My lord useth and accustometh to give yearly, when his lordship is at home, and hath an Abbot of misrule in Christmas, in his lordship's house, upon new-year's day, in reward, 20s. To his lordship's officer of arms, herald, or pursuivant, for crying " Largess" before his lordship on new-year's day, as upon the twelfth day following, for each day, 10s. To his lordship's six trumpets, when they play at my lord's chamber door, on new-year's day in the morning, 13s. 4d. for my lord, and 6s. 8d. for my lady, if she be at my lord's finding. To his lordship's footmen, when they do give his lordship gloves in the morning, each of them 3s. 4d.* REMARKABLE NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Sir John Harrington, of Bath, sent to James I. (then James VI. of Scotland only) at Christmas, 1602, for a New-year's gift, a curious "dark lantern." The top was a crown of pure gold, serving also to cover a perfume pan; within it was a shield of silver embossed, to reflect the I light; on one side of which were the sun, moon, and planets, and on the other side the story of the birth and passion of Christ "as it is found graved by a king of Scots [David II.] that was prisoner in Nottingham." Sir John caused to be inscribed in Latin, on this present, the following passage for his majesty's perusal, "Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Mr. Park well observes of this New-year's lantern, that "it was evidently fabricated at a moment when the lamp of life grew dim in the frame of queen Elizabeth: it is curious as a relique of court-craft, but it displays a 'darkness visible' in the character of our politic knight, and proves that he was an early worshipper of the regal sun which rose in the north, though his own 'notes and private remembrances' would seem to indicate a different disposition." In truth the "regal sun" of the north had not yet appeared above the horizon; for Elizabeth was still living, and the suppliant to her expected successor was actually writing of her, in these terms: "I find some less mindful of what they are soon to lose, than of what perchance they may hereafter get. Now, on my own part, I cannot blot from my memory's table the goodness of our sovereign lady to me, even (I will * Antiquarian Repertory. say) before born. Her affection to my mother, who waited in her privy chamber, her bettering the state of my father's fortune, her watchings over my youth, her liking to my free speech, &c., have rooted such love, such dutiful remembrance of her princely virtues, that to turn askant from her condition with tearless eyes would stain and foul the spring and fount of gratitude." The grieving knight wrote thus of his "sovereign lady," to his own wife, whom he calls "sweet Mall," two days after he had dispatched the dark lantern to James, with "Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."* Lanterns were in use among the ancients. One was discovered in the sub terranean ruins of Herculaneum. Some lanterns were of horn, and others of bladder resembling horn. One of Stosch's gems represents Love enveloped in drapery, walking softly, and carrying a lan tern in his hand. The dark lantern of the Roman sentinels was square, covered on three sides with black skin, and on the other side white skin, which permitted the light to pass. On the Trojan column is a great ship-lantern hanging before the poop of the vessel. With us, lanterns were in common use very early. That horn-lanterns were invented by Alfred is a common, but apparently an erroneous statement; for Mr. Fosbroke shows that not only horn, but glass lanterns were mentioned as in use among the AngloSaxons, many years before Alfred lived. That gentleman cites from Aldhelm, who wrote in the seventh century, a passage to this effect, "Let not the glass lantern be despised, or that made of a shorn hide and osier-twigs; or of a thin skin, although a brass lamp may excel it." Our ancient hand-lantern was an oblong square, carried the narrow end uppermost, with an arched aperture for the light, and a square handle.† * Nugæ Antiquæ i. 321, 325. † Barrington's Obs. on Anc. Statutes. Brand. Lantern and Candle-light. This was the usual cry of the old London bellman. It is mentioned as such by Heywood in the "Rape of Lucrece." Lantern and candle light-here, The same writer, in "Edward IV., 1626," speaks of " no more calling of lanthorn and candle light." Hence two tracts by Dekker bear the title of " Lanthorn and candle-light: or the bellman's night-walk."