SERVICE BOOK: FOR THE CHURCH OF THE SAVIOUR. WITH A COLLECTION OF PSALMS AND HYMNS FOR CHRISTIAN WORSHIP. SECOND EDITION. BOSTON: JENKS, PALMER & Co. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, BY J. H. JENKS AND G. W. PALMER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BV 445 W28 1848 STEREOTYPED BY GEORGE A. CURTIS; NEW ENGLAND TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. PREFACE. In the services of the Sanctuary, it must ever be considered of the utmost importance to promote an earnest spirit of devotion. Outward forms may be of little advantage to a mind destitute of spiritual life, and certainly no form should be taken as a substitute for such a life. That which is requisite is the living spirit of worship, and whatever may best promote that, must be productive of good. It has been thought by many that simple and scriptural forms, might, with advantage, be introduced into the public service, not as a trammel, but as an aid to devotion, to be read or omitted on any occasion, as should be thought proper; and thus, always to be used with such variety and freedom as to avoid formality. The following services have been prepared partly from various volumes of Private and Public Devotion, but mostly from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Large selections have been made from the Book of Psalms, which are to be read by the clergyman and congregation alternately. In making these selections, the text of the common version, hallowed as it is by many sacred associations, has in all cases been retained, except where language could be used more true to the original, or better adapted to pur poses of public worship. These ancient outpourings of joy and sorrow, of penitence and hope, of adoration, thanksgiving and prayer, have everywhere proved themselves to be fitted to the highest wants of the soul. The religious sentiment may find in them a divine utterance for its deepest grief and its most heavenward aspirations. And as these Psalms were first heard among the Hebrew people amid the hills of Judea, and have come, through past ages, in one unbroken choral chant, ever strengthening and cheering tempted and sorrowing hearts; so will they go down to remotest time, awakening religious trust, kindling devotional fervor, and bearing upward immortal souls to the kingdom of God. It is hoped that this volume may the better enable the whole congregation to take an active part in the religious services of the sanctuary; and while we look to the Bible itself, and especially to the New Testament, as containing the words of salvation, yet we trust that these responses and prayers may serve to kindle a more fervent love of God, and, by the divine aid, may be the means of awakening some minds to a more earnest interest in the holy religion of Jesus. BOSTON, October, 1845. R. C. W. TABLE OF CONTENTS. GENERAL SELECTIONS, THE GOD OF OUR FATHERS, GOD IN HIS WORKS, THE EXCELLENCY OF WISDOM, |