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Swiss Scenery.-The Valley of Travers.

where he used to promenade, and at the lieve that he was indeed driven from extremity of it a bench, erected by him- dwelling by the villagers, at the instiga self. From this gallery was seen, to the tion of Montmollin, and the other minisleft, a cascade, mentioned by Rousseau, ters of the valley of Travers. The outI believe, in one of his letters, the view er door of his house was forced, his winof which is now intercepted by a house, dows shattered to pieces, and, but for not long since erected; and to the right, the timely arrival of some military, who half way up the mountain, is seen a fa- were in the village, the life of this injured vourite spot, where the philosopher used man would have been sacrificed to their to walk and meditate; adjoining this is fury. So active, so unrelenting, is the a wood of firs, called bois Rousseau, spirit of persecution, that neither reason, from the frequent visits paid to it by this truth, justice, the authority of the counenchanting visionary. cil, nor the interference and decrees of the King of Prussia, could protect him.

While I was making such inquiries of Mad. Bossu as were suggested by my Would that my memory were less tesituation, an aged woman made her ap- nacious, or that the scenery of this valley pearance at the top of the gallery-stairs had transported me less; I should then -it was Babet Perrin, the washerwoman be enabled to confirm my promise; I of Rousseau. Although I am an ad- would then attempt to describe what I mirer of the unequalled talents of Rous- beheld, what I felt. And must then these seau, I do not feel a very profound res- delightful hours be confined to memory pect for the man; you will not, there- alone? must I pass from one extreme to fore, be surprised that I did not throw its opposite? yes, I feel that I must, my arms around the neck of this interest- Compared with what I saw and felt, a ing damsel of fourscore, because she had cold itinerary is all that I can offer you. seen the most extraordinary being of his I can only say that we continued our species every week during three years, route through Couvet, Travers; that we and perhaps (more interesting still) had passed the Clusette at Noiraigue, and felt the touch of his fingers' ends almost spent the night at the romantic village of as frequently. Yet I considered myself Brot, and at the house where Rousseau fortunate in meeting her, and made en used to sleep when he visited Colombier, quiries relative to Rousseau's habits, the summer residence of Lord Keith, at dress, and general conduct towards the that time governor of Neufchatel; that villagers, but particularly concerning the in the morning we resumed our walk, persecution which he experienced from and, after passing the villages of Rochethe natives of Motiers. The villagers, fort and Corcelles, arrived about noon at it appears, are anxious to remove the Neufchatel. This must be written withdisgrace which rests on the memory of out comment; the first of painters, the their fathers; and, although I call to greatest of poets would worship nature mind some instances of the extraordinary here, and pass on; they would not excaprice and suspicion of Rousseau's mind, pose the utter incapacity of painting and and particularly his conduct towards of poetry, to picture scenes like these. David Hume, I am yet disposed to be



From the Monthly Magazine.

T. H.

Gray's-Inn; Dec. 1816. by any pedigree, or other effort to de

I WAS exceedingly amused with the monstrate a genealogy. They are neararticle on Animal Sagacity in your ly as surprising as that anecdote related Magazine: such instances bring the an- (by Goldsmith, I believe) of a venerable imal very close to the human species, in dog, who had been brought up and inreason and good conduct; it almost structed in the family of a strict Roman traces an affinity to mankind-much Catholic, and who, at the close of his more so, certainly, than would be done life was sent across the channel into


Animal Sagacity.


Wales, to finish his days in the family the merits of the surgeon, and the nature of a Protestant. Such, however, was of the wound.

the force of precept and example, (some A young cat, which sometimes has would call it conscience, and a sense of the indulgence of taking her place in the duty,) that nothing, from the moment he domestic circle upon the carpet before entered the Protestant circle, would the fire in the parlour, coming in one tempt him to eat meat, either on Fridays or Saturdays.

