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Bad effects of inhaling Gas,

Through what varieties of untried being, Through what new scenes and changes she


On the presidential election we have nothing to offer, in addition to what we have heretofore urged-that prowe pretend not to predict. Our pray-fessing Christians should not lend

must past,"

er is that the "days of evil may be shortened." The troops of Buenos Avres have suffered a defeat from the Indians, who are carrying terror to the very environs of the capital.

themselves to party intrigue or violence of any kind; should pray earnturns the hearts of men "as the rivers estly and constantly that He who of waters are turned," may incline our citizens to the best choice among the several candidates for this high office; and should give their own votes independently and conscientiously, for that man who they verily believe will most favor and promote the in

As far as our observation or infor

the earth will be abundant. Health generally prevails throughout our country, and no people on earth, we confidently think, have so much reason as the people of the United States for ardent gratitude to the Giver of every good gift, for his distinguishing favors. Oh that this sentiment were more felt, and were more productive of its proper effects! Ch. Advocate.

United States.-Congress closed its session on Thursday the 27th ult. and adjourned till the first Monday in December next. We have neither space nor inclination to detail the proceedings of this interesting session-Nor is such a detail necessary. The news-terests of virtue and piety, while he papers which abound in every section manages with ability and address the of our country, have already apprized political concerns of this great nation. our readers of all the important doings of our national legislature. We shall, mation has extended, we believe that however, take leave to say, that we the prospect is flattering that the apsincerely rejoice that Congress has re-proaching harvest and all the fruits of fused to make itself a party to the extraordinary demand of the State of Georgia, relative to the lands of the Cherokee Indians in that State: And that we regret the difficulty which was experienced in the Senate in obtaining its consent to the ratification of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, for the complete suppression of the slave trade. This country, to its lasting honor, has taken the lead in measures favorable to the utter extinction of this wicked and most detestable trade; and it is mortifying to see our senators objecting on matters of punctilio or national pride, when the substance of our wishes was met with cordiality by the British court. We observe that it is asserted in some of the public papers, and we fear it is true, that party views and feelings in regard to the approaching presidential election mingled themselves in the discussions and We are sorry to mention another propositions which took place in the case, which we understand occurred Senate, relative to the treaty. If this about nine months since. A young were so, it is surely a subject for re- man bought a portion of ether gas at gret. Great national interests and a shop in this city, and took it about questions ought ever to stand entire-30 miles into the country-as he ly clear of all party considerations."said, to have a frolic. One young lad

From a Cincinnati paper.

A young lady in this city, with several others, was induced for a little sport, to take the ether gas. This young lady was immediately taken with fainting fits and drowsiness, and for six weeks was unable to sit up, or put up her hair. Her health seems to be still much affected, and it is the opinion of her friends it will long remain impaired.


Accidents Shocking-A Card-Proposals.

inhailed it, among others, and fellingly rapid in its productions. A sindown dead! which occurrence, as might be expected, broke up the amusement for that time.


ful neglect of Divine worship on the Lord's day led the irreligious man to associate with an unguarded youth in an exercise which on that day was criminal, and the production of that unlawful employment, was an atrocious murder! Who will affirm in view of this horrid transaction, that attend ance on public worship has no tenden


On Saturday last, a stranger was picked up lifeless, in a lane between the plantations of Thomas Fisher and Jonathan Bell, near the Conodoguinet creek, in Eastpennsborough town-cy to prevent vice?—Utica Register. ship. From a paper found in his pocket his name is supposed to be John Riley, and some say a resident of Allen township. An Inquest was held over the body, whose verdict was, that he was killed by lightning, during the storm on the Tuesday preceding the day on which he was found.

Mr. Geddes,-Permit me, through your paper, to express my gratitude to the ladies of my congregation, for their expression of respect in presenting to me $25, to constitute me a life

member of the American Tract SoJAMES BUCHANAN,

Green Castle, Pa. June 8, 1824.

A new Stone House of Adam Eich-ciety. elberger, on the Lisburn road, about 2 miles southwest of the Harrisburg Bridge, was struck by lightning the same day, and entirely consumed. The family were in a house adjoining, and were unconscious of the stroke, until the crackling noise of the burning edifice drew them to the scene of conflagration.

A Barn near the Biue mountain, on the Sunbury road, was consumed with the stable annexed.-Carlisle Herald.



By W. F. Geddes, Carlisle, Pa. for publishing a weekly paper, under the title of THE CARLISLE ADVISER and

Religious & Literary Miscellany.

