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Remarkable Dream, or Vision of the Night.

and esteem. But however respecta-I trust that faith in a wonder-work

Your long and attached friend,


ble he has been as a citizen, yet he in- ing God, will admire and adore. I forms me that in early life his mind leave it with you, and with him who was contaminated with deistical senti- I trust has already answered importments, received from a library rather ant purposes by it in this place. And of that cast. Through the space of that he may make it further useful about sixteen years he lived a deist, to shake the pillars of infidelity, to though his moral habits were less im- the comfort of his dear people, and paired than might have been expect- the glory of his great name, is the deed from such corrupt principles. A-vout wish of, Dear Sir, bout five years ago be removed into this congregation, and became a constituent member. Not only public, but private means were employed to impress his mind with a sense of the truth and importance of the Christian On the evening of the 27th of Religion, and though I trust these October, 1799, it being the Lord's were not without some effect, yet no- day, I J**** F********, after spendthing seemed to strike deep convic-ing the day with a worshipping astion, until that God, who chooses hissembly, returned home, and, at my own ways and means to accomplish his purposes, added his blessing to this vision of the night. For a long time he endeavored to conceal the anguish of his mind: but in vain! God's truth was like a fire and a ham mer within him, till he made known his situation. Some time after he joined in the communion of the Church, and has ever since appeared to have an increasing attachment to that cause which he once despised.

usual hour retired to rest. From some particular circumstances, I lodged alone, and, in a vision of the night, my mind was impressed in an extraordin ary manner, with the things I shall now briefly narrate.

I thought I was away west of the Mississippi river, in Louisiana, coming eastward to the Ohio country. It appeared to me that I was quite in a wilderness, and had only a blind footpath to direct my way, until at length it closed in with a similar one, out of These things cheered the hearts which came an old grey-headed genof God's people here; roused the tleman, who walked on in company thoughtless, and cast a gloom over with me. I asked him if that was the the face of infidelity. The hope of road to the Ohio country. He replied, similar effect in some degree abroad, No: this is the road to eternity. Well, to the advancement of God's praise, but I am going to the O. country,said I. and the good of souls, has at length No repliedhe, you are going to eternity. prevailed over every opposing consid-I noticed that on each side of the way eration, and I am allowed to offer the small foot-paths entered, and that out dream for publication in your very of each one came a single traveller, useful Magazine, if in your judgment and that they all went on the same it may subserve the grand and pious way with us. At length we came into objects of that work. I have no doubt a very broad and level road. This but infidelity will despise the dream, was crowded with all descriptions of and all who aid its publication. It will people, young and old of every na be pronounced untrue, and the peculition, and every color. I asked my arities, particularly its regularity, will aged companion, whether that was the be artfully plead as evidence against it. broad road to destruction. He repliHowever extraordinary it may appear, ed, it is. I remarked to him that we


Remarkable Dream, or Vision of the Night.

also read of a straight and narrow path and I was left standing on one single

beam supported by two posts in the middle of the river. That I need not fall I reached my hand down to the beam, and sat down upon it. Cast

shore, I beheld a city, far surpassing, in magnificence and beauty, any thing that I had ever before seen, or that the highest flights of my fancy had ever reached. The description I can here give of it will be but faint. It was laid out very regularly, the streets crossing each other at right angels, and of a good width. The houses were all built three stories high, with a handsome portico built out between the 1st and 2d stories, enclosed with elegant banisters, adorned with the green wood-blind in front. This, from the uniformity and nearness of the houses, afforded two delightful walks, the one above and the other below, from one end of the streets to the othThe houses were all painted white, and the banisters of the walks were a bright green. Just in front of these porticos there was, on each side of the streets, a delightful walk of a green grass plat. Between this and the pavement there was a row of elegant trees clothed in verdure. The middle of the streets were paved in an

that leads to life, & asked where that was. He said, we should come to that || presently: We had not travelled far, before the broad road came up to the bank of the Mississippi. Here Iing my eye forward upon the eastern thought it turned and ran a due north course on the bank, by the side of that river. We travelled this course, but a short distance, before my venerable companion, pointing forward, asked me if I did not see yonder a narrow foot-bridge, leading over the river. I told him I did. That, he said, was the narrow road that leads to life& asked me, if I had a pass or certificate, to go over. I told him, I did not know; but I recollect, distinctly, of putting my left hand into my jacket pocket, on that side, taking out a parcel of papers, and examining them, until, as I thought, I found one. I then - told him I had a pass, & asked him. if he had one. He said he had. When we came up to the bridge, our pas-er. sage was obstructed by a narrow and high gate, just within which stood a keeper, clothed with a long white His countenance was majestic and forbidding, and impressed my mind with an idea of his being more than mortal: My aged companion handed him his certificate through the gate; he read and returned it, o-extraordinary manner, with white and pened the gate and let him go on. I clouded marble, laid in the form of then handed him my pass: he read & diamonds, interspersed with somereturned it, saying it could not carry thing that was transparent and had me over; that I could pass there, but the appearance of gold as to its color with that could not get more than half and lustre. I saw the inhabitants way across. In the spirit of confi- walking the streets very pleasantly, dence, I told him that I could get a-and they appeared to be infinitely hapcross as well as that old gentleman, py. They were all clothed with long who had just gone over. He again robes, as white as the driven snow, told me I could not get more than and on their heads they had crowns half way over with that pass. I re-adorned with glittering diamonds. I plied that I would risque it, if he would allow me to pass there. He then opened the gate and let me go When I had come to the middle of the bridge, both ends thereof gave way, fell and parted from under me,