day a few weeks ago, when one of the party was spinning upon a line wheel, But I think, Mr. Editor, I can give which she had never seen before, she you an instance of sagacity in the canine seemed extremely alarmed by its appearbreed more astonishing far than that, or ance and motion, and couched down in any other, it ever was my chance to an attitude of fear, and of investigation, hear it was related to me, I assure you, and yet at such a distance as would adas an undeniable fact, and names of per- mit of a speedy retreat, if it should prove sons and places attended the relation of to be alive and an enemy. She crept it; my author was a Prussian officer, slowly all round the wheel, with her eyes who, a little time back, visited this me- steadily fixed upon it, and with a very tropolis, and it was my lot, to hand him singul rexpression of countenance, which about, and shew him the curiosities. A clearly indicated her consideration; till German count had a very valuable dog, at length, not being able to satisfy herself, a large and noble-looking animal; in she retreated towards the door, impasome description of field-sports he was tiently waiting to make her escape; reckoned exceedingly useful, and a friend which she did, the moment it was in her of the count's applied for the loan of the power, with great precipitation. dog for a few weeks' excursion in the The next morning when she came into country: it was granted; and, in the the room, the wheel then standing still, course of the rambles, the dog, by a fall, she advanced courageously towards it either dislocated or gave a severe fracture and after an apparently careful examinato one of his legs. The borrower of the tion walking all round, ventured upon dog was in the greatest alarm, knowing the further experiment of endeavouring well how greatly the count valued him; to ascertain with her paw, touching it in and, fearing to disclose the fact, brought various places, whether there was really him secretly to the count's surgeon, a any thing to be apprehended from it; skilful man, to restore the limb. After still not finding any motion, our philososome weeks' application, the surgeon pher of the Newtonian school, satisfied succeeded, the dog was returned, and all with this complete investigation that she was well, A month or six weeks after had nothing to fear, seated herself quietly this period, the surgeon was sitting grave- by the fire; and the next time she saw ly in his closet, pursuing his studies, when it in motion, sprung gaily forward and he heard a violent scratching at the bot- enjoyed her triumph by playing with the tom of the door; he rose, and on open- object of her former terror. ing it, to his surprise, he saw the dog, his late patient, before him, in company with another dog, who had broken his leg, and was thus brought by his friend to be cured in the same manner.


The country near the village of St. Peter, the last in the Valais was now, says the relator, perfectly wild and barren, no more green trees being to be seen, and all verdure lost in a boundless waste of snow. No sound was to be heard, but the song of the Alpine Lark,

I have heard before now a farmer say, that he had a horse in his stable who always, on losing his shoe, went of his own accord to a farrier's shop, a mile off; or at long intervals, the bleating of the but I never yet heard of a horse taking Chamois. But even these tones ceased,

another horse to a farrier for the pur- after I had proceeded about half an hour pose. In the case of the dogs, there longer in the snow, nor till I came near must have been a communication of the monastery (of St. Bernard) did any ideas; they must have come to a conclu- others succeed, but the awful thunder of sion before they set out; they must have the avalanche, or falls of snow. It is in reasoned together on the way, discussing the midst of this frightful solitude, tha


Animal Sagacity.


travellers are so often overwhelmed be- snows, or is immersed beneath them, in

neath these tremendous masses, or benumbed in snow showers; but, through the benevolence of the canons of St. Bernard, assisted by their dogs and sounding poles, they are sometimes rescued from such a state of destruction, and restored again to life.

a benumbing swoon, the dogs never fail finding the place of his interment, which they point out by scratching and snuffling, when the sufferer is dug out, and carried to the monastery, where every possible mean is used for his recovery.

road, which is scarcely passable more than two months in the year.-Spor. M.

The following account is from a German Almanac recently published:

Yet, notwithstanding all the care and The perpetual sinking in the snow attention of these worthy ecclesiastics, fatigued me so much, that I began to and their faithful dogs, scarcely a year hesitate whether I must not sit down and passes, but, as the snow melts away in rest myself; when I heard the great bell summer, the dead bodies of travellers are of the monastery, which, pouring with a found; who, remote from their homes, slow and hollow clang through a wild and all that was dear to them, perished rocky chasm, had an inexpressibly sol- here, unnoticed, and unknown. In this emp effect; the conviction it afforded chilling region, where fire-wood is among me, however, that I was near the end of the first necessaries of life, it must all be my toils, instantaneously renewed my brought by mules up a steep and rugged strength, and I pushed on eagerly, when I soon beheld the edifice itself high above me, in a deep blue atmosphere, at the edge of a rugged sock. To an eye accustomed to beholding the habitations of "One of the predecessors of the dogs man, surrounded by gardens, meadows, who lately perished in the avalanches rivulets, and groves, the sight of a large from the Great St. Bernard, was named and regular pile of building situated in Barry.-This intelligent animal served. the midst of this wilderness, on a gigantic the hospital of that mountain for the eminence, with clouds rolling at its foot, space of twelve years, during which time and encompassed only by beds of ice and he saved the lives of forty individuals. snow, stretching through a boundless His zeal was indefatigable. Whenever labyrinth of rugged vales, and gullies, in the mountain was enveloped in fogs and mournful immutability, was awfully im- snow, he set out in search of lost travelpressive. In this chilling region, eleva- lers. He was accustomed to run barking ted twelve hundred and forty-six fathoms until he lost breath, and would frequently above the level of the sea, the air pre- venture on the most perilous places. serves a never-ceasing winter, and, even When he found his strength was insuffiat mid-day in the month of August, the cient to draw from the snow a traveller thermometer rarely stands above the freezing point. A small lake, which lies on the South side of the monastery, is never wholly thawed; nor does any green sedge or rushes relieve the desart appearance of its borders.

