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cylinder is passed when being blown, until the soft of the best quality, and almost every manufacturer glass touches, and receives shapes from the inside of the box or mould: they are afterwards annealed, | and cut to the lengths required. If of large diameter, they require immense strength and great skill in the operator, who sometimes aids the power of his breath by taking into his mouth a little spirit, which he blows down the pipe; this, of course, is instantly converted into vapour, when it reaches the red-hot cylinder, and by its expansion aids in distending the glass.

Plate-glass is made in a totally different manner; and as its value depends chiefly on its purity, the greatest possible care is taken to procure materials

has his own private formula for the mixture. It may, however, be said to consist chiefly of sand and alkaline salts, as in other kinds of glass, and the following is one receipt known to be in use: Fine white sand well washed, to free it from impurities, 720 lbs.; sulphate of soda, 450 lbs.; slaked lime, 80 lbs. ; nitrate of potash, 25 lbs. ; and cullet of plate. glass, 425 lbs. These ingredients, when melted and skimmed, should yield about 1200 lbs. of perfectly clear metal, which is the quantity usually required for a casting. When melted and ready for use, the pot is lifted out of the furnace (aa, fig. 14) by means of the forceps, and wheeled up to the casting-table

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(cc, fig. 14); here it is seized by a crane and tackle, | by the narrow openings, ff; and, after they have by which it is lifted, and so nicely poised over sufficiently cooled, are removed through the openthe table, that it can be easily tilted so as to pourings at each end, g, g. out its contents. All this requires so much care and steadiness, that the men, impressed with the great danger of carelessness, usually preserve perfect silence during their work. The table is of large size -20 feet or more in length, by 8 or 10 feet in width. When the red-hot liquid glass is poured on, it immediately begins to spread; two bars of iron, a little thicker than the plate is intended to be, are quickly laid on each side of the table, and a steel roller is laid across, resting on these bars: this roller is worked by hand, and rapidly spreads the glass all over the table, the bars preventing it from running over the sides, and regulating its thickness. In a very short time, it begins to cool; the men then seize the end of it with pincers, and pull it forward with great dexterity on to an endless band of wire-gauze, which, being made to revolve, moves the immense plate forward to a slit-like opening to the annealing oven (fig. 14, ff), where it is worked on to another table on wheels, which is pushed forward to make room for another. The annealing oven is usually of immense length, as, in the case of plate-glass, the sheets cannot be set on edge. At the works at St Helen's, in Lancashire, where glass of all kinds is extensively made, there are usually two annealing ovens to each shed, the furnaces being placed between them; each oven runs to the end of the shed, and these sheds are usually over 300 feet in length. The ground-plan shewn in fig. 14 will give a general idea of the arrangement of one of these vast work-shops. The main building is a shed, with the doors at each end, and both doors and windows are made so as to exclude drafts of air, which, if admitted during the operation of casting, are highly injurious to the quality of the manufacture. a, a, are the two melting-furnaces; b, b, b, b, b, b, the pots; c, c, the casting-tables; d, d, the endless bands of wire-gauze for moving the plates to the annealing ovens ; e, e, where they enter

The plates are next removed to the first polishingshed, where each is imbedded in a matrix of stucco, leaving one surface exposed; the whole is enclosed in a frame, which holds both glass and stucco securely. Two of these frames are placed one over the other, with the two exposed surfaces of glass in contact. The lower frame is fixed, and the upper is made to move by machinery with great rapidity backward and forward with a swinging motion, so as to describe an opposite curve with each backward and forward motion. Sand and water are continually thrown on the surface of the fixed plate, and thus the first stage of polishing is performed. The plates are then readjusted in the frames, and the other surfaces are brought upwards, and receive a similar rubbing down with sand and water. The plates are next removed to the second polishingroom, where women are usually employed; here they are again fixed on low tables, and each woman rubs the surface for a long time with a piece of plate-glass, covering from time to time the whole face of the plate with emery-powder and water. After both sides have received this hand-polishing, the plates are removed to a third room, where they are again imbedded on tables which are movable by machinery, so that the whole surface of the plate may be brought under the action of the polishers. These are large movable blocks, covered with woollen cloth and leather, and loaded so as to press on the glass; the polishing material used is colcothar, the red oxide of iron; this completes the polish which gives so much beauty to plate-glass. It is a long and laborious process, and is the chief cause of the high price of plate as compared with other sheet-glass. British plate is only the cylinder glass polished by the processes just described; its comparative cheapness is due to the rapidity with which the cylinder can be blown. Of this rapidity, the best estimate may be formed from


discolour the glass, an iron rod coated with platina is used. In the manufacture of this particular kind of glass, the Messrs Chance of Birmingham are unrivalled, and they have produced very perfect discs for lenses, weighing as much as two hundredweights each.

