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Mr George Herbert,

Late OR A TOUR of the
University of


The Ninth Edition, with an Alphabetical
Table for ready finding out chief places.

PSAL. 29.
In his Temple doth every man speak of his honour.


Printed by J. M. for Philemon Stephens, and are to be Sold at the Kings Arms in (hancery Lane, 1 667.

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The Printer to the Reader.


He Dedication of this Work having been made by the Auther to the Divine Majefty only, how should we now presume to interest any mortal man in the patronage of it? Much less think we it meet to feek the recommendation of the Mafes, for that which bimself was confident to have been infpired by a diviner breath than flows from Helicon. The world therefore shall receive it in that naked fimplicity, with which he left it, without any addition either of fupport or ornament, more than is in cluded in it felf. We leave it free and unforeftalled to every mans judgment, and to the benefit that he shall finde by perufal. Onely for the clearing of fome paffages, we have thought it not unfit to make the common Reader privy to Some fem particularities of the condition and difpofition of the Person.

Being nobly born, and as eminently endued with gifts of the minde, and having by induAtry and happy education perfected them to that great height of excellency, whereof his [2]


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Fellowship of Trinity Colledge in Cambrige, and bis Oratourship in the Univerfity, together with that knowledge which the Kings Court had taken of him, could make relation far above ordinary. Quitting both his deferts and all the opportunities that he had for worldly preferment, he betook himself to the Santuary and Temple of God, chufing rather to ferve at Gods Altar, than to feek the honour of State-imployments. As for thofe inward enforcements to this course (for outward there was none) which many of thefe enfu. ing Verfes bear witness of, they detract not from the freedome, but add to the honour of this refolution in him. As God bad enabled him, fo he accounted him meet not onely to be called, but to be compelled to this fervice: Wherein bis faithful difcharge was such, as may make him justly a companion to the primitive Saints,and a Pattern or more for the Age be lived in.

To teftifie bis independency upon all others, and to quicken his diligence in this kind, he used in his ordinary speech, when he made mention of the bleffed Name of our Lord and Saviour Jelus Chrift, to add, My Master.

Next God, be loved that which God bim "Self bath magnified above all things, that is,

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