PREFACE. O the many Compilations published for the use of Schools, it feemed expedient that a Selection fhould be added from the BIBLE. And with refpect to the propriety of felecting, where all is prefumed to be excellent, it will not furely be denied by the judicious and impartial, that fome parts of Holy Scripture are better adapted than others, to the perufal of readers in the puerile age. It appears that the practice of initiating young people in reading by the New and Old Teftament, which was once univerful, is rather on the decline; and one reafon of it may be, a disapprobation of reading them, WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION, at a time when the understanding is immature. But while the New and Old Teftament have loft ground in Schools, many trifling and uninterefting Books have fupplied their place; books which imprefs ideas but feebly, and which, if they are remembered, furnish the mind with little more than lumber. Even hiftories of Jefus Chrift and of the Bible, conveyed in the language of a poor writer, tend to debafe fubjects, which, in the facred text, appear with an air of native majesty. It is defirable that the more important matter of Holy Writ should make an early impreffion, and be remembered for life; and it is therefore right to let it be read, as in the days of our forefathers, during the course of early education, when all that is received is likely to be long retained. A fample once relished by the learner, may invite him in due time to feaft upon the whole. Such ideas on the subject fuggefted the expediency of the following felection. In beginning it, the Editor was glad to 6 lean lean on authority. He therefore adopted in the New Tefta- His words on the fubject of his felection, which is here "In this collection you will find the Book of God, In the Second Part, which confifts of Extracts from the In the Third Part he has inferted most of those beautiful As the great objections to the Editions of Bibles ufually intro- Sincerely hoping that this Publication may contribute fome- Vid. Blackwall's Introduction to the Claffics, pag. 132, 1336 SACRED Book I. From the New Teftament. ST. MATTHEW, Pax V. Parable of the ten virgine, it's fermon -XXIII. on the mount. : ■ CORINTHIANS, p. 71.-CHAP'S. III. IX. XIII. XV, EPHESIANS, p. 83.-CHAPS. IV. V. VI. 1 TIMOTHY, p. 98.-CHAPS. I. VI. 2 TIMOTHY, p. 101.-CHAPS. II. III. REVELATION, p. 129.-CHAPS. I. XVIII. XIX. XX. GENESIS, p. 136.-CHAPS. I. II. III. VI. VII. VIII. IX. EXODUS, p. 175.-CHAPS. XIX. XX. NUMBERS, p. 177.-CHAPS. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. DEUTERONOMY, p. 184.-CHAP. XVI. 1 SAMUEL,p.201.-CH.II.III. XXII. XXIV. XXXI. 2 SAMUEL, p. 227.—CHAPS. I. XII. XVIII. PSALMS, p. 293.-Pf. I. to VIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVIII. XIX. XXII. to XXXIV. XXXVI. to XXXIX. XLI. XLII. XLIII. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLIX. L. LI. LIII. LVII. LXII. EXIII. LXV. LXVI. LXVII. LXVIII. LXXVI. LXXXIV. LXXXVI. LXXXVIII. XC. XCI. XCII. XCIII. XCV. XCVI. XCVII. XCVIII. XCIX. C. CI. CII. CIII. CIV. CVIII. CXIX. Aleph, Beth, He. CXXI. to CXXVIII. CXXX, CXXXI. CXXXIII. CXXXVII. to CL. PROVERBS, p. 358. The whole. ECCLESIASTES, p. 402.-The whole. ISAIAH, p. 417.-CHAPS. I. II. V. VII. IX. XI. XXIV.XXV. DANIEL, p. 464.-CHAPS. III. V. VI. IX. |