saw their golden harps and heard them unite their vocal and instrumental music, in singing an anthem, which I myself once learned, and which was set to the following words.

Remarkable Dream, or a Vision of the Night.


Lo! he cometh, countless trumpets blow be. fore the bloody sign;

ficent building, adorned with lofty

Midst ten thousand saints and angels, see the pillers curiously wrought, and large

crucified shine, &c.

brazen or golden arches. In short, it just answered to the idea I had beI heard them distinctly, and the fore formed, of Solomon's Temple. music was harmonious and transport-There the angel said the Saviour came ing beyond all description. While I and worshipped twice a day, and those thus gazed with admiration on the a-who conducted well should after one bove objects, one of the inhabitants, thousand years he admitted to dwell whom I shall call an angel, drew near in his own immediate presence in the and stood upon the bank of the river. third heavens. I asked him if the I thought that the river was quite nar-trees we saw were those we read of row, though its channel was vastly in the Scriptures, the leaves whereof deep, and that I was very high above are for the healing of the nations. He the surface of the stream, for its banks said they were. I remarked to him appeared to be solid rocks, and to rise that I saw nothing answering to the perpendicularly from the river to the description given us in Scripture of a height of eighty or one hundred feet. place of torment for the wicked, and As the river was narrow and I half asked him where that was. Pointing the distance across it, the angel who with the hand he says, Look to the I looked and stood on the bank was not far from north and you will see. me.. I asked him if he would help beheld a more awful smoke, than I me over. He said he could not; but had ever before seen. It rose thick if I would go to VT, the and black as from a volcano, and astanner, (who is a neighbor of mine, & cended in large columns rolling and in the communion of the Church,) he curling in a tremendous manner; and would give me advice whereby I might it extended east and west beyond the come there at a future period. I re reach of sight. But, said I, there is marked that this was like St. Paul's no fire appears. Look down low, conversion, and then asked him if that said the angel, and will discover you city was the new Jerusalem which we it. I did so, and beheld a great burnread of in the Scriptures. He said, ing lake, so extensive that no opposite no; that was only the first heavens. 1 shore could be discerned. It had the inquired if there were in reality a Sa-appearance of red-hot melted iron, viour, informing him that I had for-and was exceedingly troubled. It rose merly disbelieved it. He assured me in great surges of liquid flames and there was a Saviour, and that I might sunk in large whirlpools. I observed rely on it as a fact, that Jesus Christ to the angel, that as it burned so fuhad been in the world and had suffer-riously it appeared to me that it must ed for sinners. I inquired whether be exhausted in time: No, said he, it the Saviour resided in that city. He is supplied with rivers of fire. Rivers said, no; he resided in the third hea- of fire! said I, where can they come vens, of which this is but like the su- from? He replied, Look to the south I looked and saw burbs, but comes down here to meet and you will see. the worshipping assembly twice every two very high mountains, out of the day; and asked me if I saw a large tops of which issued flames & smoke. building in the midst of the city. I What, said I, these are Mount Etna looked and beheld two very broad and Mount Vesuvius, are they not? streets crossing each other at right anNo, said he, there are such mountains gels in the centre of the city, and on earth, but these are not those there stood a very superb and magni-mountains. On earth! said I, why we


Hints on Praying for the sick.

are on earth. No, said he, this is only || bor for advice, as directed, though he

lived at the distance of two miles. But considering that the vision was more striking to me than a relation of it would be to any others, that to some it might appear unimportant, and by others be made the subject of derision,



