to see our work
9. We have some Thanksgiving pictures
10. You may see our spelling papers

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Pronounce each word slowly and distinctly. Be careful to sound every syllable. Your teacher will help you to pronounce the words if necessary.

Watch Your Words

The teacher will appoint a leader who will leave the room. The teacher will then point to one word which the pupils will keep in mind. The leader will return and try to find out which word the pupils have in mind. The game goes like this:

Leader: Marion, is it history?
Marion: No, it isn't history.

Leader: James, is it often?

James: Yes, it is often.

If a pupil does not pronounce a word clearly, he is caught.

Fill These Blanks Correctly

Fill each blank with a word from the list below. The same word may be used more than once.

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Daddy goes a-riding in a motor painted gray,

He makes a lot of snorty noise before he gets away;
The fairies go a-riding when they wish to take their ease,
The fairies go a-riding on the backs of bumble-bees.

Daddy goes a-sailing in a jolly wooden boat,

He takes a lot of tackle and his very oldest coat;

The fairies go a-sailing, and I wonder they get home,

The fairies go a-sailing on a little scrap of foam.



Daddy goes a-climbing with a knapsack and a stick,
The roads are very hard and steep, his boots are very thick;
But the fairies go a-climbing (I've seen them there in crowds),
The fairies go a-climbing on the mountains in the clouds.
Rose Fyleman, in Fairies and Chimes.

Tell about Daddy and the Fairies

How is daddy's way of riding different from the way the fairies ride?

How does daddy's way of sailing differ from the fairies' way?

How is daddy's way of climbing different from the way the fairies climb?

Suggestive Words

The poem says the automobile makes a snorty noise. Does snorty suggest the sound? Can you think of some other words that suggest sounds made by machines? What kind of noise does an engine make when it is starting? What do you say it does? Does the word make you think of the sound? What noise does a circular saw make? Does the word suggest the sound? What kind of noise does a bee make? What words suggest the sound when you break a small dry stick? Can you think of any other words that suggest sounds? When you hear a word that suggests a sound, remember it and tell the class about it at the next recitation.


What Did Henry Mean?

“We had some new crayon this morning. I think they called it dusless crayon." Henry was talking to his mother after he came home from school.

What is dusless crayon? How should Henry have said it?

"The teacher asked me to take my dictionary to school. I wish you would remine me of it in the morning."

What did Henry mean to ask his mother to do?

"A stranger stood on the bridge below the falls when I came home this afternoon. He said it was a gran scene."

What is a gran scene?

"William said his granfather was comin to visit them nex Tuesday. He said his granfather hadn't been there for morn two years."

Henry did not speak very distinctly. What do you think he meant to say?

"Charlie said his father had been away for two weeks, but he is coming home at the en dove the week."

What did Henry mean to say? When is the en dove the week?



"How much did they cost?" asked Henry's mother one evening when he brought a bag of vegetables from the store. "They cos nine anna half cents a poun," replied Henry.

How much did the vegetables cost?

Read again what Henry said and see what two letters or sounds caused most of his trouble. What letters did he fail to pronounce? Do you remember some other words that have been hard for us to pronounce correctly? Why were they hard to pronounce?

Perhaps you would like to keep on the blackboard a list of words that are hard to pronounce. Mention any that you can think of now. Whenever you hear a word that you think is hard to pronounce, write it on paper and bring it to class. If your classmates also think it is hard, the teacher will add it to the list.

Watching for Bad English

Try to bring to the next recitation at least one sentence you have heard in which some one failed to sound the end of a word correctly.

Pick the Correct Word

Select the right word in the parenthesis.

1. My brother has (gone, went) after nuts.
2. He (see, saw, seen) some Saturday.

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