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to his penalty: The Chorus briefly concludes. Compare this with the former draught.

Scotch ftories, or rather British of the North parts.

ATHRICO flain by Natholochus, whofe daughter he had ravisht, and this Natholochus ufurping thereon the kingdom, feeks to flay the kindred of Athrico, who scape him and confpire against him. He fends to a witch to know the event. The witch tells the meffenger, that he is the man fhall flay Natholochus: he detests it, but in his Journey home changes his mind, and performs it. Scotch Chron. English, p. 68, 69.

DUFFEE and DONWALD, a ftrange story of witchcraft, and murder discover'd and reveng'd. Scotch Story, 149, &c.

HAIE, the Plowman, who with his two fons that were at plough running to the battel that was between the Scots and Danes in the next field, ftaid the flight of his countrymen, renew'd the battel, and caus'd the victory, &c. Scotch Story, p. 155.

KENNETH, who having privily poifon'd Malcolm Duffee, that his own fon might fucceed, is flain by Fenella. Scotch Hift. p. 157, 158, &c.

MACBETH, beginning at the arrival of Malcolm at Mackduffe. The matter of Duncan may be exprefs'd by the appearing of his ghost.


The Epitafis whereof may lie in the contention, first between the father of Zimri and Eleazer, whether he



[ought] to have flain his fon without law. Next, the embassadors of the Moabites expoftulating about Cosbi a stranger and a noble woman flain by Phineas. It may be argued about reformation and punishment illegal, and, as it were by tumult, after all arguments driven home, then the word of the Lord may be brought, acquitting and approving Phineas.

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The scene in the garden beginning from the coming thither till Judas betrays, and the officers lead him away. The reft by meffage and Chorus. His agony may receive noble expreffions.




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