The End Times Passover: (Etymological Challenges to Millenarian Doctrines)AuthorHouse, 2006 M11 1 - 556 pages WILL CHRISTIANS EXPERIENCE GREAT TRIBULATION? Most evangelical Christians believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, and they believe it is right around the corner. They believe that Armageddon is knocking at the door. The crisis and battles for territorial rights in the Middle East, the outbreak of Holy Wars and terrorism throughout the world, have most evangelicals convinced the end is near! But, they arent worried because their hopes lie in The Rapture; a unique event they believe will have Jesus Christ returning to earth to secretly snatch them up to heaven while all hell breaks loose on earth! What will happen to their faith if they are proven wrong? The End Times Passover not only biblically proves there will be no Pre-Tribulation Rapture, it proves that The Bride of the Lamb is not the Church, that there will not be a 1000 year millennial reign of Christ, that the human soul does not go to heaven or hell immediately after death, that the Promised Land is not in the Middle East, that Gods children of promise are not solely ethnic Jews, that the church of God began thousands of years before the Day of Pentecost, and that Gods true disciples will experience great tribulation. This may not sound like Good News; but its absolutely true! Whether you are a Christian or not, are you prepared to read this book and finally learn the truth? We dare you! We also dare your pastor, your Bible studies teacher and folks like Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Dr. Tommy Ice, Jerry Jenkins, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and thousands of other teachers and believers of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture to read this book! We dare these few good men to read and study this book, and tell us if they think they can really handle the truth! |
Chapter 1 | 1 |
Chapter 2 | 95 |
Chapter 3 | 119 |
Chapter 4 | 149 |
Chapter 5 | 171 |
Chapter 6 | 183 |
Chapter 7 | 209 |
Chapter 8 | 231 |
Chapter 10 | 261 |
Chapter 11 | 337 |
Chapter 12 | 363 |
Chapter 13 | 377 |
Chapter 14 | 433 |
Chapter 15 | 465 |
About The Author | 509 |
Back Cover | 513 |
Other editions - View all
The End Times Passover: Etymological Challenges to Millenarian Doctrines Joe Ortiz No preview available - 2006 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Acts angels apostles blessed body Bold and underline Bride Bullinger caught Chapter Christian Church City of God clearly coming Corinthians Day of Pentecost dead descendants describe dispensationalists doctrinal dwelling E. W. Bullinger entities Ephesians escape to heaven eternal expositors Expository Dictionary faith faith-believing Israel Father flesh forever Gentiles glory God's God’s ecclesia God’s word gospel Greek word group of scripture Hal Lindsey harpazo hath heavenly Hebrews Holy City Holy Spirit identify Isaiah Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John judgment King Lamb lawlessness literal Lord Jesus Lord’s Luke Matthew Henry means Messiah national Israel noun Old Testament Parousia Paul Peter positional status present prophecy prophets Rapture resurrection Revelation reward righteous saints salvation Satan Second Advent secret pre-tribulation escape so-called Great Tribulation solely for emphasis soul speaking specifically supposedly theories Thessalonians things Thomas Nelson Publishers thousand unjust unto verse W. E. Vine Walvoord wedding