SUMMER FLOWERS, FROM THE GARDEN OF WISDOM; CULLED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF YOUNG PERSONS. BY CHARLES FEIST, "I have made a nosegay of culled flowers, and brought MONTESQUIEU. LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO. HARVEY AND DARTON, BALDWIN AND CO. LONGMAN AND CO. AND OTHER BOOKSELLERS. 1833. PRELIMINARY DIRECTIONS. The poetical parts of this little volume which record particular occurrences and inventions, and are illustrative of the figures of speech, ure intended to be committed to memory, and often repeated separately, collectively, and promiscuously; the "Golden Opinions" to be used as dictation and parsing exercises; and the rest to be read in classes, with examination questions on each lesson, agreeably to the interrogatory method of instruction, until the principal facts be thoroughly understood and remembered. ERRATUMI. Page 32, line 9,-for "courses" read "coursers." |