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(A poem to learn)

May we be thankful for the night,
And for the pleasant morning light,
For rest and food and loving care,

And all that makes the world so fair.


Speaking Distinctly

"The man had an ole tire on one wheel," said William, who was telling his mother about an accident.

What is an ole tire? What should William have said?

"The boys didn't get home until half pas nine," William said.

What does pas mean? How should William have said it?

"Less see your new knife," said Henry as he met George on his way home.

What do you think Henry meant to say? Speak the sentence as Henry ought to have said it.

"I don't want at out here," said Charles to his little brother who was bringing a school book out to the walk

How should Charles have said it?


Dictation Exercise

The teacher will appoint a leader to read the sentences. The other pupils will write the sentences as the leader reads them. Listen very carefully for your leader will read the sentence only once. If the leader does not speak distinctly, you may raise your hand, and the teacher will appoint a new leader.

[blocks in formation]

Read the second sentence. What is the first word in this sentence? With what kind of letter does the first word begin?

Read the third sentence. What is the first word?

With what kind of letter does it begin?

Read the fourth and the fifth sentences.

Tell the

first word in each and the kind of letter with which

it begins.

With what kind of letter does the first word in each sentence begin? Here is a rule for you to remember:


Sentences to Study

Read each sentence and tell why the first word begins with a capital letter. This is the way:

We saw the squirrel's home.

This is a sentence.

We begins with a capital letter because it is the first word in the sentence.

We saw the squirrel's home.

The home was in a log.

It was soft and warm.

Have you ever seen a squirrel's home?

The squirrel was busy all day.

He ran over the trees.

Then he ran on the ground.

He got nuts for winter.

He put them near his home.
In winter it is cold.

There is snow on the ground.
He will stay in his warm nest.
Do you think he will feel cold?

[blocks in formation]

Read the sentences aloud. What does each sentence do? We call a sentence that tells something a statement.

Now look at the way these sentences are punctuated. What kind of mark is there at the end of each sentence? What do we call this little round dot?

Now you may make a rule that tells what you must put after a sentence that makes a statement. All your classmates may help to make the rule.

When you and your classmates think the rule is correct, you may put it on the blackboard. We will call this Rule 2. Now that you have made

a rule you must follow it.

The Two Rules

You have learned the rule for using a capital letter at the beginning of every sentence, and you have made a rule for using a period at the end of every statement. Study each of the sentences in this story.

This is the way:

There was a frost this morning.

This is a sentence.

There begins with a capital letter because it is the first word in the sentence.

There is a period at the end of the sentence because it is a statement.

Study each of the following sentences in the same way:


There was a frost this morning.

The ground was white.

The maple leaves are turning red.

The leaves of Indian corn are turning yellow.

The ears of corn are ripe now.

It is time for the Indian women to gather them.
Morning Star is pulling off the ears of corn.

She is carrying them to the wigwam.

White Cloud is helping her.

Soon there will be a large pile of corn at the wigwam.

Red Feather likes parched corn to eat.

He puts the corn on a hot stone to pop.

He is careful not to burn it.

When he goes hunting, he takes the popped corn for his dinner.

Adapted from Red Feather.

An Old Story - Written Exercise

Here is an old story that the boys and girls in this country told a great many years ago. Some of the

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