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George becomes the next leader. If any pupil gets the right month but does not spell the name correctly, the leader may say:

No, it isn't that kind of February.

Some other pupil may then have a chance to write the name.


Abbreviations - Names of Months

Do we always write the full name for each month? Where do you sometimes see the short form? Why is the short form used?

When a part of a name is used instead of the whole name, the part that is used is called an abbreviation.

A period should always be used after an abbreviation.

The names of some of the months are so short that the full name is always written.

The names of the months and the abbreviations for those that have short forms are:

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Class Exercise

Go to the blackboard and write the name of a month that is dictated by your teacher, and after it write the abbreviation if it has one. The others in the class may be ready to correct any errors.

You must not abbreviate the name of a month unless it is used in a date line. It would not be correct to write:

School began in Sept.

You must write:

School began in September.

In the heading of a letter we may write:
Sept. 20, 1920.

Written Exercise

Without your book write the names of the months in order, and after each write the abbreviation if it has one.

Now open your book and check the names that are not spelled correctly or that do not have the correct abbreviation. Check an abbreviation if it does not have a period after it.


Learning to Use Come and Came

Boys and girls sometimes say come when they ought to say came.

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William came to school early this morning.

What other word is sometimes used instead of came in a sentence like this?

Here is a game that will give you a chance to use these words correctly.


The teacher appoints a leader and calls him to the desk. The teacher writes on a piece of paper the name of an object in the room. The other pupils will try to find out what object the teacher chose. The leader will call the name of a pupil, and the pupil will go to some object and touch it. He will return to his seat and remain standing until he has answered the leader's question. This is the way the game goes:

Leader: Frank.

(Frank goes to the window and touches the sill. He then returns to his seat and stands beside it.)

Leader: What did you do, Frank?

Frank: I went to the window and touched the sill. Then I came back to my seat.

Leader: That was not right.

Leader: Lena.

(Lena goes to the teacher's desk and touches the bell.)

Leader: What did you do, Lena?

Lena: I went to the teacher's desk and touched the bell. Then I came back to my seat.

Leader: That was not right.

Leader: Henry.

(Henry goes to the door and touches the knob.)

Leader: What did you do, Henry?

Henry: I went to the door and touched the knob. Then I came back to my seat.

Leader: That was right.

Henry now becomes the leader, and the teacher selects a new object.

If any pupil says, "I come back to my seat," he is out of the game.

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Fill each blank with come or came. After you have written the sentences, read them aloud until you can select the correct word without hesitation.

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Speaking Distinctly

"I have a bran new hat," said Ralph proudly as he met his friend.

What is a bran new hat? How should Ralph have said it?

"Nellie's cousin lives in the wes part of the town," Grace said to her sister one evening.

Where do you think the wes part of the town is? How should Grace have said it?

"They were mosly older people at the party las night," said Ruth to her mother.

Pronounce the words that Ruth did not pronounce correctly.

"The drawin teacher didn't come is week," Clarence told his father one night after school.

How should Clarence have said it?

"My new hat is san color," said Grace as she was telling a friend about her new hat.

What was the color of Grace's hat? What should she have said?

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