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our leave of him, Mr. King said to God for Israel is that they may be savhim; our heart's desire and prayer to ed; and Rabbi Mendel and all the Jews exclaimed Amen.

will be accomplished, that many people shall go and let us go up to the mountain of the say, 'Come ye and Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob.' Mr. King. While Israel governed in the fear of the Lord, it went well with them; and when they shall be nai, Rabbi Shamai, and said unto him, A Gentile called on the famous Taconvinced of their sins, and return to O Rabbi Shamai, tell me the contents the Lord, it will again be well with of the whole Torah in one foot, (i. e. them. Rabbi Mendel. Truly he has an-him out of the room, and said unto in few words.) Rabbi Shamai, turned swered well.


Mr. King. Christians in America and England are continually praying your restoration; we long to have the time come, when the holy Spirit shall be poured out upon you, and when you will feel your sinfulness, and your entire need of that great sacrifice to expiate your sins, which was shadowed forth by all the ancient sacrifices, and by the blood with which Moses sprinkled the book of the law, after he had rehearsed it in the ears of the people.

Rabbi Mendel. I do not understand what you mean by the great Sacrifice. Jos. Wolff. Jesus of Nazareth. And I continued the conversation with him on this subject.

Rabbi Mendel. This I do not believe.

sire me to tell thee the whole contents
him, O thou fool, how canst thou de-
of the Torah in one foot.

high-priest of the Spanish Jews.
April 29. I called on Rabenu Zusi,

self gained by believing in Jesus of
Rabenu Zusi. What have you your-


with him, and receive from him a W. I hope that I shall be one day crown of glory; and I have gained a rest and peace of which conception: to know Christ is truly have no and descending upon my head: to to be in Bethel, where he is ascending know Jesus Christ is as much as to be at the very gates of heaven. Thou Lord Jesus art the angel who hast redeemed me from all evil! I intended then to have gone away, but Rabenu Zusi desired me to stay longer, which I did, and our conversation was the whole time about Jesus Christ.

Mr. Fisk remarked, that America was the only place where the Jews had not been persecuted, and that they there enjoy equal privileges with our-teresting portion of the Journal, which [We now proceed to the most inselves. introduces to our notice Rabbi J.

Rabbi Mendel replied, that it was not good for the Jews to enjoy too many privileges, lest Jeshurun should wax fat and kick.

Mr. King. There are not many Jews among us who are waxed fat, but they sometimes kick.

who was many years ago convinced of
an ancient Polish Rabbi,
the truth of Christianity, but never
has continued to retain his situation
making any public profession of it,
as a Rabbi among his brethren.]

Mr. King immediately requested 80 years of age, who is believed by Rabbi JM- a Polish Rabbi, me not to interpret this, lest it should the Jews to be a Baal-Shem, i. e. posgive offence; but I told it to Rabbi M.sessor of the ineffable name of God, afterwards, and he seemed to be very with which he pretends to have alrea much pleased, and remarked that Mr. dy cured King must have been himself a Jew.formed other miracles; by which means many sick persons, and perOur visit was short, and when we took "in the course of his life, he has gained

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many thousand piastres, called on me performed all his miracles, and with and said, I will now speak with you as which Rabbi J M and Rabbi a friend, and tell you things by which M pretend to be able to perform you will perceive that you have not to miracles. Rabbi J M often do with a fool. "The Lord said unto boasted that he gained much money Samuel, fill thine horn with oil and by it; for at Constantinople (and why go, I will send thee to Jesse the Beth-not at Jerusalem?) he cured a madman lehemite, for I have provided me a for which he got 1500 piastres. king among his sons. And Samuel said, how can I go? if Saul hear it he will kill me.

May 3. I dined with Rabbi Mendel. He desired me to wash my hands beAnd the Lord said,fore dinner, and to say the Talmudical prayer. I did not comply with his wish, for I said, that the prayer contains an untruth.

Two Jews of the Spanish community met me in the street.

Spanish Jews. Rabbi Joseph, (thus they call me,) you know but little of the Talmud.

Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord." Rabbi J M inferred from this that we are not obliged to die as martyrs for the truth, and that, although a man believe in Christ, he need not confess his name before men, where he is in danger of being persecuted, deprived of his property, and perhaps W. You may be right; but I know put to death. I replied, that the pas-one thing, which you do not know. I sage he referred to, shews only that a know Jesus Christ as my Saviour, person is not always obliged to tell and my Messiah, and know him as the the whole truth to those who have no son of God, the Creator of the whole business to ask for it; but as soon as earth, and the Lord from heaven. it concerns the welfare of immortal souls, we are obliged to declare it, and that many prophets had died for the truth.

