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Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia, Map and Plates. 8vo. 15s. Journal of Military and Political Events in Spain, during the last Twelve Months. By Count Pecchio. With some Introductory Remarks on the Present Crisis. By Edward Blaquiere, Esq. 8vo, 5s. 6d. The Captivity, Sufferings and Escape of James Scurry, who was detained a Prisoner during Ten Years, in the Dominions of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Saib, Written by Himself. Portrait. 12mo. 45. Researches in the South of Ireland, illustrative of the Scenery, Architectural Remains, Manners and Superstitions of the Peasantry; from Personal Observations, Antient Authorities and Original Manuscripts. By T. Crofton Croker. 4to. 16 Engravings. 21. 28. Narrative of a Tour through Parts of the Netherlands, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Savoy and France, in the the year 1821-2. By Charles Tennant, Esq. 2 Vols. 8vo. A Tour through the Upper Provinces of Hindostan, between the Years 1804 and 1814, with Remarks and Anecdotes. 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A Father's Reasons for not Baptizing his Children; with some Remarks on the Subject of Baptism, as affecting the State of Religious Parties, and the Future Prospects of the Church. By a Lay Member of the Church of England. 2s. 6d. The Argument in Support of Infant Baptism, from the Covenant of Circumcision, examined and shewn to be invalid. By Joseph Kinghorn. 2d. Baptism a Scriptural and Indispensable Qualification at the Lord's Table ; or Considerations designed to prove the Impropriety and Inexpediency of departing from the Original Constitution of the Christian Church, and forming Open Communion Churches, especially in those Neighbourhoods where Evangelical Churches already exist; including Animadversions on the Preface to the Rev. Robert Hall's Reply to the Rev. Joseph Kinghorn. By Joseph Ivimey. 1 Infant Baptism; or, the Duty and Privilege of bringing Infants to Christ: a Discourse delivered at the Wesleian Chapel, Weymouth, Nov. 2, 1823. By William Beal. 6d. Negro Slavery. 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The Oriental Herald and Colonial Review. (Monthly.) Conducted by James S. Buckingham, late Editor of the Cal cutta Journal. 3s. 6d. bs. The Westminster Review. (Quarterly.) The Evangelical Register; or, Magazine for the late Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion. (Quarterly.) 6d. Public Characters; comprising Memoirs of all the Eminent Personages now Living, distinguished by Rank, Fame or Talent. By Edward Newton, Esq. Portraits. (Monthly.) 2s. 6d. The Artisan, or Mechanic's Instructor. No. I. Head of Sir I. Newton. (No fixed Time of appearing.) 3d. Le Philanthrope Chrétien (The Christian Philanthropist) in the French Language, being a Periodical Review of the Proceedings of Charitable and Religious Societies in all Parts of the World. (2 Months.) 3s. 6d. The Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine and Aunals of Philosophy. (Weekly.) 3d. Sermons. By C. P. Neale Wilton, B. A. Curate of Awre, Gloucestershire. 8vo. 6s. A Second Series, Doctrinal and Practical, adapted to the Service of Particular Sundays. By J. Aspinall, A. M. 8vo. 88. A Brief Statement of the Reasons for Dissent: the Substance of an Address at the Ordination of the Rev. J. Wooldridge, at Bristol, Oct. 23, 1823. By the late Rev. Samuel Lowell. 18. The Articles of Religion practically shire, Oct. 5, 1823, on taking possession considered; preached at Crambe, Yorkof Queen's College, Oxford. 18. 6d. of the Living. By J. Richardson, M.A., tive to Unfailing Obedience: occasioned Christ's Triumph over Death the Moby the Death of Charles Grant, Esq., preached at St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row, Nov. 9, 1823. By Daniel Wilson, A. M. 18. 6d. God the Doer of all Things, preached in the Parish Church of St. Martin, Lei cester, Nov. 23. By E. T. Vaughan, M. A., Vicar. 1s. On Death: occasioned by the Repentance of a Dying Infidel: preached in the Parish Church of Stokesley, Yorkshire, tor. 8vo. Sept. 28, 1823. By L. V. Vernon, Rec The Continuance of Brotherly Love recommended: delivered at the Rev. Dr. Rippon's Meeting-House, Oct. 23, 1823, before the Baptist Monthly Meeting. By George Pritchard. 1s. Hints on the Nature of a Christian Church, and on the Principles of Dissent; an Introductory Discourse, at the Ordi nation of Mr. Thomas Hopley, over the Baptist Church at Hemel-Hempstead, July 8, 1823. By James Hargreaves. 