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1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Making fair copies from rough notes.

3. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

4. Calculation of percentages.

5. Book-keeping.

6. Précis, and digest of forms into summaries.

10. The Copyhold, Inclosure, and Tithé Commission. Candidates for clerkships to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five; and candidates for an appointment as permanent draughtsman to be not older than thirty. The qualifications required are:

a. For clerks :

1. Writing from dictation.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. Correspondence.

b. For permanent draughtsmen :

1. Writing from dictation.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. Correspondence.

4. Land surveying.
5. Plan drawing.

11. The Customs. Candidates for clerkships to be between sixteen and twenty-five years of age; but any candidate presenting himself within one month after attaining the prescribed age will be eligible for examination. Candidates for extra clerkships and other extra officers to be admitted up to the age of forty, provided they were employed for not less than six months each year at the establishment before reaching the age of twenty-five. Candidates for the post of searcher, landing-waiter, coast officer, gauger, tidewaiter, and weigher, to be between the age of twenty

keeper or messenger to be between twenty-one and thirty-five. No person to be admitted from another public department who shall have attained the age of thirty years, unless he be appointed direct from such office, and shall have been under twenty-five when first admitted. The qualifications required are :—

a. For clerks in the solicitor's office:

1. Good handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.

4. Geography.

5. English history.

6. Translation from Latin.

b. For other clerks, as well as extra clerks, landing waiters, coast officers, and gaugers:

1. Good handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.

4. Geography.

5. English history.

c. For tidewaiters and weighers:

1. Writing from dictation.

2. The first four rules in arithmetic.

3. Knowledge of the different weights and


d. For housekeepers and messengers:

1. Reading.

2. Writing from dictation.

3. The first four rules of arithmetic.

12. The Duchy of Lancaster. It is settled that for the future all appointments at this establishment shall be confirmed only after a previous successful examination before the Civil Service Commissioners; as yet, however, nothing has been fixed respecting the limits of age and the necessary requirements.

13. The Ecclesiastical Commission. Candidates for senior clerkships to be between twenty-one and thirtyfive years of age; and candidates for junior and temporary clerkships, to be between sixteen and twenty-five. The qualifications required for all classes are:

1. Good handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.

4. Précis, i. e. making abstracts of documents and papers.

5. Geography.

6. History.

7. Translation from Latin.

8. Knowledge of French, or of one other lan


14. The Exchequer Office. Candidates for clerkships to be between the ages of seventeen and twentyfive; with this exception, that when a vacancy is filled up by transfer from another department of the public service, the maximum age may extend to thirty, always provided the candidate was under twenty-five at his first entrance, and has served continuously. The qualifications required are under all circumstances :

1. Good handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.

4. Geography.

5. History.

6. Book-keeping.

7. Correspondence.

8. Précis, i. e. making abstracts of official papers.

15. The Factory Inspectors' Office. Candidates for the place of sub-inspector of factories to be between twenty-five and forty years of age. The qualifications

1. Good handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.

4. Précis, i. e. making abstracts of papers and documents.

5. Geography.

6. English history.

7. Translation from Latin, or any modern lan


8. Knowledge of the elements of political


16. The Foreign Office. Candidates for clerkships to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four, with the exception that those who have not a home in London or in the immediate vicinity must be between twenty and twenty-four, candidates for the appointment of Unpaid Attaché to be between eighteen and twentyfive years of age; and candidates for the post of Consul or Vice-Consul to be between twenty-five and fifty. The qualifications required are:

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3. French translation and conversation; and, should two competitors be equally proficient in this acquirement, German also.

b. For unpaid attachés :

1. Writing from dictation.

2. Précis.

3. Geography.

4. Modern history, especially that of the country to which the candidate is to proceed.

5. French translation and conversation.

c. For paid attachés:

1. Complete knowledge of French.

2. Knowledge of German, Italian, or one other modern language.

3. International law.

4. Knowledge of the reports upon the general, commercial, and political relations of the several countries of Europe; as also of the internal polity, and the administration and social institutions of these territories, and the character of the people. Also ability to describe these facts.

d. For consuls and vice-consuls :

1. Arithmetic.

2. English composition.

3. French translation and conversation.

4. The language of the country in which the candidate may be appointed to reside.

5. British mercantile and commercial law.

17. The Friendly Societies Registry. It is understood that candidates for clerkships in this department, shall for the future pass an examination; but no particulars respecting limits of age and qualifications have as yet been decided on between the authorities and the Civil Service Commission.

18. The General Register Office. Candidates for clerkships to be between the age of seventeen and twenty-five; and candidates for the post of Indexer, Transcriber, Statistical Abstractor, and Sorter, to be between seventeen and thirty. Indexers and Transcribers also may be admitted to clerkships up to the age of thirty, provided they were under twenty-five when originally appointed and have been in continuous service. Candidates for the post of office-keeper and messenger to be between twenty-five and thirty-five. The qualifications required are :—

a. For clerks :

1. Writing from dictation.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.


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