benumbed with cold, he would run back to the hospital in search of the monks. One day this interesting animal found a child in a frozen state, between the bridge of Drouaz, and the ice-house of Balsora: he immediately began to I now entered the monastery, and lick him, and having succeeded in restofound the canons at breakfast, who re- ring animation, by means of his caresses, ceived me with undissembled hospitality, he induced the child to tie himself round and, in the most polite and obliging his body. In this way he carried the manner, entreated me to prolong my stay poor little creature, as if in triumph, to with them, at my own pleasure. In the the hospital. When old age deprived very rudest seasons, as often as it snows, him of strength, the prior of the convent or the weather is foggy, some of these pensioned him at Berny, by way of rebenevolent persons go forth, with long ward. He is now dead, and his hide i poles, and guided by their excellent dogs, stuffed and deposited in the museum o seek the highway, which these sagacious that town. The little phial, in which he animals never miss, how difficult soever carried a reviving liquor for the distresto find. If, then, the wretched traveller sed travellers whom he found among the has sunk beneath the force of the falling mountains,is still suspended from his neck


Travels in Arabia.


From the Panorama.


WE have had several works giving people of the two Arabias, the Syrians, cursory accounts of the manner of and the Inhabitants of Egypt, without living of the Arabs, but the best have ne- considering that all those tribes, which cessarily been imperfect. Don Raphael indeed speak the same language, differ has surpassed all in obtaining information essentially among themselves by their on the subject; and from the known customs, their manners, and even their character of the author, and his courage origin. It would not be more ridiculous in sustaining every privation, and encoun- to confound under the common name of tering every risk, to obtain true intelli- English, the natives of England, Scotgence, with the absence of all prejudice, land, and Ireland." we are inclined to give him full credence We here notice a highly meritorious in his curious sketches, and the more so, part of the plan of Don Raphael. The as the notes were the result of observa- names of the various tribes frequently retion, and he could have no motive to fuse all translation; therefore authors deceive himself;-they were not intend- have in different countries given names ed for publication. Fortunately, his somewhat resembling in sound the origiMS. fell into the hands of an excellent nal, but always participating of the genius Arabic Scholar, M. Mayeux, pupil of of the language in which they have been that learned Orientalist, the Chevalier written. It is thus that the most diffiLanglés, the French Persian Professor, cult part of translation is to find the syand he has rendered a very acceptable service to literature, in rendering them public.

nonomy of names, and from this cause we have so many of the heroes of Ancient History with names ending in us, The first volume treats of the names, though with the exception of the Romans the position and strength of the tribes, it is very certain that no man's name and of the qualities which divide them ended in us. This folly has been brought from each other. The second and third down to modern times; thus De Thou volumes are devoted to their manners, called himself Thuanus. M. Mayeux customs, laws, government, and religious wisely avoids this error in giving the creeds.

Arabic orthography.

He commences with the tribes of Ægypt, and the tribe of ARABS BENI ALv, or Arab Bèny Aly, as they write it.

Don Raphael enumerates fifty-seven distinct tribes, all differing from each other in some essential points; of these, eighteen inhabit Egypt, and thirty-nine This tribe, he observes, is not properSyria. Yet these various tribes we are ly Egyptian, but is so called from occaaccustomed to confound under the gene- sionally bringing to Alexandria, the only ral name of Arabs. On this subject the city where they are to be seen, butter, Author observes,-J." The carelessness cheese, &c. From their dialect they are with which narratives are wriven is the supposed to come from the environs of principal cause of the false notions and Tunis. They do not commit any disridiculous opinions which we have of orders, but what they dare not take by distant nations. Thus Mussulmen are force, they accomplish by fraud. The called Turks in Europe, though they are following is a curious example of this no more so than the French, and they fact. have, on the contrary, a horror of the name of Turk, which is indeed an insult to them, and they only bestow it through excess of contempt on those people who have changed their religion.