* Two other tracts, also by Dekker, are entitled "English villanies, &c., discovered by lanthorne and candlelight, and the help of a new cryer, called O-Per-Se-O, 1648," &c. LANDLORDS' AND TENANTS' NEW-YEAR'S To the musicians in the morning 1 6 To the woman who brought an apple stuck with nuts To a boy who brought two capons. Paid for the cup 10 10 16 The last item is supposed to have been for a drink from the wassail-cup, which girls were accustomed to offer at newyear's tide, in expectation of a gift. The apple stuck with nuts may have been a rustic imitation of the common new-year's gift of "an orange stuck with cloves," mentioned by Ben Jonson in his Christmas Masque. The new-year's gift of capons from tenants to their landlords appears from Cowley to have been customary. Ye used in the former days to fall Prostrate unto your landlord in his hall, When with low legs, and in an humble guise, Yet must he haunt his greedy landlord's With often presents at each festival; With crammed capons every New-year's morn, Or with green cheeses when his sheep are shorn. A manuscript of ceremonies and services at court, in the time of king Henry VII., entitled a "Royalle Book," formerly belonging to the distinguished antiquary Peter Le Neve, Norroy king at arms, and supposed by him to have been written by an esquire or gentleman-usher of that sovereign, contains the order of regal ceremony to this effect : On New-year's Day the king ought to wear his surcoat, and his kirtle, and his pane of ermine; and, if his pane be five ermine deep, a duke shall be but four; an earl three. And the king must have on his head his hat of estate, and his sword before him; the chamberlain, the steward, the treasurer, the comptroller, and the ushers, before the sword; and before them all other lords, save only them that wear robes; and they must follow the king: and the greatest estate to lead the queen. This array belongs to the feasts of New-year's Day, Candlemas Day, Midsummer Day, the Assumption of our Lady, and the Nativity of our Lady, as it pleaseth the king. And, if two of the king's brethren be there, one is to lead the queen, and another to go with him that beareth the train of the king; and else no man in England, save the prince. Also, the king going in a day of estate in procession, crowned, the queen ought not to go in that procession without the queen be crowned; but to abide in her closet or travers, or else where it pleaseth the king that she shall abide. On New-year's Day in the morning, the king, when he cometh to his footschete, an usher of the chamber to be ready at the chamber door, and say, "Sire, here is a year's-gift coming from the queen." And then he shall say, "Let it come in, sire." And then the usher shall let in the messenger with the gift, and then, after that, the greatest estate's servant that is come, each one after the other according to their estate; and, after that done, all other lords and ladies after their estate. And all this while the king must sit at his foot-schete. This done, the chamberlain shall send for the treasurer of the chamber, and charge the treasurer to give the messenger that bringeth the queen's hall * Nare's Glossary. * Archæologia. gift, if he be a knight, ten marks; and if he be an esquire eight marks, or at the least one hundred shillings: and the king's mother one hundred shillings; and those that come from the king's brothers and sisters, each of them, six marks: and to every duke and duchess, each of them, five marks; and every earl and countess forty shillings. These be the rewards of them that bring year's gifts. Whether the king will do more or less, this hath been done. And this done the king goeth to make him ready, and go to his service in what array he liketh. The queen, in likewise, to sit at her foot-schete, and her chamberlain and ushers to do as the king's did. Her rewards to them that bring her gifts shall not be so good as the king's.* The receiving and giving of New-year's gifts by the king is discontinued. The only remains of this ancient custom at court now is, that the two chaplains in waiting on New-year's Day have each a crown-piece laid under their plates at dinner.t PLAY AT THE GROOM PORTER'S. On New-year's Day, 1668, Mr. Pepys, in his diary, says that after dinner he went to the Duke's Theatre, and "Thence to Whitehall, and then walked up and down the house awhile. By-and-by I met with Mr. Brisland, and having it in my mind this Christmas to do, what I never can remember that I did, go to see the gaming at the Groom-Porter's, he did lead me thither; where, after staying an hour, they began to play at about eight at night. And to see the formality of the groomporter, who is the judge of all disputes in play, and all quarrels that may arise therein, and how his under-officers are there to observe true play at each table, and to give new dice, is a consideration I never could have thought had been in the world, had I not now seen it." Mr. Evelyn saw Charles