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VOL. II. NO. 1.


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Boston, Mass.

Two Books of Social Thought. By B. O. Flower.

Just published. Cloth, extra, $1.00.

GERALD MASSEY: Poet, Prophet and Mystic. Mr. Flower in this new book, presents a study of the life and writings of Gerald Massey, an English Poet of the People, who has done great service for the cause of Social Democracy in England, and whose brave words for Freedom and Justice and the Dignity of Labor and Manhood and Womanhood are especially pertinent in the conflict for Social and Political and Legal Justice for all classes and both sexes now beginning in America. Mr. Flower's object is to introduce American readers to a lofty and inspiring spirit in contemporary poetry, who will hearten the struggle of the poor and oppressed for equitable conditions with the highest spiritual aims and hopes. Liberal quotation brings the reader into close touch with the Poet's spirit and purposes, and Mr. Flower's commentary, critical and historical, is interesting and suggestive. The parallels he draws are instructive, and should touch all interested in the new social thought. The book is beautifully gotten up and illustrated by Laura Lee. It also contains a fine portrait of Massey.

Price, cloth, $1.00; paper, 25 cents. THE NEW TIME: A Plea for the Union of the Moral Forces for Practical Progress.

This new work which has called forth a volume of criticism, both adverse and favorable, is published to meet the wants of those who wish to apply themselves to, and interest their friends in, the various branches of educational and social effort comprised in the platform of the National Union for Practical Prog. ress; but from its wide sweep of all the factors in the social problem, it will also serve to introduce many readers to a general consideration of the new Renaissance of social thought, and to realize the strength and character of the evolutionary movement for a nobler social science, that is marshaling all the best minds of the day in its ranks. The book deals with practical methods of reform and is not merely a bundle of speculations.

The New York World says: "It is in every way practical, every day common sense, dealing with facts and not theories."

The Chicago Times says: "Candor is a marked characteristic of the author's treatment of the various economic subjects touched in the course of the book. Mr. Flower is one of the He has done more prominent "reform" writers of the day. perhaps than any other one writer for the advancement of his fellow men and the improvement of their condition. His plans, if put in practical operation, would be productive of good to all.' For sale by all Booksellers, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price by the Publishers.


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