a single well-authenticated statement concerning of the iron rod for stirring, which of itself is apt to the first Crystal Palace, which had 18 acres of roof; when the sides are added to this, and a fair addition for the increase caused by the ridge-and-furrow system of the roof, the whole extent may be stated at 25 acres; and yet this vast surface of glass was supplied by Messrs Chance & Co. of Birmingham, with only an interruption of three weeks to their ordinary business.

Flint-glass and Optical Glass.—The general principle of the manufacture of these two varieties of glass is identical with those already described, the chief difference consisting in the great care taken to insure perfect purity in the materials. The pots used are so made, that the metal is protected from the chance of being contaminated by any accidental impurities falling in or from the gases of the furnace; they are made with a dome-shaped roof and a lateral arch-shaped opening (fig. 7), which is placed opposite the furnace-mouth, so that the workman has easy access to the contents of the pot, which is necessarily smaller, otherwise the workman could not dip to the bottom.

The materials used for the best flint-glass are varied in their proportions, according to the judgment of the manufacturer; they consist of the whitest sand which can be procured, fine American pearl-ashes (impure carbonate of potash, which is purified by dissolving out the carbonate from its impurities, and evaporating it to dryness in leaden evaporating pans), red lead, or else litharge (the semi-vitrified protoxide of lead), and a small quantity of nitre (nitrate of potash). To these, according to their greater or less purity, the manipulator adds more or less of oxide of manganese and arsenic, as correctives; the former removes the green discoloration which the presence of even a small quantity of iron in the sand will produce; and the latter corrects the tendency the manganese has to give a purple tint to the glass. Both substances require the utmost care and judgment in their use, otherwise they are more injurious than beneficial. The following are the usual proportions: Sand, 51; pearl-ashes, prepared, 16; litharge, 28 (or red lead, 29); nitre, 4; white arsenic, ; peroxide of manganese,; cullet of flint-glass in any proportion the manufacturer thinks proper.

Formerly, the silica was obtained by calcining flints, hence the name applied to this kind of glass, but now sand is used instead; and although beautifully white sands are obtained from Lynn, in Norfolk, from the Isle of Wight and other parts of Hampshire, from Aylesbury, from France, and even from North America and Australia, it nevertheless requires most careful preparation by washing, calcining, and sifting.

But however carefully flint-glass is made, and however pure and transparent the crystal may be which is so made, it nevertheless possesses some defects, which interfere with its fitness for telescopes, microscopes, light-houses, and other optical purposes. These defects consist in almost imperceptible striæ in the material, which produce certain optical aberrations. These striæ are known to be caused by the imperfect mixture of the materials, and the want, consequently, of a uniform density. This has been obviated by M. Guinaud and his associate, M. Frauenhofer, by stirring the metal in the pot with an iron rod; but greater improvements have been effected by our own chemist Faraday, who not only improved upon the manipulation of Messrs Guinaud and Frauenhofer, but suggested also an improvement in the materials, by the addition of carbonate of baryta and a little carbonate of lime, which produces a glass of the greatest density and clearness that has ever been known before. Instead

Flint-glass is employed in the manufacture of all the articles of utility and ornament for table and other domestic uses; and as the manufacture of each article requires different management, it would be impossible here to give any satisfactory explanation of the manipulative processes. Suffice it to say, that at present Great Britain is unrivalled in the production of so-called crystal or flint-glass, which we manufacture of the greatest purity and brilliancy; but in the coloured kinds the Bohemians take the lead, and excel both in design and in the art of colouring.

Much flint-glass is now moulded into drinkingvessels, bottles, and other common articles; but these are always greatly inferior to those which are made by the handicraft of the regular glassblower.

Coloured glass is a general term which includes several distinct varieties: first may be mentioned the glass made for windows and other similar purposes. Coloured sheet-glass is made both by the crownglass and cylinder-glass processes. Sometimes it is of pot-metal-that is, the glass and the colouring materials are all melted and worked from one potgenerally, however, this glass is of too dark a colour, and the kind called flashed glass is most generally used; in this, two pots are employed, one containing the coloured glass, as if for pot-metal, the other colourless glass. The workman makes his first gatherings from the colourless glass, and the last only from the coloured pot; the consequence is that the glass when finished, although it cannot be perceived, has only a thin skin of the coloured material on one side, and the colour is thus as it were diluted. This has other advantages, because, by skilful grinding, the colour may be removed, and transparent patterns produced on the coloured ground; and the same may be done, and even delicate shading of the colour effected, by eating away the coloured side more or less by means of fluoric acid, which is frequently employed, and most beautiful effects are produced.

