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present position, we cannot say of the nose and mouth that they are individually stupid. They have likewise much of the national character. The eye is not absolutely that of a blockhead. Inaction and relaxation are visible in the whole, and I could have predicted a remarkable limitation of power from the wrinkles of the forehead, and the cheeks; from the eyebrows, and, almost, from the hair alone.


THE mouth and nose of this idiot have not lost the national character, though he is so natively stupid as to be incapable of being taught, or of any unexpected or original thought. There are decisive marks of stupidity not to be instructed in the eyebrows, the vacant eye, the cavity between the forehead and nose, and particularly in the mouth, chin, and neck. I should have discovered folly even in the wrinkles of the cheek.


THERE is national character in the mouth of this fool. The forehead and eyebrows are positive caricatures of folly, often approaching the confines of genius. Dead as these cyes appear, I read in them caricature ex

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