of that joy which fills the courts of the upper sanc- | while nature's light everywhere discloses a pretuary with adoring and eternal praise. sent Deity, and bespeaks the excellency of God's When David beheld the excellency of Jehovah's O! that grace from above were so largely and continuously imparted to our souls, that, in our spirit and lives, nought were found to contradict this the song of our lips; but that rather, by our trust, and hope, and cheerful acquiescence in the Lord's dealings, our light might so shine forth, that others might catch our spirit, and learn from our lips this song, and unite with us, in glorifying our most exalted and all-glorious Father, our THIRTIETH DAY.-MORNING. There is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O 4. in reference to the tongue. How excellent is thy name! Could heart now feel or tongue express the full measure of that excellence, it could not, in that case, be what God declares it will be—the source of endless praise. For us to realize the truth contained in these Much as the ransomed soul now feels; strong, words, is to possess a powerfully constraining and ardent, and ecstatic, as is its song of praise motive against all profanity in word or action. -the excellency of the divine glory that we have We say action, because our life and manner speak seen is as nothing, when compared with that as plainly and distinctly as our tongue; and it which still remains unknown. Now we see may be said as truly, that 'out of the abundance but darkly, and all that we learn of the excellency of the heart' the hand moveth, as 'the mouth of God's name is, that it 'passeth understanding.' speaketh.' But let us view these words specially But even the full vision of the upper sanctuary will not discover all its beauty, the unclouded vision of souls made perfect, as they gaze through eternity, will not fully descry his glory: nor shall ransomed sinners find one moment, through eternity, without cause to veil their faces before Jehovah's brightness, as it advances in effulgence. Let us then, while we tarry here below, attune our hearts to those praises which we hope to sing, in higher strains, in the heavenly world. Here, in the lisping accents of the infancy of grace, let us begin the hymn of glory. Moreover let us strive and pray, that, as there is no corner of the earth, where men may not read the excellency of Jehovah's name, so in every kindred, and in every tongue this song may echo through all the earth;' that as God's glory covers all the earth, and reacheth even above the heavens, so it may be recognized and confessed by men, when, to confess his name, is the salvation of the soul. But Of all sins men think most lightly of the sins of the tongue. It is the common excuse of the profane swearer, that his oaths and profanity are mere words, an empty breath, a meaningless sound, to which his heart responds not; and hence he infers that God takes no cognizance of them, neither are they offensive to him. To such it might be sufficient to reply that the very letter of the law describes their very case; and while it doubtless extends to the feeling of the heart, it expressly, and in so many words declares, 'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;' shalt not use it but for a good and holy purpose; nothing whereby Jehovah has made himself known, shall by thee be treated with irreverence; 'not a word in thy tongue' expressive of God's names, titles, or attributes, shall by thee be regarded as idle and meaningless. This plainly implies that the glorious and fearful name of God is profaned when not used with that reverence | chiefly, and more powerfully, when in company and solenin awe which so well becometh him. But while this may be enough in reply to those who make such vain excuses, it may be well to deepen our convictions as a preventative from a sin into which many are so prone to fall, and as an incentive to a duty which we are too ready to forget, the sin of speaking lightly of Jehovah and his ways, the duty of speaking reverently of him, and all that he does. For this purpose observe: 1. That the tongue when it speaks thoughtlessly, and gives utterance to idle words, is the great mean by which profanity is disseminated. The outward senses are the appointed means of communication betwixt man and man, and they are adapted to convey to the mind those influential impressions of good or evil which form the character and dispositions of the heart. We all know the power of language in awakening the dormant feelings of the heart. Insulting language, or jeering words, even when known to be spoken in jest, raise a storm of passion in the most placid breast, which the strongest efforts of self-control can scarcely restrain. The remembrance of our youthful days may teach us that the deepest principle will not altogether guard the young-that by hearing the idle or ribbald oath of the profane, their purity of language will be endangered. The experience of every age testifies aloud, that the children, the associates, or the servants of the profane talker are in peculiar danger of corruption, His words cannot be listened to with impunity they are like sparks of fire falling on the withered herbage; like the miasmata of an infectious pestilence, the most healthful cannot resist the subtile poison. But this is not all; not only the words of profanity on the lips of others, but especially in our own, fan the flame within us. He whose feelings have scarce been moved by the tale of wrongs which another told, no sooner begins to set it forth himself than his bosom swells with deep emotion; and he, whose sense of duty is scarcely lessened by the levity with which another speaks of it, no sooner himself begins to speak of it in a slighting tone, than his heart assumes the character of