II. play at the groom-porter's on Twelfth Night, 1662. He speaks of the excess with reprobation. For his observations, and an account of the office of groom-porter, see further on, in this month. It He the solemn foolerie of the Prince de la Grainge, at Lincoln's Inn, where came the king (Charles II.), the duke, &c. began with a grand masque, and a formal pleading before the mock princes, grandees, nobles, and knights of the sun. had his lord chancellor, chamberlain, treasurer, and other royal officers, gloriously clad and attended. It ended in a magnificent banquet. One Mr. Lort was the young spark who maintained the pageantry." NEW YEAR'S DAY IN FRANCE. As early in the morning as people can possibly dress themselves in proper attire, they set out on a round of visits to relations and friends, to wish them a happy new year and to present them with bonbons. The relations are first visited, beginning with those nearest in affinity, then those that are further removed, and lastly come the friends and acquaintances. It is a contest of politeness on this occasion who shall start first, and anticipate the call of a relation or friend. The shops of the confectioners are dressed up on the day hefore with looking-glasses, intermixed with festoons of silk or muslin, and bunches of ribands or flowers. The counters are covered with clean table-cloths, and set out with cakes, sweetmeats, dried fruits, and bonbons, constructed into pyramids, castles, columns, or any form which the taste of the decorator may suggest; and in the evening the shops are illuminated for the reception of company, who come to buy bon-bons for the next day. Endless are the devices for things in which they are to be enclosed; there are little boxes or baskets made of satin ornamented with gold, silver, or foil; balloons, books, fruit, such as apples, pears, oranges; or vegetables, such as a cauliflower, a root of celery, an onion; any thing, in short, which can be made of confectionary, with a hollow within, to hold the bon-bons. The most prevailing device is called a cornet, which is a small cone ornamented in different ways with a bag, to draw over and close the large end. In these contrivances, the prices of which vary from one livre to fifty, the bon-bons are presented by those who choose to be at the expense of them; by those who do not they are only wrapped in a piece of paper; but it is indispensable that bon-bons in some way or other be presented. In the se visits to friends, and in gossiping at the confectioners' shops, which are the great lounge for the occasion, the morning of New-year's day is passed. A dinner is given by some member of the family to all the rest, and the evening concludes with cards, dancing, or any other amusement that may be preferred. The decorations of the confectioners' shops remain till twelfth-day; when there is a ceremony of drawing twelfth-cake, differing from the mode in England. The cake is very plain in its composition, being not better than a common bun, but large, so as to cut into slices. In one part a bean is introduced; and the per son who draws the slice with the bean is king or queen, according to the sex of the drawer. Every one then drinks to the health of the new sovereign, who receives the general homage of the company for the evening. The rest of the company have no name or title of distinction. a copy to as many confectioners as chose to purchase one. Issue hereupon was again joined, and another verdict in favor of the poet established his right of selling and reselling his mottoes for bon-bons to all the confectioners in the universe. MEMORY GARLANDS. [For the Year Book.] Years may roll on, and manhood's brow grow cold, And life's dull winter spread its dark'ning pall O'er cherish'd hopes; yet time cannot with hold A precious boon which mem'ry gives to all : Fond recollection, when the tale is told Which forms the record of life's festival, Recals the pleasures of youth's opening scene, And age seems young-rememb'ring what hath been. Even as children in their happiest hours, Gath'ring the blossoms which around them grow, Will sometimes turn and strew the early flowers Over the grave of one-there lying lowWho watched their infancy-so we; for ours Are kindred feelings: we as gently throw Our mem'ry garlands on the closing grave Of joys we lov'd-yet, loving, could not save. NOTE. Two remarkable lawsuits between a confectioner and a poet arose out of the celebration of New-year's Day. The poet had been employed by the confectioner to write some mottoes in verse for his New-year's Day bon-bons; and the agreement was, that he was to have six livres for five hundred couplets. The poet delivered his couplets in manuscript, according to the agreement as he