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ed by all such notes and illustrations as I have collected during my long indisposition; together with any additions he may be capable of making to the same, provided they be such, as will not diminish aught from the merit and reputation of the original work. And that he may be the better enabled to make such creditable additions to it, I give and bequeath to the said Timothy Goosequill, my full-bottom'd wig, in which, for these twenty years past, I have visited my employers the booksellers, and appeared at the literary table in the cyder-cellar, hoping that the use of it may impart to my said nephew a little of the genius and learning, which its curls have been accustomed to encircle. And lastly, I give and bequeath to the said Timothy Goosequill my silver ink-stand, the gift of my loving grandfather, (and lately rescued from the fangs of the pawnbroker,) trusting, that as often as he dips his pen therein, he will be reminded of the honest labours of his uncle, who preferred a garret, and the cause of truth and virtue, to

purple, fine linen, and daily sumptuous fare, and the prostitution of his talents, in the service of humbug and vice. And it is my earnest and last request to my said dear nephew, that he will more espe cially direct the powers of the before-mentioned wig and ink-stand to the correction of the city of Bath, which offers such an ample field for satire and reprehension, and never cease endeavouring the reformation of its manners, till he have effected the following consummations most devoutly to be wished; viz. cured Ramrod of his solemn foppery, and Rattle of his bare-faced impudence; taught Mrs. Vehicle a little modesty, and infused into Sir Gregory Croaker a scruple of diffidence; purged Signora Rattana of her vanity and affectation, and cleansed Bow-wow from indecency and scurrility; inspired Sir Clerical Orange with a grain of humility, and divested Sour-crout of peevishness and sarcasm; instructed Borecat in Latin syntax, and stripped Mixum of medical humbug. That my said nephew can effect any reformation

in the remaining characters I have no hope; and therefore I do not make it a condition of this my codicil, or even urge it as my request that he should exhaust his time and labour in endeavouring to attain the following impossible objects, viz. to inspire Chip with a sense of decency; to cure Drawcansir of pride, pomp, and bigotry; purify Gaffer Smut from the filth of the Warburtonian school, and teach him. candor, charity, and beneficence; to break Morose of swearing and Scotch snuff; Vegetable of card-playing, and servility to the great; Sable of democracy and long sermons; and Skipper of petulance, conceit, and Calvinism.



ABOUT fifteen years ago, Mr. K of Jewish fame, published a pamphlet, in answer to Thomas Paine's celebrated work, called the Rights of Man. The pamphlet, if the title-page might be credited, had experienced an astonishing sale; for no less than twelve editions of it appeared, by this manifesto, to have already gone off. Extensive, however, as this circulation must have been, the work did not seem to have attracted any degree of public notice, till it became the subject of a lawsuit; Type the printer, versus K-- the author. The defendant, more ready to

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