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Which is the Wind that brings the cold?
The North-Wind, Freddy, and all the snow;
And the sheep will scamper into the fold
When the North begins to blow.

Which is the Wind that brings the heat?
The South-Wind, Katy; and corn will grow,

And peaches redden for you to eat,

When the South begins to blow.

Which is the Wind that brings the rain?
The East-Wind, Arty; and farmers know

The cows come shivering up the lane,
When the East begins to blow.

What the Winds Bring

Which is the Wind that brings the flowers?
The West-Wind, Bessy; and soft and low
The birdies sing in the summer hours,

When the West begins to blow.

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What is the title of the poem? Is it a good title? Why? Tell what the north wind brings. When does the north wind blow? What do the sheep do? When does the south wind blow? What does it bring?

What does the east wind bring? Do men and animals like it? Which wind brings the flowers? Which winds do the birds and animals like best?

Notice what each stanza

Commit the poem to memory. describes. Recite the poem to the class.

A stanza is a group of lines forming part of a poem. This poem has four stanzas. How are the lines of each stanza connected? What lines rhyme in each stanza? How many stanzas in the poem in Lesson 7?

Do you know any other poems about the winds? There is one by Christina G. Rossetti, that begins, "Who has seen the wind?", another by Robert Louis Stevenson beginning: "I saw you toss the kites on high."


Write the poem from memory. Let several pupils write it on the blackboard. Have they written the poem correctly? Does every line begin with a capital? What periods and question marks are used? What children's names are in the poem? How must they be written? After your poem is correctly written, take it home as a specimen of your best work.




Write your own name in full; the names of your father and mother.

The name of Mr. John Henry Newman might be written Mr. John H. Newman, or Mr. J. H. Newman. Mr. is an abbreviation for Mister. The first letter of a person's name is called an initial. The initial is always a capital, and, like other abbreviations, is followed by a period.

The abbreviation Mrs. now stands for the word Mis-ez, which is never written out. The old form of the word was Mistress. Miss is not followed by a period. How are Mrs. and Miss used?

Write the names of five people you know, using Mr., Mrs., or Miss, and at least one initial in each name.

Write the names of the two children mentioned in Lesson 6. Write the names of their father and mother.


What do you see in the picture on the opposite page? What time of year is it? How can you tell? Is it warm or cold? Where is the scene? Is it in a city park? What are the children doing? What have they in their hands? How much does a balloon cost? What has the balloon man

for sale besides balloons? What has he in his basket? How
many persons are there in the picture? How many children?
Is the first girl on roller skates going to buy a balloon or
a pin wheel? Have you ever skated on roller skates,
holding a pin wheel?
What happened to it?

Have you ever had a toy balloon?
Why does a balloon float in the air?

Have you ever seen fire balloons on the Fourth of July?

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