The colours usually employed consist of metallic oxides, other substances are, however, occasionally used. Gold, in the state called Purple of Cassius, invented by Dr Andrew Cassius of Leyden in 1632, and also in the state of a simple solution, without tin, yields the most beautiful ruby, crimson, rose, and purple colours. Copper, as a sub-oxide, yields a fine ruby red, and the black oxide gives an emerald green. Cobalt yields the rich deep blues. Iron, as a protoxide, gives a dull green; combined with alumina, it gives flesh colour, or pale rose, and combined with chloride of silver, it yields an orange yellow; as a peroxide, it gives a common red and a brownish red. Silver, with alumina, also yields a yellow colour of great beauty; and commoner and less beautiful yellow tints are produced by glass of antimony, and even by carbon, either in the form of soot or charcoal. Uranium gives the beautiful chrysoprase green and canary yellow, with a slight degree of opalescence; it also gives an emerald green. Arsenic, or arsenious acid, produces an opaque white. Manganese gives a purple or amethystine colour as an oxide; and as a peroxide, with a little cobalt, a fine garnet-red colour. These are some of the materials generally employed, but there are numerous others, the use of which depends upon the skill of the manufacturer.


Lately, another and very remarkable invention for decorating glass has been patented by M. Joubert of Bayswater, London-viz., the fixing of photographic pictures upon this material. The sensitive salt used to receive the picture is one which will stain glass; therefore, on firing, the picture is deeply burned into the glass, and cannot be effaced; most beautiful effects are thus produced; natural landscapes and pictures may be transferred with most perfect fidelity.

transparency; but this is easily restored by other polishing materials, as emery, putty-powder (oxide of tin), tripoli, red oxide of iron, or colcothar, &c. The cutting and polishing are effected with wheels or discs of sandstone, wood, and metal. Very fine engraving is done with pointed metal tools and diamond-dust, the same as in seal-engraving, &c.

The applications of coloured glass to ornamental purposes are very numerous; one has already been fully described under the head of GEMS, ARTIFICIAL. In the hands of skilful glass-workers, especially those of Bohemia, articles of ornament and utility, combining the most exquisite combinations of form and colour, are produced. But not the least interesting application of coloured glass is the art of producing windows exhibiting Beautiful pictorial designs. So beautiful are the designs of some of the windows formed from this Glass-grinding and Engraving.-Glass can be material, that they deservedly rank as works of easily ground with sand and water, so that the high art. This art originated at the commencement ornamental effect of vessels and other objects of of the 9th c., and received its greatest develop-flint-glass may be very greatly enhanced. Sand, ment in the 15th century. It then began to however, leaves a rough surface, and destroys the decline, until, at the commencement of the present century, it was slowly revived, at first with but little success, a conviction having been formed that the true secrets of the art of producing the rich colours seen in ancient windows were lost. Gradually, chemistry and the microscope removed the errors, the former demonstrating the exact constituents of the best kinds of ancient glass, enabled the manufacturer to imitate it exactly. Still, however, with the same ingredients, there was a remarkable want of richness in the modern material: the cause of this was revealed by the microscope, which shewed that it was due to minute pores, which are produced by weathering of the outer surface, the alkaline parts of the glass being washed out, as it were, by the rain, &c. This porosity, by breaking up the surface, destroyed the flatness and glare of the glass, and by mixing more thoroughly the rays of light, produced that richness for which the ancient glass is so famous. Various methods were adopted to produce this effect: one which became common was, to stipple the surface with dots of a dark opaque colour; now it is still better and more ingeniously done by sprinkling sand thickly over the gathering of glass before receiving the coloured coat, so that when blown and flashed, it has the grains of sand thinly scattered through its substance, and these being refractive, very successfully produce a richness nearly equal to that acquired by age.

The polishing of lenses for optical instruments and for light-houses is an art of very great importance, requiring extraordinary skill. Much of the polishing of the larger lenses is effected by the aid of machinery, and perhaps no combinations of mechanical art are more wonderful than the machines by which the Messrs Chance of Birmingham polish the prisms and lenses for catoptric and dioptric light-houses.