1s. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications have been received from Messrs. J. Johnston and Spurrell; from Clericus: an Old and Constant Reader; G. M. D.; and Clericus Cantabrigiensis. Philadelphus's corrected paper did not come to hand till the former one was printed. Before we had received any of the communications this month on the "Origin of Evil," we had resolved not to renew the controversy in the present volume. Many of "Purveyor's" communications will, we doubt not, be acceptable. We give this month what we hope will be deemed a beautiful engraved portrait of RAMMOHUN ROY. A few Proof Impressions have been taken in 4to., on India Paper, for framing, which may be had of the Publishers, price 2s. 6d. Some of the former Proof Portraits in the Monthly Repository remain, and may be had at the same price. The Publishers have a set of the Monthly Repository complete in Eighteen Volumes. Such of the former Volumes and Numbers as are not out of print, may also be obtained, on application to them, personally, or through the Booksellers in town or country. Monthly Repository. No. CCXVIII.] FEBRUARY, 1824. [Vol. XIX. Professor Chenevière's Summary of the late Theological Controversies M. at Geneva. (Continued from p. 10.) MALAN is a man possessed of various agreeable talents; he is a painter, a musician, a turner, he makes pleasing verses, sings with taste and has great facility of expression; moreover, his boldness and confidence in his own powers are unbounded. He had not, however, sufficient depth of knowledge or strength of understanding to enable him to take the lead, if, like others, he performed his task in a quiet way; he started tumultuously from the ranks to attract notice. His mind was early corroded by a love of distinction; reverse the sense of it, and we might apply to him an inscription seen on the front of an ancient hippodrome at Geneva, which puts the following words into the mouth of the actors: "Malo esse quam videri.” "Malo videri quam esse," might well be his motto. I remember, one day when we met in the city, he did not hesitate to ask me the question, What do men think of me? These words are characteristic of all his proceedings; his first consideration is the opinion of men, the suffrage of his fellowcreatures. I should not be surprised if devoting a whole chapter to him should restore me to his favour. He has often talked of the persecutions of which he has been the object; it is doubtful whether his conduct will open for him the gates of paradise, but in the mean time the gates of fortune have opened before him. This sort of martyrdom is more easy and more pleasant than that of primitive times. In the year 1817, M. Malan had succeeded in attracting attention, by preaching with vehemence and sternness the inutility of good works in procuring salvation; likewise, as editor of the Viellard d' Ellacombe, he had added a note in that publication to unfold the opinions of Calvin on absolute predestination. As Régent, he had given disturbance to the inspectors of the College by the nature of his religious instructions, and on that account they had withdrawn from him the confidence he no longer merited; he published some explanatory pieces on his dismissal, concealing that which was most to the purpose, the extract from the records of the Council of State declaring that he had been deprived of his office for insubordination to his superiors. M. Malan refused to submit to the Regulation of the 3rd of May, although pains were taken to make him comprehend its spirit, and although he had been convinced that he was not required to renounce his peculiar opinions, but merely to express himself guardedly in the pulpit. He wrote several times to desire that each of his sermons should be examined before he pronounced it in public, a plan which was inadmissible amongst so large a number of preachers, especially as he would have defended every sentence and entered into endless discussions; he was advised to submit, as all his colleagues had done, to the Regulation. He wrote again, appearing to meditate a schism; he was sent for and addressed with gentleness; he disavowed his menace and withdrew his letter; he persisted, notwithstanding, in claiming the use of the pulpit and in refusing submission. In order to terminate an unavailing correspondence, on the 6th of June 1817, the Secretary was instructed to write to him: he accordingly