his voice. So it is emphatically with all profanity. To the very last it is repulsive in the mouth of another, but in our own we lose sight of its blackness. Like deformity, we only see its hideous aspect in another's face or form, but forget or excuse it in our own. That profanity of language is thus the fruitful seed of profanity of heart, is obvious from the diligence and manner of Satan's tempting us to its commission. He tempts us not when alone merely, but with others; he tempts us to sow the seed when we stand upon ground where it can take root; his object being to dishonour God, and, through us, to lead others on to sin, and thus to dissever us from God. 'Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth. The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell.' This being the case, who will say that God does not take cognizance of our idle words, or will not hold those guilty who under any pretence take his name in vain. 2. This verse leads us also to note the great means or motive that will restrain impiety and profanity of language. When we bow the knee in prayer, or realize the presence of God, we feel no inclination to give utterance to irreverent words. A believing and quick sense of the divine presence controls our lips by solemnizing our hearts. Levity of thought being checked, levity of speech is restrained-the one gone, the other is absent the fountain-head being dried up, the stream ceases to flow. Let us then realize the solemn truth, that there is not a word in our tongue, but, lo, he knoweth it altogether;' not only knoweth it, but taketh notice of it, recordeth it in the book of his remembrance, and is much and grievously offended with it. Let us realize the presence of God in every company, and in every place, and in every possible situationrealize it as fully as we do in the hour of prayer, or in the house of God, or at the communion table— realize it as fully as when standing by the deathbed of a Christian friend, or ourselves placed on that couch whence we shall never rise-let eternity rise to view, and we will feel no more inclined to the utterance of profane words in the ordinary scenes of life than we do on occasions such as these. Let our deep and ever-present conviction be, Thou, Lord, seest me.' The Lord hears, and hearkens;' hears as truly and fully my idle words as my praying voice. And let us live under the deep and abiding conviction, and dread remembrance, that since the most idle and vain word may be to ourselves, or others, the seed of profanity, there is not an idle word for which we shall not have to give an account at the last day. Fearful will be their doom, and bitter their agony of soul, whose idle words have unintentionally spread around them the contagious pestilence of profanity, infecting as with leprosy all brought into contact with them, their children, domestics, associates, and friends. O! that our conversation were always seasoned with salt,' and savoured of we dishonour him in his works; as the God of grace! then the effect would be blessed. Instead Providence, by impatient, discontented, and fretful of corrupting it would spread around us the feelings and thoughts of his dealings; as the God benign influences of piety, peace, good-will, and of ordinances, by the irreverent or careless use comfort—and thus our tongue would become the of them, or by the neglect of them; as the God instrument of good, and by our words we should of the Bible, by our slighting it, carping at its be justified.' truths, or despising its teaching. In one or other, or all of these ways, do we profane the glorious attributes which he hath revealed and made known; questioning his wisdom, doubting his love, braving his omnipotence, not duly impressed with the conviction of his omnipresence, his THIRTIETH DAY.-EVENING. ‘Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the holiness, his wisdom, his tender mercy. This door of my lips,' Psal. cxli. 3. UNDER a deep conviction of the dangers which we ourselves have encountered from the profane language and vain words of others—under a lively impression of the power of mere words to awaken emotions in the heart, and sensible at once of our own corruption, and the corruptibleness of others, how fearful is the responsibility under which we lie to regulate our words aright; how truly righteous is our God in declaring that for every idle word we must render an account; and how fervently will every one, who desires the glory of God, and the good of souls, and his own peace and purity, entreat, with the psalmist, that the Lord would set a watch before his mouth, and keep the door of his lips." Out of the heart proceed blasphemies, and every evil and base thing that degrades humanity. This is the well-spring of all that is outwardly sinful, the fountain whence issue irreverence, and corrupt, and corrupting, and impious words. What watchfulness, then, should characterise us, in regard both to the inward and the outward man; and if we would have the life holy, and the tongue kept under restraint, let us keep the heart with all diligence.' In us, that is, in our flesh, there dwelleth no good thing; the carnal mind is enmity against God. He is not in all the thoughts of the natural man. And while we live on earth, we, alas! are more or less burdened with this fleshly tabernacle; even God's people are sensible that much of the old man remaineth in them. What a warfare do we maintain against the flesh! what efforts do we ceaselessly require to put forth, in order to restrain our murmuring, or discontented, or repining thoughts! what painful endeavours to banish levity, and awaken reverential feelings, even at the hour of prayer! and oh, how much more amid the business or pleasures of ordinary and every day life! Ever and anon we feel sinful