THIS paper will be but a new series of the Religious Miscellany. It is designed to communicate such information with respect to the great interests of the church of God and the success and operations of different BenevoOn Sunday last, two persons, an lent Institutions now existing, or uncle and his nephew, having return- which shall hereafter be formed, as ed from a hunting excursion in Rome, may be thought interesting to those (N. Y.) had some altercation, in which who desire the improvement of Public the nephew, a lad about 17, accused morals, the prosperity of Religion his uncle of intoxication; the uncle and the melioration of the world. replied, "if you repeat those words I Matters of general importance shall will shoot you." The lad not proba-always have the preference in making bly thinking the threat a serious one, repeated the accusation, on which the uncle levelled the loaded musket which he then held in his hand, and lodged the whole of the charge in the body of the young man, directly under the left arm.-The unfortunate youth expired on Tuesday following. Sin is exceedingly prolific and astonish

selections from foreign sources. Those things which more nearly concern Christians of this country and this state, shall receive more minute and particular attention. The efforts of Christians of every denomination shall be entitled to such particularity of notice as may be thought profitable to the general cause of Truth and Right


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1825, we promise to pay forty dollars, $20 to the United Domestic Missionary Society, and $20 to the Education Society, and for every additional hundred subscrbers, $20 shall be paid in like manner to said Societies. Our list will be submitted to the President of the Young Men's Missionary Society, and our promise complied with agreeably to the state of the case.

Some columns of the paper shall be cause of Benevolence, viz. if on our appropriated to Reviews and Original list be found 500 subscribers who Essays, but in this department noth-have made payment at the end of June ing can be admitted but what shall be either in defence, or for the diffusion || of what is, in the editor's estimation, Truth. Our guide in every thing relative to Religion shall be the Sacred Scriptures. Where we differ from others in our conceptions of the meaning of the word of God, we shall clearly and candidly assign our reasons and as we claim the right of private judgment for ourselves, so shall we leave to our readers the right of thinking for themselves. We shall never commence any hostile attack against those who differ from us, but endeaTHE CARLISLE ADVISER, shall be vor to promote a spirit of mutual in-printed every Wednesday, on Superterest by bestowing chief attention to Royal paper of a good quality and those matters in which the great mass new type, and will contain (nearly of Christians of every denomination double the matter given in the Mistake a lively concern. cellany) four closely printed Folio pages, divided into four columns.

A portion of our pages shall be appropriated to subjects of a Literary and Scientific nature. We shall endeavor to make our selections under this head as interesting as we can, and we shall be thankful to literary and scientific gentlemen for such communications on subjects of this nature, either in the form of reviews or original essays, as may correspond with the general character of our pa


Communications addressed to W. F. Geddes, (post paid,) shall receive due attention.


PRICE, Two dollars per annum, payable half yearly in advance, but if not paid before the end of the year $2.50 cents.

All who obtain six good subscribers shall receive a copy gratis. Every sixth copy allowed to responsible agents.

the first Wednesday in July next.


Miscellany will continue their subscription It is expected the subscribers to the. to the Adviser. The enlargement of the paper it is hoped will render it more interesting, and useful to the community.

**The First Number will be published on Persons holding subscription papers and those who Politicul Intelligence without respect may have a desire to receive the paper are reto parties and such articles of Miscel-quested to forward their names before that laneous News as are calculated to interest and profit, shall find a place in our columns. A small portion of the paper will be devoted to items of information on Agriculture and Rural Economy. A part of the last page shall be appropriated to Advertisements of a general description: and we shall occasionally give a price current and such other notices with regard to the markets and currency, as may be profitable to the majority of our readers.

The following portion of the profits of this paper shall be given to the

Editors who published the proposals for the Religious Miscellany, will please give the above one or two insertions, and the favor will be reciprocated.

Carlisle, June, 1824.

Appointments by the Governor.

John Todd, esq. President and judge of the courts of common pleas, of the sixteenth judicial district,' consisting of the counties of Franklin, Bedford and Somerset.

Charles Shaler, esq. President and judge of the courts of common pleas, of the fif. teenth judicial district,' consisting of the counties of Beaver, Butler and Allegheny.




I ask'd an aged man, a man of cares, Wrinkled, and curv'd and white with hoary


"Time is the warp of life," he said, "O tell The young, the fair, the gay, to weave it well!"