wrote in the following terms : "SIR AND VERY DEAR BROTHER! "The body of the clergy cannot grant you perinission to fill the pulpit in your Canton, until you promise, not with regard to any single service but for your general guidance, to conform to the regulation which has been framed for all its own members and for all the ministers, in the spirit of prudence and charity, and purely for the maintenance of peace in our Church any repetition, therefore, of your demand would be useless. Such is the definitive resolution I am charged to communicate, renewing at the same time the assurance of the paternal sentiments of the pastors, and of their earnest wish to give proofs of the affection they cherish for you." On the 6th of March 1818, M. Malan wrote to the clergy that he was ready to submit unreservedly to the Regulation of the 3rd of May. There was scarcely one of the pastors who had not seen and conversed affectionately with him: we shall see hereafter in what manner he spoke of their conduct. At this period, however, he apparently yielded to their wishes. I here insert his letters. "I have sinned against you, my brethren, by a deplorable spirit of exclusion which was other than the wisdom that cometh from above. The Lord has had mercy on me; he had made use of the solicitude, the counsels, the example, the pious writings of many of you, to keep me from falling when I stood on the brink of the abyss. It is my desire, brethren, under these happy circumstances, to grant all that you require of me; I will at least do all that I am permitted, and if I cannot approve a regulation which is not consistent with my principles, I will be subject to it, that peace may be uninterrupted. Yes, my fathers and brethren, mutual charity is of more worth than the triumph of the soundest opinions; I feel this truth and I will prove it to you. Be pleased then to listen with kindness to the resolution I take with my whole heart, for the sake of peace to subscribe to the Regulation of the 3rd of May 1817; and grant me your fraternal affection. I am with respect, &c." Who would not have believed these protestations sincere? We shall now see how M. Malan wrote on the same subject when in England, in a letter printed in the preface to a Sermon published in English: *Not being able to procure this pamphlet, the Translator is obliged to give the following quotation from M.. Chenevière's French translation of it. My good friend and true brother in "I entered again, as you are the pastors of Geneva, by submitting aware, into external fellowship with to the Regulation of the 3rd of May 1817. I was induced to do so by the circumvention of several of those gentlemen, who shamefully deceived me respecting the sense of that abominable Regulation; and especially by the influence of false charity. I frankly avow, and will avow in the face of the Church, that I was wanting in faith, and was actuated by a miserable desire of conciliating every one, flattering myself that I should thereby more easily make my way to the heart. However, it was in mercy that Jesus Christ suffered me to fall, that my fall might be the means of raising me up and giving me fresh strength, &c." it will be the less surprising to find After reading these contradictions, that notwithstanding his letters, in which he appeared to open his heart to the pastors, he mounted the pulpit of the cathedral a short time after, to embrace his opinions. The complaints of the audience on this procedure were universal, and to prevent such scenes both of the city and the country were of agitation in future, the pastors forbidden to permit their pulpits to be occupied by M. Malan, who at that time was not required by his station to exercise the functions of a preacher. condemn as heretics all who did not As M. Malan has affirmed and repeated that he had never been listened to, that he had been contemned and rejected, and as he has said a great deal about his four last letters, to which he had received no answer in consequence of a resolution taken by the pastors, who for months had occupied several hours at each of their sittings in deliberating on M. Malan and his letters, it will be desirable before we proceed to the end of the narrative, to give a brief survey of the efforts that have been vainly made either to prevent fresh deviations on the part of M. Malan, or to recall him to his connexion. On March 28, 1817, the Moderator was directed to see M. Malan and converse with him respecting some |