thoughts of God rising to our lips, light thoughts of him imparting a levity to our words; as the God of creation, how often do But very day, how often have not merely vain and sinful thoughts intruded, and been cherished in our minds; but how often have we spoken unadvisedly with our lips, uttering that which was not right of God, that which was dishonouring and displeasing to him; and, dread thought! who can tell what fruits may be found at the harvest of eternity, as the growth of those seeds of profanity which we have thus recklessly scattered abroad. And now that we are convinced of our sin, who can answer for another day? who can say that he will at all times feel, as perchance he may do at this moment; feel so reverently, that his thoughts will impart a reverential character to all his words? The tongue can no man tame, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.' let us not make our frailty an excuse for sin, for divine grace can effect what man cannot do. 'My grace is sufficient for you,' is the promise of God. He never said to any, Seek my face in vain. If not straitened in ourselves, we are not straitened in God. If we will but truly pray, 'Set thou, O Lord, a watch before my mouth, and keep the door of my lips;' and combining watchfulness with prayer, and firm purpose of soul with stedfast reliance on God's promised grace, we shall soon learn, and be able to make the apostle's song our own: 'Most gladly, then, will I glory in infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me; I take pleasure in infirmities, for when I am weak, then am I strong.' 'Set a watch, O Lord,' lest, through our often infirmities, our unworthy, or fretful, or irreverent thoughts of thee should become the means of awakening or confirming sinful thoughts in the corruptible hearts of others. Set a watch, O Lord,' lest, through our hasty and inadvertent words, these thine enemies, who watch for our halting, should find occasion to mock the name of thy professing people. Set a watch, O Lord,' lest, by our use of irreverent words, we come to indulge in irreverent thoughts, and imperceptibly slide into greater and increasing profanity. 'Set a watch, O Lord,' lest thine own holy name be we may also enjoy thee for ever! So fill our dishonoured, and lightly esteemed on earth. So hearts with a sense of the glories of thy name, keep the door of our lips,' that no profanity may that there shall be no room for one indifferent, ever at any time, or in any place, or in any com- far less irreverent, thought of thee. So unvail pany, proceed from them. 'So keep the door' from thyself to us, that from the overflowings of love, which our words flow out, that nothing but praise as well as the tremblings of holy fear, the thought may ever issue thence. 'So keep the door,' that of thee shall never leave us, and in our gayest profanity and vanity shall never reach even the moments, we still may live as in the solemnities lip. So watch, and keep us by thine omnipotent of thy presence, and amid the untold riches of and ever present grace, that we shall fulfil the thy grace! Lord, atune our hearts and lips, for great object of our being, by glorifying thee, and those triumphant songs on which seraphs and this not of constraint, but willingly and cheer- saints have entered, and in which we hope ere fully; that while we thus glorify and praise thee, long to engage! JULY. FIRST DAY.-MORNING. The sabbath being signalized by the express appointment of the divine Lawgiver, we next * Remember the sabbath-day, to keep it holy. Six inquire into the perpetual obligation of this sacred days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God,' &c., Exod. xx. 8-10. day. And this appears from the manner in which the Lord gave the commandment to the Jews. While the ceremonial law, which was typical of the coming Saviour, and the civil or national code, which was to be the guide of the Jews in secular matters, were conveyed to them by the lips of Moses; the ten commandments were given in a separate and more solemn form. These Jehovah wrote on two tables of stone, to point out their perpetuity-they were written with the finger of God, to signify their vast comparative importance they were written on both sides, on the one side and on the other, to signify that none should add to, or take away from them. THE divine institution of the sabbath throws around the subject a sacredness which is fitted deeply to awe the minds of all those who have any respect for God's authority. Who can think lightly or speak irrevently of that day, which is called by Jehovah himself 'the sabbath of the Lord thy God.' While we may canvass with perfect freedom, the institutions of men, however hallowed by ancient usage in the church, or approved by the experience of God's people, it is very different when we venture to sit in judgment on the Of these ten commandments, this which we ways and purposes and institutions of the Almighty, are now considering is one. It holds no suborthe Eternal, the all-wise God. Here a holy dinate place in the decalogue. It is not distinreverence and awe becomes us; here we must guished from the rest of the commandments, be still and know that Jehovah is God; when he unless it be by the emphatic warning, ‘Rememspeaks we must be silent. The very words with ber-by the more full and minute detail of which the decalogue is introduced, and prefaced, its requirements, and the reiteration of its injuncare fitted to awe and solemnize the mind, in tions. And the solemnity of its closing appeal regard to every injunction: The Lord spake to obedience, is not surpassed by that which all these words.' The Lord whom we profess to honour and adore, the Lord in whom we live and move, the Lord who is to judge us at the last day-He spake them. Applying this consideration