Compare the latter verses of the chapter with the former part of it, and a short interpretation will be, that Britannia's offspring being persecuted fled into the wilderness, from the face of the serpent, and in time became an independent nation: that the DRAGON, or serpent, was wroth (angry, displeased, or provoked) with the WOMAN, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed; and that, at an after period, America was to be particularly strong and powerful, so as to rule all nations with a rod of iron. America has a wise and well-formed constitution, left open for amendment, as circumstances occur; every comfort within herself for happiness, and no state religion, or dragonic power, (for by the 9th section of the first article of their constitution it is enacted, that "No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States:") they may therefore be a great people, if they will but be good. No after remark need to be made on this part of the elucidation, circumstances do but The aptoo strongly evince its accuracy. proaching war with America has probably been greatly accelerated by the death of Pierce, a war that will "pierce us through with many sorrows." (1st Tim. 6th chapter 10th verse.) Read the verse and apply it. Neither does any thing need to be said respecting Ireland, its present situation does but too strongly prove the truth of the foregoing explanation. I close these introductory chapters with re questing it may be remembered, the United States have no established religion; there all persons acknowledging a Supreme Being are eligible to any situation whether spiritual or temporal; and I think it is the only country in the world professing Christianity where there is no alliance between Church and State. They therefore" have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (See the concluding passage of this chapter), "my kingdom is not of this world." As it would have been inconsistent to have published the elucidation before this period; I therefore, at this alarming and very awful crisis proclaim my opinion to the Christian World. |