BAUR (Ferdinand), Dr. Ph. A Philological Introduction to Greek and Latin for Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at... English Girls: Their Place and Power - Page 4by Isabel Reaney - 1879 - 147 pagesFull view - About this book
| Ashford Owen (pseud. [i.e. Anne Charlotte Ogle.].) - 1833 - 300 pages
...German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Second Edition. Crown Svo, 6s. BAYNES, Rev. Canon K. //—At the Communion Time. A Manual for Holy Communion....the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. 1s. 6d. BELLARS, Rev. W.— The Testimony of Conscience to the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian... | |
| Algernon Taylor - 1879 - 218 pages
...Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KECAK PAUL, M A. Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONB, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and...Master at Eton. Second and revised edition. Crown Bra. Cloth, price 6* . BAYNES (Rev. Canon RH) At the Communion Time. A Manual for Holy Communion. With... | |
| Charles Edmund Maurice - 1872 - 332 pages
...Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By CKEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 6s. BAYNES (Rev. Canon RH), MA Home Songs for Quiet Hours. Third Edition. Fcap.... | |
| John Theophilus Naaké - 1874 - 328 pages
...adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King s College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton....the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. Cloth, price u. &/. *»* Can also be had bound m French morocco, price 2i. dd. ; Persian morocco, price 3*. ; Calf,... | |
| Stopford Augustus Brooke - 1874 - 396 pages
...STUDENTS. Translated and adapted from the German. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Crown 8vo. price 6s. BECKER (Bernard H.) — THE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES OF LONDON. Crown 8vo. price 5*.... | |
| Moritz Kaufmann - 1874 - 380 pages
...Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 6s, BAYNES (Rev. Canon RH) At the Communion Time. A Manual for Holy Communion.... | |
| Théodule Ribot - 1875 - 480 pages
...Students. TranUated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA. late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and...the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. Cloth, price u. M. *»* Can also be had bound in French morocco, price 2s. 6d. ; Persian morocco, price 3*. ; Calf,... | |
| lady Jane Gibson Shelley - 1875 - 348 pages
...Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 6s, BAYNES (Rev. Canon RH) At the Communion Time. A Manual for Holy Communion.... | |
| Gregor Samarow - 1875 - 362 pages
...Students. Translated and adapted from the German of. By C. KEGAN PAUL, MA Oxon., and the Rev. ED STONE, MA, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant Master at Eton. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 6$. BAYNES (Rev. Canon RH), . MA This may also be had handsomely bound in Morocco... | |
| Ebenezer Elliott - 1876 - 504 pages
...German, by C. KEGAN PAUL, MA, and ED STONE, MA Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. SAYNES, Rev. Canon RH—At the Communion Time. A Manual for Holy Communion. With...the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. is. dd. BELLA KS, Krv. W.~ The Testimony of Conscience to the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian... | |
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