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blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (all proceeding from God). And the word was made flesh (by the wora, command, or power of God flesh was made-for man cannot come into the world without his instrumentality), and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of (in appearance so) the only be. gotten (or best beloved) of the Father, full of grace and truth (receiving the favour of God in consequence of his acting with truth and sincerity).

The verses, as being a preface, are a highly figurative and sublime representation of the Omnipotence, or power of the Supreme Being.

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and beautiful; but dreadfully terrific in their de nunciations.

I close this short postscript with the 35th verse of the 14th chapter.


For after death shall the judgment come, when we shall live again: and then shall the names of the righteous be manifest, and the works of the ungodly shall be declared."


I hope the Reader will excuse some typographical errors which appear in these Sheets, occasioned by the ex treme haste with which the book was printed.

C. Stower, Printer, Paternoster Row.


The "LITTLE BOOK" was ready in London on the 12th of February 1811, (the day parliament was opened by commission from the Regent, but being prevailed upon from issuing it there (which I now look upon as a peculiar interposition of the Divine Being.-O Almighty Father! may I be enabled to perform thy whole will), I had the four thousand books conveyed to the carrier, to be forwarded to my residence at Great Hucklow near Tideswell, Derbyshire. Soon after their arrival reflecting upon the 9th & 10th verses of the 17th chapter of Revelations where the seven heads are seven mountains," and they being the "seven kings," I judged it right to delay their publication, (not a single book having been sold) until the SIXTH KING had come up" as it would then make the prophecy more correct, and enable me to come forth with a still greater degree of accuracy; my great wish being the establish. ment of Scripture Truth.

In consequence of this Act, all the restrictions on the Regent's power would expire and the law would devolve upon him ALL THE ROYAL AUTHORITY, AS POSSESSED BY THE SOVEREIGN, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES." See the Minister's Speech on Thursday Jan 12, 1812. HE therefore will be the "Sovereign" with "Royal Authority" and the "SIXTH KING" the "ore is" and when TIE LITTLE BOOK is opened. in an actual state of being or existence. See the latter part of the 41st page of the said Little Book.

Examine the 29, 30, and 31st verses of the


fourth chapter of Daniel; they begin with "at the end of the TWELVE MONTHS," and end with "the kingdom is departed from thee." A kingdom cannot be departed from one monarch, until another monarch has " come up," therefore the "seven times" (see the 5th page, introduction,) mentioned in the subsequent verses, must con:mence at that period. The passages cannot be misunderstood, or misapplied.

The vials, with various other connected circumstances (such as those in the notes page 28, 42, and 43 of the Little Book,) must likewise take date from the said period, and not from the commencement of the restricted regency, and let it be remembered he is still the same individual, one of the seven mountains (figuratively so, being high, raised up, or exalted,) and the first of Daniel's two kings.

A greater attention to the 4th and 17th verses of the 11th chapter of Daniel induces me to give them the following clucidation, "That "his posterity (A-bad- on's alias Napoleon's) will not rule according to his dominion" (the power, or authority he possesses) but that "his kingdom" will "BE PLUCKED UP even for others besides those" (for others besides his posterity) and that "she" (his present Empress) shall not be for him? (or will not be for his views.) Compare the passages with the 26th yerse of the 7th chapter.

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1 have earnestly to request that my readers would examine the four first verses of the Eth chapter of Daniel where Belshazzer the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and

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where he is found to be the SONof Nebuchad-those verses with the 36th,nezzer, and compare 37th, 38th, and 59th verses of the 11th chapter. HE is to work deceitfully for he shall COME UP" and “honour a God (esteen, or give glory to) whom his fathers knew not" (did not properly bow down to, honour, or worship.) See the 23rd and 38th verses of the said 11th chapter..

The two remarkable 4th and 5th chapters must be duly and properly regarded-" My reason returned unto me; and I was established in my kingdom," Fee the 36th verse of the 4th chapter.

The awful and tremendous COMET, which Milton says shakes pestilence and war, with va rious other wonderful appearances, alarming concussions, horrid murders, multiplied robberies, and crimes of different descriptions: great commercial distress, dreadful storms, and lamentable shipwrecks, with the holy cities midday darkness; cannot but be viewed as harbinges or signs of the calamitous vials.

Reffect well upon the 46th, 47th, and 48th pages of the introduction.-I must bear witmess to the truth.”

The "Prince of the Covenant" having "come up" to be the "Sixth King" I must perform my duty which duty was performed on the 20th of the 2d month, 1812; the former part was wrote prior to the latter part after, the exhibition of the "Little Book" upon the "middle of the river" Thames, on the said 20th of the said month

Printed the 23d of the 11th month 1815.

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