SojournersXulon Press, 2007 - 160 pages SOJOURNERS In a Strange Land By Rochelle Arnold In Genesis 17:8 God promised Abraham and all of his descendants, the land in which they sojourned or resided in. The Almighty has established a covenant with all born again believers. This covenant promises that we will possess the land. With prophetic insight and revelation knowledge, Rochelle Arnold gives account of her experience as a fellow sojourner today in our modern world. She takes you through a fascinating trip filled with prayer, faith, boldness and passion. As a survivor of a rare cervical cancer and several freak accidents, she believes the Lord has protected and kept her for such a time as this. This book is filled with vision and teachings into the deeper things of God. Learn how to overcome and possess the land of promise, as we journey together as sojourners in a strange land. Rochelle Arnold grew up in the Midwest. She is a graduate of RHEMA Bible School and the founder of a prophetic outreach called, "Change the World Ministries." Her desire is to impact the culture for Christ through music, drama and the arts. Spontaneous prophetic music ministry and teaching the Word of God are a large part of her vision, as well as leading others to Jesus. She continues to grow and develop her gifts and talents seeking balance and unity among the body of Christ. As an intercessory prayer warrior herself, she understands the importance of lifting up our nation to the Lord. Please go to her website: for more information. |
From inside the book
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Sojourn in this Land | 11 |
Temporary Residents | 19 |
Impacting our Culture for Christ | 27 |
Persecution in the Land | 39 |
You Will Know Them by Their Fruit | 51 |
Set the Captives Free | 59 |
The Mind of the Flesh | 69 |
The Proud Will be Ground | 77 |
In the Midst of Our Storms There He Is | 87 |
The Horn of My Salvation | 99 |
Counting the Cost | 113 |
Losing Our Lives | 125 |
Without Spot Wrinkle or Blemish | 129 |
The Stone the Builders Rejected | 149 |
Common terms and phrases
able Abraham Absalom abuse Amplified Bible anointing Beelzebub believe the Lord blind body of Christ called cast cervical cancer Christians church comes Corinthians deliverance demons discerning of spirits disciples dream earth enemy Ephesians evil faith Father fear five-fold ministry flesh fruit Galatians gates Genesis gift of discerning glory God's godliness grace Haiti hand healed heart heaven Holy Spirit House of Prayer husband intercede Isaiah Jesus Christ Kenneth Hagin King David land leads Lion is roaring live Lord says Lord's Luke Matthew mercy mind ministry numbers operate pastor Peter Pharisees praise and worship pray prophesy Psalm receive rejected revealed righteousness Romans Sadducees Satan saved Scripture says seducing spirits servants shofar sojourners soul speak spiritual warfare storm strife teaching thee things thou tornado travail true trumpet truth unity unto vision walk wall watchman whirlwind wind winnowing woman women Word