BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Crown 8vo. Cloth, Price 5s. WAKING AND WORKING; or, from Girlhood to Womanhood. With a Frontispiece. Crown 8vo. Cloth, Price 5s. BLESSING AND BLESSED; a Sketch of Girl Life. With a Frontispiece. Royal 16m0. Cloth, Is. 6d. SUNSHINE JENNY, and other Stories. Royal 16m0. Cloth, Is. 6d. SUNBEAM WILLIE, and other Stories. Royal 16m0. Cloth, is. 6d. LONDON: C. KEGAN PAUL & Co., I PATERNOSTer Square. THEIR PLACE AND POWER. BY MRS G. S. REANEY, AUTHOR OF 'BLESSING ANd blessed," "WAKING AND WORKING," ETC. WITH PREFACE BY MR R. W. DALE, M.A., OF BIRMINGHAM. BIBLIOTHECT JUN ! 79 BODLEIAN LONDON: C. KEGAN PAUL & CO., 1 PATERNOSTER SQUARE. PREFACE. THESE pages are intended to suggest to young ladies who have just left school a lofty ideal of the life which they may live at home. Perhaps to some the ideal may appear too lofty; or, at least, may seem to imply too restless an activity. A hasty reader may object that the large variety of duties and of works of usefulness by which the writer illustrates her meaning would be too much for a girl's time and strength, and would destroy that calmness, or, if I may use the word in a high, ethical sense, that "selfpossession" which is essential to the development of a vigorous and harmonious life. The heart must at times be "at leisure" not only from "itself," but from the claims of others, if the character is to reach the perfection of strength and grace. But the author does not intend that every girl should attempt everything. The good |