But wheresoe'er the eye delighted rove, The Muse still stands beside some earthly Jove, Fused in one air the universal Powers That light the ages, or but gild the hours. Rank then was pleased when Wit its birthright claimed ; But all too long a truant from my theme, King George the First, Sir ROBERT WALPOLE too! And each quick point as quick to seize as see; And is that all?—Nay, truth must grant much more; The bluff old Whig was Briton to the core. With this strong purpose, whatsoe'er he plann'd, To save from Pope and Papist kings the land. A town conspires in secret :-he sends down He hints a pension, and he saves a head. Far livelier wit, which malice more refines, Words better minted, and from wealthier mines, More warmth with dignity, more force with grace, Rank PULTENEY loftier-loftier till in place. His art attack, success his genius ends; Yield him the fort-he's lost when he defends. Yet none so boldly rushed upon the wall, And none so stoutly sapp'd it to its fall; And none e'er wielded with so keen a fence The poniard sarcasm lends to eloquence. See him with Walpole singly hand to hand, How the slight dagger foils the heavy brand; Sharpening to epigram each word of hate, He shines and stabs, the Martial of debate.* With wit as piercing, but in words more chaste, That steal their blow, and never wound the taste. His Thyrsus sword, in classic wreaths conceal'd, Charms and persuades Hortensian CHESTERFIELD. Too slight to jostle with the Burghers' crowd, With tones too well bred when the roar is loud, * "How many Martials were in Pulteney lost!"-POPE. Form'd for the air patrician calm affords, High above each in genius, lore, and fire, Yawn'd, smil'd, and spoke, and took by storm the age: Pass by the lesser, not inglorious host; Awed, they shrink back; arise, majestic ghost! Lo, the great Arts' unrivalled master one, The mightier Father of the mighty Son! Like hero myths before the Homeric time, Looms the vast form-if vague, the more sublime ; That pomp of speech but such memorial leaves, As the gone storm with which the wave still heaves; Or as, on hills remote, the cloudy wreath, Flush'd with the giant sun that sank beneath. Yet it is not by words that critics praise, Nor yet by deeds which after-judgment weighs With ounce and scruple in impartial scales, That a great soul, like a great truth, prevails. Apart from what is said and what is done, There is a force by which the world is won, Born in men's destined ruler !-Reason halts To gauge the merits or assess the faults, While forth unguess'd magnetic influence flows, Our fathers tell us what their fathers told, How from those lips the glorious cataract roll'd; And while its scorn all barrier swept away, Each wave the roughest still flash'd back the day. Hush! let that form the long perspective close,In marble calm the Olympian kings repose; Place on his throne the thunder-lord of all, To end the vista and complete the hall; And as ye turn with reverent steps to tread Galleries that niche the less majestic dead, Retain that noble image in the heart, And, your own selves made nobler, so depart. Thus when the Greek, enshrined in Elis, saw The Zeus that Phidias shaped for human awe, The Power but bent above him from its throne A front that lifted to the stars his own; Back from the shrine to active life he brought The sacred influence in the statelier thought, More nerved to high design and dauntless deed, To front the Agora or repel the Mede. PHILOSOPHERS have often disputed and men of the world debated as to the station in life which, under ordinary circumstances, is most likely to insure the happiness of a human being; but I am not aware that the controversy has resulted in any general agreement. The majority, I suspect, if some beneficent fairy gave them the option of choosing, would decide in favour of ten thousand ayear, or it may be a little more, with some hereditary title of honour corresponding to the amount of the fortune. Few would content themselves with "that thousand" which, in this country, is amply sufficient for the wants and reasonable luxuries of existence; very few, indeed, would name five hundred as their ultimatum; and none but a stray Apemantus, or a wayward cynic with strong eccentric tendencies, would restrict himself to a crust and liberty. Let not the reader suppose that I have confounded two separate things, station and fortune. In this happy land of ours, which is becoming every year more and more weaned from aristocratic prejudice, fortune and station are as nearly as possible synonymous. Let a man have but money enough, and, unless he is an absolute idiot, he need not despair of working his way to the peerage, and sitting one day on the same bench with the representative of the oldest barony of England. Be his origin what it may, money will buy him a fair wife. Not in Circassia only is there a trade in such commodities. Money, in the ears of a dowerless girl, who has been hawked season after season from one watering-place to another without attracting an offer, means diamonds, a house in London, a handsome equipage, a box at the opera, independent pin-money, and other things having a close connection with the pomp and vanities of this wicked world, which few damsels so sadly situated can resist. Why blame them, if, never having known what love is never having surrendered their hearts with maiden fear and trembling to the keeping of others never having been beloved, or solicited, they yield to the parental solicitation, and stand, bedecked with lace and orange-flowers, before the altar, promising in the face of God and man thenceforward to obey, serve, love, honour, and keep, in sickness and in health, some vulgar millionaire of advanced age, who, in manners and learning, is decidedly inferior to the valet who serves and despises him? Is it necessary to say that, through money, a fool can get into Parliament far more easily than the wisest man of the age, if so be that the latter is deficient in the purse? Yes, Mammon of all the spirits that fell, thou hast the decided ascendancy in this commercial age of enlightenment. Belial is but thy subordinate, for his best votaries own superior allegiance to thee; Asmodeus, poor scoffing imp, cannot sneer thee down; and Mephistopheles is never sure of his victim without thy confirmation and assistance ! Possibly, reader, you may deem me a hypocrite when I protest that I never have been covetous of wealth, or have entertained any desire to rise above a middle station. Nevertheless, I aver upon soul and conscience, keeping in view that the knowledge of one's-self is the most difficult and deceptive of all possible sciences, that such is the case. I am, God be thanked, a sincere Christian in belief; and, so far as the weakness of humanity will allow, and praying for that grace and assistance which, if fervently implored, will not be withheld, I strive that my practice shall be in some conformity with my belief. "Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me," is a good, wise, and |