to this fourth commandment, who will venture to question God's right, to appoint such set times as he sees fit for his own service; and who will deny his wisdom, in appointing a weekly sabbath, a seventh day of hallowed rest? is annexed to any of the rest. Though there were then no other mention of the sabbath in scripture, though this had been its first and its only institution, he would be a bold man indeed, who in virtue of his own inclination, or pretended wisdom, would dare to erase that which the finger of God has engraven on a table of stone, or should alter the injunction, and make it run thus: Forget the sabbath-day, and do not keep it holy, seven days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work; for there is no day a holy sabbath unto the Lord thy God!' Why was it that God wrote this commandment on the table of stone, and placed it among these other precepts, which are universally allowed to be purely moral, and of perpetual obligation, and laid it up in the ark of the testimony, if it was not a part of the moral law? Why had it not its place amid the ceremonial and national institutes which God gave the Jews, if it was merely ceremonial? The inference is plain, it was not a mere Jewish enactment, but a command obligatory on all mankind, in all ages, and under every dispensation, because a command moral like the others. There are various other considerations which set forth the perpetuity of the sabbath, viz., 1. Its institution from the foundation of the world, Gen. ii. 1-3. 2. Its aptitude to the physical condition of man and beast. 3. God's requiring the Gentile and the stranger to yield obedience, as well as the Jew. 4. The universal practice of all Christendom, from the days of Christ to the present time; and, 5. The reasons by which God enforces it, all of perpetual and universal obligation, if they have or ever had any bearing on the subject at all. And in addition to these, the very words of the commandment impress most powerfully its obligation on our minds. Remember the Sabbath-day, to keep it holy.' There is something peculiarly emphatic in the admonition, Remember. It is the only commandment that has this memento attached to it; as if Jehovah provided against that proneness in man to forget its obligation, divert it from the purpose for which it was designed, and appropriate it to his own secularities. Remember the sabbath, for you are apt to forget it-Remember it, for it is due to me, the Lord your God-Remember it, for I have blessed it, and it will prove a day of spiritual growth and gladness-Remember it, so that all your secular work may be ended, before its arrival-Remember it, throughout all its hours, so that it may be kept holy-Remember its author, its requirements, its advantages, its propriety-Remember it when it is past, to recall its lessons, to fulfil its vows, to avoid the sins then confessed and wept over, and to exercise the grace then received-Remember it; it is the sabbath of the Lord thy God, the memento of creation, the memorial of redemption, the type of that rest on which Jesus entered when his work here below was finished-Remember I have appointed, and you have need of its holy rest, need of it for your bodies, especial need of it for your ever-during spirits. The duty here set forth admits of a brief but comprehensive definition. It demands that one whole day in seven be withdrawn from the ordinary avocations of life, and devoted to the Lord, to his worship and service. The law of morality binds us to holiness of life every day, and forbids the immoderate pursuit of worldly business and carnal pleasure at all times. If therefore this commandment does not free us from such obligation on the six days of the week, it requires a special and peculiar sanctity on the sabbath. The practice of ancient times explains what is meant by sanctifying any thing, or keeping it holy to God. Persons, and places, and vessels were so sanctified under the law, i. e., they were set apart from ordinary purposes, and were exclusively devoted to the service of God, These were profaned, not only by being used for sinful purposes, but also by being used as common— not only by being used for ordinary purposes, but by not being used in the service of God. So it is with the sabbath: we profane it, when we make its rest an opportunity for sin, when we do not rest from ordinary duties or pleasures, however lawful on other days; we profane it also when by lengthened slumbers or lazy apathy, we loiter out the day in idleness, and we profane it when God is not sought and worshipped, and our souls are not cared for in the ordinary institutions of his grace, in the sanctuary, the family, and the closet. There is an exception to the rest and pious occupation to which we are summoned on the sabbath, viz., the portion of time required for the works of necessity and mercy. Though these works may interrupt our rest, yet they are to be performed as duties. Christ has taught us this; but let us not forget that he has taught it not as an improvement upon the fourth commandment, but as implied and required by God, under the Jewish dispensation. Alas! alas! for fallen man, that he has so lost all relish for the presence and the service of his God-that he calls the Sabbath a weariness, and speaks of its rest as burdensome, Tremble, ye who feel in your hearts this enmity against God. Tremble for eternity, for how shall two walk together, except they be agreed. Nor think that because the dispensation of grace has superseded that of the law, the privilege of believers consists in devoting fewer of its precious hours to God, and giving more of them to the world. God forbid that Christ, who came to bring us back to God, should have abridged, by one hour, that day of hallowed rest, that sabbath which God has |