Glass in a liquid form has lately been extensively made under the name of soluble glass or silicate of soda; it is silica, or sand, dissolved in a solution of caustic soda. This liquid, when used as a varnish, is said to protect stone and other materials from the injurious action of the weather, and for this purpose now employed to arrest the decay of the stone of the new Houses of Parliament. It is also extensively used in the manufacture of soap (see SOAP); and this, or a similar soluble glass made with potash, has been recommended to be used as a dressing for muslins and other fabrics to render them fireproof. The soluble soda-glass has also been successfully employed in mounting microscopic objects, instead of Canada balsam or glycerine.

GLASS-PAINTING (in Art). The application of coloured glass to the artistic decoration of windows has been previously alluded to, but the very high position which it formerly attained, and which it is again rapidly approaching, renders it necessary to devote a short space to its relationship to the fine arts.

So far, indeed, from the art being lost, there is no doubt that a better material and better colours are now made; and those who examine the works produced by Ballantyne, Chance, and other manufacturers of our country, and those of Munich and other continental works, will not easily believe that the ancients were more successful in their designs than the moderns. But besides the pot-metal and flashed glasses before mentioned, there are two other methods of colouring and producing pictorial effects Originally, there was but one method of making on glass. The first is by staining, that is to say, ornamental glass windows, and that was to produce painting the glass with various materials, usually the pattern in outline with finely made leaden metallic oxides finely powdered, and mixed with oil frames, into the grooves of which pieces of coloured of spike or some other volatile medium; the glass glass or of stained glass were fitted. Modern is then placed in a furnace, in which it is made red chemistry has, however, so improved the art of hot, and a deep stain of the colour required is pro-glass-staining, that large pictures may now be duced on the glass. This process enables the artist to produce a complete picture on one piece of glass; whereas, by the older method, the picture had to be made up of a vast number of pieces set in a slender lead-framing. Generally, both methods are employed in pictorial windows, as the staining enables the artist to give the human features. But staining does not produce the same brilliancy of colour, and lessens the transparency of the glass, hence it is in

less esteem.

Another mode of decorating glass is by using the opaque or nearly opaque enamel colours, and after the design is produced with these, to fix them by firing: this is a beautiful art, and is variously employed.

produced on single sheets of glass, as in the case of the windows shewn by the St Helen's Crown Glass Company in the Exhibition of 1851, one of which, designed by Mr Frank Howard, representing St Michael Casting out the Great Dragon,' was upwards of nine feet high by three feet broad. It was on plate-glass, and had to be fired or submitted to intense heat fifteen times, notwithstanding which it was perfectly smooth, and although somewhat deficient in brilliancy of colour, was an excellent and effective composition.

One of the best known of the early applications of glass to the window decoration is that in the monastery of Tegernsee, in Upper Bavaria, which was secularised in 1802, and is now a private


residence; but these windows (executed in the latter half of the 10th c.), like all of the first attempts, were only tasteful arrangements of coloured glass in imitation of the stone mosaics used for floors, &c. Nor did the art rise much above this for at least three centuries after its origination; but in the 13th c., owing to the full development of the Gothic style of architecture, it became of immense importance, coloured glass taking the place of tapestried curtains in filling up the spaces within the groined arches. The mosaic patterns were superseded by elaborate designs, not only in beautiful arabesque and other styles of decorative art, but even pictorial compositions were attempted; and to such perfection did this arise, that many of the works produced in the 15th c. are marvels of art. In all of these, the figures, with the exception of the faces, were made up of pieces of self-coloured glass combined with great skill and taste; the features were painted in enamel colours, and burned in, and the art of the artist was shewn by giving ease and grace to the figures corresponding to the expression of the faces. Gradually the art of shading, by removing certain portions of the coloured surface, and other improvements were effected. This was the culminating point in the history of the first period of the art of glass-painting, as it is called, and seemed to have attained the highest perfection of which it is susceptible, for the efforts which followed to improve it by assimilating it to oil-painting signally failed, and with this failure began that decline in the art which was perhaps more remarkable in the instance of glass-painting than in any other, for in a comparatively short time it began to be felt that the true art was lost. Since the commencement of the present century, rapid strides have been made towards improvement; and the renaissance bids fair to eclipse the glory of the first epoch. The great seats of this art are now in Munich, Nürnberg, Paris, Birmingham, Edinburgh, and one or two more places; and it never received more liberal patronage in its palmiest days than it now does.

is small. Milne-Edwards supposes these creatures to have no special organs of respiration, but that the blood is aërated through the general surface of the

Glass Crab:

a, head; b, thorax ; c, abdomen.

body. They are found in tropical and sub-tropical seas; and so transparent are they, that, when floating on the surface of the water, they would not be perceived but for the beautiful blue of their eyes.