I ask'd the ancient, venerable dead,
Sages who wrote, and warriors who bled;
From the cold grave a hollow murmur flow'd,
"Time sow'd the seeds we reap in this abode!"
I ask❜d a dying sinner, ere the stroke

Of ruthless death life's "golden bowl had broke,"

1 ask'd him What is Time?-"Time," he replied,

"I've lost it! Ah, the treasure!" and he died! I ask'd the golden sun and silver spheres, Those bright chronometers of days and years; They answered, "Time is but a meteor's glare,"

And bid me for Eternity prepare.

I ask❜d the seasons, in their annual round,
Which beautify or desolate the ground;
And they replied, (no oracle more wise,)
"Tis folly's blank, and wisdom's highest

1 ask'd a spirit lost; but, O the shriek
That pierc'd my soul! I shudder while I speak!
It cried, "A particle! a speck! a mite
Of endless years, duration infinite!"
Of things inanimate, my dial I
Consulted, and it made me this reply;
"Time is the season fair of living well,
The path to Glory, or the path to Hell."
I ask'd my Bible, and methinks it said,
"Time is the present hour, the past is fled;
Live! live to-day! to-morrow never yet,
On any human being, rose or set!"
I ask'd old father Time himself at last;
But in a moment he flew swiftly past:
His chariot was a cloud, the viewless wind
His noiseless steeds, which left no trace be-


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The Religious Miscellany is published on Friday of every week, at the rate of two dollars per annum; one dollar to be paid when the first number is received; the other at the commencement of the next half year.

A failure to notify the editor of an intention to discontinue, will be considered a new engagement Subscribers must pay off all ar. rearages before they can discontinue receiving this paper, except at the option of the e


Persons wishing to withdraw their support must give notice thereof to the editor one month before the close of the time for which they subscribed.

All persons who have not given notice before this date, to have their papers discontinued, are considered as being desirous to receive it for the ensuing half year. June, 18.

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Those indebted in any way to the late firm of Fleming and Geddes, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, to whom said debts have been assigned. Those subscribers to the Religious Miscellany who receive their papers by mail, will please to pay the amount due by them to any of the Agents of that paper, or to the PostMaster where they receive their papers; and those residing in the borough and its vi cinity, will call on the subscriber and dis charge their subscriptions or other arrears. GEO FLEMING. June 9, 1824.


Lutheran Synod-General

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sionary stations,



Revival at Sea,



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A scene in Tennessee,

Fourth of July-Elegance

Card- Proposals,



Religious Miscellany,

"Say ye to the daughter of Zion, behold, thy salvation cometh.",

CARLISLE, JUNE 25, 1824.

No. 23.

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Vol. III.

Danish Mission College-1706. Augusta Caemmerer, D. Schreyvomissionaries.

Church Missionary Society-1816.

John Devasagayam, Native School Inspector-Nyanapiragasam, Native Assistant Inspector-Auben David, Native Catechist-two Native Scripture Readers-Native Masters of 30

A district 150 miles long by an aver-schools. age breadth of 50, occupying the southeastern extremity of the Peninsula.


A town about three miles from that of Tinnevelly,and 55 miles east-northeast from Cape Comorin.

Church Missionary Society-1820. C.T.E. Rhenius, Bernhard Schmid, Missionaries-Robert Lyon, Assistant -David, Native Catechist-Native Masters of 13 Schools.

At Michaelmas, 1822, there were five English and Tamul schools and 25 Tamul. The following is a general summary of the scholars admitted up to that period:





3927 198 37

Protestant Christian children
Roman Catholic
Soodra Heathens
Christian and Heathen girls

Of the service on Wednesday even-
ings, the Missionaries say-"The at-
tendance of the heathen has been most
encouraging hitherto. From 30 to as
many as 180 at a time, have there
heard of the truth as it is in Jesus,|| Number remaining
and received religious tracts. The at-
tention which prevails, especially dur-
ing the prayers, is remarkable."

Total children admitted to the
Number who have successively
left them

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The second of the British Presidencies in India, on the east coast of the Peninsula-Inhabitants, 300,000miles from Bombay. 1020 miles from Calcutta, and 779

Bible Society-1820.

The Society distributed in its second year, 1271 Bibles and Testaments in the languages of Europe, and 3059 Bibles or parts in those of India. Church Missionary Society-1815.

James Ridsdale, W. Sawyer, Missionaries-six Native Assistants-Native Masters of fifteen schools.

"Some instances have occurred, in which the preaching of the Gospel has proved the power of God unto salvation, and among the young there

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