and be put upon searching under another term. But here we need only turn to the subject inquired after, and, without any such stops, find Scriptures full and apt thereto (by whatsoever terms or phrases they are expressed) occur to our eye at an instant; and, mostly, all that the Scripture affords on that subject. II. To give some light into the method, and the use of this work. 1. Take notice, that, in Chap. XI. [Of the Failings of God's Children], the first texts are to prove each person's title to that appellation, then the next following, his failings and this is done on purpose, that it might appear these are the Failings of God's Children; and so proper to the Head. 2. Note also, That the words in a parenthesis, beginning with (or) are the marginal readings. 3. Some general heads have no particulars following, but the whole placed under that general head. This is so done, either because the texts which the Scripture affords on that subject are but few, and so easily run through; or that the matters are so various, that almost every verse carries a distinct meaning in it, yet still relating to the general head; as in that [The Privileges of the Righteous], each text is almost a distinct privilege: so in that [Of the Character of Saints], and some others of like nature. And here to have descended to particular heads, would have been tedious and unnecessary; for the words being there transcribed, the Reader may presently inform himself in the whole, and in every particular. LASTLY. A little pains in observing the CONTENTS or TABLE in the front of the book, which doth contain the general and particular heads, and also the references thereto, directing to Chapter and Page where each lieth, will enable us to discern more of the method and usefulness of the work, than can be well expressed in a short Introduction. This therefore shall suffice, presuming the work itself will shew its own usefulness and advantage; holding a man to one subject, and yielding variety of matter to enforce it upon the mind, and leave impressions there: when the bare reading a chapter or two, which some use to do as a task, proves not effectual for that end; and searching proves laborious, and often discouraging and fruitless too. WHEREIN THE SEVERAL GENERAL HEADS ARE SPECIFIED, THE which he entered into the holiest Sect. v. He fulfilled all righteousness of the law; bore the curse; took away the hand-writing of ordinan- Sect. vII. He riseth from the dead ib. Sect. vii. He ascended into heaven: is our way to the Father, our advo- Sect. ix. He is made our king and head, to encounter, and conquer our enemies: to rule for and in us Sect. x. He is our prophet and shep- herd, to teach, guide, and feed us Sect. xi. He is our all, in all things: our completeness and perfection CHAP. VII. God's free choice of us in Christ Jesus to eternal life, and call- CHAP. VIII. Pardon and remission of sins; reconciliation and peace with God; justification and sanctification before God; eternal life and salva- tion free, through the grace of God, Spirit, which are indispensably ne- See more of the fruits of faith, chap. ix. CHAP. XI. The children of God them- selves may be overtaken in faults; are not free from sinful dispositions and inclinations in this life; and there- Sect. 1. In general it is affirmed Sect. 11. Particular instances of the failings of God's children recorded 104 Sect. 111. God will punish and correct See God's threatenings and judgments CHAP. XII. Of the privileges of the righteous, and their excellency above others: what God hath done, doth, and will do for them, more than for others; and what they can do with See more in the next chapter of union See the advantages of faith, chap. ix. See privileges in afflictions, chap. xx. In times of common calamities, chap. xxi. See the glory reserved for believers. ib. CHAP. XIII. Of the union and relation between Christ and his church, and their mutual love and esteem; toge- ther with the manifestation thereof - 77 78 Sect. IV. Eternal life and salvation 80 CHAP. XIV. Of the duties of believers, See more in chap. ix. sect. i. CHAP. IX. How men have the benefit Sect. 11. Of faith, in its nature and In its nature and object See more, trusting in God, chap. xvi. especially such as would excel. First. Sect. 1. In general, to live to God, not to themselves: to be holy, fruit- ful, walking in the light, in an honest, heavenly, and spiritual conversation, worthy of their high calling to glorify God, and mind Sect. 11. In particular: to love God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and set our affections on Sect. III. As fruits of love to God and Christ, to delight themselves in God, long for, pant after him, make their boast of, glory and re- joice in God and Christ, as their portion and rest. And to obey and hearken to the laws and words of First. To delight in, long for, pant after, make their boast of, glory Sect. 11. To sympathise with each other in pity and compassion; help See also this duty, how we should be- Sect. III. To honour and esteem each See more of walking humbly, chap. xiv. Sect. IV. Not rashly and unadvised- ly to take up a prejudice against believe reports, take offence, or be angry: but tenderly forgive, cover faults, and restore offenders Sect. v. To live peaceably, avoid whis- pering, tale-bearing, and whatso- ever tends to divide or disturb Sect. vi. To rebuke, reprove, exhort, II. To take such rebukes, &c. well 230 See more of church discipline, chap. xxv. Sect. vII. To confess to and pray for Sect. IX. To walk wisely and chari- tably one toward another: and in things indifferent, to have respect Sect. x. To distribute and communi- ib. 231 Sect. I. Masters to their servants, Sect. iv. Magistrates to subjects, and See magistrates at large, chap. xxii. CHAP. XVII. The duties of believers to- - ib. ib. Sect. v. Not to be discontented, an- gry, or revengeful against them; but to behave themselves meekly, See more of meekness, chap. xiv. Sect. vi. To pity them, shew them mercy, pray for them, and return them good for evil, love for ha- tred Sect. VII. To behave humbly and courteously toward all; giving |