GLA'SSITES, a religious sect, which sprung up in Scotland about 1730, when its founder, John Glass, a native of Auchtermuchty, in Fife, and minister of the parish of Tealing, near Dundee, was deposed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, chiefly on account of views which he had adopted and published concerning the nature of the kingdom of Christ. In his Testi mony of the King of Martyrs concerning his Kingdom, founded on the words of our Saviour recorded in John xviii. 36, 37, Mr Glass maintained that all national establishments of religion are inconsistent with the true nature of the church of Christ, and was thus probably the first assertor of the Voluntary principle in Scotland. He also advocated a system of church-government essentially Independent or Congregational. After his deposition by the General Assembly, he became the pastor of a GLASS PAPER, or CLOTH, is made by powder- congregation. He died at Dundee in 1773. His ing glass more or less finely, and sprinkling it over personal worth and piety were acknowledged even paper or calico still wet with a coat of thin glue: by the most strenuous opponents of his peculiar the powdered glass adheres as it dries. Glass paper opinions. A number of small congregations or is very extensively employed as a means for polish-churches were soon formed on Glassite principles, not ing metal and wood-work; it is sold in sheets, and only in Scotland, but in England and America; but is very largely manufactured at Birmingham and both in England and America, the name of a follower other places. of Glass, Robert Sandeman, prevailed over his own, and the sect received the name of Sandemanians. GLA'SSCHORD, a musical instrument, with keys Sandeman, a native of Perth, is chiefly known from like a pianoforte, but with bars of glass instead of his advocacy of certain views respecting the nature strings of wire. It was invented in Paris in 1785 of saving faith, now commonly designated Sandeby a German called Beyer. The name glasschord manian, essentially consisting in representing faith was given to the instrument by Franklin. When as a bare belief of the bare truth,' which belief, the glasschord was completed, it was exhibited publicly in Paris, and performed on by the inventor; but it never was received with favour by the instrument-makers, so that no more were ever made, as possibly its construction and mechanism remained

a secret with its inventor.

GLASS-CRABS (Phyllosomata), a family of crustaceans, of the division Malacostraca, order Stomapoda of Cuvier, remarkable for the transparency of their bodies, whence their popular name, whilst the scientific name (Gr. leaf-body) refers to the great horizontal expansion of the carapace. They have little resemblance to crabs. The head is represented by a large oval plate, bearing eyes mounted on very long stalks; a second plate, the breadth of which much exceeds its length, represents the thorax, and bears the feet, most of which are long, and some of them, as in a few other crustaceans, bifid, with one branch much longer than the other. The abdomen

however, both Glass and Sandeman, with at least their immediate adherents, regarded as the fruit of Divine grace and the work of the Holy Spirit. The G. have, since the beginning of the 19th c., decreased in numbers. In 1851, there were only six

Glassite churches in Scotland, none of which contained very many members; and at the same date only six Sandemanian churches existed in England. The G. maintain the necessity of a plurality of teaching elders in every church, but do not require any special education for this office or separation from secular employments; they hold a second marriage a disqualification for it; they deem it unlawful to join in prayer with any one who is not a brother or sister in Christ; they observe the Lord's Supper weekly; they maintain love-feasts or dinners between morning and afternoon services, at which it is incumbent on every member of the church to be present; they are rigid in abstaining from things


strangled and from blood; and in general hold by the most literal interpretation of other Scripture rules, as concerning the kiss of charity, and the washing of the feet of fellow-disciples; they disapprove of games of chance, and of all use of the lot except for sacred purposes. Their charity, both to their own poor and to the poor of other denominations, is said to be exemplary.

GLASS-MEN were wandering rogues or vagrants, under the statutes 39 Elizabeth c. 4, and 1 James I.

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Glasswort (Salicornia herbacea):

a, joints of stem bearing flowers; b, style; c, stamen.

rachis, one stamen or two, and a short style, the fruit a utricle enclosed in the enlarged perianth. One species (S. herbacea), a leafless plant with jointed stems, is common in salt marshes in Britain. It makes a good pickle, and is sometimes sold for this purpose. Several species grow abundantly on the shores of the Mediterranean; and as they contain a large quantity of soda, are used in making barilla, along with the species of Saltwort (q. v.).

