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میری یروس مین رها

اور جب تم ني أن س کا ساتھی کون تھا اور جب

با تچیت

کرتی سنا تم ان سی کتنی دور کهری نهی میں کس کی پاس جاکر عرض کرون اس شخص کی کیا گناہ کیا ھی

Questions in Bengali.

1. Write out the Bengali alphabet.

2. Write in the Bengali character the syllables ká, kí, ku, kú, ke, kai, ko, kau.

3. Write kta, kna, kshma, kya, tra, nda, tya.

4. What is the ordinary sound of the short vowel a ? 5. What words retain in pronunciation the underwritten short vowel after their final consonant, and what makes the consonant final?

6. How are the definite and indefinite articles expressed in Bengali ?

7. How are feminine nouns formed from masculine?

8. Decline,, sa, fag, alfaq, east, et

9. What are the feminine forms of eat, feet, t fala

10. How are the comparative and superlative degrees formed?

11. Decline the first and second personal pronouns. 12. Decline the same when intimating inferiority. 13. Decline fofar,

14. Write the numerals from 1 to 10 in words and figures.

15. What part of the verb may be taken as the root?

16. Have the tenses of the Bengali verb two numbers?

17. What verbs are used as auxiliaries?

18. What are the moods and tenses?

19. Conjugate the verbs

say, হইতে to be.

to see, af to

20. How is the passive formed? Give an example. 21. In what respects are the verbs দিতে, আসিতে, যাইতে irregular.

22. What is the effect of the participles 1, 1, 2, গুল, থানি, হ

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Translate into Bengali.

A merchant said to a sailor, "In what manner did your father die?" He made answer, My father and grandfather having been drowned in the ocean, died.” The merchant again made reply, "Then have you no fear of dying by being drowned ?" The sailor inquired, Very well; in what manner did your father and grandfather die?" The merchant answered, "In bed." The sailor made reply, "Then in like manner as there is no fear in you to go to bed, in such manner there is no fear in me to go on board ship."


Moral:-Fear becomes destroyed through habit.
, a merchant.

জাহাজি, a shipman; a sailor,

অত্যাস, habit.

আমি শুনিয়াছি।

Translate into English.

বড আকাল হইযাছে।

কে দ্বারে আঘাত করে।

উপরে যাও।

ভিতরে আহস। নৌকা জলে ভাসে।

দেশের সকল স্থানে জলের উনই আছে।

পূর্ব্বে এই কথা যদি কহিতা তবে কি করিতে হইবে তাহাতে সন্দেহ থাকিত না সে এমত বলে বটে কিন্তু আমার প্রত্যয হয না ৷৷

এক অন্ধ অন্ধকার রাত্রিতে মস্তকে এক মত্তিকার জালা ও দক্ষিণ হস্তে এক প্রদীপ লইযা যাইতেছিল। তাহাতে কোন জন তাহাকে বলিল। ওরে মুর্খ, তুমি অন্ধ। তোযার দিবা রাত্রি সমান, তবে কেন প্রদীপ জ্বালিয়া যাইতেছ, তাহাতে অন্ধ হাস্য করিযা কহিল, এই প্রদীপ আমার নিমিত্তে লহ নাহ, কিন্তু তোমার নিমিত্তে, কি জানি অন্ধকারে তুমি আমার জালা ভাংগা ফেলিবা ।

f. Italian.

Translate into Italian the following Extracts. Every man who has seen the world knows that nothing is so useless as a general maxim. If it be very moral and very true, it may serve for a copy to a charity boy. If, like those of Rochefoucault, it be sparkling and whimsical, it may make an excellent motto for an essay. But few indeed of the many wise apophthegms which have been uttered, from the time of the Seven Sages of Greece to that of poor Richard, have prevented a single foolish action. We give the highest

and the most peculiar praise to the precepts of Machiavelli when we say that they may frequently be of real use in regulating conduct, not so much because they are more just or more profound than those which might be culled from other authors, as because they can be more readily applied to the problems of real life.

There are errors in these works. But they are errors which a writer situated like Machiavelli could scarcely avoid. They arise, for the most part, from a single defect, which appears to us to pervade his whole system. In his political scheme the means had been more deeply considered than the ends. The great principle that societies and laws exist only for the purpose of increasing the sum of private happiness is not recognised with sufficient clearness. The good of the

body, distinct from the good of the members, and sometimes hardly compatible with the good of the members, seems to be the object which he proposes to himself. Of all political fallacies this has, perhaps, had the wisest and the most mischievous operation.—MACAULAY.

Study, then, I beseech you, so to store your minds with the exquisite learning of former ages, that you may always possess within yourselves sources of rational and refined enjoyment, which will enable you to set at nought the grosser pleasures of sense, whereof other men are slaves; and to imbue yourselves with the sound philosophy of later days, forming yourselves to the virtuous habits which are its legitimate offspring, that you may walk unhurt through the trials which await you, and may look down upon the ignorance and error that surround you, not with lofty and supercilious contempt, as the sages of old times, but with the vehement desire of enlightening those who wander in darkness, and who are by so much the more endeared to us by how much they want our assistance.-LORD BROUGHAM.

Translate into English.

No, no, io penso diversamente. Se esaminiamo i titoli che si danno, e quelli che si usano nelle soscrizioni, sono per lo più eccedenti alla verità, e qualche volta contrarj all' animo di chi scrive. Ma dall' uso ne è derivato l'abuso. "Mio signore," "mio padrone" suonano l' istessa cosa, e siccome questo titolo duplicato a me niente costa, e niente reca di più a chi scrive, io soglio usarlo prodigalmente. Molto più volontieri abbondo in termini di rispetto, e di umiliazione con quelle persone dalle quali desidero qualche cosa: e spesse volte un titolo rispettoso, un' espressione di stima muove l'animo di chi legge, e ricompensa l' onore col benefizio. Io son contenta fin ora del mio sistema. Non ho mai trovato che la cortesia mia pregiudichi. Ho riscosso dagli altri quella civiltà medesima, che ho praticata. Ho mantenute non solo, ma aumentate di giorno in giorno le corrispondenze, e sono a portata di far piacere agli amici, di far del bene ai raccommandati, e di superare qualunque impegno.-GOLDONI.

Uno degli errori gravi nei quali gli uomini incorrono giornalmente, è di credere che sia tenuto loro il segreto. Nè solo il segreto di ciò che essi rivelano in confidenza, ma anche di ciò che senza loro volontà, o malgrado loro, è veduto o altrimenti saputo da chichessia, e che ad essi converrebbe che fosse tenuto occulto. Ora io dico che tu erri ogni volta che sapendo che una cosa tua è nota ad altri che a te stesso, non tieni già per fermo che ella sia nota al pubblico, qualunque danno o vergogna possa venire a te di questo. A gran fatica per la considerazione dell' interesse proprio, si tengono gli uomini di non manifestare le cose occulte; ma in causa d'altri, nessuno tace: e se vuoi certificarti di questo, esamina te stesso, e vedi quante volte o dispiacere o danno o vergogna che ne venga ad altri, ti ritengono di non palesare cosa che tu sappi; di non palesarla, dico, se non a molti, almeno a questo o a quell' amico,

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