When I went to my room, two very fine young Jews, of the Spanish community called. I shewed them Isaiah liii. They said, that they did Rabbi M. You ought to argue with not understand it, and they desired Jews from the Talmud, and there are me to expound the chapter to them. I many things in the Talmud, which fa-expounded the chapter for more than vor the system laid down in the New Testament.

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an hour; they promised to read it over and tell me the next day the result of their inquiry. They desired me to give them a New Testament, saying, "We swear by our head, to read it, but we beg you not to tell our Rabbies of it." I gave the Testament to both.


From the English papers received by the late arrivals, it appears that the plan of the British government for the improvement of the condition of the slaves, preparatory to their eventual emancipation has been presented to the House of Commons by the ministry. The outline is as follows the punishment of females by the whip "is wholly abolished-and in respect


Duelling-Meetings for Prayer.

to males the whip is no longer to be used by drivers as a stimulus to labor in the fields, but only in punishment! of misbehavior, proved and recorded. -Provision is to be made for the religious instruction of the slaves, by the establishment of two Bishoprics, with an additional number of Clergy.-Provision is to be made for regular and legal marriages.--In the sale of slaves, families are not to be seperated, and the property of the slave is to be protected by law.-Saving banks are to be established, to receive the deposits of the slaves, and proper guards for their safety. The testimony of slaves, who have certificates of the religious instruction from a minister, is to be received in all civil cases, when the master's immediate interests are not concerned, and in all criminal cases, except when the life of a white person is involved.The slave is to be allowed to purchase his own manumission or that of his wife and children.-This plan is not to be introduced at once into all the colonies, but an experiment is to be made in the first instance with those which have lately fallen under the dominion of Great Britain, beginning with Trimidad and it is to be left to the Legislature Assemblies of the others to tread in the same path upon their own convictions.-N. Y. Obs.




We think it best not to insert the remarks of "F" for the reason that we do not wish the subject to which they refer discussed in our columns. Our friend F. will remember that on a previous occasion, for this very reason, we declined inserting an answer to one of his communications on Psalmody; and he cannot therefore consider us as acting partially.

On Tuesday the 8th day of June next, the Board of Trustees of Dickinson College will hold an election for a Principal, in the room of the Rev. Dr. John M. Mason, resigned.

For the Miscellany.

Messrs. Editors,-You will much oblige a subscriber by giving a place in your Miscella⚫ ny to the following thoughts on the importance of attending meetings for prayer.

The fewness of those who attend

our Prayer Meetings, to implore the
blessing of God on our Missionary,
Bible, and Tract Societies, has given
May all who
rise to these remarks.
approve of them, pray earnestly that
they may
be useful!

When it is considered that these A Duel is termed an affair of honor! Societies have long been formed of What a prostitution of language. Two numerous Ministers and Christians of men quarrel on the most frivolous pro- almost all denominations, for the purvocation. They agree to reconcile pose of sending the Gospel to the heathis quarrel by killing each other. And then; and that many of our dear breththis is termed an affair of honor. Oren have left their native country, and tempora! O mores! Where are the all their dearest relations to go out as virtues! Where is the humanity ? Missionaries, in the midst of numerWhere is benevolence! Where is for- ous privations, and at the risk of health bearance? Where are justice and can- and even of life; when it is further dor? Where is magnanimity? An affair considered that many thousands of of honor!! Rather at least suffer our pounds are annually collected and exlanguage to remain unprostituted, and pended in this good cause, is it not call it by its true name-an affair of greatly to be lamented that so few perMURDER! Columbia Tel. sons attend our Monthly Meetings for

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solemn prayer; especially when so ma- || denounced against her? Was she a ny millions of our miserable fellow-city of swearers, drunkards, murdercreatures are 'living' in the practice of ers, or such profane sinners? There is all manner of abomination, without no hints of this kind in all the passage. God in the world,' and, alas! dying|| No: all that was said against this ci'without hope!' ty was, that 'she came not up to the Who does not sigh and mourn over help of the Lord, to the help of the this sin; so discouraging to Ministers, Lord against the mighty.' Judges v. so distressing to Christians, so unfeel-23. That is, she assisted not with ing for lost souls, so displeasing to other tribes to contend with the eneheaven, and so gladdening to hell. mies of Israel and of God. Certain it is, that if there could be sorrow in heaven, or joy in hell, there would be sighs in the former, and songs in the latter. Heaven would sigh, and hell would rejoice!

Were we to judge of the worth of the souls of the heathen by those who seldom or never assemble to pray for them, must we not conclude that they are of small value; and that it appears a matter of no great moment whether they are saved or lost! O, ye pitiable mortals, who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, if he whom you have offended, had no more mercy upon you than some called Christians, what, O what would become of you!