a vision. Well, but this is a reality, said I, for I am awake as much as ever I was. No, said he, this is nothing but a vision. But where, said I, can these mountains communicate with the lake, seeing that lies to the north & they to the south. He replied, LookI revealed it to no one but my wife unbeneath you and you will see. I cast til more than six months had elapsed. my eyes down and beheld the river The effect it had on my mind was truthat flowed beneath me was a liquid ly wonderful. For some weeks I could flame of the same appearance as the scarcely think of any thing else & was lake above described. This alarmed hardly capable of arranging my own me, and I felt as one standing on a business. At length I opened my mind slippery place and fiery billows roll-to the Rev. Mr., and after freing below. I thought it would burnquent converaations with him and othe bottoms of the posts off and let thers, during the space of some weeks, me down, but after viewing it a little I obtained a consolation which I trust while and not experiencing the fate Ithe world can neither give nor take had expected, my fears began to sub-away. side. I then asked the angel what had become of the multitude I saw in the broad road. He told me they had all plunged into the great lake, for those who passed the narrow gate could in no way avoid it. As I was very anxious to get across, not only on account of my unhappy situation, but more on account of the loveliness of the place presented before me, I renewed my request that he would help me over. He said he could not but if I would pursue the advice which he gave me before, I should come there at a future period. I told him I would. The beam I sat on then moved gradually back with me, till it gently struck the western shore, and I stept off and awoke. I immediately rose up in my bed, and so strong were the impressions on my mind, that I still supposed myself to be on the bank of the Mississippi, and actually turned round to look for the ally turned round to look for the beautiful city I had just seen on the opposite shore; but the clock striking two, I recognized the bell, and was thus brought home. I immediately rose and dressed myself, thinking to go directly, though at such an unseaSonable hour of the night, to my neigh

praying for the sick, may be producA VAGUE and indefinite way of tive of the most alarming consequencfears are alive and active, and the es; while, at such a period, when unhappy patient is eager in the observance of every thing that may tion, the manner of addressing the seem to throw light upon his condithrone of grace on his behalf, may, if judiciously adapted to his case, by the blessing of Cob rende ed eminently useful to his soul. An anecdote to this effect, is related by the Rev.Dr.Mason [formerly of N.Y. now of Carlisle Pa.] He was requested to visit a lady, in dying circumstaces in that city, who, together with her husband, openly avowing infidel principles, though they attended on his ministry. On approaching her bedside, he asked her, if she felt herself a sinner, and her need of a Saviour. She frankly told him she did not-and that she

believed the doctrine of a Mediator to be a farce. "Then," said the doctor, "I have no consolation for you. -not one word of comfort. There *Minister of the parish.

The Christian Reproved.-Good Humor.


she at length found peace in believ-
ing in Christ, as he is exhibited in
the gospel. This anecdote will af
ford both instruction and encourage-
Glasgow Recorder.

is not a single passage in the Bible, the account which the doctor receivthat warrants me to speak peace to ed from her attendants was, that his one who rejects the Mediator pro-prayer fastened upon her mind-that vided:-you must take the conse- shortly after he had left her, she bequences of your infidelity." So say-came alarmed about the state of her ing, he was on the point of leaving soul-that such at one period was her the room, when some one said, "Well, agony, that although on the Sabbath if you cannot speak consolation to her voice was so feeble that she could her, you can pray for her." To this scarcely be heard, yet her cries were he assented, and kneeling down by distinctly heard from the second stothe bedside, prayed for her as a guil-ry to the cellar of the house, and that ty sinner just sinking into hell-and then rising from his knees, he left the house. To his utter astonishment, a day or two after, he received a message from the lady herself, earnestly desiring that he would come and see her, and that without delay. He immediately obeyed the summons. But what was his amazement on enA good woman, in consequence of tering the room, she held out her hand to him, and said with a benig-child observing it, cried out, "Mothsome severe affliction, wept. Her nant smile, "It is all true-all that you said on Sabbath is true. I have seen myself the wretched sinner you described me to be in prayer. have seen Christ to be that all sufficient Saviour you said he was-and God has mercifully snatched me from the abyss of infidelity in which I was sunk, and placed me on that rock of ages. There I am secure-there I shall remain-I know in whom I have




er, what is the matter; is GOD dead?" The woman felt the force of the question, and her serenity of mind instantly returned.

It will immediately occur to the
reader, that the child knew that the
peace and happiness of his
mother flowed from her habitual con-

fidence in her Heavenly Father.
was departed, the child could impute
When, therefore, her peace of mind
him in whom she trusted.
it to no other cause than the death of


believed." All this was like a dream to him. But she proceeded, and displayed as accurate a knowledge of the method of salvation revealed in the gospel, and as firm a reliance on it, as if she had been a disciple of It is much more easy to observe Christ for a half a century. Yet than to define the presence of good there was nothing like boasting or humor. Tho', and of itself, not formpresumption-all was humility, re-ing the perfect character, tho' when signation, and confidence. She call-existing, not always noticed, we ed her husband, and charged him to deeply lament its absence. Though educate their daughter in the fear of many qualities are mere useful, none God, and, above all, to keep from her is more interesting: we may be soon those novels and books of infidel sen- dazzled by the blaze of beauty; we sibility, by which she had so nearly may be soon wearied by the exercise been ruined; and on the evening of of talents; but the mind is never the same day, expired, in fulness of wearied, never dazzled by the light joy, and peace in believing.-Aud of good nature-a light

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