GLA'STONBURY, an ancient municipal burgh and market-town in the county of Somerset, 25

miles south-west of Bath, is built in the form of a

cross, and occupies a peninsula formed by the river Brue, or Brent, called the Isle of Avalon. It has small manufactures of silk, and some export trade in timber, slates, tiles, and agricultural produce, by means of a canal connecting it with the Bristol Channel, and the railway between the Bristol and Exeter and Wilts and Somerset lines which passes through Glastonbury. Pop. (1861) 3593. The town owes its origin to its celebrated abbey, which, according to tradition, was founded in 60 A. D., and was one of the earliest seats of Christianity in Britain. Its traditionary founder was Joseph of Arimathea, and the 'miraculous thorn,' which flowered on Christmas-day, was, till the time of the Puritans, believed by the common people to be the veritable staff with which Joseph aided his steps from the Holy Land. The tree was destroyed during the civil wars, but grafts from it still flourish in the neighbouring gardens. In 605 A. D. the monks adopted the dress and rules of the Benedictine order. This magnificent pile at one time covered 60 acres; but as most of the houses in G., and also a causeway


across Sedgemoor, have been constructed of the materials, the extent of the ruins is now much dimin ished. The most interesting remains are the Abbey Church, with St Joseph's Chapel, St Mary's Chapel, and the Abbot's Kitchen. St Joseph's Chapel is one of the most elegant specimens in existence of the transition from Norman to Early English architecture, and is supposed to have been erected during the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I. It is now roofless, and the vaulting of the crypt is nearly destroyed. The entrance is adorned with sculpture. Below the floor is a Norman crypt, within which is St Joseph's Well. Of the Abbey Church, few fragments remain. The Chapel of St Mary is roofless, but the remains of its pointed windows and archways are exceedingly elegant. The Abbot's Kitchen, now separate from the rest of the ruins, is a square massive structure, the walls strongly buttressed, and dates from about the 15th century. G. has the honour of ranking St Patrick (415 A. D.) and St Dunstan among its abbots. In 1539, Henry VIII. summoned Abbot Whiting to surrender G. and all its treasures; and on his refusal, condemned him to be hanged and quartered, and the monastery confiscated to the king's use, which sentence was immediately carried into execution. According to tradition, King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere were buried in the cemetery of the abbey; and Giraldus Cambrensis states that 'a leaden cross, bearing the following inscription, "Hic jacet sepultus inclytus Rex Arthurus in insula Avallonia," was found under a stone seven feet below the surface; and nine feet below this was found an oaken coffin, containing dust and bones.' This disinterment took place by order of Henry II. The only other objects of interest at G. are the Church of St Benedict; the Church of St John the Baptist, with a tower of 140 feet high; the Weary-all Hill, where Joseph of Arimathea rested from his weary pilgrimage; and the Tor Hill, where the last abbot of G. was put to death, 500 feet above the sea-level, crowned by a beautiful tower, the ruin of a pilgrimage chapel of St Michael.

GLATZ, a town of Prussia, in the province of Silesia, is a fortress of the second rank, and is situated between two fortified hills, on the left bank of the Neisse, 52 miles south-south-west of Breslau. It has four Catholic churches and a Catholic gymnasium; and carries on considerable manufactures of linen, damask, and woollen fabrics, as well as of leather and rose-garlands. Pop. 10,949, including 2176 of a garrison. During the Thirty Years' and the Seven Years' Wars, G. was frequently besieged and taken.


GLAUBER, JOHANN RUDOLPH, a German chemist and physician, was born at Karlstadt, in Franconia, in 1604, and died at Amsterdam in 1668. details regarding his life are known, except that he resided for a long time at Salzburg, then at Kissingen, then at Frankfurt-on-the-Maine, then at Cologne, from whence he probably removed to Amsterdam. Although a believer in the philosopher's stone and in the universal medicine, he contributed very materially to the progress of chemistry. Poggendorff (in his Biographisch-literarische Handwörterbuch) gives a list of about thirty of his works, of which a collected edition up to the date of publication appeared, in two quarto volumes, in 1658-1659, at Frankfurt, and another edition, in seven octavo volumes, in 1661, at Amsterdam. An English translation by Packe, in one large folio volume, was published in London in 1689. His name at the present day is chiefly known for his discovery of sulphate of soda, which he termed sal mirabile, and regarded as a universal medicine, and


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