understood it; to this the confectioner objected, because he understood they were to be printed, and ready for enclosing within his bon-bons. The poet answered that not a word had passed on the subject of printing, and that he should not have agreed to furnish the mottoes at so low a price if he had understood the printing was to be included. Thereupon the parties joined issue, and a verdict was found for the poet; because, as no mention of printing was made, the confectioner had no claim to expect it; and because six livres was as little as could possibly be given for such a number of lines in manuscript. After this action against the confectioner was settled, the man of bon-bons brought an action against the son of Apollo, for that the poet had sold a copy of the same mottoes January 1.-Day breaks Annexed to this, and every day throughout the year, will be found the time of day-break, sun-rise and sun-set, and the end of twilight, derived from a series of tables purposely compiled for the present work. to another confectioner, whereas the plaintiff had understood that they were to be exclusively his. The defendant answered that not a word had passed indicating a transfer of exclusive right; and he maintained that he was at liberty to sell To these daily notices are frequently added the flowering of plants, the arrival and departure of birds, and other indications of the time of the year, according to the average time of their appearance, as stated inDr. Forster's "Encyclopædia of Natural Phenomena," upon the authority of a private manuscript journal kept for fifty years. Sun rises Twilight ends ho. m. 1 6 84 3 56 5 59 The black hellebore, and sweet coltsfoot, are in full flower, if the weather be open. January 2. On the 2d of January, 1756, about four o'clock in the afternoon, at Tuam in Ireland, appeared an unusual light, far beyond that of the brightest day. ay. It faded away by sensible degrees, and about seven o'clock a sun of streamers crossed the sky, which undulated like the surface of a rippling water, and caused great alarm. In about eighteen minutes the streamers became discolored. The edges were first tinctured with a bright cerulean, then with a fine azure, and lastly with a flame color. The phenomenon discharged itself in a blaze towards the north. It is stated that a very uncommon shock immediately succeeded, but no danger ensued. Some of the terrified inhabitants of Tuam left the city, and the frightened villagers flocked into it. The account adds that about the same time seven acres of ground were laid under water at Ballimore, and two hundred head of cattle were drowned by the deluge. From the description it is presumable that this remarkable appearance was merely the aurora borealis, or northern lights. * Oft in this season, silent from the north, Thomson. LINCOLN'S INN PRINCE OF MISRULE. On the 2nd of January, 1662, king Charles II. took his pleasure in seeing the holiday pastimes of the lawyers. Mr. Pepys says of himself, in his diary, that while he was at Farthorne's the fine engraver of old English portraits, whither he had gone to buy some pictures, "comes by the king's life-guard, he being gone to Lincoln's Inn this afternoon, to see the revels there; there being, according to an old custom, a prince and all his nobles, and other matters of sport and change." This prince whom the king visited at Lincolns' Inn was a prince of misrule, respecting which mock-sovereign, and his merry court at Gray's Inn, there is a full and diverting account hereafter. EARL OF DORSET'S SEA SONG. On the 2nd of January, 1665, Mr. Pepys went by appointment to dine with * Gents. Mag. xxvi. Lord Brouncker at his house in the piazza Covent garden. He says, "I received much mirth with a ballet I brought with me, made from the seamen at sea, to their ladies in town, saying Sir. W. Pen, Sir G. Ascue, and Sir G. Lawson made it." It was a production of the witty Earl of Dorset, then a volunteer in the fleet against Holland. The sparkling verses of this pleasant song float into a tune in the reading. Here it is : SONG. Written at Sea, in the first Dutch War, 1665, the night before an engagement. To all you ladies now at land, But first would have you understand How hard it is to write; The muses now, and Neptune too, For though the Muses should prove kind, Yet if rough Neptune raise the wind, Then if we write not by each post, The king, with wonder and surprise, Than e'er they used of old : Should foggy Opdam chance to know Our sad and dismal story; And quit their fort at Goree : Let wind and weather do its worst, Be you to us but kind; Let Dutchmen vapour, Spaniards curse, No sorrow we shall find: 'Tis then no matter how things go, Or who's our friend, or who's our foe. |