It is thus, too, we call indiscriminately Arabs the Bedouins of the desart, the

After the evacuation of nearly all Egypt, the French, besieged in Alexandria, rendered the reduction of it uneertain by the vigour of their defence. During the siege the Arabs Beni Ali arrived, according to their custom: to suffer their entrance into the town, to re-victual it,


Don Raphael's Travels.


and to prevent them by force from sup- ruin himself to feast you, and every one plying it, was impossible. The English of his tribe is emulous to dispute the posgeneral deemed it best to purchase their session of the guest, whose stay is a conalliance, and the offer was received with tinued round of mirth and feasting; but ardour. It was agreed that they should on the day of parting, it is not uncommon not furnish the town with either victuals for an Arab to address his guest, after he or clothing. The English exhibited their has left the tent. "My friend, you are gold, and the Arab swore by God, Ma- going to leave us; you possess properhomet, his head, and Eternity; but the ty, you are sure to be robbed, and perrascals, profiting by the absence of their haps murdered, before you get out of the new allies, who were on board their ships, desart, therefore it will be better that we brought their merchandize into the city, who are your friends, and have regaled with little more precaution, it is true. you like our brother, should strip you, What was the consequence? five shil- rather than the Arabs who have done lings were paid for what was worth only nothing for you ;" and without more as many half-pence. The besiegers were ado, they dismiss him in a state of nature, duped, the besieged were victims, and to pursue his way without the risk of the old adage was verified, Inter duos robbery. Plunder is the regular trade litigantes tertius gaudet. of nearly all the tribes of Bedouins, but Nearly all the classes of Bedouins are they frequently restore what they have addicted to robbery, or regard it as the stolen, if their generosity is invoked. proper business of their lives; and on" A christian going on a pilgrimage days of recreation the Bedouin relates to the Holy Sepulchre, having separated with much complacency and pride, the himself from the caravan, was attacked success of his predatory excursions; how he robbed a farm-yard of the poultry, without awaking a human being;-how be met travellers in the desart, whom he stripped or killed, and brought home all their spoils in triumph, as an European general would recount the most brilliant of his exploits and all national prejudice apart, perhaps the balance of merit, or rather the minimum of evil or demerit, is in favour of the wandering Arab. He strips the traveller to procure his own subsistence. He is proud of his exploit. A sovereign sees a state which he fancies from its political, moral, or physical weakness, may be made an easy prey, and thinks it glorious to murder one half of the population that he may reign over the other: which of these is least criminal in the eyes of a God of Justice? If a man take his neighbour's purse, or break open his house, he is hanged for it, and very justly: what then ought to be the punishment of those who rob kingdoms, and foully murder all who attempt to defend their property? The plundering Arab,compared with such, is a pattern of


Among all the savage nations, hospitality is a great virtue; and none carry it farther than the Arabs of the Desart. Claim the hospitality of an Arab, he will

by the Arabs, and stripped of every thing, even to his clothes. He now only thought of regaining his comrades as speedily as possible: but he had not gone far when an idea struck him of putting the generosity of the Bedouins to the proof; he turned and cried with all his force, till he had made them hear him, and then addressing the very man who had stripped him, he said, 'Oh Chief of the Arabs! a perverse Bedouin has robbed me of all I possess, and I implore thee, thou who art generous, who never betrayed thy honour, to procure my clothes and baggage to be restored.' The Bedouin, stimulated by the address of this discourse, instantly replied, Thou art a crafty fellow, but since thou takest me by my honour-here, take thy effects which the rascally Arab has just brought me. I restore them, go thy way, and take care no other robs thee.'


A Chief of a tribe related to me the following trait:-An old woman, a widow, and in extreme wretchedness, possessed only 16 ounces of meal for herself and seven children, until the evening of the following day; she made 8 little cakes; while they were baking, a poor wretch entered,and demanded wherewith to satisfy his hunger; without hesitation she presented him one of the cakes, and

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