And are there millions of heathens "sitting in darkness and the shadow of death?" And are not their foes mighty? Are they not under the influence of combined enemies-the world, the flesh, and the devil? And will you not come and help us to plead for their emancipation? Whether the neglectors of the Monthly Prayer Meetings be implicated in this awful curse or not, it becomes them to consider. I may be allowed however to suppose a case.

What would be your fear and consternation, if the Lord Jesus, on the day of judgment, should speak to you on this wise? "O hard-hearted sinner!

year after year, you attended Missionary, Bible, and Tract Anniversaries; at those seasons I sent various Ministers to plead the cause of the heathen.

Is the reader of this paper a regu-when you dwelt in yonder world, lar attendant upon sanctuary service on the Sabbath, hearing the all-important things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, and the glorious Gospel of the blessed God,and are these great things confirmed in our hearing at Missionary, Bible, and Tract Anniversaries; and can you neglect our Monthly Meetings for prayer and supplication? -I am afraid of you, lest you should have heard the Gospel of God in vain. Surely, if you felt the worth of your own soul, and the need of the Saviour, you would come up with us to the help of the heathen, and aid us by your prayers and supplications, as well as by your contributions. And here I am reminded of an awful curse contained in the Scriptures. "Curse ye Meroz," said the angel of the Lord, "curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof." Why? What had Meroz done that such a dreadful curse was

-With deep concern for their conversion, they described their awful condition, their crimes, their cruelties, their abominable idolatries and impu rities. The burning of their widows, and drowning their children, were all set before you in the most affecting colors. By them also you were assured that all the contributions and exertions of these Societies would be of no avail, unless accompanied with humble and importunate prayer.” none of these things constrained you to attend and unite in supplication for the soul of the perishing heathen!


O my dear readers! should this be the case, what could you say? You would be struck dumb with fear, and fall at his feet as dead!


Extract-A Hymn for Spring.

O! could we but see and feel for those perishing millions as we ought to do, our Monthly Meetings for Prayer would be crowded to excess. Every seat, every corner of the sanc-help us." Acts xvi. 9. tuary would be filled. O what a joyinspiring sight! In anticipation only, it is charming! Would to God we could see it realized. CHRIST pleads for the heathen, and will not you? "Ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." Psalm ii. 8.

tiles, and the glory of his people Isra el. To Him be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.

"Come over into Macedonia and

O then, come and help us! If there be any thing awful in the damnation of hell, any thing delightful in the joys of heaven, any thing worth pleading for the conversion of souls; in short, 'If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, any comfort of love, any fellowship of the Spirit, any bowels of mercies, by all these arguments we say, 'Come, come and help us. O, let us plead together' that these 'perishing millions' may taste, and enjoy for ever these invaluable and eternal blessings. The heathen plead with us, and we plead with you; O that we may together and apart plead with God, for the glory of his name, in the conversion of the heathen! Let us exclaim in the language of the prophet, 'For Zion's sake I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest till the righteousness hereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth. Till the of the Lord is known upon way earth, and his saving health among all


May the Lord Jesus sanctify the thoughts expressed, afford his presence in the midst of our Meetings for united prayer, assist and hear our supplications, and then, O then, we shall be found 'praying in the Holy Ghost!' The blessed result of which will never be fully known till all our supplications are turned into songs of praise to Him who is the Lord of the heathen. A light to lighten the Gen

Long experience convinces me that no mistake is more common or fatal, than too hastily encouraging persons under serious impressions to think that they have already passed a saving change, and that all is now well. Representing salvation as invariably consequent upon a diligent, humble, persevering application to Christ, in prayer and the use of means, affords a sufficient stay to the newly awakened mind, keeps it attentive, and spurs it on to diligence. But should a person falsely think all right, this will soothe his conscience, slacken his diligence, and lull him to sleep. Our compassion for persons under concern for their salvation often operates in this manner. But a skilful surgeon is always afraid of a hasty cure.-Life of Scott.


Praise ye the Lord, who has created the spring. To God be glory, who has adorned the face of the earth! To Him be glory, honor and power, for He made the beings which he has formed happy. The Lord has created, the Lord has preserved, the Lord loves and blesses this world, the work of his hands; celebrate Him all ye creatures.

In those happy days in which man had not yet rebelled against his Maker; free from sin and the punishment dee to it, the earth was a Paradise. Now though sin and punishment have deformed it, we still see in it the hand of its sublime Author, and earth is yet the entrance to heaven.

The fields which seemed dead, begin now to revive and bloom. Every day brings new blessings; the worm which creeps in the dust, and the fowls which fly in the air, rejoice in their existence.

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